httputil DumpRequest Host header excluded? - http

I am writing a http proxy which needs to call DumpRequest. For some reason, the client does not offer "Host" header while the server needs it. I then do this:
if req.Header.Get("host") == "" {
req.Header.Set("Host", "")
data, _ := httputil.DumpRequest(req, true)
The problem is after I set "host", data still does not has it. I digged into source code of DumpRequest, found this:
var reqWriteExcludeHeaderDump = map[string]bool{
"Host": true, // not in Header map anyway
"Transfer-Encoding": true,
"Trailer": true,
Why is Host "not in Header map anyway"?

Short answer
I guess you should use Header.Add() instead of Header.Set()
I didn't try it. So if my answer is wrong, be free to figure it out.
From source code , It said that.
It replaces any existing values associated with key
But in you case, you don't have that K existing. So it behaves as we expected.
If you use Set() method, it's cool.

DumpRequest should not be used to implement a proxy - see doc:
It should only be used by servers to debug client requests. The returned
representation is an approximation only ...

If you are trying to change the origin host value of the request while it goes through your proxy, you do not need to change the header of host. You can do the following:
if req.Host == "" {
req.Host = ""
data, _ := httputil.DumpRequest(req, true)


'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' missing using actix-web

Stuck on this problem where I received this error everytime making POST request to my actix-web server.
CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' missing
my javascript (VueJs running on localhost:3000) :
let data = //some json data
let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", "http://localhost:8080/abc");
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
xhr.onload = () => {
My Actix_Web server (running on localhost:8080) :
async fn main() {
HttpServer::new(move || {
let cors = Cors::default()
.allowed_methods(vec!["GET", "POST"])
.bind(("", 8080))
my cargo.toml dependencies
actix-web = "4"
actix-cors = "0.6.1"
Got any idea?
Okay, so I've done some testing. If you're writing a public API, you probably want to allow all origins. For that you may use the following code:
HttpServer::new(|| {
let cors = Cors::default().allow_any_origin().send_wildcard();
If you're not writing a public API... well, I'm not sure what they want you to do. I've not figured out how to tell the library to send that header. I guess I will look at the code.
So funny story, this is how you allow specific origins:
let cors = Cors::default()
BUT, and oh boy, is that but juicy. The Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header is only set when there is a Origin request header. That header is normally added by the browser in certain cases 1. So I did that (using the Developer tools in the browser). What did I get? "Origin is not allowed to make this request". I set my origin header to localhost:3000. Turns out, the arctix library simply discards that header if no protocol was provided... (e.g. http://) (I assume it discards it, if it deems its format invalid). That internally results in the header being the string "null". Which is, checks notes, not in the list of allowed origins.
And now the grand finale:
Your origin header needs to be set to (by either you or the browser): "http://localhost:3000".
Your configuration needs to include: .allowed_origin("http://localhost:3000").
After doing that, the server will happily echo back your origin header in the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header. And it will only send that one.
I've no idea if any of that is what the standard specifies (or not). I encourage you to read through it, and if it doesn't comply, please open an issue on GitHub. I would do it myself, but I'm done with programming for today.

is it possible to change response on proxy level using varnish?

For example we have setup like this:
user -> api gateway -> (specific endpoint) varnish -> backend service
If backend returns response 500 {"message":"error"} I want to patch this response and return 200 "[]" instead.
Is it possible to do something like this using varnish or some other proxy?
It is definitely possible to intercept backend errors, and convert them into regular responses.
A very simplistic example is the following:
sub vcl_backend_error {
set beresp.http.Content-Type = "application/json";
set beresp.status = 200;
set beresp.body = "[]";
sub vcl_backend_response {
if(beresp.status == 500) {
Whenever your backend would fail, and return an HTTP/503 error, we will send a HTTP/200 response with [] output.
This output template for backend errors is also triggered when the backend does reply, but with a HTTP/500 error.
In real world scenarios, I would a some conditional logic in vcl_backend_error to only return the JSON output template when specific criteria are matched. For example: a certain URL pattern was matched.
I would advise the same in vcl_backend_response: maybe you don't want to convert all HTTP/500 errors into regular HTTP/200 responses. Maybe you also want to add conditional logic.

Python Request Session JIRA REST post http 405

Using python requests session I can connect to JIRA and retrieve issue information ...
session = requests.Session()
headers = {"Authorization": "Basic %s" % bas64_val}, headers=headers)
jira = session.get(jira_srch_issue_url + select_fields)
# select_fields = the fields I want from the issue
Now I'm trying to post a payload via the JIRA API, using a fixed issue url e.g. ""
Which should be a case of the following, given:
payload = { "update": {
"fixVersions": [ {"set": "release-2.139.0"} ]
posted =, data=payload)
# returns <Response [405]>
# jira_task_url =
But this doesn't appear to work! Looking into the http 405 response, suggests that my payload is not properly formatted! Which notably, is the not easiest thing to diagnose.
What am I doing wrong here? Any help on this would be much appreciated.
Please note, I am not looking to use the python jira module, I am using requests.session to manage several sessions for different systems i.e. JIRA, TeamCity, etc..
Found the solution! I had two problems:
1) The actual syntax structure should have been:
fix_version = { "update": { "fixVersions": [ {"set" : [{ "name" : "release-2.139.0" }]}]
2) To ensure the payload is actually presented as JSON, use json.dumps() which takes an object and produces a string (see here) AND set 'content-type' to 'application/json':
payload = json.dumps(fix_version)
app_json = { 'content-type': 'application/json' }
session.put(https://.../rest/api/latest/issue/KEY-9876, headers=app_json, data=payload)
Rather than trying to define the JSON manually!

Need some examples of dispatch-nio to make several Http requests

I m using dispatch-nio library to make several Http request calls. But I cannot find an example how to handle callback responses through nio library.
And also I am unable to handle exceptions thrown by nio.Http call. Could anyone please post an example or an url where we can find some information of it.
So far I achieved:
val http = new nio.Http
withShutdown(http) {
val host = :/("") /"api"
val withParams = host <<? Map(
"page" -> "1"
val future = http(withParams as_str)
while (!future.isSet) {
println("Waiting for results...")
How to set headers and onComplete? any example please
Thanks in advance.

setting request headers in selenium

I'm attempting to set the request header 'Referer' to spoof a request coming from another site. We need the ability test that a specific referrer is used, which returns a specific form to the user, otherwise an alternative form is given.
I can do this within poltergeist by:
page.driver.headers = {"Referer" => referer_string}
but I can't find the equivalent functionality for the selemium driver.
How can I set request headers in the capybara selenium driver?
Webdriver doesn't contain an API to do it. See issue 141 from Selenium tracker for more info. The title of the issue says that it's about response headers but it was decided that Selenium won't contain API for request headers in scope of this issue. Several issues about adding API to set request headers have been marked as duplicates: first, second, third.
Here are a couple of possibilities that I can propose:
Use another driver/library instead of selenium
Write a browser-specific plugin (or find an existing one) that allows you to add header for request.
Use browsermob-proxy or some other proxy.
I'd go with option 3 in most of cases. It's not hard.
Note that Ghostdriver has an API for it but it's not supported by other drivers.
For those people using Python, you may consider using Selenium Wire which can set request headers as well as provide you with the ability to inspect requests and responses.
from seleniumwire import webdriver # Import from seleniumwire
# Create a new instance of the Chrome driver (or Firefox)
driver = webdriver.Chrome()
# Create a request interceptor
def interceptor(request):
del request.headers['Referer'] # Delete the header first
request.headers['Referer'] = 'some_referer'
# Set the interceptor on the driver
driver.request_interceptor = interceptor
# All requests will now use 'some_referer' for the referer
Install with:
pip install selenium-wire
I had the same issue. I solved it downloading modify-headers firefox add-on and activate it with selenium.
The code in python is the following
fp = webdriver.FirefoxProfile()
path_modify_header = 'C:/xxxxxxx/modify_headers-'
fp.set_preference("modifyheaders.headers.count", 1)
fp.set_preference("modifyheaders.headers.action0", "Add")
fp.set_preference("modifyheaders.headers.name0", "Name_of_header") # Set here the name of the header
fp.set_preference("modifyheaders.headers.value0", "value_of_header") # Set here the value of the header
fp.set_preference("modifyheaders.headers.enabled0", True)
fp.set_preference("", True)
fp.set_preference("modifyheaders.config.alwaysOn", True)
driver = webdriver.Firefox(firefox_profile=fp)
Had the same issue today, except that I needed to set different referer per test. I ended up using a middleware and a class to pass headers to it. Thought I'd share (or maybe there's a cleaner solution?):
class CustomHeadersHelper
cattr_accessor :headers
class RequestHeaders
def initialize(app, helper = nil)
#app, #helper = app, helper
def call(env)
if #helper
headers = #helper.headers
if headers.is_a?(Hash)
headers.each do |k,v|
env["HTTP_#{k.upcase.gsub("-", "_")}"] = v
require 'request_headers'
if %w(test cucumber).include?(Rails.env)
Rails.application.config.middleware.insert_before Rack::Lock, "RequestHeaders", CustomHeadersHelper
require 'request_headers'
module CapybaraHeaderHelpers
shared_context "navigating within the site" do
before(:each) { add_headers("Referer" => Capybara.app_host + "/") }
def add_headers(custom_headers)
if Capybara.current_driver == :rack_test
custom_headers.each do |name, value|
page.driver.browser.header(name, value)
CustomHeadersHelper.headers = custom_headers
config.include CapybaraHeaderHelpers
Then I can include the shared context wherever I need, or pass different headers in another before block. I haven't tested it with anything other than Selenium and RackTest, but it should be transparent, as header injection is done before the request actually hits the application.
I wanted something a bit slimmer for RSpec/Ruby so that the custom code only had to live in one place. Here's my solution:
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.after(:suite) do
$custom_headers = nil
module RequestWithExtraHeaders
def headers
$custom_headers.each do |key, value|
self.set_header "HTTP_#{key}", value
end if $custom_headers
class ActionDispatch::Request
prepend RequestWithExtraHeaders
Then in my specs:
$custom_headers = {"Referer" => referer_string}
If you are using javacsript and only want to implement on chrome, Puppeteer is the best option as it has native support to modify headers.
Check this out:
Although for cross-browser usage you might check out #requestly/selenium npm package. It is a wrapper around requestly extension to enable easy integration in selenium-webdriver.The extension can modify headers.
Check out:
Setting request headers in the web driver directly does not work. This is true.
However, you can work around this problem by using the browser devtools (I tested with edge & chrome) and this works perfectly.
According to the documentation, you have the possibility to add custom headers:
Please find below an example.
public async Task AuthenticatedRequest()
await LogMessage("=== starting the test ===");
EdgeOptions options = new EdgeOptions {UseChromium = true};
var driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new Uri(_testsSettings.GridUrl), options.ToCapabilities(), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(3));
//Get DevTools
IDevTools devTools = driver;
//DevTools Session
var session = devTools.GetDevToolsSession();
var devToolsSession = session.GetVersionSpecificDomains<DevToolsSessionDomains>();
await devToolsSession.Network.Enable(new Network.EnableCommandSettings());
var extraHeader = new Network.Headers();
var data = await Base64KerberosTicket();
var headerValue = $"Negotiate {data}";
await LogMessage($"header values is {headerValue}");
extraHeader.Add("Authorization", headerValue);
await devToolsSession.Network.SetExtraHTTPHeaders(new Network.SetExtraHTTPHeadersCommandSettings
Headers = extraHeader
driver.Url = _testsSettings.TestUrl;
await LogMessage("=== ending the test ===");
This is an example written in C# but the same shall probably work with java, python as well as the major platforms.
Hope it helps the community.
If you use the HtmlUnitDriver, you can set request headers by modifying the WebClient, like so:
final case class Header(name: String, value: String)
final class HtmlUnitDriverWithHeaders(headers: Seq[Header]) extends HtmlUnitDriver {
super.modifyWebClient {
val client = super.getWebClient
headers.foreach(h => client.addRequestHeader(, h.value))
The headers will then be on all requests made by the web browser.
With the solutions already discussed above the most reliable one is using Browsermob-Proxy
But while working with the remote grid machine, Browsermob-proxy isn't really helpful.
This is how I fixed the problem in my case. Hopefully, might be helpful for anyone with a similar setup.
Add the ModHeader extension to the chrome browser
How to download the Modheader? Link
ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();
options.addExtensions(new File(C://Downloads//modheader//modheader.crx));
// Set the Desired capabilities
DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
capabilities.setCapability(ChromeOptions.CAPABILITY, options);
// Instantiate the chrome driver with capabilities
WebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL(YOUR_HUB_URL), options);
Go to the browser extensions and capture the Local Storage context ID of the ModHeader
Navigate to the URL of the ModHeader to set the Local Storage Context
// set the context on the extension so the localStorage can be accessed
Where `idgpnmonknjnojddfkpgkljpfnnfcklj` is the value captured from the Step# 2
Now add the headers to the request using Javascript
"localStorage.setItem('profiles', JSON.stringify([{ title: 'Selenium', hideComment: true, appendMode: '',
headers: [
{enabled: true, name: 'token-1', value: 'value-1', comment: ''},
{enabled: true, name: 'token-2', value: 'value-2', comment: ''}
respHeaders: [],
filters: []
Where token-1, value-1, token-2, value-2 are the request headers and values that are to be added.
Now navigate to the required web-application.
You can do it with PhantomJSDriver.
PhantomJSDriver pd = ((PhantomJSDriver) ((WebDriverFacade) getDriver()).getProxiedDriver());
"this.onResourceRequested = function(request, net) {" +
" net.setHeader('header-name', 'header-value')" +
Using the request object, you can filter also so the header won't be set for every request.
If you just need to set the User-Agent header, there is an option for Chrome:
chrome_options = Options()
chrome_options.add_argument('user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36"')
Now the browser sends User-Agent.
