How can I save VoD recordings without stopping streaming? - ant-media-server

How can I stop recording intervally without stopping the stream to save the VoD in Ant Media Server in my stream sources and IP cameras?

You can achieve that with a python script. Assuming you have installed python3 and pip.
Following script stops and starts the recording again in user-defined intervals:
import sys
import sched, time
import requests
print("requests library already installed!")
except ImportError:
import pip
print("requests library is being installed")
pip.main(['install', '--user', 'requests'])
import requests
except ImportError:
print("pip is not installed, so it needs to be installed first to proceed further.\nYou can install pip with the following command:\nsudo apt install python3-pip")
def startStopRecording(s):
print("Stopping the recording of "+sys.argv[2])
if response.json()["success"]:
print("recording of "+sys.argv[2]+" stopped successfully")
print("starting the recording of "+sys.argv[2])
if response.json()["success"]:
print("recording of "+sys.argv[2]+" started successfully")
print("Couldn't start the recording of "+sys.argv[2])
print("content of the response:\n"+response.content)
print("Couldn't stop the recording of "+sys.argv[2])
print("content of the response:")
Example usage would be like: python3 https://domain/{Application} streamId interval
First parameter is the domain you are going to use like:
Second parameter is the stream id you want to use. Ex. stream123.
Third parameter is the duration of the interval you want to restart the recording. Duration unit is seconds. So 60 would be equal to 1 minute.


Using Apache Airflow Tool, Implement a DAG for a batch processing pipeline to get a directory from a remote system

Using Apache airflow tool, how can I implement a DAG for the following Python code. The task accomplished in the code is to get a directory from GPU server to local system. Code is working fine in Jupyter notebook. Please help to implement in Airflow...I'm very new to this. Thanks.
import pysftp
import os
myHostname = "hostname"
myUsername = "username"
myPassword = "pwd"
with pysftp.Connection(host=myHostname, username=myUsername, password=myPassword) as sftp:
print("Connection successfully stablished ... ")
src = '/path/src/'
dst = '/home/path/path/destination'
sftp.get_d(src, dst, preserve_mtime=True)
print("Fetched source images from GPU server to local directory")
# connection closed automatically at the end of the with-block```
For SFTP duties, Airflow provides SFTOperator that you can use directly.
Alternatively it's corresponding SFTPHook can be used with a simple PythonOperator
I acknowledge there aren't many examples, but this might be helpful
For SSH-connection, see this

Is there a way to reload web pages with increasing numerical values?

I want to reload a url with increasing numerical values so:
turns into then
and so on.
Using Python
Need to install requests
pip install requests
import requests
url = ''
for i in range(10):
r = requests.get(
run file
python3 ./

Atom editor fails installing packages

I'm trying to install packages in Atom editor, but it always fails, just like if I coudn't get a connexion to the server.
For instance, apm install split-diff returns Request for package information failed: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND (ENOTFOUND)
I'm running Atom 1.32.2 on Linux Mint 19.
I don't use a proxy.
Check your DNS servers.
I ran into this problem randomly this afternoon when initially everything was working on my Mac.
I can reach the Internet fine. Github is up and reporting no issues, is up...
Clues re:etc/hosts from other comments here pointed me to my my network settings anyway.
Checked and I have my DNS servers configured for VPN access, once I added OpenDNS servers as well, Atom installs starting working again.
Finally, I found out where the bug was!
For some reasons of personal convenience, I replaced /etc/hosts with a symlink (towards some place in my ~/ folder). THIS is what apm didn't like. (No idea why. I'd be glad to know...) Switching back to a real file for /etc/hosts made me able to install packages again.
I just installed split-diff and it loaded fine. Open Atom and under the Atom menu item select Preferences. This opens a new window and on the left side of the pane is a row of actions starting with Core and followed by Editor, URI Handling, and 5 other actions. Click on the Install action. This is where you can find and install extensions. Once you clicked on Install, the pane changes and there is a search box at the top. In the search box type split-diff and the name of your extension should appear. There should be a blue install button for the script. Click install and it should work.
I am on Ubuntu 16.04 and I was having this problem. I had a directory called /etc/hosts/ which was a cloned version of this repo.
Clearly having a directory named the same as a file isn't exactly a smart move, but I was able to solve the problem through moving the directory and running the install script for the repo again. The install script calls a which flushes the DNS file, found in line 1193 of this file here.
I extracted the script/function which should do the trick;
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Script by Ben Limmer
# This Python script will combine all the host files you provide
# as sources into one, unique host file to keep you internet browsing happy.
import argparse
import fnmatch
import json
import locale
import os
import platform
import re
import shutil
import socket
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import time
from glob import glob
import lxml # noqa: F401
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# Detecting Python 3 for version-dependent implementations
PY3 = sys.version_info >= (3, 0)
if PY3:
from urllib.request import urlopen
raise Exception("We do not support Python 2 anymore.")
# Syntactic sugar for "sudo" command in UNIX / Linux
if platform.system() == "OpenBSD":
SUDO = ["/usr/bin/doas"]
SUDO = ["/usr/bin/env", "sudo"]
# Project Settings
BASEDIR_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
def flush_dns_cache():
Flush the DNS cache.
print("Flushing the DNS cache to utilize new hosts file...")
"Flushing the DNS cache requires administrative privileges. You might need to enter your password."
dns_cache_found = False
if platform.system() == "Darwin":
if + ["killall", "-HUP", "mDNSResponder"]):
print_failure("Flushing the DNS cache failed.")
elif == "nt":
print("Automatically flushing the DNS cache is not yet supported.")
"Please copy and paste the command 'ipconfig /flushdns' in "
"administrator command prompt after running this script."
nscd_prefixes = ["/etc", "/etc/rc.d"]
nscd_msg = "Flushing the DNS cache by restarting nscd {result}"
for nscd_prefix in nscd_prefixes:
nscd_cache = nscd_prefix + "/init.d/nscd"
if os.path.isfile(nscd_cache):
dns_cache_found = True
if + [nscd_cache, "restart"]):
centos_file = "/etc/init.d/network"
centos_msg = "Flushing the DNS cache by restarting network {result}"
if os.path.isfile(centos_file):
if + [centos_file, "restart"]):
system_prefixes = ["/usr", ""]
service_types = ["NetworkManager", "wicd", "dnsmasq", "networking"]
for system_prefix in system_prefixes:
systemctl = system_prefix + "/bin/systemctl"
system_dir = system_prefix + "/lib/systemd/system"
for service_type in service_types:
service = service_type + ".service"
service_file = path_join_robust(system_dir, service)
service_msg = (
"Flushing the DNS cache by restarting " + service + " {result}"
if os.path.isfile(service_file):
dns_cache_found = True
if + [systemctl, "restart", service]):
dns_clean_file = "/etc/init.d/dns-clean"
dns_clean_msg = "Flushing the DNS cache via dns-clean executable {result}"
if os.path.isfile(dns_clean_file):
dns_cache_found = True
if + [dns_clean_file, "start"]):
if not dns_cache_found:
print_failure("Unable to determine DNS management tool.")
You need to use a filter breaker. I had the same problem installing the file_icons package, and the package was installed when the Siphon filter breaker was connected.

Monkeyrunner. Connect to multiple devices at the same time

I used this script to connect to multiple Android devices at the same time (i.e. to send files via adb):
from import MonkeyRunner, MonkeyDevice
import time
import sys
import time
import os
devices = os.popen('adb devices').read().strip().split('\n')[1:]
device1 = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection( devices[0].split('\t')[0])
package = ''
activity = ''
runComponent = package + '/' + activity
device2 = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection( devices[1].split('\t')[0])
package = ''
activity = ''
runComponent = package + '/' + activity
I used
adb 1.0.36 (Rev 1:7.0.0+r33-2) and
monkyrunner(Jython 2.5.3 (2.5:c56500f08d34+, Aug 13 2012, 14:54:35)
But all I get is:
09:02:54 E/DeviceMonitor: Adb connection Error:EOF
09:02:54 E/DeviceMonitor: Connection attempts: 1
09:02:55 E/DeviceMonitor: Connection attempts: 2
09:02:56 E/DeviceMonitor: Connection attempts: 3
Any hints what to do?
(Original Thread: How to run Monkeyrunner script on multiple devices at the same time )
You can use AndroidViewClient/culebra which supports multiple devices. If I recall correctly, this was one of the limitations of monkeyrunner that AndroidViewClient solved.
You can simply generate the script using
$ culebra -Uu --multi-device --start-activity='' -o
which generates a unit test (-U), does not verify what's in the screen dump (-u), use multiple devices, starts a specific activity as a precondition and saves the generated script to
Then, run the script as
$ -s all
where -s specifies the serial numbers of the devices where you want the script to run, all in this case, and the browser will start on all of them.

How to run from the real device monkeyrunner script?

I have written this code which is working in the emualator. How do I get it to work in a real device? Is just connecting the device and changing the location (device location of apk) enough?
# Imports the monkeyrunner modules used by this program
from import MonkeyRunner, MonkeyDevice, MonkeyImage
# Connect to the current device
device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection()
# Install package
# Run activity
device.startActivity(component='com.mobilenetwork.purchase/.StartPage ')
# Importing time
import time
# Waiting for 10 secs to be launched on the emulator:
# Screenshot
result = device.takeSnapshot()
# Writes the screenshot to a file
This looks like it should work on a real device just the way it is right now. If you are experiencing issues, you might want to try adding "MonkeyRunner.sleep(n)" (where n is a number) statements. Some devices do not wait for the last task to finish before asking for the next one.
You might also try configuring the package and activity before you connect to the device.
