Proper way of setting a class with methods::setClass() inside R package - r

I'm writing a package that contains a reading function that needs to read date columns in a specific format. I'm using data.table, and a SO question suggests using the methods::setClass() and methods::setAs() functions to deal with this case.
So far so good, it works fine. But when I check the package to submit it to CRAN I get the following NOTE:
NOTE: Namespaces in Imports field not imported from: 'methods'
Apparently this is because I'm creating a build-time dependency on methods, not a run-time dependency. Hadley here suggests just adding a #importFrom methods setClass setAs line, which doesn't seem very elegant, but does the trick.
Since this Google Groups discussion I linked is fairly old by now, and this is the first time I have to use these functions in a package I'm writing, I've been wondering if there is a different recommendation on how to deal with these methods::setClass() inside packages nowadays.
Check below for a bit more detail on how I'm currently using these functions in my code:
#' Set class and method to read dates as formatted in GTFS to a 'Date' object
#' This is a build-time dependency on methods, as opposed to a run-time
#' dependency, thus requiring the importFrom tag to avoid a NOTE when checking
#' the package on CRAN.
#' #keywords internal
#' #importFrom methods setClass setAs
function(from) as.Date(from, format = "%Y%m%d")


R with roxygen2: How to use a single function from another package?

I'm creating an R package that will use a single function from plyr. According to this roxygen2 vignette:
If you are using just a few functions from another package, the
recommended option is to note the package name in the Imports: field
of the DESCRIPTION file and call the function(s) explicitly using ::,
e.g., pkg::fun().
That sounds good. I'm using plyr::ldply() - the full call with :: - so I list plyr in Imports: in my DESCRIPTION file. However, when I use devtools::check() I get this:
* checking dependencies in R code ... NOTE
All declared Imports should be used:
All declared Imports should be used.
Why do I get this note?
I am able to avoid the note by adding #importFrom dplyr ldply in the file that is using plyr, but then I end but having ldply in my package namespace. Which I do not want, and should not need as I am using plyr::ldply() the single time I use the function.
Any pointers would be appreciated!
(This question might be relevant.)
If ldply() is important for your package's functionality, then you do want it in your package namespace. That is the point of namespace imports. Functions that you need, should be in the package namespace because this is where R will look first for the definition of functions, before then traversing the base namespace and the attached packages. It means that no matter what other packages are loaded or unloaded, attached or unattached, your package will always have access to that function. In such cases, use:
#importFrom plyr ldply
And you can just refer to ldply() without the plyr:: prefix just as if it were another function in your package.
If ldply() is not so important - perhaps it is called only once in a not commonly used function - then, Writing R Extensions 1.5.1 gives the following advice:
If a package only needs a few objects from another package it can use a fully qualified variable reference in the code instead of a formal import. A fully qualified reference to the function f in package foo is of the form foo::f. This is slightly less efficient than a formal import and also loses the advantage of recording all dependencies in the NAMESPACE file (but they still need to be recorded in the DESCRIPTION file). Evaluating foo::f will cause package foo to be loaded, but not attached, if it was not loaded already—this can be an advantage in delaying the loading of a rarely used package.
(I think this advice is actually a little outdated because it is implying more separation between DESCRIPTION and NAMESPACE than currently exists.) It implies you should use #import plyr and refer to the function as plyr::ldply(). But in reality, it's actually suggesting something like putting plyr in the Suggests field of DESCRIPTION, which isn't exactly accommodated by roxygen2 markup nor exactly compliant with R CMD check.
In sum, the official line is that Hadley's advice (which you are quoting) is only preferred for rarely used functions from rarely used packages (and/or packages that take a considerable amount of time to load). Otherwise, just do #importFrom like WRE advises:
Using importFrom selectively rather than import is good practice and recommended notably when importing from packages with more than a dozen exports.

How to use S3 methods from another package which uses export rather than S3method in its namespace without using Depends or library()

I'm working on an R package at present and trying to follow the best practice guidelines provided by Hadley Wickham at As part of this, I'm aiming to have all of the package dependencies within the Imports section of the DESCRIPTION file rather than the Depends since I agree with the philosophy of not unnecessarily altering the global environment (something that many CRAN and Bioconductor packages don't seem to follow).
I want to use functions within the Bioconductor package rhdf5 within one of my package functions, in particular h5write(). The issue I've now run into is that it doesn't have its S3 methods declared as such in its NAMESPACE. They are declared using (e.g.)
rather than
S3method(h5write, default)
S3method(h5writeDataset, matrix)
The generic h5write is defined as:
h5write <- function(obj, file, name, ...) {
res <- UseMethod("h5write")
In practice, this means that calls to rhdf5::h5write fail because there is no appropriate h5write method registered.
As far as I can see, there are three solutions to this:
Use Depends rather than Imports in the DESCRIPTION file.
Use library("rhdf5") or require("rhdf5") in the code for the relevant function.
Amend the NAMESPACE file for rhdf5 to use S3methods() rather than export().
All of these have disadvantages. Option 1 means that the package is loaded and attached to the global environment even if the relevant function in my package is never called. Option 2 means use of library in a package, which while again attaches the package to the global environment, and is also deprecated per Hadley Wickham's guidelines. Option 3 would mean relying on the other package author to update their package on Bioconductor and also means that the S3 methods are no longer exported which could in turn break other packages which rely on calling them explicitly.
Have I missed another alternative? I've looked elsewhere on StackOverflow and found the following somewhat relevant questions Importing S3 method from another package and
How to export S3 method so it is available in namespace? but nothing that directly addresses my issue. Of note, the key difference from the first of these two is that the generic and the method are both in the same package, but the issue is the use of export rather than S3method.
Sample code to reproduce the error (without needing to create a package):
rdhf5::h5write(1:4, "test.h5", "test")
Error in UseMethod("h5write") :
no applicable method for 'h5write' applied to an object of class
"c('integer', 'numeric')
Alternatively, there is a skeleton package at which provides a single function demonstrateIssue() which reproduces the error message. It can be installed using devtools::install_github("NikNakk/s3issuedemo").
The key here is to import the specific methods in addition to the generic you want to use. Here is how you can get it to work for the default method.
Note: this assumes that the test.h5 file already exists.
#' #importFrom rhdf5 h5write.default
#' #importFrom rhdf5 h5write
#' #export
myFun <- function(){
h5write(1:4, "test.h5", "test")
I also have put up my own small package demonstrating this here.

How to import only one function from another package, without loading the entire namespace

Suppose I'm developing a package, called foo, which would like to use the description function from the memisc package. I don't want to import the whole memisc namespace because :
It is bad
memisc overrides the base aggregate.formula function, which breaks several things. For example, example(aggregate) would fail miserably.
The package includes the following files :
Package: foo
Version: 0.0
Title: Foo
##' bar function
##' #param x something
##' #return nothing
##' #importFrom memisc description
##' #export
`bar` <- function(x) {
I'd think that using importFrom would not load the entire memisc namespace, but only namespace::description, but this is not the case. Starting with a vanilla R :
R> getS3method("aggregate","formula")
## ... function code ...
## <environment: namespace:stats>
R> library(foo)
R> getS3method("aggregate","formula")
## ... function code ...
## <environment: namespace:memisc>
R> example(aggregate)
## Fails
So, do you know how I can import the description function from memisc without getting aggregate.formula in my environment ?
You can't.
If you declare memisc in the Imports: field, the namespace will be loaded when the package is loaded and the exported objects will be findable by your package. (If you specify it in Depends:, the namespace will be loaded and attached to the search path which makes the exported objects findable by any code.)
Part of loading a namespace is registering methods with the generic. (I looked but couldn't find a canonical documentation that says this; I will appeal to the fact that functions are declared as S3 methods in the NAMESPACE file as evidence.) The defined methods are kept with the generic and have the visibility of the generic function (or, perhaps, the generic function's namespace).
Typically, a package will define a method either for a generic it creates or for a class it defines. The S3 object system does not have a mechanism for formally defining an S3 class (or what package created the class), but the general idea is that if the package defines functions which return an object with that class attribute (and is the only package that does), that class is that package's class. If either of these two conditions hold, there will not be a problem. If the generic is defined in the package, it can only be found if the package is attached; if the class is defined in the package, objects of that class would only exist (and therefore be dispatched on) if the package is attached and used.
In the memisc example, neither holds. The aggregate generic is defined in the stats package and the formula object is also defined in the stats package (based on that package defining as.formula, [.formula, etc.) Since it is neither memisc's generic nor memisc's object, the effects can be seen even (and the method dispatched to) if memisc is simply loaded but not attached.
For another example of this problem, but with reorder.factor, see Reordering factor gives different results, depending on which packages are loaded.
In general, it is not good practice to add methods to generics for which the package does not control either the object or the generic; doubly so if it overrides a method in a core package; and egregiously so if it is not a backwards compatible function to the existing function in the core packages.
For your example, you may be better off copying the code for memisc::describe into your package, although that approach has its own problems and caveats.
With the caveat that I'm not too familiar with the R environment and namespaces, nor whether this would work in a package — a workaround I've used in programming is to use :: to copy the function into my own function.
It may have unknown consequences of loading the whole package, as discussed in the comments to OP's question, but it seems to not attach the package's function names to R namespace and mask existing function names.
my_memisc_description <- memisc::description

Best way to use support function in R to stay DRY

While working on my first R package a noticed that when the package structure gets created in the man directory "man" there is a documentation file for each function/method in the code.
In order to stay DRY (don't repeat yourself) I used some functions as "auxiliary" functions in loops or iteration. How can I tell R that I do not want to provide any documentation for them given that they should not be called directly by the end user?!?!
Use the roxygen2 and devtools packages to document your functions and build your package.
#' Function 1 Title
#' Describe what function 1
#' does in a paragraph. This function
#' will be exported for external use because
#' it includes the #export tag.
#' #param parameter1 describe the first parameter
#' #param parameter2 describe the second parameter
#' #examples
#' function1(letters[1:10], 1:10)
#' #export
function1 <- function(parameter1, parameter2) {
paste(parameter1, parameter2)
#' Function 2 Title
#' Description here. This will not
#' be added to the NAMESPACE.
#' #param parameter1
function2 <- function(parameter1) {
Once you have all your documentation, use the tools in the devtools package to build, document, and check your package. It will automatically update the man files and DESCRIPTION, and add / remove functions from the NAMESPACE.
I also recommend using the rbundler package to control how you load packages.
If you do not export them via the NAMESPACE you are not expected to provide documentation.
Another (older) was is too simple create one, say, internal.Rd and define a bunch of \alias{foo}, \alias{bar}, \alias{frob} and that way codetools is happy too.
thanks #Jojoshua-ulrich and #dirk-eddelbuettel
According to "Writing R Extensions":
The man subdirectory should contain (only) documentation files for the objects in the package in R documentation (Rd) format. The documentation filenames must start with an ASCII (lower or upper case) letter or digit and have the extension .Rd (the default) or .rd. Further, the names must be valid in ‘file://’ URLs, which means9 they must be entirely ASCII and not contain ‘%’. See Writing R documentation files, for more information. Note that all user-level objects in a package should be documented; if a package pkg contains user-level objects which are for “internal” use only, it should provide a file pkg-internal.Rd which documents all such objects, and clearly states that these are not meant to be called by the user. See e.g. the sources for package grid in the R distribution for an example. Note that packages which use internal objects extensively should not export those objects from their namespace, when they do not need to be documented (see Package namespaces).
By the way, is there any convention to include comments in the code so that man grabs the function description, arguments description etc directly from the code?

Rd file name conflict when extending a S4 method of some other package

Actual question
How do I avoid Rd file name conflicts when
a S4 generic and its method(s) are not necessarily all defined in the same package (package containing (some of) the custom method(s) depends on the package containing the generic) and
using roxygenize() from package roxygen2 to generate the actual Rd files?
I'm not sure if this is a roxygen2 problem or a common problem when the generic and its method(s) are scattered across packages (which IMHO in general definitely is a realistic use-case scenario if you follow a modular programming style).
What's the recommended way to handle these situations?
In package pkga
Suppose in package pkga you defined a generic method foo and that you've provided the respective roxygen code that roxygenize() picks up to generate the Rd file:
#' Test function
#' Test function.
#' #param ... Further arguments.
#' #author Janko Thyson \email{}
#' #example inst/examples/foo.R
#' #docType methods
#' #rdname foo-methods
#' #export
) {
When roxygenizing() your package, a file called foo-methods.Rd is created in the man subdirectory that serves as the reference Rd file for all methods that might be created for this generic method. So far so good. If all of the methods for this generic are also part of your package, everything's good. For example, this roxygen code would make sure that documentation is added to foo-methods.Rd for the ANY-method of foo:
#' #param x \code{ANY}.
#' #return \code{TRUE}.
#' #rdname foo-methods
#' #aliases foo,ANY-method
#' #export
) {
}, options=list(suppressAll=TRUE))
However, if package pkga provides the generic for foo and you decide in some other package (say pkgb) to add a foo-method for x being of class character, then R CMD check will tell you that there is a name clash with respect to Rd file names and/or aliases (as there already exists a Rd file foo-methods.Rd in pkga):
In package pkgb
#' #param x \code{character}.
#' #return \code{character}.
#' #rdname foo-methods
#' #aliases foo,character-method
#' #export
) {
}, options=list(suppressAll=TRUE))
To be more precise, this is the error that's thrown/written to file 00install.out
Error : Q:/pkgb/man/foo-methods.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files
ERROR: installing Rd objects failed for package 'pkgb'
Due dilligence
I tried to change the values for #rdname and #aliases to foo_pkgb* (instead of foo*), but \title and \name still are set to foo when roxygenizing and thus the error remains. Any ideas besides manually editing the Rd files generated by roxygenize()?
EDIT 2012-12-01
In light of starting the bounty, the actual question might get a slightly broader flavor:
How can we implement some sort of an "inter-package" check with respect to Rd files and/or how can we consolidate S4 method help files scattered across packages into one single Rd file in order to present a single source of reference to the end-user?
The basic question is indeed "roxygenize"-only.
That's why I never had seen the problem.
While there are good reasons for the roxygenizing approach of package development,
I still see a very good reason not to go there:
Plea for much less extreme roxygenation
The resulting help pages tend to look extremely boring, not only the auto generated *.Rd files but also the rendered result.
examples are often minimal, do not contain comments, are often not well formatted (using space, / new lines /..)
Mathematical issues are rarely explained via \eqn{} or \deqn{}
\describe{ .. } and similar higher level formatting is rarely used
Why is that? Because
1) reading and editing roxygen comments is so much more
"cumbersome" or at least visually unrewarding
than reading and editing *.Rd files in ESS or Rstudio or (other IDE that has *.Rd support built in)
2) If you are used that documentation
is the thing that's automatically generated at the end of your package building/checking
you typically tend to not considerung well written R documentation as something important
(but rather your R code, to which all the docs is just a comment :-)
The result of all that: People prefer writing documentation about their functions in vignettes or even blogs, github gists, youtube videos, or ... where it is very nice at the time of authoring, but is
pretty much detached from the code and bound to get outdated and withering (and hence, via Google search misleading your useRs)
--> The original motivation of roxygen of having code and documentation in the same place is entirely defeated.
I like roxygen and use it extensively at the time I create a new function...
and I keep and maintain it as long as my function is not in a package, or is not exported.
Once I decide to export it,
I run (the ESS equivalent of) roxygenize() once
and from then on take the small extra burden of maintaining a *.Rd file that is well formatted, contains its own comments (for me as author), has many nice examples, has its own revision control (git / svn / ...) history, etc.
I managed to generate NAMESPACE and *.Rd files for S4 methods for generics defined in another package than mine.
It took me the following steps:
Create NAMESPACE by hand as a workaround to a known roxygen2 bug.
Writing a NAMESPACE by hand is not so difficult at all!
Switch off NAMESPACE generation by roxygen2 in RStudio:
Build > more > Configure build tools > configure roxygen > do not use roxygen2 to generate NAMESPACE.
import the package containing the generic and export the S4 methods using exportMethods.
Write separate roxygen2 documentation for each of the S4 methods. Do not combine roxygen2 documentation (as I generally do for different methods of the same generic).
Add explicit roxygen tags #title and #description to the roxygen documentation of the S4 methods. Write #description explicitly, even if its value is identical as #title.
That makes it work for me.
