Result Builder that accumulates Errors - functional-programming

I'm trying to build Result Builder that accumulates Errors (in my case they are named Failures as I'm following some code from It's current implementation returns first encountered Failure when ideally I'd prefer it to either return Success with desired value or a Failure with a list of all missing/corrupted values. Unfortunately current implementation it's a bit verbose.
Boilerplate code
module Rop
type RopResult<'TSuccess, 'TMessage> =
| Success of 'TSuccess * 'TMessage list
| Failure of 'TMessage list
/// create a Success with no messages
let succeed x =
Success (x,[])
/// create a Success with a message
let succeedWithMsg x msg =
Success (x,[msg])
/// create a Failure with a message
let fail msg =
Failure [msg]
/// A function that applies either fSuccess or fFailure
/// depending on the case.
let either fSuccess fFailure = function
| Success (x,msgs) -> fSuccess (x,msgs)
| Failure errors -> fFailure errors
/// merge messages with a result
let mergeMessages msgs result =
let fSuccess (x,msgs2) =
Success (x, msgs # msgs2)
let fFailure errs =
Failure (errs # msgs)
either fSuccess fFailure result
/// given a function that generates a new RopResult
/// apply it only if the result is on the Success branch
/// merge any existing messages with the new result
let bindR f result =
let fSuccess (x,msgs) =
f x |> mergeMessages msgs
let fFailure errs =
Failure errs
either fSuccess fFailure result
Builder code
module ResultComputationExpression
open Rop
type ResultBuilder() =
member __.Return(x) = RopResult.Success (x,[])
member __.Bind(x, f) = bindR f x
member __.ReturnFrom(x) = x
member this.Zero() = this.Return ()
member __.Delay(f) = f
member __.Run(f) = f()
member this.While(guard, body) =
if not (guard())
then this.Zero()
else this.Bind( body(), fun () ->
this.While(guard, body))
member this.TryWith(body, handler) =
try this.ReturnFrom(body())
with e -> handler e
member this.TryFinally(body, compensation) =
try this.ReturnFrom(body())
finally compensation()
member this.Using(disposable:#System.IDisposable, body) =
let body' = fun () -> body disposable
this.TryFinally(body', fun () ->
match disposable with
| null -> ()
| disp -> disp.Dispose())
member this.For(sequence:seq<_>, body) =
this.Using(sequence.GetEnumerator(),fun enum ->
this.Delay(fun () -> body enum.Current)))
member this.Combine (a,b) =
this.Bind(a, fun () -> b())
let result = new ResultBuilder()
Use case
let crateFromPrimitive (taskId:int) (title:string) (startTime:DateTime) : RopResult<SomeValue,DomainErrror> =
result {
// functions that, at the end, return "RopResult<TaskID,DomainError>" therefore "let! id" is of type "TaskID"
let! id = taskId |> RecurringTaskId.create |> mapMessagesR mapIntErrors
// functions that, at the end, return "RopResult<Title,DomainError>" therefore "let! tt" is of type "Title"
let! tt = title|> Title.create |> mapMessagesR mapStringErrors
// functions that, at the end, return "RopResult<StartTime,DomainError>" therefore "let! st" is of type "StartTime"
let! st = startTime|> StartTime.create |> mapMessagesR mapIntErrors
// "create" returns "RopResult<SomeValue,DomainErrror>", "let! value" is of type "SomeValue"
let! value = create id tt st
return value
I could possibly split it to first validate taskId, title and startTime and then eventually call create but is it possible to do in one go?
I found this answer but I have no idea how to translate it to my case or if it's even related.
UPDATE: Solution
Just like brainbers comment and solution says, and! solves my problem. What still troubles me is the idea of automatically de-toupling (namely, when does it happen and on what rules?). In any case, I expect people will be more than able to put two and two together but the working solution for my problem is:
Builder part
member _.MergeSources(result1, result2) =
match result1, result2 with
| Success (ok1,msgs1), Success (ok2,msgs2) ->
Success ((ok1,ok2),msgs1#msgs2 )
| Failure errs1, Success _ -> Failure errs1
| Success _, Failure errs2 -> Failure errs2
| Failure errs1, Failure errs2 -> Failure (errs1 # errs2) // accumulate errors
Use Case
let crateFromPrimitive taskId title startTime duration category description (subtasks:string list option) (repeatFormat:RepeatFormat option) =
result {
let strintToSubTask = (Subtask.create >> (mapMessagesR mapStringErrors))
let sListToSubtaskList value = strintToSubTask value
|> RopResultHelpers.sequence
let! id = RecurringTaskId.create taskId |> mapMessagesR mapIntErrors
and! tt = Title.create title |> mapMessagesR mapStringErrors
and! st = StartTime.create startTime |> mapMessagesR mapIntErrors
and! dur = Duration.create duration |> mapMessagesR mapIntErrors
and! cat = Category.create category |> mapMessagesR mapStringErrors
and! desc = Description.create description |> mapMessagesR mapStringErrors
and! subtOption = someOrNone sListToSubtaskList subtasks |> RopResultHelpers.fromOptionToSuccess
//let! value = create id tt st dur cat desc subtOption repeatFormat
return! create id tt st dur cat desc subtOption repeatFormat

I searched around a bit and didn't find any validators that use the new and! syntax and accumulate errors, so I decided to write a quick one myself. I think this does what you want, and is much simpler. Note that I'm using Result<_, List<_>> to accumulate a list of errors, rather than creating a new type.
type AccumValidationBuilder() =
member _.BindReturn(result, f) =
result |> f
member _.MergeSources(result1, result2) =
match result1, result2 with
| Ok ok1, Ok ok2 -> Ok (ok1, ok2) // compiler will automatically de-tuple these - very cool!
| Error errs1, Ok _ -> Error errs1
| Ok _, Error errs2 -> Error errs2
| Error errs1, Error errs2 -> Error (errs1 # errs2) // accumulate errors
let accValid = AccumValidationBuilder()
And here it is in action:
let validateInt (str : string) =
match Int32.TryParse(str) with
| true, n -> Ok n
| _ -> Error [ str ]
let test str1 str2 str3 =
let result =
accValid {
let! n1 = validateInt str1
and! n2 = validateInt str2
and! n3 = validateInt str3
return n1 + n2 + n3
printfn "Result : %A" result
let main argv =
test "1" "2" "3" // output: Ok 6
test "1" "red" "blue" // output: Error [ "red"; "blue" ]


how can I 'de-uglify' these nested async parts, in F#

first, here is the code:
let getCandlesFromAsync (exchange: IExchange) (instrument: Instrument) (interval: TimeSpan) (fromTime: DateTime) (toTime: DateTime) =
async {
let rec getAsync (c: CandleData list) (f: DateTime) (t: DateTime) =
async {
//info $"requesting {instrument}: {f} - {t}"
let! candles = exchange.GetCandlesAsync(instrument, interval, f, t)
if candles.IsError then
return (failwith candles.GetError.Describe)
//info $"received data {instrument}: {candles.Get.[0].Timestamp} - {candles.Get.[^0].Timestamp}"
let c = c # candles.Get
if c.[^0].Timestamp < t - interval then
return! getAsync c (c.[^0].Timestamp + interval) t
return c
let cache = DataCache.getCache instrument
let candlesFromCache = getCandlesFromCache cache interval fromTime toTime
let firstTimestamp =
match candlesFromCache.IsEmpty with
| true -> fromTime
| false -> candlesFromCache.[^0].Timestamp + interval
// check if we need some new data
let downloadedCandles =
async {
if firstTimestamp < toTime then
let! x = getAsync [] firstTimestamp toTime
putCandlesInCache cache x
return x
return []
let! d = downloadedCandles
return candlesFromCache # d
This code is supposed to download price candles from an exchange. It has to run at regular interval and catch up with the new data.
Since I need data from a range of timestamps, I try to cache the data that has previously been requested from the exchange. At the range is always moving forward, I only have to check how much data I already have in the range, and how much I need to get.
The code is split into several parts:
code that gets data from the cache for a time range (not posted here, but not relevant). It returns CandleData list.
code that requests data from a time range from the exchange (getAsync), it returns async<CandleData list>.
a small piece of code that determines what is missing and glues the pieces together (the second half of the function).
The issue here is that the whole function is expected to be async, but getAsync is recursive, so it has its own async block.
Then the code that glues things together has to call getAsync and attach the data to what comes from the cache, so the whole thing is wrapped in an async block as well...
There has to be a cleaner way to do this, but I'm not sure how. Any suggestions would be welcome!
Separating the functions is the best practice. It doesn't necessarily reduce the number of asyncs but it makes the code cleaner and easier to understand.
The function that downloads from exchange may be on its own:
let downloadFromExchange (exchange: IExchange) (instrument: Instrument) (interval: TimeSpan) (f: DateTime) (t: DateTime) =
let rec getAsync (previousCandles: CandleData list) (f: DateTime) =
async {
//info $"requesting {instrument}: {f} - {t}"
if f < t then return previousCandles else
let! candles = exchange.GetCandlesAsync(instrument, interval, f, t)
if candles.IsError then
return (failwith candles.GetError.Describe)
//info $"received data {instrument}: {candles.Get.[0].Timestamp} - {candles.Get.[^0].Timestamp}"
let c = previousCandles # candles.Get
match c.[^0].Timestamp + interval with
| fr when fr < t -> return! getAsync c fr
| _ -> return c
getAsync [] f
I changed the code a little bit to make it clearer for me. I could be wrong but it seems to me the expression c.[^0].Timestamp may result in an exception (or an infinite loop) if the list is empty either in the first call or in a recursive invocation.
let getCandlesFromAsync exchange (instrument: Instrument) (interval: TimeSpan) (fromTime: DateTime) (toTime: DateTime) =
async {
let cache = DataCache.getCache instrument
let candlesFromCache = getCandlesFromCache cache interval fromTime toTime
let firstTimestamp =
match candlesFromCache.IsEmpty with
| true -> fromTime
| false -> candlesFromCache.[^0].Timestamp + interval
let! x = downloadFromExchange exchange instrument interval firstTimestamp toTime
putCandlesInCache cache x
return candlesFromCache # x
I put the condition from < to in the download function, that way the code is cleaner.

Extracting the name of a variable

How can we build a function in F# that outputs the name of the variable passed in? For example:
let someVar1 = "x"
getVarname someVar1 //output would be "someVar1"
let someVar2 = "y"
getVarname someVar2 //output would be "someVar2"
let f toString = fun a -> printfn "%s: %d" (toString a) a
let x = 1
f getVarname x //output would be: "x: 1"
I found a similar question in C# here (get name of a variable or parameter), but I was unable to make it work in F#.
If you use quotations and static methods, you can already capture the name of the variable in F# 4 using the ReflectedDefinition attribute. The Demo.GetVarName static method in the following example returns the name of the variable used as an argument together with the value:
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations
type Demo =
static member GetVarName([<ReflectedDefinition(true)>] x:Expr<int>) =
match x with
| Patterns.WithValue(_, _, Patterns.ValueWithName(value, _, name)) ->
name, value :?> int
| _ -> failwithf "Argument was not a variable: %A" x
let test ()=
let yadda = 123
This works for local variables as in the test() function above. For top-level variables (which are actually compiled as properties) you also need to add a case for PropertyGet:
match x with
| Patterns.WithValue(_, _, Patterns.ValueWithName(value, _, name)) ->
name, value :?> int
| Patterns.WithValue(value, _, Patterns.PropertyGet(_, pi, _)) ->
pi.Name, value :?> int
| _ -> failwithf "Argument was not a variable: %A" x
The nameof implementation has the operator in F# core, but the F# 5 compiler bits haven't shipped yet.
When it does, you can use it to get the name of a symbol.
let someVar1 = None
let name = nameof someVar1 // name = "someVar1"
For now, we can maybe abuse the dynamic operator to get us a shim which you can eventually replace with nameof
let name = ()
let (?) _ name = string name
let someVar1 = None
let name = name?someVar1
It doesn't read too bad, and you get some degree of auto-completion.
If you really want to be able to retrieve the local name and value at the call-site, there's quotations.
let printVar = function
| ValueWithName(value, _type, name) -> printfn "%s = %A" name value
| _ -> ()
The usage is a bit noisy, though.
let someVar1 = 12
printVar <# someVar1 #> //prints someVar1 = 12

F# async workflow / tasks combined with free monad

I'm trying to build pipeline for message handling using free monad pattern, my code looks like that:
module PipeMonad =
type PipeInstruction<'msgIn, 'msgOut, 'a> =
| HandleAsync of 'msgIn * (Async<'msgOut> -> 'a)
| SendOutAsync of 'msgOut * (Async -> 'a)
let private mapInstruction f = function
| HandleAsync (x, next) -> HandleAsync (x, next >> f)
| SendOutAsync (x, next) -> SendOutAsync (x, next >> f)
type PipeProgram<'msgIn, 'msgOut, 'a> =
| Act of PipeInstruction<'msgIn, 'msgOut, PipeProgram<'msgIn, 'msgOut, 'a>>
| Stop of 'a
let rec bind f = function
| Act x -> x |> mapInstruction (bind f) |> Act
| Stop x -> f x
type PipeBuilder() =
member __.Bind (x, f) = bind f x
member __.Return x = Stop x
member __.Zero () = Stop ()
member __.ReturnFrom x = x
let pipe = PipeBuilder()
let handleAsync msgIn = Act (HandleAsync (msgIn, Stop))
let sendOutAsync msgOut = Act (SendOutAsync (msgOut, Stop))
which I wrote according to this article
However it's important to me to have those methods asynchronous (Task preferably, but Async is acceptable), but when I created a builder for my pipeline, I can't figure out how to use it - how can I await a Task<'msgOut> or Async<'msgOut> so I can send it out and await this "send" task?
Now I have this piece of code:
let pipeline log msgIn =
pipe {
let! msgOut = handleAsync msgIn
let result = async {
let! msgOut = msgOut
log msgOut
return sendOutAsync msgOut
return result
which returns PipeProgram<'b, 'a, Async<PipeProgram<'c, 'a, Async>>>
In my understanding, the whole point of the free monad is that you don't expose effects like Async, so I don't think they should be used in the PipeInstruction type. The interpreter is where the effects get added.
Also, the Free Monad really only makes sense in Haskell, where all you need to do is define a functor, and then you get the rest of the implementation automatically. In F# you have to write the rest of the code as well, so there is not much benefit to using Free over a more traditional interpreter pattern.
That TurtleProgram code you linked to was just an experiment -- I would not recommend using Free for real code at all.
Finally, if you already know the effects you are going to use, and you are not going to have more than one interpretation, then using this approach doesn't make sense. It only makes sense when the benefits outweigh the complexity.
Anyway, if you did want to write an interpreter version (rather than Free) this is how I would do it:
First, define the instructions without any effects.
/// The abstract instruction set
module PipeProgram =
type PipeInstruction<'msgIn, 'msgOut,'state> =
| Handle of 'msgIn * ('msgOut -> PipeInstruction<'msgIn, 'msgOut,'state>)
| SendOut of 'msgOut * (unit -> PipeInstruction<'msgIn, 'msgOut,'state>)
| Stop of 'state
Then you can write a computation expression for it:
/// A computation expression for a PipeProgram
module PipeProgramCE =
open PipeProgram
let rec bind f instruction =
match instruction with
| Handle (x,next) -> Handle (x, (next >> bind f))
| SendOut (x, next) -> SendOut (x, (next >> bind f))
| Stop x -> f x
type PipeBuilder() =
member __.Bind (x, f) = bind f x
member __.Return x = Stop x
member __.Zero () = Stop ()
member __.ReturnFrom x = x
let pipe = PipeProgramCE.PipeBuilder()
And then you can start writing your computation expressions. This will help flush out the design before you start on the interpreter.
// helper functions for CE
let stop x = PipeProgram.Stop x
let handle x = PipeProgram.Handle (x,stop)
let sendOut x = PipeProgram.SendOut (x, stop)
let exampleProgram : PipeProgram.PipeInstruction<string,string,string> = pipe {
let! msgOut1 = handle "In1"
do! sendOut msgOut1
let! msgOut2 = handle "In2"
do! sendOut msgOut2
return msgOut2
Once you have described the the instructions, you can then write the interpreters. And as I said, if you are not writing multiple interpreters, then perhaps you don't need to do this at all.
Here's an interpreter for a non-async version (the "Id monad", as it were):
module PipeInterpreterSync =
open PipeProgram
let handle msgIn =
printfn "In: %A" msgIn
let msgOut = System.Console.ReadLine()
let sendOut msgOut =
printfn "Out: %A" msgOut
let rec interpret instruction =
match instruction with
| Handle (x, next) ->
let result = handle x
result |> next |> interpret
| SendOut (x, next) ->
let result = sendOut x
result |> next |> interpret
| Stop x ->
and here's the async version:
module PipeInterpreterAsync =
open PipeProgram
/// Implementation of "handle" uses async/IO
let handleAsync msgIn = async {
printfn "In: %A" msgIn
let msgOut = System.Console.ReadLine()
return msgOut
/// Implementation of "sendOut" uses async/IO
let sendOutAsync msgOut = async {
printfn "Out: %A" msgOut
return ()
let rec interpret instruction =
match instruction with
| Handle (x, next) -> async {
let! result = handleAsync x
return! result |> next |> interpret
| SendOut (x, next) -> async {
do! sendOutAsync x
return! () |> next |> interpret
| Stop x -> x
First of all, I think that using free monads in F# is very close to being an anti-pattern. It is a very abstract construction that does not fit all that great with idiomatic F# style - but that is a matter of preference and if you (and your team) finds this way of writing code readable and easy to understand, then you can certainly go in this direction.
Out of curiosity, I spent a bit of time playing with your example - although I have not quite figured out how to fix your example completely, I hope the following might help to steer you in the right direction. The summary is that I think you will need to integrate Async into your PipeProgram so that the pipe program is inherently asynchronous:
type PipeInstruction<'msgIn, 'msgOut, 'a> =
| HandleAsync of 'msgIn * (Async<'msgOut> -> 'a)
| SendOutAsync of 'msgOut * (Async<unit> -> 'a)
| Continue of 'a
type PipeProgram<'msgIn, 'msgOut, 'a> =
| Act of Async<PipeInstruction<'msgIn, 'msgOut, PipeProgram<'msgIn, 'msgOut, 'a>>>
| Stop of Async<'a>
Note that I had to add Continue to make my functions type-check, but I think that's probably a wrong hack and you might need to remote that. With these definitions, you can then do:
let private mapInstruction f = function
| HandleAsync (x, next) -> HandleAsync (x, next >> f)
| SendOutAsync (x, next) -> SendOutAsync (x, next >> f)
| Continue v -> Continue v
let rec bind (f:'a -> PipeProgram<_, _, _>) = function
| Act x ->
let w = async {
let! x = x
return mapInstruction (bind f) x }
Act w
| Stop x ->
let w = async {
let! x = x
let pg = f x
return Continue pg
Act w
type PipeBuilder() =
member __.Bind (x, f) = bind f x
member __.Return x = Stop x
member __.Zero () = Stop (async.Return())
member __.ReturnFrom x = x
let pipe = PipeBuilder()
let handleAsync msgIn = Act (async.Return(HandleAsync (msgIn, Stop)))
let sendOutAsync msgOut = Act (async.Return(SendOutAsync (msgOut, Stop)))
let pipeline log msgIn =
pipe {
let! msgOut = handleAsync msgIn
log msgOut
return! sendOutAsync msgOut
pipeline ignore 0
This now gives you just plain PipeProgram<int, unit, unit> which you should be able to evaluate by having a recursive asynchronous functions that acts on the commands.

How best to memoize based on argument only, not function closure, and inside a class?

(question edited and rewritten to reflect chat discussion results)
In one line: Given a state in a state monad, evaluate monadic function once, cache the results.
I am trying to cache the result of a function evaluation, where the key of the cache is the state of a State monad, and where I do not care about possible side effects: i.e., even if the body of the function may change in theory, I know it will be independent of the state:
f x = state { return DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(x) }
g x = state { return DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(x) }
Here, g 10 and f 10 should yield the same result, they may not differ as result to a double call to DateTime.Now, i.e., they must be deterministic. For the sake of argument, the variable state here is x.
On a same token, (g 10) - (f 5) should yield exactly 5 minutes and not a microsecond more or less.
After finding out that caching didn't work, I toned down a more elaborate solution to its bare minimum, using Don Syme's memoization pattern with maps (or dict).
The memoization pattern:
module Cache =
let cache f =
let _cache = ref Map.empty
fun x ->
match (!_cache).TryFind(x) with
| Some res -> res
| None ->
let res = f x
_cache := (!_cache).Add(x,res)
The caching is supposed to be used as part of a computation builder, in the Run method:
type someBuilder() =
member __.Run f =
Log.time "Calling __.Run"
let memo_me =
fun state ->
let res =
match f with
| State expr - expr state
| Value v -> state, v
Log.time ("Cache miss, adding key: %A", s)
XCache.cache memo_me
This doesn't work, because the cache function is different each time because of the closure, resulting in hitting a cache miss each time over. It should be independent of expr above, and dependent on state only.
I tried placing the _cache outside the cache function on module level, but then it hits the problem of generalization:
Value restriction. The value '_cache' has been inferred to have generic type
Either define '_cache' as a simple data term, make it a function with explicit arguments or, if you do not intend for it to be generic, add a type annotation.
Which I then tried to solve using type annotations, but I ended up not being able to use it in the generic function for the same reason: it required specific type annotations then to be used:
let _cache<'T, 'U when 'T: comparison> ref : Map<'T, 'U> = ref Map.empty
Edit, a working version of the whole computation builder
Here's the computation builder as asked in the comments, tested in FSI. The caching should be dependent solely on TState, not on the whole of 'TState -> 'TState * 'TResult.
type State<'TState, 'TResult> = State of ('TState -> 'TState * 'TResult)
type ResultState<'TState, 'TResult> =
| Expression of State<'TState, 'TResult>
| Value of 'TResult
type RS<'S, 'T> = ResultState<'S, 'T>
type RS =
static member run v s =
match v with
| Value item -> s, item
| Expression (State expr) -> expr s
static member bind k v =
match v with
| Expression (State expr) ->
<| State
(fun initialState ->
let updatedState, result = expr initialState (k result) updatedState
| Value item -> k item
type MyBuilder() =
member __.Bind (e, f) = RS.bind f e
member __.Return v = RS.Value v
member __.ReturnFrom e = e
member __.Run f =
printfn "Running!"
// add/remove the first following line to see it with caching
XCache.cache <|
fun s ->
match f with
| RS.Expression (State state) ->
printfn "Call me once!"
state s
| RS.Value v -> s, v
module Builders =
let builder = new MyBuilder()
// constructing prints "Running!", this is as expected
let create() = builder {
let! v = RS.Expression <| (State <| fun i -> (fst i + 12.0, snd i + 3), "my value")
return "test " + v
// for seeing the effect, recreating the builder twice,
// it should be cached once
let result1() = create()(30.0, 39)
let result2() = create()(30.0, 39)
Result of running the example in FSI:
Call me once!
val it : (float * int) * string = ((42.0, 42), "test my value")
Call me once!
val it : (float * int) * string = ((42.0, 42), "test my value")
Just add the Cache into the Run
member __.Run f =
printfn "Running!"
Cache.cache <|
fun s ->
match f with
| RS.Expression (State state) ->
printfn "Call me once!"
state s
| RS.Value v -> s, v
and modify the cache function to see if it really caches
module Cache =
let cache f =
let _cache = ref Map.empty
fun x ->
match (!_cache).TryFind(x) with
| Some res -> printfn "from cache"; res
| None ->
let res = f x
_cache := (!_cache).Add(x,res)
printfn "to cache"
and the output is
Call me once!
to cache
val it : (float * int) * string = ((42.0, 42), "test my value")
from cache
val it : (float * int) * string = ((42.0, 42), "test my value")

F#- AsyncSeq - how to return values in a list

Attempting to find anagrams in a list of words using F Sharps Async Sequences (I am aware there are better algorithms for anagram finding but trying to understand Async Sequneces)
From the 'runTest' below how can I
1. async read the collecion returned and output to screen
2. block until all results return & display final count/collection
open System
open System.ServiceModel
open System.Collections.Generic
open Microsoft.FSharp.Linq
open FSharp.Control
let testWord = "table"
let testWords = new List<string>()
let hasWord (word:string) =
let mutable res = true
let a = testWord.ToCharArray() |> Set.ofArray
let b = word.ToCharArray() |> Set.ofArray
let difference = Set.intersect a b
match difference.Count with
| 0 -> false
| _ -> true
let test2 (words:List<string>, (word:string)) : AsyncSeq<string> =
asyncSeq {
let res =
|> Seq.filter(fun x-> (hasWord(x)) )
|> AsyncSeq.ofSeq
yield! res
let runTest = test2(testWords,testWord)
|> //pull stuff from stream
|> // output to screen
|> ignore
So as you have the test2 function returning an asyncSeq. Your questions:
1. async read the collecion returned and output to screen
If you want to have some side-effecting code (such as outputting to the screen) you can use AsyncSeq.iter to apply a function to each item as it becomes available. Iter returns an Async<unit> so you can then "kick it off" using an appropriate Async method (blocking/non-blocking).
For example:
let processItem i =
// Do whatever side effecting code you want to do with an item
printfn "Item is '%s'" i
let runTestQ1 =
test2 (testWords, testWord)
|> AsyncSeq.iter processItem
|> Async.RunSynchronously
2. block until all results return & display final count/collection
If you want all the results collected so that you can work on them together, then you can convert the AsyncSeq into a normal Seq using AsyncSeq.toBlockingSeq and then convert it to a list to force the Seq to evaluate.
For example:
let runTestQ2 =
let allResults =
test2 (testWords, testWord)
|> AsyncSeq.toBlockingSeq
|> Seq.toList
// Do whatever you would like with your list of results
printfn "Final list is '%A' with a count of %i" allResults (allResults.Length)
