Datapower not capturing incoming Request - ibm-datapower

We will be getting multiple requests to an MPG service. But the issue is Suppose if we are receiving 4 requests only 3 requests are getting captured and sent to destination out of 4 requests. I checked in probe and it shows only 3 transaction requests. I checked the logs but nothing found. Seems it's missing to capture the 1st incoming request but not sure. What could be the issue in capturing all the requests and how do I fix it ?
Thanks in advance !

No, DataPower is not "missing" anything I'd say but the request you are missing is not hitting DataPower, or not hitting your service.
If something "hits" DataPower through a Front-side-handler (FSH) it will be in the logs, that is for certain!
You will need to check the client sending the requests for any errors and if none found there you will need to trace the network to figure out where the missing request is ending up.

Capture Logs using LogTarget and enable prob and work with your network Team. I think this is related to network issue.


Timeout vs no response from server, how can I separate these?

This question is regarding a bot of mine which's primary focus is scraping.
The path is mapped out correctly and it does what it needs to do.
Rate limits are tested and I am certain this is not a factor, if it was and where it was we received actual responses.
However, the webpage(s) I am trying to scrape seem to have build in a kind of weird/ unfamiliar security manner, something that I haven't came across before. And here I am wondering, how it's executed and how I deal with it appropriately.
While the scraper/bot is doing it's thing, sending requests getting responses, at random times it will encounter this what I suspect is a security measure. There are simply no responses back from the server, not a 4xx error or any at all.
At first sight the proxies just appear dead, but that's not it, because they are not. The proxies work just fine, and manually I can just browse the page on them, no issues here.
The server just stops giving responses.
Now to find a workaround for this, I would need to be able to tell the difference between a timeout (for my proxies) and a no response. They appear the same, but are not.
Does anyone have insight on this problem, maybe there is a genius way to separate those that I am not aware of.
Now to find a workaround for this, I would need to be able to tell the difference between a timeout (for my proxies) and a no response. They appear the same, but are not.
A timeout is if the server does not respond within a specific time. No response means, that the server either closes the connection either before the timeout occurs or that it will close the connection after the timeout occurred without sending anything back.
The first case can be easily detected by the connection close before timeout. If you want to detect instead if the server will close the connection without response only after your current timeout then your only option is to extend the timeout. There is nothing in the server which will indicate that the server will close the connection without response at some future time.
And since your only connection is with the proxy there is no real way to detect if the problem is at the proxy or the server. Your only hope might be to set your timeout waiting for the proxy larger then the timeout the proxy has waiting for the server. This way you'll maybe get a response from the proxy indicating that the connection to the server timed out.
They appear the same, but are not.
They are the same. There is no difference. A read timeout means that data didn't arrive within the timeout period. For whatever reason. TCP doesn't know, and can't tell you. At the C level, recv() returned -1 with errno == EAGAIN/EWOULDBLOCK. That's all the information there is.
What you are asking is tantamount to 'data didn't arrive: where didn't it arrive from?' It's not a meaningful question.

My http request block,what 's wrong?

I view my homepage in chrome, only one http request, and i encounter this case.
What 's wrong?
I can see that the dns not found when happened, so it's not a bug of server.
So what chrome do at the moment.
The 'Blocked' time is the delta between the 'requestTime' and the
'startTime'. Basically, this is a measure of the amount of time
between the UI thread initiating the request for the network resource
and the HTTP GET for the request bits getting onto the wire. In
between, there can be internal queuing/message passing delay, cache
lookup, dns resolution, and TCP connection setup.
Among the causes mentioned, it sounds like DNS lookup is the only one that would take that long. However it does look like the DNS lookup eventually succeeded, otherwise the whole request would have failed. Here's one possible cause of DNS delay:
If that doesn't solve it. Try updating the question with more info about your DNS settings.

Is replying to client before receiving complete request allowed for HTTP 1.0 server?

I couldn't find RFC that may answer this question. Perhaps you guys can point me to right direction.
I'm implementing strippeddown http server whose only function is to accept big multi-part encoded uploads.
In certain cases, such as file is too big or client is not authorized to upload, I want server to reply with error and close connection immediately.
It looks like Chrome browser doesn't like it because it thinks server returned http code zero.
Could not get any response
This seems to be like an error connecting to http://my_ubuntu:8080/api/upload. The response status was 0.
Check out the W3C XMLHttpRequest Level 2 spec for more details about when this happens.
Therefore question:
Is replying to client before receiving complete request allowed for HTTP server ?
update: Just tested it with iOS 6 client. Same thing, it thinks server abruptly closed connection :(
This is a great question and apparently it is very ambiguous. You will probably enjoy reading this article on the "Million Dollar Bug" -
I think this is certificate trust issue. Try manually trusting the site and subsequent requests should work.

What is HTTP Status code 000?

Just switched some downloads over to the Akamai CDN network and I'm seeing some strange stuff in the log files they deliver. A number of entries have the status code 000. When I asked them they said that 000 is the status when the client disconnects without transferring the entire file. Since 000 doesn't appear to be a valid HTTP response code (from the RFC), I have to wonder if that's right.
There's a knowledge base article (requires login) which lists their log values:
Log Delivery Services (LDS) LDS will show a 000 for any 200 or 206
responses with a client abort: the object was served correctly from
the origin or edge, but the end-user terminated the
connection/transaction before it completed.
This is indeed a custom status because the standard log format doesn't include a field which can indicate a client abort.
000 is a common code to use when no HTTP code was received due to a network error. According to a knowledge base article for Amazon CloudFront, 000 also means that the client disconnected before completing the request for that service.
It normally means: No valid HTTP response code
(ie: Connection failed, or was aborted before any data happened).
I would guess that their are either network issues or Akamai isn't managing their webservers correctly.

Random "Connection reset" error when calling 2 or more RemoteObject function

I know this question is something difficult to resolve, but I have been walking thourgh sources, googling, etc... and haven't found anything clear bout the problem I'm going to expose.
I have an application that uses php as backend. I use amf as my transport protocol. The problem is that when I do some requests to the server backends through remote objects, randomly, I recive a connection reset on all/several requests. This does not happen when just one remote service request is made, or at least it didn't happen to me. Problem is more visible as more concurrent calls are execute at once.
Could anybody guess what is hapenning from this little info? At first I thougt it was an Apache problem that reset the connection because of a bunch of requests, but I have following requests and I do 3 or 4 concurrect requests, not more.
Thanks in advance for your time.
