Connect RCassandra to Datastax with secure bundle zip file - r

I want to connect a code in R with datastax cassandra, I have found the package RCassandra and in several examples it shows how to connect to cassandra, but I need an example which adds a "" which is required to connect to Datastax.
So far I got this:
RC.connect(host="",port=31808) -> con
RC.login(con, username = "user", password = "pwd")
But I need to add to this snippet a line for my "". Is there a way to do that?
Please, help.

No, it's impossible to do with that package. The primary reason is that it's very old, and uses the obsolete Thrift protocol that isn't available for DataStax Astra.
P.S. more details in the answer for similar question answered some time ago


Showing Volume Details using python openstacksdk, python novaclient, python cinderclient

Hello guys and I hope you're having a great day. I have a question about using Openstack API in Python.
I'm using python-novaclient for getting server details and flavor details. And I want to get the volume details too but I don't know how to do it, I've tried to collect volume details but it failed somehow and I need to ask you guys if you have any idea.
This information is what I want to get:
volume_id, attached to (w/c volume), name, status and volume_type (CEPH or LVM)
I used python-cinderclient, but I only got the volume_id.
Here's the code:
volumes = cinder.volumes.list()
Can someone help me to get the other data? Other than running Openstack command-line in the server, I just need some Python module to get these data.
Thanks in advance.
I've finally figured it out, and I'm going to answer this for anyone who is interested in Openstack SDK or other Python API for Openstack.
First, for authentication you need to use Keystone API, the documentation is all over the internet so no need to worry, you could just oversee in your Openstack for credentials needed. And for my question, I use the function get_volume from Connection class. Please see the documentation
for this. You can read other documentation as well on the internet.
So, here is the example of how to get volumes details:
vol = conn.get_volume(volume_id)

Connecting to DynamoDB using R

I would like to connect to DynamoDB with R. My ultimate goal is to create a Shiny App to display data that is stored at DynamoDB and updated frequently. So I need an efficient way to retrieve it using R.
The following references give an intuition but they do not include a native implementation in R and have not been updated for a long time.
r language support for AWS DynamoDB
AWS dynamodb support for "R" programming language
R + httr and EC2 api authentication issues
As mentioned in the answers above, running Python within R through rPython would be an option as there are SDKs for Python such as boto3.
Another alternative would be using a JDBC driver through RJDBC, which I tried:
drv <- JDBC(
driverClass = "cdata.jdbc.dynamodb.DynamoDBDriver",
classPath = "MyInstallationDir\lib\cdata.jdbc.dynamodb.jar",
identifier.quote = "'"
conn <- dbConnect(
"Access Key=xxx;Secret Key=xxx;;Region=OREGON;"
(Access Key and Secret Key replaced by xxx) and I got the error:
Error in .verify.JDBC.result(jc, "Unable to connect JDBC to ", url) :
Unable to connect JDBC to Access Key=xxx;Secret
What would be the best practice in this matter? Is there a working, native solution for R? I would appreciate if anyone could point me in the right direction.
Note: The package aws.dynamodb ( looks promising but the documentation lacks examples and I could not find any tutorial for it.
I would like to share some updates so that people with the same issue can benefit from this post:
First, I figured out how to use the JDBC driver with a few tweaks:
drv <- JDBC(
driverClass = "cdata.jdbc.dynamodb.DynamoDBDriver",
classPath = "/Applications/CData/CData JDBC Driver for DynamoDB 2018/lib/cdata.jdbc.dynamodb.jar",
identifier.quote = "'"
conn <- dbConnect(
url = 'jdbc:dynamodb: Access Key=xxx; SecretKey=xxx;; Region=OREGON;'
Second, I realized that reticulate makes it very convenient (even more than rPython) to run Python code inside R and ended up using reticulated boto3 to get data from DynamoDB into R. You can refer to the following documentations for additional info:
boto3 - DynamoDB
Last, I heard that RStudio is planning to build a NoSQL database driver (which would be compatible with DBI, dbplyr, pool etc.) but probably it won't be available sometime soon.
Hope someone will create an R package as comprehensive as boto3 for AWS as it gets more and more popular.

I need to get connected with MS-SQL by using dplyr R package

I am running MS-SQL Server2008 R2 under the MS SQL Server Management Studio. I need to use "dplyr" R-project package and MS-SQL. I got some information about how to do it using "RSQLServer" package at but I have not been able to get it done so far.
I am trying to get the solution for both cases as most Google stuff recommend about it:
Case 1: playing around with the sql.yaml file.
I tried but it did not work in my case. Anyway, I am still trying this solution but I am surrounded and my guess is I will lose very soon.
Case 2: writing the "AW" inside the connection script. [This is the solution that I would like to get done first]
I mean, doing this:
conDplyr <- RSQLServer::src_sqlserver(server="local", type="sqlserver", user="HA", port: "1433", database = "MydataOne")
I do not include "password" because I do not use password in my MS SQL configuration. I consider port "1433" here but my MS-SQL configuration does not have any specific assigned port. It gets one by the time it gets connected). I think this could be some of the problems. I do not know!

Connect R to POP Email Server (Gmail)

Is is possible to have R connect to gmail's POP server and read/download the messages in a specific folder of mine? I have been storing emails and would like to go back and start to analyze subject lines, etc.
Basically, I need a way to export a folder in my gmail account and I would like to do this pro grammatically if it all possible.
Thanks in advance!
I am not sure that this can be done via a single command. Maybe there is a package out there, which I am not aware of that can accomplish that, but as long as you do not run into that maybe the following process would be a solution ...
Consider got-your-back ( which "is a command line tool that backs up and restores your Gmail account".
You can invoke it like this (given that python is available on your machine):
python --email --search "" --folder "mail_from_pip"
After completion you'll find all the emails matching the --search in the specified --folder, along with a sqlite database. (posted by dukedave, Dec 4 '11)
So depending on your OS you should be able to invoke the above command from within R and then access the downloaded mails in the respective folder.
GotYourBack is a good backup utility, but for downloading metadata for analysis, you might want something that doesn't first require you to fetch the entire content of all your email.
I've recently used the gmailr package to do a similar analysis.

Database Connectivity ASP.NET - PostgreSQL

Am trying to run a C# application which fetches data from PostgreSQL database(8.4) and am using the PostgreSQL OLE DB Provider
This is my connection string
string connString =
#"Provider=PostgreSQL OLE DB
The error am getting is
The 'PostgreSQL OLE DB Provider'
provider is not registered on the
local machine
Can anyone point out me where should I correct so as to get the connect to the database. By the way am using PGOLEDBLib.
I have seen a few different "pgoledb" libraries. None appear to actually be named "pgoledblib", so this info may or may not apply to you.
The most recently active PGOLEDB has documented their connection string attributes here; it appears they use a different Provider value -- "PGNP.1".
Another provider, which seems to have been languishing since 2006, has connection strings here; these are in line with the earlier suggestions from OrbMan.
Of course, you may find that paying nothing for such a provider leads to paying much in installation, configuration, and utilization headaches. Towards easing such headaches, I offer a link to my employer's options supporting ODBC, JDBC, and ADO.NET clients on many platforms.
Any particular reason you're using the OLE DB provider? I believe the general idea is that you get better performance, and I think also functionality, if you use a native .net provider - e.g.
Try using "PostgreSQL" or "PostgreSQL.1" for the Provider attribute.. If that does not work, you will probably need to re-install the driver.
I found the solution.
Step 1: Down load & install[0]=15
Step 2: Restart PC.
Step 3: Set the connection string as below
Provider=PGNP.1;Data Source=localhost;Persist Security Info=True;Initial Catalog=myDatabase;User ID=yyy;password=xxx
It should work as your expected
