what is the best way to convert string to list in python - python-3.6

what is the best way to convert string to list in python

Generally speaking,
someString = "Stack Overflow"
someList = list(someString.split(" "))
print(someList) # This shows ['Stack', 'Overflow']
A better way to handle spaces,
someString = " Stack Overflow "
someList = list(" ".join(someString.split()).split(" "))
print(someList) # This shows ['Stack', 'Overflow'] instead of ['', 'Stack', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Overflow']


Formatting Mac Address in MS Access

New to MS Access. Had a question regarding formatting of a MAC Address in one of my Access forms. There is a field I have set up using an input mask aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa;;a where users can manually enter a 48 bit hexidecimal address. e.x 11:44:5E:33:53:AF.
However sometimes there are missing values that occur in this data entry e.x 0:A:B:11:22:C (happens from time to time) but I would like be able to automatically fill the missing values with leading zeros to be like 00:0A:0B:11:22:0C.
I realize that this may not be possible through just MS Access Input masks, but all of the VBA codes and after updates code building I have been looking at so far have not lead me to the desired format.
Thanks for your time and appreciate any help in this!
I tried Format(fieldname, "00000000") code, but it just fills from the left-hand side instead of between the colons. e.x 00:00:0A:B1:12:2C instead of the desired 00:0A:0B:11:22:0C.
My function FormatMacAddress is for you:
' Formats a MAC address using one of the four de facto formats used widely.
' Thus, the format can and will be defined by the specified delimiter to use.
' The default is no delimiter and uppercase.
' Optionally, the case of the returned string can be specified as lowercase.
' Examples:
' None -> "1234567890AB"
' Dot -> "1234.5678.90AB"
' Dash -> "12-34-56-78-90-AB"
' Colon -> "12:34:56:78:90:AB"
' Lowercase -> "1234567890ab"
' 2019-09-23, Cactus Data ApS, Gustav Brock
Public Function FormatMacAddress( _
ByRef Octets() As Byte, _
Optional Delimiter As IpMacAddressDelimiter, _
Optional TextCase As VbStrConv = VbStrConv.vbProperCase) _
As String
Dim LastFrame As Integer
Dim ThisFrame As Integer
Dim FrameLength As Integer
Dim Index As Integer
Dim Symbol As String
Dim MacAddress As String
' Only accept an array with six octets.
If LBound(Octets) = 0 And UBound(Octets) = OctetCount - 1 Then
' Calculate the frame length.
FrameLength = DigitCount / DelimiterFrameCount(Delimiter)
' Format the octets using the specified delimiter.
For Index = LBound(Octets) To UBound(Octets)
ThisFrame = (Index * OctetLength) \ FrameLength
Symbol = ""
If LastFrame < ThisFrame Then
Symbol = DelimiterSymbol(Delimiter)
LastFrame = ThisFrame
End If
MacAddress = MacAddress & Symbol & Right("0" & Hex(Octets(Index)), OctetLength)
End If
If MacAddress <> "" Then
Select Case TextCase
Case VbStrConv.vbLowerCase
MacAddress = StrConv(MacAddress, TextCase)
Case Else
' Leave MacAddress in uppercase.
End Select
End If
FormatMacAddress = MacAddress
End Function
As it requires a Byte() input, you may need the function MacAddressParse as well:
' Parses a string formatted MAC address and returns it as a Byte array.
' Parsing is not case sensitive.
' Will by default only accept the four de facto standard formats used widely.
' Examples:
' "1234567890AB" -> 1234567890AB
' "1234.5678.90AB" -> 1234567890AB
' "12-34-56-78-90-AB" -> 1234567890AB
' "12:34:56:78:90:AB" -> 1234567890AB
' If argument Exact is False, a wider variation of formats will be accepted:
' "12-34:56-78:90-AB" -> 1234567890AB
' "12 34 56-78 90 AB" -> 1234567890AB
' "56 78 90 AB" -> 0000567890AB
' "1234567890ABDE34A0" -> 1234567890AB
' For unparsable values, the neutral MAC address is returned:
' "1K34567890ABDEA0" -> 000000000000
' 2019-09-23, Cactus Data ApS, Gustav Brock
Public Function MacAddressParse( _
ByVal MacAddress As String, _
Optional Exact As Boolean = True) _
As Byte()
Dim Octets() As Byte
Dim Index As Integer
Dim Expression As String
Dim Match As Boolean
' Delimiters.
Dim Colon As String
Dim Dash As String
Dim Dot As String
Dim Star As String
' Create neutral MAC address.
ReDim Octets(0 To OctetCount - 1)
' Retrieve delimiter symbols.
Colon = DelimiterSymbol(ipMacColon)
Dash = DelimiterSymbol(ipMacDash)
Dot = DelimiterSymbol(ipMacDot)
Star = DelimiterSymbol(ipMacStar)
If Exact = True Then
' Verify exact pattern of the passed MAC address.
Select Case Len(MacAddress)
Case TotalLength1
' One frame of six octets (no delimiter).
Expression = Replace(Space(DigitCount), Space(1), HexPattern)
Match = MacAddress Like Expression
If Match = True Then
' MAC address formatted as: 0123456789AB.
End If
Case TotalLength3
' Three frames of two octets.
Expression = Replace(Replace(Replace(Space(DigitCount / FrameLength3), Space(1), Replace(Replace(Space(FrameLength3), Space(1), HexPattern), "][", "]" & Star & "[")), "][", "]" & Dot & "["), Star, "")
Match = MacAddress Like Expression
If Match = True Then
' MAC address formatted as: 0123.4567.89AB.
MacAddress = Replace(MacAddress, Dot, "")
End If
Case TotalLength6
' Six frames of one octets.
Expression = Replace(Replace(Replace(Space(DigitCount / FrameLength6), Space(1), Replace(Replace(Space(FrameLength6), Space(1), HexPattern), "][", "]" & Star & "[")), "][", "]" & Colon & "["), Star, "")
Match = MacAddress Like Expression
If Match = True Then
' MAC address formatted as: 01:23:45:67:89:AB.
MacAddress = Replace(MacAddress, Colon, "")
Expression = Replace(Expression, Colon, Dash)
Match = MacAddress Like Expression
If Match = True Then
' MAC address formatted as: 01-23-45-67-89-AB.
MacAddress = Replace(MacAddress, Dash, "")
End If
End If
End Select
' Non-standard format.
' Clean MacAddress and try to extract six octets.
MacAddress = Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(MacAddress, Colon, ""), Dash, ""), Dot, ""), Space(1), "")
Select Case Len(MacAddress)
Case Is > DigitCount
' Pick leading characters.
MacAddress = Left(MacAddress, DigitCount)
Case Is < DigitCount
' Fill with leading zeros.
MacAddress = Right(String(DigitCount, "0") & MacAddress, DigitCount)
End Select
' One frame of six possible octets.
Expression = Replace(Space(DigitCount), Space(1), HexPattern)
Match = MacAddress Like Expression
If Match = True Then
' MAC address formatted as: 0123456789AB.
End If
End If
If Match = True Then
' Fill array Octets.
For Index = LBound(Octets) To UBound(Octets)
Octets(Index) = Val("&H" & Mid(MacAddress, 1 + Index * OctetLength, OctetLength))
End If
MacAddressParse = Octets
End Function
Full code at GitHub: VBA.MacAddress.

How can I pass a line break through an API Patch or Post call in R to Microsoft Dataverse?

I am trying to populate a table in Microsoft Dataverse using an API Patch call through R. The field in Dataverse is a multiline text field with a limit of 4,000 characters, but using a Patch call I can't seem to get text to break across lines. I have other entries in the table that break across lines where they had been brought in by using Access as the front end, which I'm trying to not have to use.
### This is where I create the multiline text
MPC.Comments$Comment = paste(paste("Meeting Date: ", month(Sys.Date()), "/", year(Sys.Date()), sep = ""),
paste("Plan Cost: $", round(MPC.Comments$plantot, 0), sep = ""),
paste("%PC Remain: ", round((round(MPC.Comments$plantot, 0) - round(MPC.Comments$acttot, 0) - round(MPC.Comments$comsub, 0))/round(MPC.Comments$plantot, 0)*100,1), "%", sep = ""),
paste("Date Next PM Gate: ", MPC.Comments$eventdate, sep = ""),
paste("Est. Monthly Spend: $", MPC.Comments$esttot, sep = ""),
paste("Status Update: ", MPC.Comments$MPCStatus, sep = ""),
paste("Action Items: ", MPC.Comments$MPCAction, sep = ""),
sep = " <\\r\\n>")
### This is where I try to push it to the database
if (nrow(MPC.Comments) > 0) {
for (i in 1:nrow(MPC.Comments)) {
### Set POST parameters
MPC.Comments.Temp = list(
crfd0_projno = MPC.Comments$ProjNo[i],
crfd0_fyp = MPC.Comments$FYP[i],
crfd0_comment = MPC.Comments$Comment[i],
statuscode = 1)
add_headers(Authorization = paste("Bearer", API.AuthKey, sep = " ")),
body = MPC.Comments.Temp,
encode = "json",
No matter what special character I put in as my separator, it either comes through as nothing (if not escaped like \n) or as the physical string (if escaped like \\n). I have tried \n, \r\n, , <br>, and \u000a. Clearly there is a piece missing here that the data needs to be sent as something other than a string with a carriage return character. Does anyone know how to do this?

{xml_nodeset (0)} issue when webscraping table

I'm trying to scrape the first table from this url:
using the following code:
url <- "https://www.whoscored.com/Matches/318578/LiveStatistics/England-Premier-League-2009-2010-Blackburn-Arsenal"
data <- url %>%
read_html() %>%
which gives data a value of {xml_nodeset (0)}
url <- "https://www.whoscored.com/Matches/318578/LiveStatistics/England-Premier-League-2009-2010-Blackburn-Arsenal"
data <- url %>%
read_html() %>%
gives the same problem.
Apparently this might be a javascript issue - is there a fast way to extract the relevant data? Inspecting the table entries seems to show that the data is not imported from elsewhere but is coded into the page, so it seems I should be able to extract it from the source code (sorry, I am completely ignorant of how HTML and JS work so my question might not make sense).
The page dynamically updates content via javascript running on page when using browser. This doesn't happen with rvest. You can however observe in dev tools network tab the xhr call which returns this content as json
headers = c('user-agent' = 'Mozilla/5.0',
'accept' = 'application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01',
'referer' = 'https://www.whoscored.com/Matches/318578/LiveStatistics/England-Premier-League-2009-2010-Blackburn-Arsenal',
'authority' = 'www.whoscored.com',
'x-requested-with' = 'XMLHttpRequest')
params = list(
'category' = 'summary',
'subcategory' = 'all',
'statsAccumulationType' = '0',
'isCurrent' = 'true',
'playerId' = '',
'teamIds' = '158',
'matchId' = '318578',
'stageId' = '',
'tournamentOptions' = '',
'sortBy' = '',
'sortAscending' = '',
'age' = '',
'ageComparisonType' = '',
'appearances' = '',
'appearancesComparisonType' = '',
'field' = '',
'nationality' = '',
'positionOptions' = '',
'timeOfTheGameEnd' = '',
'timeOfTheGameStart' = '',
'isMinApp' = '',
'page' = '',
'includeZeroValues' = '',
'numberOfPlayersToPick' = ''
r <- httr::GET(url = 'https://www.whoscored.com/StatisticsFeed/1/GetMatchCentrePlayerStatistics', httr::add_headers(.headers=headers), query = params)
data <- jsonlite::fromJSON(content(r,as="text") )
Small sample of contents of data$playerTableStats via View(data$playerTableStats). You would parse as required for info you want in format you want.

Commas in Julia 1.0 Numbers of Any Kind

I would like a function in Julia code, num2str, that would add commas or a specified delimiter, in the appropriate places on the left side of the decimal point for any kind of valid Julia number, including BigInt and BigFloat. It would return a string for printing.
For example:
flt1 = 122234.141567
println("flt1 num2str($flt1) = ", num2str(flt1))
# Expected output is:
flt1 num2str(122234.141567) = 122,234.141567
I want to use this function with the print and println built-in functions.
This question was partially answered here, i.e, for integers. The following function should answer the need for floats and "big" numbers.
For any valid number, add appropriate delimiters.
See "Regular Expressions Cookbook," by Goyvaerts and Levithan, O'Reilly, 2nd Ed,
p. 402, for Regex that inserts commas into integers returning a string.
function num2str(num::Number; delim=",")
decimal_point = "."
str = string(num)
strs = split(str, decimal_point)
left_str = strs[1]
right_str = length(strs) > 1 ? strs[2] : ""
left_str = replace(left_str, r"(?<=[0-9])(?=(?:[0-9]{3})+(?![0-9]))" => delim)
decimal_point = occursin(decimal_point, str) ? decimal_point : ""
return left_str * decimal_point * right_str
# Test integers, BigInts, floats, and BigFloats:
int0 = 0
int1 = 123
int2 = 123456789
big1 = big"123"
big2 = big"123456789123456789"
flt1 = 122234.141567
flt2 = 7.12345e9
big3 = big"260123.0"
big4 = big"7.12345e9"
println("int0 num2str($int0) \t\t\t\t = ", num2str(int0))
println("int1 num2str($int1) \t\t\t\t = ", num2str(int1))
println("int2 num2str($int2) \t\t\t = ", num2str(int2))
println("big1 num2str($big1) \t\t\t\t = ", num2str(big1))
println("big2 num2str($big2) \t\t = ", num2str(big2))
println("big2 num2str($big2) delim is _ \t = ", num2str(big2, delim="_"))
println("flt1 num2str($flt1) \t\t\t = ", num2str(flt1))
println("flt1 num2str($flt1) delim is _ \t\t = ", num2str(flt1, delim="_"))
println("flt2 num2str($flt2) \t\t\t = ", num2str(flt2))
println("big3 num2str($big3) \t\t\t = ", num2str(big3))
println("big4 num2str($big4) \t\t\t = ", num2str(big4))
println("big4 num2str($big4) delim is _ \t\t = ", num2str(big4, delim="_"))
## ============================== Output ===================================
int0 num2str(0) = 0
int1 num2str(123) = 123
int2 num2str(123456789) = 123,456,789
big1 num2str(123) = 123
big2 num2str(123456789123456789) = 123,456,789,123,456,789
big2 num2str(123456789123456789) delim is _ = 123_456_789_123_456_789
flt1 num2str(122234.141567) = 122,234.141567
flt1 num2str(122234.141567) delim is _ = 122_234.141567
flt2 num2str(7.12345e9) = 7.12345e9
big3 num2str(2.60123e+05) = 2.60123e+05
big4 num2str(7.12345e+09) = 7.12345e+09
big4 num2str(7.12345e+09) delim is _ = 7.12345e+09
I expect the ability to add comma delimiters will eventually be added to either print/println and/or #printf. Until then, this seems to work.

How to read text files that have line feed and carriage return intermixed using X++?

I am trying to read a text file using Dynamics AX. However, the following code replaces any spaces in the lines with commas:
// Open file for read access
myFile = new TextIo(fileName , 'R');
fileRecord = myFile.read();
while (fileRecord)
line = con2str(fileRecord);
I have tried various combinations of the above code, including specifying a blank '' field delimiter, but with the same behaviour.
The following code works, but seems like there should be a better way to do this:
// Open file for read access
myFile = new TextIo(fileName , 'R');
fileRecord = myFile.read();
while (fileRecord)
line = con2str(fileRecord);
The format of the file is field format. For example:
So what I end up with unless I use the workaround above is something like:
The underlying problem here is that I have mixed input formats. Some of the files just have line feeds {LF} and others have {CR}{LF}. Using my workaround above seems to work for both. Is there a way to deal with both, or to strip \r from the file?
Con2Str will retrieve a list of values from a container and by default uses comma (,) to separate the values.
client server public static str Con2Str(container c, [str sep])
If no value for the sep parameter is specified, the comma character will be inserted between elements in the returned string.
Possible options:
If you would like the space to be the default separator, you can pass space as the second parameter to the method Con2Str.
One other option is that you can also loop through the container fileRecord to fetch the individual elements.
Code snippet 1:
Below code snippet loads the file contents into textbuffer and replace the carriage returns (\r) with new line (\n) character. The condition if (strlen(line) > 1) will help to skip empty strings due to the possible occurrence of consecutive newline characters.
TextBuffer textBuffer;
str textString;
str clearText;
int newLinePos;
str line;
str field1;
str field2;
str field3;
counter row;
textBuffer = new TextBuffer();
textString = textBuffer.getText();
clearText = strreplace(textString, '\r', '\n');
row = 0;
while (strlen(clearText) > 0 )
newLinePos = strfind(clearText, '\n', 1, strlen(clearText));
line = (newLinePos == 0 ? clearText : substr(clearText, 1, newLinePos));
if (strlen(line) > 1)
field1 = substr(line, 1, 14);
field2 = substr(line, 15, 12);
field3 = substr(line, 27, 10);
info('Row ' + int2str(row) + ', Column 1: ' + field1);
info('Row ' + int2str(row) + ', Column 2: ' + field2);
info('Row ' + int2str(row) + ', Column 3: ' + field3);
clearText = (newLinePos == 0 ? '' : substr(clearText, newLinePos + 1, strlen(clearText) - newLinePos));
Code snippet 2:
You could use File macro instead of hard coding the values \r\n and R that denotes the read mode.
TextIo inputFile;
container fileRecord;
str line;
str field1;
str field2;
str field3;
counter row;
inputFile = new TextIo(#"c:\temp\Input.txt", 'R');
row = 0;
while (inputFile.status() == IO_Status::Ok)
fileRecord = inputFile.read();
line = con2str(fileRecord);
if (line != '')
field1 = substr(line, 1, 14);
field2 = substr(line, 15, 12);
field3 = substr(line, 27, 10);
info('Row ' + int2str(row) + ', Column 1: ' + field1);
info('Row ' + int2str(row) + ', Column 2: ' + field2);
info('Row ' + int2str(row) + ', Column 3: ' + field3);
Never tried to use the default RecordDelimiter as FieldDelimiter and not setting another RecordDelimiter explicitly. Normally rows (Records) are delimited by \n and fields are delimited by comma, tab, semicolon or some other symbol. You might also be hitting some weird behaviour when TextIO is assuming correct UTF-format. You didn't supply an example of some rows from you datafile, so guessing is hard.
Read more about TextIO here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa603840.aspx
With the additional example of file content, it seems to me the file is a fixed width file, where each column has its own fixed width. I would rather recommend using subStr if that is the case. Read about substr here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa677836.aspx
use StrAlpha to restrict blank values after you convert Con2Str
