Accessing VirtualBOX Machine's server from host OS - networking

My host machine is a Windows 10 OS.
My Virtual Box guest machine is a Ubuntu OS.
I launch a server and a gateway in my virtual machine in the following addresses:
I dont have any problem to access them from the guest machine. However, I would like to have access to those addresses from my windows host. How can I get it?

In order to access services hosted on your virtual machine from your host you need to configure your virtualbox network settings for that machine to bridged network, which will allow it to have an IP inside your LAN. You can find more information on virtualbox network types here.
Another option would be port forwarding with a NAT network configuration, where your host port would be a port over 1024 and the guest port would be your virtual machine ports (8089 and 18443).


How do I access web-server on my local VM from a different host machine on different network?

I want to access a web-server running on my local Vagrant VM on say network A from a different host machine's browser connected to network B. I have used following in my vagrant file and forwarding ports accordingly : "private_network", ip: ""
It's working fine if I try to access the server from my local machine's browser but not from a machine connected to a different network.
You can open and forward your 80 port from local machine to vm or other port like 8080.
You can put the VM in the same network with your machine via DHCP or give it a static IP
Create a VPN with all the machines from where you wannt to access you VM

How to isolate and secure Windows Server HyperV VM running on my local PC?

I want to isolate the hyperv vm machine network from my local machine. I do not want hyper vm machine to see what other machines are in the same network when I do IP scanning from VM.
After creating the VM, you connect it to a virtual switch. That virtual switch is assigned to a NIC. That NIC connects to the internet and not your local LAN.
You can connect it to the internet via a dedicated connection or any number of other mechanisms. You're simply creating a second, independent network.
If you want the VM to use your LAN and a common internet connection, you'll have to resort to using a firewall.

openstack: unable to ping and ssh from host network to guest network

i have centos 7 linux machine. I have openstack installed on it. In openstack i have installed cirros os image. I am unable to ping and ssh from centos to cirros os image.
To access the guest machine from the host machine:
Option-1: You need to use the provider network or external network for creating the guest machine.
Option-2: If you use internal network for the guest machine which is internal to particular openstack tenant/project then you have to create a floating IP pool and attach one floating IP to that guest instance
Using one of the above options you can access the guest machine from host machine

Connect to VM running on the same computer without LAN

I have a windows 2003 VM running on my windows xp machine.
The machine name of the VM is
The windows xp host machine is disconnected from the LAN.
I want to be able to connect to the VM from the host and vice versa using there computer names. For example the URL http://itlab.domain:7080/domainsm must be accessible from the host computer.
Is there any configuration that I can do on any of the machine to do this.
Just because you have no physical network connection doesn't stop you setting up networking on the host and guest machines. One way of doing this is to add an IP address to the host machine's physical network port and create a bridged network on that port so that the guest can also see it.
You don't say which VM technology you are using, but in many of them you can setup an internal network between the host and guest. All you need to do then is edit each hosts file to add a hostname for the IP address of the other machine. You may also need to configure firewalls to allow access between the two.
No doubt there are also other ways to achieve this.

How to forward ip/port [Windows]

I have a guest machine (linux), installed in a virtualBox.
I can access to the guest machine from my host machine (a windows machine), but i can't access to the guest machine from outside.
my guest machine contain a web server (port 8080).
I think I must forward ip/port in my host machine like this:
ip_host/8080 to ip_guest/8080
I want to use just command line in windows or something like IPTables (no use of a software).
Thanks for any suggestion/Ideas
Virtual machine network settings
The easiest way to do what you want is to configure the network interface on your virtual machine to use the bridged network option. There's probably a checkbox for this where you configure the virtual machine in VirtualBox. This will allow connections to and from your virtual machine and the virtual machine will be on the same network as your host machine.
Using netsh
If for some reason you can't do the first then you can use netsh to forward a port from the external interface on your host machine to the interface of your virtual machine. For example see: You need to enter something like 'netsh routing ip nat ....' on the cmdline to enter that context and fiddle with the portmapping setting to get what you want. I doubt it would work on XP
Using a proxy server
If the top 2 don't work try running FreeProxy and setting up a tunnel from your external interface to the interface on the virtual machine. The virtual machine must not be behind a NAT, so again check the network config settings of the virtual machine and make sure it's bridged or host only.
