Disabling auth/user-not-found functionality - firebase

I have a React application with email & password sign in method available (implemented with firebase). In the log in form, if you enter incorrect email, you will get auth/user-not-found error as expected.
What are my options to disable this kind of behaviour? To me it seems to be a security risk where malicious user could query email addresses and see if the user exists on my platform or not.

You cannot disable what firebase would respond with, but you should handle the error in your client to show a less specific response.
try {
} catch (err) {
if (err.code === 'auth/user-not-found') {
alert("Invalid email address and/or password")
} else {
console.log("Other error handling method")


Resending Firebase auth verification emails when the user's email is no longer accessible

So far in my project, I have set up a basic user management system. However, I'm unable to figure out a way to resend verification link after the user registers.
For example: When the user signs up, createUserWithEmailAndPassword is called which returns a promise. The promise is now resolved using then (or await) to which sendEmailVerification is called. This is all fine.
Note: The above flow is what I currently have implemented to for user management on the client side with Firebase Auth.
However, what if the user happens to delete this email or for whatever reason has no access to it at all. I want to be able to resend the link.
This uses Firebase Admin SDK on the backend and is an example of how to generate the verification email on the server-side. However, it appears that it is used in conjunction with account creation. In addition, it appears that Firebase Auth follows the same set of restrictions.
Not too sure where to go next and was wondering if there are any suitable workarounds.
Add a link to the login page to resend the verification email.
Then, trigger something along these lines:
sendEmailVerification() async {
await FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser?.sendEmailVerification();
Another option is to check during the login process whether the user verified the email. If not, resend it. Along these lines:
String email,
String password,
) async {
try {
final credential = await FirebaseAuth.instance
.signInWithEmailAndPassword(email: email, password: password);
if (credential.user!.emailVerified == false) {
await _sendEmailVerification();
return ... // not verified, but email sent
return ... // success
} on FirebaseAuthException catch (e) {
return ... // error
} catch (e) {
return ... // error
The problem described here I think is as follows ( I am facing it as well):
=> some new User enters his Email and Password to create an account
=> we call createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email, password) => account can be found in firebase console under "Authentication" => in the app Auth.currentUser is NOT NULL. This is because acc. to documentatoin of "createUserWithEmailAndPassword" we read:
On successful creation of the user account, this user will also be signed in to your application."
=> Then we call sendEmailVerification(Auth.currentUser) - everything works, User Auth.currentUser gets his Email with verification link.
BUT. What if he does not click this link (maybe it went to spam)? He searcehs it, time passes, he maybe switches off the PC or closes the App. And after some time tries again: opens the App, tries to register again...
=> as he enters again the same E-mail he entered when he tried to register for the first time, our createUserWithEmailAndPassword() will give an error (because the User with such E-mail, even though it is not verified, is already in the database) => Auth.currentUser will be NULL(!!!)
=> if now you try to "REsend the verification E-Mail" with sendEmailVerification(Auth.currentUser) - it will not send anything. Because the user is null.
So, the way out of this situation is to generate verficication link based on the E-mail only and send it somehow to the User via E-mail: https://firebase.google.com/docs/auth/admin/email-action-links#java_2

Firebase Authentication : Lookup a user by Email

I am using Firebase Authentication with Email and Password
I would like to know if i can 'lookup' a user by email only while also not being signed in as a user
The reason I'd like to do this is, is to simply identify if I am already a user of the system, using an email address only
I looked at this older thread but it appears to be the previous version of Firebase
Is it possible to do this in the current Firebase, or my alternative would be to keep this information available (and open to all?) to find out if a given email is part of my system?
I use fetchProvidersForEmail(email)
and if the result return as empty array then, this email hasn't been use to sign up.
.then(providers => {
if (providers.length === 0) {
// this email hasn't signed up yet
} else {
// has signed up
You can look up user information by email:
.then(function(userRecord) {
// See the UserRecord reference doc for the contents of userRecord.
console.log('Successfully fetched user data:', userRecord.toJSON());
.catch(function(error) {
console.log('Error fetching user data:', error);
I'd like to make things more clear that this method does not exist — one could be looking for it in the firebase client library, in which it has never been available in the first place and it wouldn't be a good idea to have anyway. This method is part of the admin SDK, so in order to call the method, you need to run it on the server, and invoke it from the client. OP didn't scope the question to firebase client library, so my answer is still correct.
Retrieve user data
The new method of creating users with email password returns a value whether the given email address is already in use. See here
import { fetchSignInMethodsForEmail } from 'firebase/auth'
fetchSignInMethodsForEmail(auth, registerEamil).then((result) =>{
console.log("result", result);
if (result.length === 0) {
Navigate("/authentication/select_role/" +
} else {
Server side option:
POST https://identitytoolkit.googleapis.com/v1/projects/{targetProjectId}/accounts:lookup
{ "email": ["rodneydangerfield#stackoverflow.kom"] }
As for today 2021 Nov. 18th, there is no way provided by the Firebase SDK to fetch a user by email.

Getting the error: "No such email address for user." when calling Accounts.sendVerificationEmail( userId ) in meteor

I am getting an error when I try to send an email verification link to the user. I have used the email feature of Meteor in other projects without any issues. But in the current project, I am getting this error and I have no idea what could be causing it.
The user.emails[0].address does have an email address.
Exception while invoking method 'sendVerificationLink' Error: No such email address for user.
at AccountsServer.Accounts.sendVerificationEmail (packages/accounts password/password_server.js:745:11)
at [object Object].sendVerificationLink(server/user/users_methods.js:25:23)
I am using METEOR#1.3-beta.11 and my code is as follows:
let user = { email: signupEmail,password: password }
Accounts.createUser(user, (err) => {
if(!err) {
Meteor.startup(function () {
process.env.MAIL_URL = 'smtp://postmaster%40sandboxd9...7.mailgun.org:<pwrd>#smtp.mailgun.org:587';
sendVerificationLink() {
let userId = Meteor.userId();
if ( userId ) {
return Accounts.sendVerificationEmail( userId );
process.env.MAIL_URL and mailgun is set correctly. I have tested it from server using the following server code and the email was delivered correctly.
to: "xxxxx#gmail.com",
from: "xxxxx#gmail.com",
subject: "Example Email",
text: "This is a test email."
I found the error after a day of wasted debugging. There is nothing wrong in the code I posted above in my original question. There was an error in the schema definition for User collection with another package that I had installed - jagi:astronomy. The validation rule for 'Verified' (email verified flag) was set to string. It should have been boolean. I still don't understand why that would prevent from sending out the verification email though. Email field validation itself was correct and email was saved. But once I changed the validation rule to Boolean for 'Verified' field to boolean, the error went away.

Meteor.loginWithPassword: Amend verification

I'm using accounts-password and Meteor.loginWithPassword to authenticate a user. I want to prevent the user from being able to login unless the email address is verified.
Currently I do this using a Meteor.method and a callback. The callback will only trigger the call to Meteor.loginWithPassword() if the relevant user has a verified email address and trigger the current form to display a validation error. if not. However a tech-savvy user can still trigger Meteor.loginWithPassword() directly in the console. Is there a best practice way to prevent this?
You can prevent logins for users with an email address which has not been verified by using accountsServer.validateLoginAttempt(func), for example:
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Accounts.validateLoginAttempt(function(attempt) {
var user = attempt.user;
if (!user.emails[0].verified) throw new Meteor.Error(403, 'E-Mail address not verified.');
return true;
If you return false or throw an exception, the login will be aborted.

Meteor - get email address of attempted login

I need to get the email address that a user was using in a failed login attempt to check if they registered outside of the application.
Here is my code;
if (!info.allowed)
console.log("we don't have that user " + info.user.emails[0]['address']);
return false;
} else {
var user = info.user;
console.log("created " + user.createdAt);
console.log("emails is " + user.emails[0]['address']);
return true;
If the login is not allowed I get this Cannot read property 'emails' of undefined because obviously the user is not in the users collection. My question is, is the email and password of the attempted login somehow available to see?
Try this:
Accounts.validateLoginAttempt(function(info) {
EDIT: Also, I wrote a Meteor package to solve this problem, available on Atmosphere at https://atmospherejs.com/chipcastledotcom/accounts-email.
