react toggling class, importing using module - css

i am trying to toggle a class with useState, but i imported the class using module (not globally, xxx.module.css).
is it possible to toggle the class without changing them to global?
import styles from 'xxx.module.css'
function app(){
const [active, setActive] = useState(false);
<div className={active ? "active" : " "}><p>Hy there!</p> </div>
<button onClick={() => setActive(!active)}>toggle me</button>
export default app
with a css
display: flex;
its something like that, but if i use module to import css it won't really work since it require {} (i've already tried changing the class name to {} its not really working).
is there any way to work around this? thanks!

My solution:
import s from './x.module.css'
import {useState} from 'react'
const App = () => {
const [active, setActive] = useState(false)
return (
<div className={active ? : null}>Hi world!</div>
<button onClick={()=> setActive(!active)}>Activate!</button>
.active {
color: black;

I personally use the classnames library for this:
const className = classnames({ []: active });
Alternatively, you can set up the functionality yourself:
const className = active ? : undefined;
and then: <div className={className}>

You must use className as and it must not be between quotation marks.
So your division tag must like that:
<div className={active ? : " "}>
...some JSX...
PS: The code you write here to specifing the problem have full of errors. I don't think in real code you did this terrible mistakes but I want to indicate this stiutaion.


Changing body background image with React

So, I'm trying to create a React App that changes the background image of the body. I did this by giving the body in my index.html an id of "body." I can get this to work with changing the background COLOR just fine. When I try to reassign the background IMAGE, though, I can't seem to get it to work no matter what I try.
This works:
document.getElementById("body").style.backgroundColor = "blue";
This doesn't:
import explosion from "./explosion.png";
function Boom(){
document.getElementById("body").style.backgroundImage = "url('" + {explosion} +
Why? I've tried writing this many different ways.
this worked for me :
import { useEffect } from "react";
import img from './img.png';
export default function App(){
document.getElementById('body').style.backgroundImage = `url('${img}')`;
return <>
<div id="body"
or you can use inline css style :
import img from './img.png';
export default function App(){
return <>
<div id="body"
backgroundImage: `url('${img}')`,
you need to pass the URL of the image as a string, without wrapping it in curly braces {}
You can try this code
import { useEffect } from "react";
export default function App() {
const bgUrl =
/*useEffect Hook allows you to perform side effects in your components. Such as fetching data, directly updating the DOM, and timers*/
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
const Boom = () => {
document.getElementById("body").style.backgroundImage = `url(${bgUrl})`;
return (
<div className="App">
<h1>Hello World!</h1>
here's a link to the working demo Change Background Image

How do you style your React.js components differently depending on where you are using them in your application?

Let's say you have a navbar and when you're using this component on your homepage you want it to have a certain background color and display property, but when you use that same navbar component on another page in your application you want to change these CSS properties. Seeing as the component has one CSS file linked how would you change the style of a component depending on where it is being rendered?
My personal favourite method nowadays is styled components. Your component might look something like this:
// NavBar.js
import styled from 'styled-components'
const StyledDiv = styled.div`
width: 100%;
height: 2rem;
background-color: ${props => props.bgColor};
const NavBar = (bgColor) => {
return <StyledDiv bgColor={bgColor}>
Then to use it in your different contexts you simply pass the color prop:
// homepage.js
<NavBar bgColor="red" />
// otherpage.js
<NavBar bgColor="#123ABC" />
Styled components are becoming a very popular way of doing things, but be aware that there are a huge array of ways you can do this.
(Code not tested)
Well If you just want to use plain CSS then you can change the className based on route so the styles also changes.
import { useLocation } from "react-router-dom";
const Navigation = () => {
let location = useLocation();
<nav className={location.pathname === "/home" ? "homepage-navbar" : "default-navbar"}>
You can write longer condition for multiple pages as well.
Other better thing you can do is pass the location.pathname and value of className as prop.
import { useLocation } from "react-router-dom";
const Home = () => {
let location = useLocation();
return (
<Navigation location={location.pathname} styleClass={"homepage-navbar"}/>
const Navigation = ({location, styleClass}) => {
<nav className={location === "/home" ? styleClass : "default-navbar"}>
So now you can pass different values for className from different components and get different styles for the navbar.

Theme with React and Redux

i am trying to make a theme system on a react project that uses redux with a reducer that manages themes according to the user's local storage. But here my problem is that I used css files to define my styles on all of my components. However, I have all my logic with 2 javascript objects for light or dark mode. So I can't use js in css files unless I use css variables but I don't know how.
Here is my structure :
In my app.js I imported useSelector and useDispatch from react redux to access the global state :
import React from 'react';
import './App.css';
import Footer from './components/Footer';
import Header from './components/Header';
import Presentation from './components/Presentation';
import Projects from './components/Projects';
import Skills from './components/Skills';
import Timeline from './components/Timeline';
import { switchTheme } from './redux/themeActions';
import { useSelector, useDispatch } from 'react-redux';
import { lightTheme, darkTheme } from './redux/Themes';
function App() {
const theme = useSelector(state => state.themeReducer.theme);
const dispatch = useDispatch();
return (
<div className="App">
<Header />
<input type='checkbox' checked={theme.mode === 'light' ? true : false}
() => {
if(theme.mode === 'light') {
} else {
}} />
<div className="top">
<div className="leftPart">
<Presentation />
<Skills />
<Timeline />
<Projects />
<Footer />
export default App;
and in themes.js I have my 2 objects which represent the themes :
export const darkTheme = {
mode: 'dark',
export const lightTheme = {
mode: 'light',
You can make use of data attributes.
I have done the same in one my project like so :-
[data-color-mode="light"] {
--color-focus-ring: #7daee2;
--color-link-hover: #0039bd;
--color-primary-bg: #eef6ff;
--color-primary-text: #212121;
--color-primary-border: #98b2c9;
--color-secondary-bg: #c3d7f0;
--color-secondary-text: #1a1a1a;
[data-color-mode="dark"] {
--color-focus-ring: #5355d4;
--color-link-hover: #4183c4;
--color-primary-bg: #080808;
--color-primary-text: #f1f1f1;
--color-primary-border: #525252;
--color-secondary-bg: #191919;
--color-secondary-text: #d8d5d5;
You can add the attribute to your top-level element (assuming div) like so:-
<div className="appContainer" data-color-mode="light" ref={appRef}> ></div>
Now use that appRef to change the data-color-mode attribute as well update the localstorage in one function. Updating the data-color-mode allows you to toggle between css variable colors easily. In my code, I have done this the following way:-
const toggleColorMode = () => {
const nextMode = mode === "light" ? "dark" : "light";
// container is appRef.current only
container?.setAttribute("data-color-mode", nextMode);
I am not using redux for this. Simply React Context API is being used by me but it's doable in your scenario as well.
You can take more reference from the repo -
Note - I think there are other routes where people go with CSS-IN-JS but I haven't explored them yet. This solution is one of the pure css ways.
Fun fact - Github has implemented their newest dark mode in a similar way and that's where I got the idea as well. You can inspect their page to see the same attribute name :D.

Button with image using React Typescript

I am using React Typescript.
How do I add image to my button?
I tried doing it and there are no errors, but I am getting a blank button.
How do I style my button element using Emotion CSS here?
import React from "react";
function PostButton(props){
let style = {
src: "../images/abc.png"
<button style={style} onClick={() => props.handleClick()}>{props.label}</button>
return (
<div style={style}>
<PostButton src={"../images/abc.png"} handleClick = {props.incrementScore}/>
src would be background:url(../images/abc.png)
Perhaps you're confusing the src prop that an img HTML element would have?
Perhaps you should include a nested img component inside your button.
Working example:
Damian's answer is technically correct however if you're using webpack you'll need to import the image like this:
import abc from "../images/abc.png";
And use it like this:
function PostButton(props){
let style = {
background: `url(${abc})`,
<button style={style} onClick={() => props.handleClick()}>{props.label}</button>

using className in react

So what's the best pratice for using className in react. In specific multiple class names. I'm reading through the documentation and I don't really get a clear answer. I've seen things like:
const divStyle = {
color: 'blue',
backgroundImage: 'url(' + imgUrl + ')',
function HelloWorldComponent() {
return <div style={divStyle}>Hello World!</div>;
but is there a way for me to do something like this?
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import './css/landing.css';
import './css/w3.css';
class Home extends React.Component {
const homeClasses = 'bgimg-1 w3-display-container w3-opacity-min';
render() {
return (
<div className={homeClasses}>
<Home />,
or even just list then out in the class name section?
It depends what your component should/will do.
If your component is fairly static you will want to use a built in style like your first example:
const mystyle = {
width: '100%',
<div style={mystyle}>...</div>
However, there are better ways that allow your component to be more dynamic for re-use, for instance using a class method to generate the style from props passed to it, like in this render function:
render() {
// User's preference or Default Style:
const defaultStyle = {
width: || '100%',
height: || '100%',
//if this.props.className doesn't exist use mycssclass
const defaultClassName = this.props.className || 'mycssclass'
return (
<div className={defaultClassName} style={defaultStyle}>...</div> )
Following this logic you can use the ternary operator to change the css class name based on props. A common solution is use an isActive state property and use it to determine which class should be used.
render() {
const activeClassName = this.props.className + ' mycomponent-active'
return (
<div className={this.props.isActive ? activeClassName : this.props.className} style={ }
Another common, but complex way to set your component's style is to use a function that will return a given style object, and use it like the first example.
Ultimately, you should decided whether you would like your component to be styled by the designer/user or should look the same no matter where it is used... if it is styled by the designer, just expose the CSS class name from props to the component or define a default:
<div className={this.props.className || 'someclassName'}>...</div>
otherwise, use an example above.
Yes, you can do this! Take a look at the snippet below:
class Example extends React.Component {
cssClasses = 'demo demo2';
render() {
return (
<div className = { this.cssClasses }>
Hello World
ReactDOM.render( <Example/> , document.getElementById('app'));
.demo {
color: blue
.demo2 {
font-size: 20px;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id='app'></div>
Your error was the definition of the homeClasses. You can't declare it like
const homeClasses = '...';
Because, on the way that you did, homeClasses is a property of your component. You should not use const. Just:
homeClasses = '...';
And you forgot to use the this reference, because the homeClasses is an attribute of your component.
<div className={this.homeClasses}>
Exists and one away for this problem. You can use and read this data from file (example data.json) where can use this data like props of that.
