Add a coloured line to a label in gnuplot? - plot

I was wondering if it is possible to add a coloured line to a label command in gnuplot? That is, say I would like to add a red line after some text in a label command:
set label "some text here which is then followed by a red horizontal line -----" at 100,200 front
Basically, I want to mimic the usual presentation of the key in gnuplot in a label command. I already have one key and another key is not allowed within the same plot environment, so I want to manually construct a second key through the label command.
Thanks in advance.

I would do it the following way. Check the details of help arrow and help label.
Edit: using separate lines and labels is certainly more code but you have full flexibility. I guess it depends on what exactly you want to do.
### labels with lines
reset session
set size ratio -1
set arrow 1 from 4,0 to 7,0 lc "red" lw 2 nohead
set label 1 at 4,0 "Some text" right offset -1,0
set arrow 2 from 2,-2 to 5,-2 lc "red" lw 2 dt 3 nohead
set label 2 at 5,-2 "Some text" left offset 1,0
set arrow 3 from -6,5 to -2,5 lc "red" lw 2 dt 1 nohead
set label 3 at -4,5 "Some text" center offset 0,-1
set arrow 4 from -6,-2 length 5.5 angle 45 lc "red" lw 2 dt 3 nohead
set label 4 at -6,-2 "Some text" font ",14" right rotate by 45 offset -1,0
plot x w l lc "blue"
### end of code

You can have a second key by plotting data that is all invalid (NaN, not a number). For example,
cat >data <<\!
17 15
18 5
19 10
21 7
gnuplot -persist <<\!
plot "data" u 1:2 with lines title "plot1", \
"" u (NaN):(NaN) with lines title "plot2"

You can use a plot clause with the keyword keyentry rather than a file name to generate an extra title and line/point/fill sample for the key. You can also use the keyword at <x-pos>,<y-pos> to place this extra title somewhere else on the page.
Examples from the on-line demo set:
custom key generation
extra key entries
Quick example here:
set xrange [0:20]
plot x**2, x**3, \
keyentry with lines dt '-' lc "red" title "Extra title" at graph 0.25, graph 0.75


Multiple graphs from a single data set with GNUPlot

I'm attempting to use gnuplot v5.4 to generate multiple graphs from one data set, though using select data from the set per graph.
I generate stats for a small program I'm developing, and write them to a CSV file:
(This CSV format is just what I've made the best progress with - I'm open to changing)
The following gives me the below graph:
cat <<"EOF" | gnuplot -p
$db <<DB
set terminal windows size 2000,1000 enhanced font 'Arial,8'
set datafile separator ','
set yrange [0:100]
set boxwidth 0.1 relative
set style fill solid 1.0
plot $db using 2:xticlabel(1) notitle with boxes linestyle 1
I'm aiming for this:
which I have achieved using this:
cat <<"EOF" | gnuplot -p
$db <<DB
set terminal windows size 2000,1000 enhanced font 'Arial,8'
set datafile separator ','
set yrange [0:100]
set boxwidth 0.1 relative
set style fill solid 1.0
set multiplot layout 1,2
plot $db using 2:xticlabel(1) every ::1::2 notitle with boxes linestyle 1
plot $db using 2:xticlabel(1) every ::3::4 notitle with boxes linestyle 1
unset multiplot
Is there a better or more idiomatic way to select from the data file what 'rows' to plot? These indices (in the every clause) work OK, but seem fragile.
I have previously used the trick where a ternary returning undefined in the using will cause gnuplot to ignore that row (e.g. maybe I could use it to select based on string compare) but that doesn't seem much more elegant either and I don't really enjoy how complex it makes the plot command.
One possibility that gives you a more "readable" syntax would be to use columnheaders, for which you would need to transpose your dataset. You don't necessarily need to use comma; spaces or tabs will do the trick as well:
$db <<DB
TotalPlayerCount BluePlayerCount RedPlayerCount BluePlayerScoreTotal RedPlayerScoreTotal
22 10 12 50 60
Set up the layout:
set xrange [0:3]
set yrange [0:100]
set boxwidth 0.5
set style fill solid 1.0
Now you can select the column that you want to plot with column("string"), which will give you the correct y value. As for the x value, I simply took the constant number 1 for the first plot and 2 for the second one. In order to produce xticlabels one has to repeat the string:
plot $db u (1):(column("BluePlayerCount")):xticlabels("BluePlayerCount") w boxes not, \
$db u (2):(column("RedPlayerCount")):xticlabels("RedPlayerCount") w boxes not
Alternatively, you could delete the xticlabels part from the plot command and instead use: set xtics ("BluePlayerCount" 1, "RedPlayerCount" 2)
You could also automate the plot even further:
whattoplot_1 = "BluePlayerCount"
whattoplot_2 = "RedPlayerCount"
x_pos_1 = 1
x_pos_2 = 2
set xtics (whattoplot_1 x_pos_1, whattoplot_2 x_pos_2)
plot $db u (x_pos_1):(column(whattoplot_1)) w boxes not, \
$db u (x_pos_2):(column(whattoplot_2)) w boxes not
Depending on what you want to achieve in the end, you might consider using arrays and iterate over the elements:
array whattoplot[2] = ["BluePlayerCount", "RedPlayerCount"]
plot for [i=1:|whattoplot|] $db u (i):(column(whattoplot[i])) w boxes not
I hope this gives you some inspiration for how to proceed!
If you are flexible with the input data, I would organize it in the following way:
Instead of dumping everything into one file and separating it again, I would create two files, e.g. 'Counts.dat' and 'Scores.dat'.
In the (copy&paste) example below it is included in the code with datablocks $Counts and $Scores, however, if you have your data in files, simply skip the datablocks and in the plot command change it to 'Counts.dat' and 'Scores.dat', respectively.
You don't necessarily need the total count in your data, gnuplot can do this for you.
Furthermore, in the example below I introduced a third column for the color of the boxes. Check the following example as starting point for further optimization.
### multiplot with boxes and total sum
reset session
$Counts <<EOD
Red 12 0xff0000
Green 5 0x00cc00
Blue 10 0x0000ff
Yellow 7 0xffff00
$Scores <<EOD
Red 60 0xff0000
Green 30 0x00cc00
Blue 50 0x0000ff
Yellow 80 0xffff00
set yrange[0:100]
set boxwidth 0.5 relative
set style fill solid 1.0
set key left noautotitle
set grid x,y
set multiplot layout 1,2
set title "Counts"
plot sum=0 $Counts u 0:(sum=sum+column(2),column(2)):3:xtic(1) w boxes lc rgb var, \
keyentry w p ps 0 ti sprintf("Total count: %d",sum)
set title "Scores"
plot $Scores u 0:2:3:xtic(1) w boxes lc rgb var
unset multiplot
### end of code
Addition: (all data in one datablock or file)
### multiplot with boxes and total sum in a single file
reset session
$AllInOne <<EOD
# counts
Red 12 0xff0000
Green 5 0x00cc00
Blue 10 0x0000ff
Yellow 7 0xffff00
# scores
Red 60 0xff0000
Green 30 0x00cc00
Blue 50 0x0000ff
Yellow 80 0xffff00
set yrange[0:100]
set boxwidth 0.5 relative
set style fill solid 1.0
set key left noautotitle
set grid x,y
set multiplot layout 1,2
set title "Counts"
plot sum=0 $AllInOne u 0:(sum=sum+column(2),column(2)):3:xtic(1) index 0 w boxes lc rgb var, \
keyentry w p ps 0 ti sprintf("Total count: %d",sum)
set title "Scores"
plot $AllInOne u 0:2:3:xtic(1) index 1 w boxes lc rgb var
unset multiplot
### end of code

Draw front arrow over image

I have the following image using the code
set terminal png
set output 'plot.png'
set xlabel "GC (%)"
set ylabel "Proportion of genome"
set sample 1000
set xrange[0:100]
set yrange[0:]
set boxwidth 1
set style fill solid
set key off
set style line 1 lt 1 lc rgb "#0000FF" lw 3
set style line 2 lt 2 lc rgb "#32CD32" lw 3
Cauchy(x,xo,wi) = (1./pi) * wi / ((x - xo)**2 + wi**2)
plot 'compositionGC.txt' w boxes, 0.368187*Cauchy(x, 41.4226,1.72758) + 0.631813*Cauchy(x, 51.8272, 0.464711) ls 2
set yrange[0:GPVAL_Y_MAX]
set arrow from 47.2,0 to 47.2,GPVAL_Y_MAX front ls 1
I have everything I need except that I want a vertical blue arrow separating the two peaks at 47.2 in the x-axis in the front. I cannot get it to work.
Do not change the yrange and replot.
Use this arrow command before the initial plot:
set arrow 1 from 47.2, graph 0 to 47.2, graph 1 front lc "blue"

Fence plot in gnuplot - filling with filledcurve [duplicate]

I am plotting a 3D 'fence plot' with multiple colors for each fence. My sample data can be found here:
I plot this data using this:
colors = "red red red red red"
splot for [i=1:words(colors)] 'input.sep.txt' index i u 2:1:3 w lines lc rgb word(colors,i)
The lines are drawn without issue, and I believe they are drawn correctly. My question is this: how do I fill below the line so that it looks like a solid wall (i.e. all the way down to the 0 z value)? I tried using w pm3d, however this did not actually plot anything visible on the axis.
The best option you have is to use pm3d. For this to work you must change your data file a bit: You must duplicate very line, change the z-value of the duplicate to 0 and add a new line, i.e. your first two data lines
1 1 2
2 1 4
must become
1 1 2
1 1 0
2 1 4
2 1 0
and so on. You still need the two consecutive empty lines later to separate different "walls".
If you have control over your data output, you could change your output routine, or you can use a command line tool like sed
sed 's/^\([0-9]* [0-9]* \)\(.*\)$/&\n\1 0\n/' gistfile1.txt
or awk:
awk '1; {print $1,$2,0,"\n"}' gistfile1.txt
to do the conversion. Of course this can be done on-the-fly from within gnuplot. A complete, working script is then:
filename = 'gistfile1.txt'
sed = '< sed ''s/^\([0-9]* [0-9]* \)\(.*\)$/&\n\1 0\n/'' '
set autoscale cbfix
set palette defined (0 'red', 1 'blue')
set pm3d depthorder
unset colorbox
unset key
set ticslevel 0
splot sed.filename using 1:2:3:(column(-2)) with pm3d
and the result using gnuplot 4.6.5 with your example data is:
Some additional notes:
The fourth column is used to select a different value than the z-value for the coloring.
column(-2) uses the block number (adjacent blocks are delimited by two empty lines) as color index.
Points belonging to different data blocks aren't connected.
With set autoscale cbfix you can better control the colors used for the planes.
If you know, that you have e.g. three planes which should have specific colors you could also use set palette defined (0 'red', 1 'green', 2 'blue').
This is a workaround rather than a proper solution, but it might work for you. Play with the filledcurves option which is not really designed for 3D plotting. What you have, as it is, would look like:
colors = "red red red red red"
splot for [i=1:words(colors)] 'input.sep.txt' index i u 2:1:3 w filledcurve lc rgb \
word(colors,i), for [i=1:words(colors)] 'input.sep.txt' index i u 2:1:3 w l lc "black" lw 2
Using a tricksy trick with the set dgrid3d command, you can increase the number of vertical lines that get drawn (set dgrid3d 100,2 in this case):
Until you're happy with the result (set dgrid3d 200,2):

Create special candlestick with 12 or 7 values

I want to create a variant of a candlestick in gnuplot that looks like this:
For every category there should be one or two candlesticks and two bars. What I want to display is one statistical measurement (results of a simulation, first candlestick) and one optional measurement (results of an experiment, second candlestick). Both will have a median, the quartiles one and three and min and max.
Additionally the green bar will show the best-case of a formal analysis and the red bar the worst-case of the formal analysis.
So per category there will be at least seven values (five values for the simulation and the two values of the formal analysis) and at most twelve values (the seven values from above plus five values for the experiment).
Unfortunately I do not know how to implement this and I am really thankfull for any help. It does not need to be gnuplot. Qt or jfreechart are also possibilities of which I thought. Maybe even TikZ...
Some example data:
data_sim.txt (for candlestick. Format category|min|q1|median|q3|max)
EthernetMessage#1 0.055280408 0.055681596 0.056091449 0.05641499 0.056776635
EthernetMessage#10 0.040785478 0.047341668 0.048439533 0.082419908 0.128777062
EthernetMessage#11 0.017520593 0.032334507 0.057476335 0.073707177 0.093273343
EthernetMessage#12 0.013744029 0.014562369 0.020228557 0.034301248 0.096911465
EthernetMessage#13 0.022368326 0.023299042 0.035760612 0.04297819 0.123465625
EthernetMessage#14 0.012348243 0.01267815 0.013033673 0.013412192 0.013818397
EthernetMessage#15 0.012543378 0.013067406 0.013464282 0.013810399 0.022771801
EthernetMessage#16 0.013393393 0.013763234 0.014105891 0.014495293 0.01489021
EthernetMessage#17 0.01234332 0.012813941 0.013188793 0.013562078 0.021207808
EthernetMessage#18 0.013218586 0.013824792 0.014271764 0.098167281 0.186240002
EthernetMessage#19 0.012337817 0.01298168 0.013586632 0.018008508 0.022710523
data_exp.txt (for optional candlestick. Format category|min|avg|max)
EthernetMessage#1 0.05524 0.05558 0.0559
EthernetMessage#10 0.03843 0.065575 0.1505
EthernetMessage#11 0.0184 0.06649 0.11854
EthernetMessage#12 0.0135 0.03132 0.1233
EthernetMessage#13 0.0222 0.04964 0.14111
EthernetMessage#14 0.01201 0.01233 0.01265
EthernetMessage#15 0.01172 0.01202 0.01236
EthernetMessage#16 0.01303 0.01334 0.01367
EthernetMessage#17 0.01172 0.01315 0.02388
EthernetMessage#18 0.0126 0.056613333 0.19049
EthernetMessage#19 0.01172 0.01419 0.0185
data_ana.txt (for the bars. Format category|best_case|worst_case)
EthernetMessage#1 0.05528 0.209579
EthernetMessage#10 0.03832 0.35686
EthernetMessage#11 0.01752 0.35582
EthernetMessage#12 0.013744 0.35582
EthernetMessage#13 0.022368 0.35582
EthernetMessage#14 0.012336 0.133683
EthernetMessage#15 0.012336 0.145283
EthernetMessage#16 0.013391 0.133683
EthernetMessage#17 0.012336 0.145283
EthernetMessage#18 0.013216 0.643879
EthernetMessage#19 0.012336 0.231979
Here is a possible implementation with gnuplot (I'm not sure, if I interpreted the data_sim.txt columns correctly):
set boxwidth 0.2 absolute
set style line 1 linecolor rgb '#5555CC' # for sim boxes
set style line 2 linecolor rgb '#BBBBff' # for exp boxes
set style line 3 linecolor rgb '#AE1100' lw 3 # for worst case
set style line 4 linecolor rgb '#6EB043' lw 3 # for best case
set style line 5 linecolor rgb 'black' # for medians
set style data candlesticks
plot 'data_ana.txt' using 0:2:(0.3):(0.001):xtic(stringcolumn(1)[16:*]) with boxxyerrorbars ls 4 title 'best case',\
'' using 0:3:(0.3):(0.001) with boxxyerrorbars ls 3 title 'worst case',\
'data_sim.txt' using ($0-0.2):3:2:6:5 whiskerbars ls 1 title 'simulation',\
'' using ($0-0.2):4:4:4:4 ls 5 notitle,\
'data_exp.txt' using ($0+0.2):2:2:4:4 ls 2 title 'experiment',\
'' using ($0+0.2):3:3:3:3 ls 5 notitle
with the result (using 4.6.3):
Some remarks to the code:
The boxes are plotted like How to combine two box-whisker plots into one using gnuplot, the medians must be added separately.
Each "block" is positioned using the row number (column(0), or $0). So the difference between two lines is 1, which is used to estimate the boxwidth and the shifted positions of the simulation and experimental data.
The xticlabels are positioned together with the "worst case" bars, because most of the other boxes or bars are shifted to the left or to the right.
To use the complete entry of the first column as xticlabels, use xtic(1), which is a shortcut for xticlabel(stringcolumn(1)). In that case you should also use set xtic rotate to have the labels typeset vertically.
this almost solved what I wanted to do. I changed it slightly to
set boxwidth 0.2 absolute
set style line 1 linecolor rgb '#5555CC' # for sim boxes
set style line 2 linecolor rgb '#BBBBff' # for exp boxes
set style line 3 linecolor rgb '#AE1100' lw 3 # for worst case
set style line 4 linecolor rgb '#6EB043' lw 3 # for best case
set style line 5 linecolor rgb 'black' # for medians
set style data candlesticks
set xtics rotate by -45
plot 'data_ana.txt' using 0:2:(0.3):(0.001):xticlabels(1) with boxxyerrorbars ls 4 title 'best case',\
'' using 0:3:(0.3):(0.001) with boxxyerrorbars ls 3 title 'worst case',\
'data_sim.txt' using ($0-0.2):3:2:6:5 whiskerbars ls 1 title 'simulation',\
'' using ($0-0.2):4:4:4:4 ls 5 notitle,\
'data_exp.txt' using ($0+0.2):3:2:4:3 whiskerbars ls 2 title 'experiment',\
'' using ($0+0.2):3:3:3:3 ls 5 notitle
Now I have what I wanted.

Plotting "before and after" graphs in gnuplot?

I have used gnuplot succesfully to plot boxplots. But now I would like to stick to gnuplot for all my plotting needs and looking to do something that eg. Prism can do:
I only have two columns of data (before and after) and want all pairs to be joined up with a line. If anyone has any idea, it would be great.
That is not possible out of the box, so it requires some fiddling.
The xtics are set manually, 0 is the x-value of 'Before', 1 for 'After'. These numerical values must be used explicitely later in the plots.
The lines are plotted as arrows without heads. Using lc variable (i.e. linecolor variable), we can use the last column of the using statement to select the color from the respective line type.
The 'Before' points are plotted first. Unfortunately, there is no option pointtype variable, so I use the plot for iteration to assign each point a different pointtype (pt).
I use the stats command to determine the number of points to plot. To get the total count, I must sum up the records, which are the inside points, and the outofrange points, because the classification is done based on the first column's value, which conflict with the 'manual' xtics settings for the 'Before' and 'After' labels.
These are the main points. Of course, there are many other possibilities (using line styles etc.), but should be a good starting point.
The script is:
set xtics ('Before' 0, 'After' 1)
set xrange [-0.2:1.2]
set offset 0,0,0.2,0.2
stats file nooutput
cnt = int(STATS_records+STATS_outofrange)
plot for [i=0:cnt-1] file using (0):1 every ::i::i with points lc i+1 pt (6+i) ps 2 t '',\
for [i=0:cnt-1] file using (1):2 every ::i::i with points lc i+1 pt (6+i) ps 2 t '',\
file using (0):1:(1):($2-$1):($0+1) with vectors nohead lc variable t ''
With the test data beforeafter.txt:
1 5.5
2 0.3
3 3
And you get the result:
Using line styles
Another variant uses line styles to set the color, line type, and point type. For the iterations you must use explicitely ls (i+1), whereas for the vectors the as variable (arrowstyle variable) is used. With the lc variable it is not possible to set different dash patterns for the arrows.
So here is a, in my opinion, much more readable and flexible variant:
set termoption dashed
set xtics ('Before' 0, 'After' 1)
set xrange [-0.2:1.2]
set offset 0,0,0.2,0.2
stats file nooutput
cnt = int(STATS_records+STATS_outofrange)
set style line 1 lt 1 pt 5 ps 2 lw 2 lc rgb '#AE1100'
set style line 2 lt 2 pt 7 ps 2 lw 2 lc rgb '#6EB043'
set style line 3 lt 3 pt 9 ps 2 lw 2 lc rgb '#7777ff'
set for [i=1:3] style arrow i ls i nohead
unset key
plot file using (0):1:(1):($2-$1):($0+1) with vectors as variable,\
for [i=0:cnt-1] file using (0):1 every ::i::i with points ls (i+1),\
for [i=0:cnt-1] file using (1):2 every ::i::i with points ls (i+1)
With the result:
