Silverstripe HTMLText field gives me non-rich text - silverstripe

im beginner at silverstripe and I dont know how to fix that issue. Couldn't find anything in the docs as well.
I have added HTMLText Field (that tinymce editor) and everything seems to work OK. Data is saved and served on the web but the data is not rich. It renders html tags as well. How to change that?

It would be helpful if you posted some code snippets of the approach you have taken so we can see where you might have gone wrong. So, I'm going to take a guess here: did you make the data-field an HTMLText field? For example: if I want to use $TextBlock in my template as HTML, then I would need to save it as HTMLText and use HTMLEditorField in the CMS. If I would save it as Text or Varchar I would get unexpected results. See:
use SilverStripe\Forms\FieldList;
use SilverStripe\Forms\HTMLEditor\HTMLEditorField;
use SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject;
class MyObject extends DataObject
private static $db = [
'TextBlock' => 'HTMLText'
public function getCMSFields()
return new FieldList(


Silverstripe 4 - Adding a FormAction via getCMSFields

I have a DataObject called "Event". This is in a managed_model for "EventsAdmin" (extending ModelAdmin). When editing an Event, I want a tab on the record called "Moderation" that has a few fields and two buttons: "Approve" and "Reject". These two buttons call an action each that performs relevant actions.
Event extends DataObject
public function getCMSFields() {
$fields = parent::getCMSFields();
$eventStatus = $fields->dataFieldByName("EventStatus")
->setTitle('Current Status')
$approveButton = FormAction::create('doApproveEvent', _t('SiteBlockAdmin.Approve', 'Approve'))
->addExtraClass('btn-outline-success font-icon-check-mark-circle');
$rejectButton = FormAction::create('doRejectEvent', _t('SiteBlockAdmin.Reject', 'Reject'))
->addExtraClass('btn-outline-danger font-icon-cancel-circled');
$fields->addFieldsToTab('Root.Moderation', [
return $fields;
This displays the buttons just fine. But they don't do anything. So I am trying to work out how they can plug into action methods doApproveEvent and doRejectEvent (And where they should go)
I did find docs that led me to adding the buttons to the action bar at the bottom of the CMS page via updateFormActions(). But this isn't what I want as the other fields I am adding above the buttons are part of the Approve/Reject process. Here is the code for this method. This works fine barring the buttons are not in a logical place for the process I'm trying to create.
class CMSActionButtonExtension extends DataExtension
public function updateFormActions(FieldList $actions)
$record = $this->owner->getRecord();
if (!$record instanceof Event || !$record->exists()) {
$approveButton = FormAction::create('doApproveEvent', _t('SiteBlockAdmin.Approve', 'Approve'))
->addExtraClass('btn-outline-success font-icon-check-mark-circle');
$rejectButton = FormAction::create('doRejectEvent', _t('SiteBlockAdmin.Reject', 'Reject'))
->addExtraClass('btn-outline-danger font-icon-cancel-circled');
public function doApproveEvent($data, $form) {
$record = $this->owner->getRecord();
// Approve logic
public function doRejectEvent($data, $form) {
$record = $this->owner->getRecord();
// Reject logic
The above Extension is attached to GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest
- My\Namespace\CMSActionButtonExtension
Interestingly, if I have both sets of buttons on the page at the same time, the updateFormActions option works while my desired option still doesn't. Despite the buttons being of identical markup and sitting inside the exact same form tag. I assume that has something to do with how Silverstripe loads the main content panel and the DOM.
Any thoughts on achieving this? Anyone seen a button added to the main CMS panel in a module that I could take a look at? I found this post from 5 years ago, but it's for SS3 and the answer doesn't work for me.
Short answer:
you have to add custom FormActions through an Extension on the Controller that controls the form (or on the form itself
Long Answer:
A bit of background on how SilverStripe does forms:
Generally speaking, forms are always served through Controllers/RequestHandlers (they need to be accessible on some route, usually that's an Action on a Controller that is often named Form, EditForm, ItemEditoForm, ...).
Inside the CMS you rarely ever have to create your own form, that's done by the CMSs built in Controllers/RequestHandlers for the admin area (GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest in this case).
Basically (pseudo code here), what those controllers do is:
public function EditForm() {
$fields = $myCurrentlyEditingDataObject->getCMSFields();
$actions = ...;
$validator = ...;
$form = new Form('ItemRequestForm', $fields, $actions, $validator);
$this->updateItemEditForm(&$form); // or $this->updateEditForm()
return $form;
So, getCMSFields() and in some cases getCMSActions()/getCMSValidator() (not sure if those 2 are still used in SilverStripe 4.x), you can add things to the form, without ever seeing the form object.
Also, the getCMSFields() will always be put into the ``` section of the Form, that's why your button is somewhere in the middle with all the fields and not with the other actions.
When a form is submitted (eg to /admin/pages/edit/EditForm/265/field/NameOfMyGridField/item/542/ItemEditForm), it will call the action GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest->ItemEditForm() which returns the Form object where subsequently FormRequestHandler->httpSubmission() is called. This will then look at the submitted data to figure out what action was clicked (eg $_REQUEST['action_doApproveEvent']) and try to find that action.
The way it tries to find that, is checking if it itself has a method called doApproveEvent, if that fails, it will try Form->getController()->doApproveEvent() or something like that. In the case of a GridField, that controller is GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest which means it will try to call GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest->doApproveEvent()
So, that means DataObject->getCMSFields() lets you easily add FormFields (and FormActions) into your form body.
But it does not provide a means of adding a method to handle the submission.
That's why, for custom actions you need to modify the Controller (GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest in this case).
You are doing this by creating a Extension which you attached to GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest.
Any method in your Extension is added to the thing it's attached to, so if you add a method called updateFormActions, it will kind of become GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest->updateFormActions().
And if you recall from earlier, the controller will call $this->updateFormActions() during the creation of the form.
Additionally, as I explained earlier, when a FormAction is named doApproveEvent it will look for a GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest->doApproveEvent(), which now exists because you added it through that Extension.
So, in summary: you have to add custom FormActions through an Extension on the Controller that controls the form (or on the form itself
PS: the old post from
bummzack you linked to worked in 3.x, because the Controller in his example that created the form was an instance of LeftAndMain.

Extend templates with dataextensions/modules content - SilverStripe 3.4

I could add extra functionality to a dataobject if I extend it with a dataextension. For example I've got an Item which gets extended from a module with stock keeping functionality. Let's say the Item also gets's extended form a few other modules.
After the extension with the stock keeping functionality, I'd like to display the availability of the item in the frontend, for example with a green/red dot. How can I get this dot's markup inside my template for the detail page( and the include ( for the overview page of items without overwriting the whole template. Just adding this one part, like the way I extend a function on my base class?
That could be a way to add extra markup to the original template.
Inside dataobject or global dataobject extension
public function ExtraTemplateHTML($position) {
$html = null;
foreach($this->owner->extend('updateExtraTemplateHTML') as $positionBlocks) {
if(isset($positionBlocks[$position])) {
foreach($positionBlocks[$position] as $htmlBlock) {
$html .= $htmlBlock->getValue();
return $html;
Inside the specific dataobject extension
public function updateExtraTemplateHTML($htmlBlocks) {
$viewer = new SSViewer(__CLASS__);
$html = $viewer->process($this->owner);
$htmlBlocks['bottom'][] = $html;
$topHtml = HTMLText::create();
$htmlBlocks['top'][] = $topHtml;
return $htmlBlocks;
Original Template
Extension Template
Than just write a new template for your extension with the content you would like to add.
You cannot partially change a template, you can only substitute the template with another. So, keeping this in mind you should keep modular architecture with many logical includes.
Another possible way to extend existing content is using DOM and javascript. But you should think about side effects. For example if you add extra textual content then it won't be visible by crawlers and will effect your SEO. But for decorative enhancements, like adding extra coloured dot, this approach will work.

My custom block doesn't show up in the block library

I am developing a custom module in Drupal 8. It shows data regarding some organizations that make use of our service. For this I have created a Controller that shows data from the database, which is put there by another module. From the scarce information and tutorials available on Drupal 8 developement I've been able to create the following. In the .routing.yml file I have created a path to this overview table like so (it doesn't properly copy here but the indents are okay):
path: '/world'
_controller: 'Drupal\OrganizationOverview\Controller\OrganizationOverviewController::overview'
_title: 'World'
_role: 'administrator'
_permission: 'access content'
So now the overview is accessible with the URL But what we want is to show it on the frontpage or show it anywhere else on the site. For this it needs to be a Block. For this I have created an OrganizationOverviewBlock class in OrganizationOverview/src/Plugin/Block/OrganizationOverviewBlock.php which is the proper way according to the PSR-4 standard. The class looks like this:
namespace Drupal\OrganizationOverview\Plugin\Block;
use Drupal\Core\Block\BlockBase;
use Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface;
* Provides a 'OrganizationOverviewBlock' block.
* #Block(
* id = "organization_overview_block",
* admin_label = #Translation("OrganizationOverviewBlock"),
* category = #Translation("Custom")
* )
class OrganizationOverviewBlock extends BlockBase
public function build()
return array(
'#markup' => 'Hello World',
public function blockAccess(AccountInterface $account)
return $account->hasPermission('access content');
So now it should show up in the Blocks Layout page (after flushing cache, which I do consistently) at as "Organization Overview Block" where I should enable it, according to plenty sources (Create custom Block, Block API Drupal 8). But it doesn't show up there. I've tried implementing ContainerFactoryPluginInterface with some of those methods but that changes nothing. It does not show up. I've tried making a new test module with a block with the same code but a simpler name and it does not show up. I've copied the code to another platform (the production site) but it also doesn't show up there. What am I doing wrong? Can someone help me? I know Drupal 8 is new but this module really needs to be published soon.
You'll find a working example of building custom block in the Drupal Examples Project. So:
Get the Drupal 8 examples project
Enable the Block Example Module
Double check the working code
With that, you should get your block available in your own module
You can also take advantage of what explained here, where a single php file do the all job. Check files and folders path also.
Not require routing file for custom block.
class TestBlock extends BlockBase {
** {#inheritdoc}
public function build() {
return array(
'#markup' => $this->t('Welcome page!'),
You should respect the Drupal coding standard recommendations:
No camelCase naming convention in module name.
OrganizationOverview actually is an error, you should use organization_overview (lowercase/underscore) naming conventions.

Somfony 2 set header content mime-types automatically

I have a question about Symfony 2.
I would like to know how if there is a function implemented in Symfony 2 who return the content mime-type ?
Why mime-type cause trouble ? i have some file and i dont want everyone access to it then i made a methode who check if you have the right to access to this ressource.
$file = file_get_contents($nameoftheressource);/**/
$namearray=explode(".", $nameoftheressource);
$returnFile= new Response();
if($extension == "css" )
{ $returnFile->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/css');
return $returnFile;}
Thanks to you xabbuh this is near to work perfectly and as u said saved lot of time
now the code look like
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\BinaryFileResponse;
//some code
return new BinaryFileResponse('/Directory/'.$nameoftheressource);
But now it does display the css file but propose me to download it bt i would like to display it as a css normal css file
You can save a lot of code by using the BinaryFileResponse class which among other things automatically adds the right content type header.
It seems that you want to serve a protected CSS file. In this case, you can use the following code and protect the access to this controller using the Symfony Security system:
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\BinaryFileResponse;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Security;
class DefaultController extends Controller
* #Route("/css/app.css", name="css")
* #Security("has_role('ROLE_ADMIN')")
public function renderCss()
$cssFilePath = $this->container->getParameter('kernel.root_dir').'/data/app.css';
$cssContent = file_get_contents($cssFilePath);
return Response($cssContent, 200, array('Content-Type' => 'text/css'));

Adding a class to "body"

How can I modify or pre-process the <body> tag to add the class body? I don't want to create a whole html.tpl.php just to add a class.
In your theme's template.php file use the preprocess_html hook:
function mytheme_preprocess_html(&$vars) {
$vars['classes_array'][] = 'new-class';
Remember to clear the caches once you've implemented the hook or Drupal won't pick it up.
The documentation for the html.tpl.php template documents the $classes variables as String of classes that can be used to style contextually through CSS.. If you look at the code for the template, this variable is used in the class attributes of the produced body element:
<body class="<?php print $classes; ?>" <?php print $attributes;?>>
The $classes variables is actually already set by template_process() for any template file and build from the content of the $classes_array variable.
So to add a class to the body of your page, you should add this class to the $classes_array value from your theme (or module)'s implementation of hook_preprocess_html():
function THEME_preprocess_html(&$variables) {
$variables['classes_array'][] = 'new-class';
Since this is the core defined template and process function, any well-behaving theme should re-use the same variables.
I had to use different array keys in the same hook to make it work:
function THEME_preprocess_html(&$vars) {
$vars['attributes_array']['class'][] = 'foo2';
The Context module allows you to add a class to the body tag as well.
This can be useful if you need the class to be added under certain conditions.
You find this options under the reaction "Theme HTML" :
The answer appears to depend on context. Here's what I've found via trial-and-error:
If your hook_preprocess_html() is in a module, use $vars['classes_array'][].
If it's in a theme, use $vars['attributes_array']['class'][].
Common Body Class module provide users to add classes to any page through the an interface.
The interface has options to select multiple user roles as well as pages where the class can be rendered.
I applied this technique on a site that someone else built. It didn't work at first but then dug deeper and found that the $classes variable was not being output in the tpl file. So if it's not working, check that.
For Drupal 7 install It will help you to add seperate classes for each node in body tag
You can check "" to add class to body tag of any page
It's a simple way to add a class based on the URL, Drupal 9.
No need to enable the Modules.
* Implements hook_preprocess_html().
function THEME_NAME_preprocess_html(&$variables) {
// Get the current path
$current_path = \Drupal::service('path.current')->getPath();
$internal_path = \Drupal::service('path_alias.manager')->getAliasByPath($current_path);
// Assign it to body class
$variables['attributes']['class'][] = str_replace("/", "", $internal_path);
