How to trigger push notifications in Flutter app using FCM without using the Firebase Console? - firebase

I want to create an event management app in which the admin can create new events and the client can book seats for the event.
What I want to achieve is that when the admin creates a new event, a push notification (Even if the app is not open in the background) should be received on the client app.
I have been trying to send notifications through FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging). But that is working only when I click the Publish button on the Firebase Console. How can I code it so that a push notification is fired automatically when the admin creates a new event?

If you use the Firestore or Firebase real-time DB to store events, you can use a Firebase cloud function to send push notifications. Read more about cloud functions here


Receive Notification on new data entry in Flutter

I want to receive notifications in my flutter mobile App when a new Product or item is added. Currently I am receiving data through JSON API response in my APP. How did i receive the Firebase Notifications or updates?  And which parameters does firebase require to generate the notifications.
You can set up Firebase Cloud Functions for listening to changes in your database (if you're using something like Firestore or Realtime Database), and in that listener use Firebase Cloud Messaging to send notifications to devices.

Flutter - How to integrate automatic push notifications

I have already built a chat app to practice flutter and I would really like to integrate push notifications that notify the users when a new message is sent but I don't seem to find any relevant information on the internet about this topic, I am currently using firebase. what can I do in order to achieve this functionality?
Since you are already using firebase, look into Firebase Cloud Messaging. You'll need to
Save each user's device tokens in Cloud Firestore and Realtime Database
When a message is sent/written to the database, trigger a cloud function to send a notification through Cloud Messaging.
you have to use firebase cloud messaging by you have to safe each user token id
that will be notify users for a particular event
check my repository in developer branch where I implement push notification by
using firebase cloud messaging
my repository for push notification

Flutter: How to send push notifications even when the app is closed?

I couldn't deploy Firebase cloud function because it is now available to only Blaze plan user which is paid now.
I want to send an automated notification whenever a new document is added in Firebase's collection.
Is there any alternative approach?

background push notification in ionic3

I have completed an e-commerce app in ionic3. The problem is I want user to be notified when new offers or deals are added in our inventory. This should be a backend process, whether or not the app is open or close.
Note: There is no firebase involved.
If you want to use to get notification in same device then you can try Local notification native plugin for notification and if you want to send notification to other device then you have to use Push or FCM or Onesignal and yes this all required firebase to send push notification to generate device id/key.

Firebase console

I'm still new with Firebase cloud messaging.
Whenever I send a push notification to an app, does it get recorded in this table in the firebase console like in the image below?
That only shows notifications that you compose at the console. It doesn't show messages that you send programmatically with the Admin SDK or HTTP API.
