Patch function doesn't send items to my sharepoint list ( Power Apps) - patch

please, I have a problem with the Patch function, it shows me no error but it sends nothing to the sharepoint list, here are the columns I have:
Country, Project_Customer, Project_Category, Project_Type, are comboboxes of choice, project_site is a search column, project manager is a person type column, project description and project name are text lines and project amount is a number (currency type) , and project_status is a dropdown.
here is the patch function:
{Country: ComboBoxCOUNTRY.Selected;
Project_Customer: ComboBoxCustomer.Selected;
Project_site: ComboBoxSite.Selected;
Project_Category: ComboBoxCATEGORY.Selected;
Project_Type: ComboBoxPROJECTTYPE.Selected;
Project_Name: Text (TextInputProjectName);
Project_Amount: TextInputProjectAmount;
Project_status: DropdownSTATUS;
Project_manager: ComboBoxmanager;
'Project_Description': Text (TextInputDETAIL)})````

Different SharePoint fields have different requirements for patching.
For a Person field you have to send an object with Claims, Department, DisplayName, Email, Jobtitle and Picture fields, but only the Claims, displayname and email address seem to be required (you may want to experiment with which fields actually need a value, but all of them have to be present). Below is an example from one of my powerapps
AssignedTo: {'#odata.type':"#Microsoft.Azure.Connectors.SharePoint.SPListExpandedUser",
For SharePoint choice fields, you have to send an object with a value property
mychoicefield: {Value: "some value" }
For lookup fields, you have to send an ID and value, where ID is the ID from the lookup list item and Value is the Title
MyLookupField: { ID:1,Value:"Some title"}
Patch doesn't throw an error when you send the wrong information. YOu can capture and output your patch by setting a variable or checking for errors. I typically do both
Title: "Hello"
The above check if the datasource to which you patched has any errors and if there are, creates a message at the top with a red background.


Database design for unknown fields

I am trying to make form builder in android. I have a real problem at designing database. In this application User first drags the required fields to the screen and change the labels of fields. The fields Contains:
This is my mockup:
I have real problem in designing database.I need a help to accomplish it.
Any Links to the tutorials or ER Diagrams will be really appreciated.
In this application user will drag his required fields to the screen as shown in mock up. Suppose when user drags on checkbox icon then the Editable Checkbox label and editable options will appear in the screen. Then Form builder names the label according to his requirements and options also. In this way he first builds the form .
That's what I created in 10 minutes, hope it helps.
TB_FieldType //field type
Type_Name, (Checkbox, RadioButton, Textbox, PlainText, Password, DropdownSelect...)
TB_FieldRule //Table field rule
Rule (numeric only, not null...)
TB_UserTable //Save user designed thrir own table
Table_Name, (Designed table name)
TB_UserTable_Field //Designed table field detail
UUID_GroupID, (can be null if field is single type*)
Field_Name, (Display name)
TB_Group //(for field(s) in multi type*, like RadioButton, DropwodnSelect... )
I would create a table for storing the field definitions with fields like this:
survey_id (reference to the survey which the field belongs to)
field_id (unique id of the field)
field_type (checkbox, radio, plain etc.)
field_data (additional information if required, e.g. selection options for radio - dependent on type)
field_index (defines the order of fields)
... any additional field you may need
From this data, you can dynamically build your GUI.
And you will need another table for storing the answers (if it is in scope of your app):
field_id (reference to the former table)
value (entered by the user)
...user_id, timestamp etc. according to your needs

MS CRM 2013 Process Update Account - multiple values to one field

I'm trying to implement an update procedure like the one in this blog post (via extra entity and workflow updating account, triggered when the new entity is being created)
In my list and the new entity "Account Update" I have 3 fields for the full name of a company (name, name_2, name_3).
In my workflow I want to put these 3 together and combine their values in the Account field "Company" (the company's name).
In the process I tried to insert them via the "Form Assistant" and in the field "Company" I now have the following entry:
{Name(Account Update);Name_2(Account Update);Name_3(Account Update)}
but it doesn't seem to work. After my import and update of the account (which ends successful) the value in "Company" is only the value of the first name field.
Is it possible to combine values?
What exactly does it do, when I choose more than one field in the Form Assistant and say OK?
So at last I figured out how to archive it.
With the "Form Assistant" you can combine or add multiple field values to one new field but it is a bit tricky.
The value in the process update the properies have to look like this:
{Name(Account Update)} {Name_2(Account Update)} {Name_3(Account Update)}
It does not work if you enter this as text, you have to add the fields one after another so that they are recognized as fields (and marked yellow).
Click into the field (here: "Company").
Then choose the first field in the Form Assistant. Click "Add", choose it in the list below and click "OK". Now the field is in the field "Company".
Now go behind the end of the text in the field make a space and then choose and add the second field (clear the list in the Form Assistant before so that now only the second field is in the list)
So it's right if it looks like:
{Name(Account Update)} {Name_2(Account Update)}
Wrong if looks like following (happens when you keep the first field in the list before adding the second with "OK")
{Name(Account Update);Name_2(Account Update)}

Drupal 7: In Views, how could I order/sort in this manner?

Say for example I am printing name tags for thousands of content nodes in one content type called “Attendee.” Each of these nodes specifies a single "Attendee" for an event, (and their respective name tag). Say these attendees also needed name tags printed out for their “friends” who are attending with them. That is no problem—these “friends” obviously need their own node with the same fields to get their own name tag, so I distinguish that they are a “Friend of an Attendee” with a simple checkbox.
Now here’s the sorting order / grouping problem: When rendering the view, I need these “friends of attendees” to appear “right after” the attendee they are going with. Is there a way for me to maybe create a new autocomplete text field to link these together and then have them output next to each other?
p.s. I am technically using the Views PDF module, but it has the basic Views functions, so if it's possible with Views, it will probably be possible with this module.
In order to group these together, you have to have some way of linking friends to the attendees. You can do this by adding an entity reference field to the content type. See
here are the steps:
from admin/structure/types select "manage fields" on your content type
on the "manage fields" tab, click in "Add new field", and type in a label name. say "friend of"
for "type", select "Entity Reference", and for now, choose "Autocomplete" for your widget
click save
in the field edit tab:
select Target Type: Node
under Entity Selection, set Mode: Simple
set Target bundles: ( your attendees type )
click save
go to admin/config/development/performance and clear all caches
You should now see an autocomplete field when you edit an attendee that you can use to set the friend relationship
Things normally get a bit complicated now, as you have to tell views about the relationship between attendees and their friends. If you want to keep this dead easy, you can set the primary attendees as their own "friend" ( who they are going with ) so that you can group them together easily with their companions, without having to worry about contexts, relationships, or any other fancy stuff.

Reuse fields in an ASP.NET form

I have an online form that collects the user's contact information. Typical stuff - first & last name, address, city, state, zip, etc.
At one point in the process, they can enter information for another person as well. At that point, I show a modal popup with the very same fields for this other person.
I hate the repetition of the fields in my ASCX file. I'd like to define a single block of fields and show them in different contexts.
A twist to the plot is that the admin of the site can configure which fields are visible for each of the two contexts.
For example, they might say for the primary user, we want to ask for phone number, but we don't want to show that field for the additional people. In that situation, the phone number field would be visible for the main form, but hidden in the modal popup.
So the question is: What is the best way to reuse the same fields in different places of an ASP.NET form?
You can add another flag to your user control
Note : this flag must be declared as public property
public bool Flag
Your User control
First instance : <UCTagPrefix:UCTagName runat="server" id="" Flag="true"/>
Second instance : <UCTagPrefix:UCTagName runat="server" id="" Flag="false"/>
you can use another type if you want, this sample is based on boolean
Adapt the behavior of your user control with the value of your flag , in your code behind
If admin wants to configure visibility of each field, I think it would be better to add the field list to a database table like fieldName, userType1 (bit), userType2 (bit),... and then add the value 0 or 1 (Admin could do this via interface).
When you load the control get the corresponding values by passing userType to the database (stored procedure or query) and set visibility of each field accordingly.

Drupal 7 Views 3: Exposed Filters that search specific FIELDS

I'd really appreciate some help with this.
I'm trying to create two different exposed filters in Views. I currently have 6,000 nodes with 75 fields each inside one content type. I'm using a Page View with an exposed form in a block. I also have the Better Exposed Filters module installed.
The first one, I want to make a text box for searching terms, but have it only search my specified fields. I would have it search 3 fields (to do a search on the full name): First Name, Middle Name, Last Name. They are all in different fields. The only thing I've been able to make it search so far is EVERY TERM in a content type (where it searches every field, not just name). I did that by exposing this filter:
Search: Search Terms
The terms to search for.
The next filter I am trying to do is for the field "Graduation Class." It might be best to do search terms for this too (if I can figure out how to search ONE field, like above), but I was hoping to have a select dropdown that lists every Graduation Class. These classes in this field range from 1905-1972. When you click a year in this box, it filters the current results by that year.
This sounds pretty basic, but I can't seem to get it and would REALLY appreciate some help.
For your reference (if needed), here are the types of filters I can add. (Off topic: I'm actually not so sure what the ":format" ones exactly are). For the "Content:" filters, I'll only show the "Name" ones, because there are 73 others. Many of these filters are from the Feeds module, because that's what I used to import my nodes:
Content: First Name (field_cinfo_fname)
Appears in: node:cadet.
Content: First Name (field_cinfo_fname:format)
Appears in: node:cadet.
Content: Middle Name (field_cinfo_mname)
Appears in: node:cadet.
Content: Middle Name (field_cinfo_mname:format)
Appears in: node:cadet.
Content: Last Name (field_cinfo_lname)
Appears in: node:cadet.
Content: Last Name (field_cinfo_lname:format)
Appears in: node:cadet.
Content access: Access
Filter for content by view access. Not necessary if you are using node as your base table.
Content revision: Log message
The log message entered when the revision was created.
Content revision: Title
The content title.
Content revision: Updated date
The date the node was last updated.
Content revision: Vid
The revision ID of the content revision.
Feeds item: Import date
Filter on a Feeds Item's import date field.
Feeds item: Item GUID
Filter on a Feeds Item's GUID field.
Feeds item: Item URL
Filter on a Feeds Item's URL field.
Feeds item: Owner feed nid
Filter on Feed Items by the Feed they were generated from using the Node Id of the Feed Node.
Feeds log: Feed node id
Filter on a Feeds Source's feed_nid field.
Feeds log: Importer id
Filter on an importer id.
Feeds log: Log time
The time of the event.
Feeds log: Request time
The time of the page request of an event.
Feeds log: Severity
Filter on the severity of a log message.
Feeds source: Feed node id
Filter on a Feeds Source's feed_nid field.
File Usage: Entity type
The type of entity that is related to the file.
File Usage: Module
The module managing this file relationship.
File Usage: Use count
The number of times the file is used by this entity.
Page Title: Title
A Page Title alternative to the Node: Title field.
Search: Links from
Other nodes that are linked from the node.
Search: Links to
Other nodes that link to the node.
Search: Search Terms
The terms to search for.
I might be mid-understanding you but don't you want to use:
Content: First Name (field_cinfo_fname)
Content: Middle Name (field_cinfo_mname)
Content: Last Name (field_cinfo_lname)
as your filters?
I'm guessing your fields are text areas which is why you've got the :format options; 'format' is another column in the longtext field type so will be available (just like 'alt' and 'title' would be available for an image field type).
If I understand the question correctly, you've got three name fields and you want a single text box to search all three fields. The easiest way to do this is to combine those three fields into a single field that is not displayed but can be searched using an exposed filter. One option is to use the Auto Nodetitle module to make the node title a combination of the three names. (I do this a lot with personnel directories so that a given entry displays as Lastname, Firstname). Then you could search on a the node title in your exposed filter.
If using the title is not an option for your project, you could add another field to your content type, eg: full_name, and write a small module to implement hook_node_save that would simply fill in the full_name field with "first middle last" whenever a node is saved. Then remove the full_name field from the display and use it for your exposed filter.
re: graduation year: If you're using a "List (Integer)" field type, that should be no problem. If you're using a plain text field type, that makes things more difficult. If you are using plain text, you may want to redo the field so that you could do cool filters such as "graduated before 1950" type filters or using jQuery sliders to select a range of graduation years.
Hope that helps.
