Robot Framework and Testrail integration - robotframework

Can anyone help me with the Integration of Robot framework and Testrail. If there is any Youtube or any other tutorials please share.

You might want to try the commercial solution - Agiletestware Pangolin, it can parse Robot xUnit report and upload it into TestRail.
Please have a look at our documentation:
Disclaimer: I'm developing Pangolin


frobot framework - Usage outside testing

I recently learned how to use robot framework - a testing framework for software / web app testing. It has very simple strong expressive syntax.
I wonder if there is possibility of any other usage of robot framework than testing - I could imagine to create some kind of scraping bot, or checking bot. But so far it looks to me, like it is created strictly for testing (basically whole logic you write in testcases).
So my question:
Can robot framework be used outside testing? If yes, can you provide any resources / examples?
Feel free to share any personal experience with this.
Yes, robot can be used outside of testing. Robot Framework version 3.1 added preliminary support for RPA (robotic process automation). Instead of tests, you can create tasks.
See Creating tasks in the robot framework user guide for a bit more information.

Action Script Project : Tutorials for Action Script Project using flex sdk

I need to work on Action Script project. I need to generate a swiff file by creating an action script project using flex sdk . I dont know how to start this thing. I have installed flex 4.5.1 and I know how to create flex project. Can u please suggest me some tutorials for working with action script project using flex sdk.
well, there are lots of free tutorials in the internet, for example on youtube. you wouldn't be able to really learn actionscript but you will understand basics, so learning will be much easier. here, take a look. also, i can strongly recommend lynda's training courses -- yes, you have to pay for them, but they've got free trial membership. also, take a look at google, you know... you don't expect someone actually to teach you personally, don't you?...

Springsource Tool Suite and creating an Application from scratch

I have looked around for a beginners tutorial to start creating a Spring app using the STS IDE. There seems to be nothing around, its either hand build it or the tutorial doesn't work and is many versions off the current IDE. I am very new to Spring and need to get going on this. Any links you can throw my way I would appreciate it.
STS provides Template Projects. Open File -> New -> Spring Template Project.
Now you can choose the type of application you want to create. If you want to create a web application choose Spring MVC Project. This will create a complete project with a controller, a view, maven integration and everything else you need. You can immediately run this application in tc Server.
I think the green beans series from springsource is a good start:
Integrated in the IDE is also a task focused tutorial to learn basic steps inside the ide ( help->task focused tutorials...
I may be late, but I think this tutorial might be helpful (for those who are looking for sts tutorial like me):
and this one is good:

Writing integration tests for a Flex app using SqLite

I want to write integration tests for a Flex application using pureMVC architecture.The back-end is sqlite.Anyone has experience doing this? Any suggestions?
Well i have been using Cairngorm Framework as my MVC, at first looking at the structure makes me puke. but in the later part of coding, i realize that these MVC is really handy and well organize. hope it helps.. heres a link to its wiki

Project doing in mvc pattern using cairngorm framework

hii ..
I wish to do my project in mvc pattern. so I chose cairngorm framework and just read some of the document about this framework.But I cant understand deeply to do project using this framework. Have any methods or examples to study doing project in cairngorm framework??
If u can pleas help me.
You might want to check out the Cairngorm Diagram Explorer. It is an interactive app that carries you though the Cairngorm process. The example in this case being a contact list. Click on any object in the diagram to see the as code equivalent.
