Trying to implement OpenId Connect with Keycloak but I always get "Code not valid" - realm

Just getting started with Keycloak for authentication with OpenIdConnect. I have created a test-realm on my local Keycloak server and I'm trying to authenticate using the admin-cli client under it. Under Settings for admin-cli under test-realm, I have set the following:
Client Protocol: Open Id Connect
Access Type: Confidential
Direct Access Grants Enabled: ON
Service Accounts Enabled: ON
And under Fine Grain OpenID Connect Configuration > Valid Request URIs I added * for now (doesn't help even if I add the proper redirect URL i.e. localhost:9999).
However, every time I try to obtain the /token I always get
"error": "invalid_grant",
"error_description": "Code not valid"
What's strange is that when I change the grant_type to client_credentials, I receive the access token in the response perfectly. But change that back to authorization_code and I get that error. Here's the curl call that I make:
curl --request POST \
--url http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/test-realm/protocol/openid-connect/token \
--header 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW4tY2xpOjEwMWRkOWJjLTc1NjItNDBhNy04OWI1LWJhOTUxMWJiYmQ5ZA==' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data grant_type=authorization_code \
--data code=IvGEFwk0LRBSuQSJgHHrZsWYPKCloLh6L8N7nOGhnUz \
--data redirect_uri=http://localhost:9999
where localhost:8080 is my local keycloak server
Is there something wrong with my configuration?


Problems with redirecting to signed cloud storage URL (cURL?)

I am creating a Firebase HTTP function that uploads a file to Cloud Storage, creates a signed URL to the file, and then redirects the client to that URL. Using Postman with automatic redirect following turned on, the file is retrieved correctly. However, if I try to turn on redirects while using cURL (curl -L -H "Content-Type: application/json" "" -d '{"example": true}'), the following error is returned by Cloud Storage:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<Message>The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your Google secret key and signing method.</Message>
If I make the request with form encoded data instead, it works in cURL as well: curl -L "" -d "example=true"
If I try to manually make a GET request to the URL in Postman, I get an equivalent error:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<Message>The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your Google secret key and signing method.</Message>
If I paste the URL into a browser or use cURL to download the signed URL, the file is also downloaded correctly.
I am using the following function to get the signed url:
async getSignedUrl(file: File, expireAt: number): Promise<string> {
const [url] = await file
action: "read",
expires: expireAt
return url
which returns a signed URL in the following format:[Access ID]&Expires=1602246219&Signature=[Signature] (I've noted that the value of "Expires" is the same value returned in the tag).
My suspicion is that Postman and cURL adds something to the request which results in a different signature, but I am not sure exactly what is going on.
What is happening when letting cURL follow the redirect or when creating a GET request in Postman, that leads to this difference in signature?
If I understood correctly, the issue arises in two scenarios
When hitting your CF through curl with
curl -L -H "Content-Type: application/json" "" -d '{"example": true}')
According to the example in github in the docs Signed URL v4, 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream' should be used:
curl -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream' --upload-file my-file '${url}'
I tried with the following with successfully result:
curl -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream' -d '{"example": true}' ''
If I try with the content-type you shared with failed results.
If I try to manually make a GET request to the URL in Postman, I get an equivalent error:
I tried a simple GET in postman using a Signed URL and it worked just fine
Command used in gsutil to get the signed URL:
gsutil signurl -d 10m key.json gs://BUCKET/aa.png
Then I tried a GET on postman and worked just fine.
I also tried with a Signed URL to upload a File in Postman and worked just fine.
My thoughts are that, according to Common MIME types
application/octet-stream is the default value for all other cases (not textual files).
When you set the content type as application/json you specify a JSON format, but not an object or file. That's why it works with the following, since you are not specifying the header content-type, the default is taken application/octet-stream
curl -L "" -d "example=true"
Joss Barons answer helped me in the right direction, but it is not true that the Content-Type has to be application/octet-stream. That is only used for creating a signed url that can be used for uploading a file. In my case, when creating the signed url using the Cloud Storage SDK for node, I didn't specify a Content-Type, so when sending a GET request to the signed url, it must not contain a Content-Type header.

Adding comment to the pull request throws "Message: Not Found" error

I am trying to add commit to the pull request using GitHub API for issues. But seeing error
curl -H "Authorization: token "Key"" -X POST -d '{"body": "Failed"}' "https://github-site/repos/:repository/issues/PR_NUMBER/comments"
Response for the curl command.
"message": "Not Found",
"documentation_url": ""
Ah I found my mistake. I was passing basic authorizing keys. To Post the comment or to create a Label we need OAUTH token generated on github.

HTTP client request Authorization: Negotiate option

I would like to access HDFS files using webhdfs. Curl gives me an option of using --negotiate -u: user option to use existing kerberos token. How do we pass the negotiate option using HTTP request headers. I know that we can use "Authorization: Negotiate" option. However, I get the following error.
GSSException: Defective token detected
you can do like this:
kinit -kt ${your_keytab_file_full_path} ${your_principal}
curl --negotiate -u : -o ${your_keytab_file_full_path} ${URL}

Artifactory access token works via Bearer, not user

Artifactory OSS
5.4.6 rev 50406900
Trying to get access token to work.
I created token...
e.g. curl -uadmin:adminpw -X POST "myserver:8081/artifactory/api/security/token" -d "username=moehoward"
Returned msg looks like success...
"scope" : "member-of-groups:readers api:*",
"access_token" : <very-long-string>
"expires_in" : 3600,
"token_type" : "Bearer"
I can see it in the gui (admin -> Security -> Access Tokens) with "Subject" = to the user ("moehoward" in the example above) and with a "Token ID" that's a lot shorter, something like...
To test, I tried to ping using example in the docs...
curl -umoehoward:<very-long-string> myserver:8081/artifactory/api/system/ping
Fails with a 401 (bad credentials).
I replace the token with the "token id" I see in the gui, same result.
I replace again with the hardcoded pw of the "moehoward" user and that works (responds with "OK").
I tried the "-H"Authentication: Bearer " approach using the long string and that worked. So I guess the very long string is the token and not the "Token ID" in the gui.
Q: Any idea why this works for Bearer" and not the user by name ?
So you are right that this is supposed to work for both standard authentication and the Authentication HTTP header.
I did the test on a server with the same version Artifactory OSS 5.4.6 and the following works fine here
Inject the proper variables
export SERVER=server-artifactory
Create and use an access token for user moehoward
curl -u "admin:$APIKEY" -X POST "http://$SERVER/artifactory/api/security/token" -d "username=moehoward" -d "scope=member-of-groups:readers" > token.log
export TOKEN=`cat token.log | jq -r '.access_token'`
curl -u "moehoward:$TOKEN" "http://$SERVER/artifactory/api/system/ping"
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" "http://$SERVER/artifactory/api/system/ping"
I get "OK" from the last two commands. Can you run exactly these commands and report back?
I have personally experienced the same problem (Bearer header working, standard user credentials not working) with an old version of curl. The obvious workaround is to use Bearer, the more complex workaround is to upgrade curl (or use another tool).
What is the version of curl you use? Any curl from 2015 or more recent should work fine.

How to use openstack API v3 to list accessible volumes

I am learning OpenStack now and I want to list all accessible volumes on my OpenStack controller by HTTP get request with x_auth_token:
http://{OpenStack controller IP}:8776/v3/{project_id}/volumes
(Reference URL:
But, the request body always as below:
"message": "Malformed request url",
"code": 400
I have try many times but they all didn't work.
So, I want to know, what the request url should be here?
Thanks in advance.....
One of the possible reasons is that your project_id is incorrect or doesn't match your credential, take a look at this link. In order to solve this problem you can:
1. Try openstack command with debug option.
openstack --debug volume list
cinder --debug list
you could get the request and response details:
REQ: curl -g -i -X GET http://ip:port/v3/{project_id}/volumes/detail -H "User-Agent: python-cinderclient" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "X-Auth-Token: {token_value}"
Make sure you have input every required headers(context-type/x-auth-token/...).
Try to ask for help in irc channel #openstack-cinder
