How do you select multiple values for grep across multiple columns in R? - r

this is my first question, sorry if I do this wrong, and sorry for it being so long...
I have a table of genomes from an entire genus that I would like to compare at a smaller level, such as within one or more species. My table is contains 3 columns: p1, p2, and percent identity. My rows are each comparisons between species.
p1 contains a list of genomes as does p2. Whatever number starts with the lowest digit is placed in p1 and the number with the higher digit goes in p2. The genome names are in the format 1_1_1, so p1 may be 1_1_1 and p2 may be 2_1_1200, but in the next row p1 could be 2_1_1200 if p2 is 3_1_23. The third column is the percent identity between them, but should not be relevant I don't think.
Multiple genomes belong to the same species, but they are not in any kind of order. For example, 42, 54, 210, and 694 are the same species. I would like to find only the rows where both p1 and p2 contain these numbers, so 42 to 54, 54 to 210, etc, but not 1 to 42. This species only has 4 genomes, but some have as many as 582 to compare.
So far:
They are bacterial genomes, so the genes are not in the same order, and the third digit corresponds to the gene position, so I've been using "^42" to call 42_1_622, for example. I don't want 642_1, so I anchored the 42 to the beginning. All middle digits are 1.
subset_species_1 <- rbind(x[grep("^42_", x$p1), ],
x[grep("^42_", x$p2), ],
x[grep("^54_", x$p1), ],
x[grep("^54_", x$p2), ],
x[grep("^210_", x$p1), ],
x[grep("^210_", x$p2), ],
x[grep("^694_", x$p1), ],
x[grep("^694_", x$p2), ])
This is obviously tedious, and it gives me all of the rows with any of these genomes in either column, not only rows with these genomes in both columns.
In addition, each table only represents one gene, and ideally I'd like to use the same subsets for every table, of which there are thousands.
Thank you in advance, I need all the help I can get!
Edited to add: I'm doing this in R/Rstudio

How about something like this. Rather than using regex to find the beginnings, why not just split the digits before the first underscore off from the rest and see whether those are in some pre-defined vector of values. That's what I've done below with find_vals being the values I'm looking for.
dat <- tibble(
p1 = glue("{sample(1:250, 250, replace=TRUE)}_1_{sample(1:250, 250, replace=TRUE)}"),
p2 = glue("{sample(1:250, 250, replace=TRUE)}_1_{sample(1:250, 250, replace=TRUE)}"),
p = runif(250, 0,1)
find_vals <- as.character(42:100)
dat %>% mutate(p11 = str_split(p1, "_", simplify=TRUE)[,1],
p21 = str_split(p2, "_", simplify=TRUE)[,1]) %>%
filter(p11 %in% find_vals & p21 %in% find_vals)
# A tibble: 16 x 5
# p1 p2 p p11 p21
# <glue> <glue> <dbl> <chr> <chr>
# 1 54_1_222 93_1_180 0.626 54 93
# 2 61_1_47 48_1_47 0.639 61 48
# 3 74_1_89 99_1_42 0.556 74 99
# 4 54_1_71 87_1_144 0.287 54 87
# 5 54_1_10 71_1_140 0.216 54 71
# 6 57_1_242 79_1_107 0.238 57 79
# 7 70_1_185 71_1_55 0.538 70 71
# 8 48_1_140 80_1_139 0.0752 48 80
# 9 72_1_105 62_1_56 0.213 72 62
# 10 70_1_241 64_1_220 0.857 70 64
# 11 57_1_213 97_1_47 0.432 57 97
# 12 55_1_56 45_1_249 0.907 55 45
# 13 55_1_9 44_1_156 0.633 55 44
# 14 59_1_153 96_1_228 0.154 59 96
# 15 61_1_97 99_1_189 0.556 61 99
# 16 83_1_56 86_1_85 0.787 83 86


Perform row-wise operation in datatable with multiple elements

I have the following data table:
DT <- data.table(ind=1:100,x=sample(100),y=sample(100),group=c(rep("A",50),rep("B",50)))
Now the problem I have is that I need to take every value in column "x" (that is, each given ID), and add all the existing values in column "y" to it. I also need to do it separately per column "group". Let's assume we start with ID = 1. This element has the value: x_1 = 68, and y_1 = 76. We also see y_2 = 39, y_3 = 24, etc. So what I want to compute is the sums x_1 + y_1, x_1 + y2, x_1 + y_3, etc. But not only for x_1, but also for x_2, x_3, etc. So for x_2 it would look like: x_2 + y_1, x_2 + y_2, x_2 + y_3, etc. This should also be done separately per column "group" (in this regard the dataset should simple be split by group).
Edit: Exemplary code to do this only for X_1 and group A:
current_X <- DT[1,x] # not needed, just to illustrate
vector_current_X <- rep(DT[1,x],nrow(DT[group == "A"]))
DT[group == "A",copy_current_X := vector_current_X]
DT[,sum_current_X_Y := copy_current_X + y]
One apparent issue with this approach is that if it were applied to all x, then a lot of columns would be added to the final DT. So I am not sure if it is the best approach. In the end, I am just looking for the lowest sum (per element x) with each element y, and per group.
I know how to do operations per group, and I also know the lapply functions. The issue is that from my understanding, I need to include a row-wise loop. And next, the structure of the result will be different from the original data table, because we have many additional observations. I have seen before that you can save lists inside a data.table, but I am unsure if that is the best approach. My dataset is much larger, so efficiency is important.
Thanks for any hints how to approach this.
You can do this:
DT[, .(.BY$x+DT[group==.BY$group,y]), by=.(x,group)]
This returns N rows per x, where N is the size of x's group. We leverage the special (.BY), which is available in j when utilizing by. Basically, .BY is a named list, containing the values of the grouping variables. Here, I'm adding the value of x (.BY$x) to the vector of y values from the subset of DT where the group is equal to the current group value (.BY$group)
x group V1
<int> <char> <int>
1: 68 A 144
2: 68 A 107
3: 68 A 92
4: 68 A 121
5: 68 A 160
4996: 4 B 25
4997: 4 B 66
4998: 4 B 83
4999: 4 B 27
5000: 4 B 68
You can also accomplish this via a join:
DT[,!c("y")][DT[, .(y,group)], on=.(group), allow.cartesian=T][, total:=x+y][order(ind)]
ind x group y total
<int> <int> <char> <int> <int>
1: 1 68 A 76 144
2: 1 68 A 39 107
3: 1 68 A 24 92
4: 1 68 A 53 121
5: 1 68 A 92 160
4996: 100 4 B 21 25
4997: 100 4 B 62 66
4998: 100 4 B 79 83
4999: 100 4 B 23 27
5000: 100 4 B 64 68
If I understand correctly, the requested result requires a cross join where each element of x is combined with each element of y (within each group).
This can be accomplished easily using the CJ() function:
DT[, CJ(x, y, sorted = FALSE), by = group][, sum_x_y := x + y][]
group x y sum_x_y
1: A 68 76 144
2: A 68 39 107
3: A 68 24 92
4: A 68 53 121
5: A 68 92 160
4996: B 4 21 25
4997: B 4 62 66
4998: B 4 79 83
4999: B 4 23 27
5000: B 4 64 68

Add category mean value to faceted scatter plots in ggplot

I am using facet wrap to plot Weight Gain versus Caloric Intake for four different diets. Diet is a four-level factor, Weight Gain and Caloric Intake are numeric. I am adding a regression line to each plot facet. What I want to do is add a horizontal line for the group mean weight gain for each diet in the plot (4 different mean values). The problem is when I use the geom_hline function it puts the global mean on all of the plots, which is not what I want.
I tried using stat_summary(fun.y=mean,geom="line"), but it gives me line segments joining each of the points in every plot.
Below is the code I am using that is giving me the single global mean on all plots. Also the data set I am using. I've included the labeller code for completeness but I really just need help with drawing the group mean lines.
Thanks in advance for any help.
# Calculate slopes and means to use for facet labels
for (i in 1:nlevels(vitaminData$Diet)){
# Get regression lines and coefficients for each facet
# Build facet labels
paste("Diet 1, Slope=",round(wgSlope[1],2),", Mean=",round(dietMeans[1],1)),
`2`=paste("Diet 2, Slope=",round(wgSlope[2],2),", Mean=",round(dietMeans[2],1)),
`3`=paste("Diet 3, Slope =",round(wgSlope[3],2),", Mean=",round(dietMeans[3],1)),
`4`=paste("Diet 4, Slope =",round(wgSlope[4],2),", Mean=",round(dietMeans[4],1)))
# Draw the plots
labs(x="Caloric Intake",y="Weight Gain")+
Diet WeightGain CaloricIntake
<fct> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1 48 35
2 1 67 44
3 1 78 44
4 1 69 51
5 1 53 47
6 2 65 40
7 2 49 45
8 2 37 37
9 2 73 53
10 2 63 42
11 3 79 51
12 3 52 41
13 3 63 47
14 3 65 47
15 3 67 48
16 4 59 53
17 4 50 52
18 4 59 52
19 4 42 45
20 4 34 38
Here's an approach using dplyr. (Add library(dplyr) or library(tidyverse) if not already loaded.)
geom_hline(data = vitaminData %>%
group_by(Diet) %>%
summarize(mean = mean(WeightGain)),
aes(yintercept = mean)) +

Filter all columns in timeseries to keep only top 1/3

I have a timeseries with about 100 dates, 50 entities per date (so 5,000 rows) and 50 columns (all are different variables). How can I filter each column in the data frame, per unique date, to keep the top 1/3 of values for each column on each date. Then get the average Return for that group for that date. Thank you.
My data is organized as follows but the numbers in each column are random and vary like they do in column "a" (this is a sample, the real data has many more columns and many more rows):
Date Identity Return a b c d e f... ...z
2/1/19 X 5 75 43 67 85 72 56 92
2/1/19 Y 4 27 43 67 85 72 56 92
2/1/19 Z 7 88 43 67 85 72 56 92
2/1/19 W 2 55 43 67 85 72 56 92
2/2/19 X 7 69 43 67 85 72 56 92
2/2/19 Y 8 23 43 67 85 72 56 92
2/3/19 X 2 34 43 67 85 72 56 92
2/3/19 Y 3 56 43 67 85 72 56 92
2/3/19 Z 4 62 43 67 85 72 56 92
2/3/19 W 4 43 43 67 85 72 56 92
2/3/19 U 4 26 43 67 85 72 56 92
2/4/19 X 6 67 43 67 85 72 56 92
2/4/19 Y 1 78 43 67 85 72 56 92
2/5/19 X 4 75 43 67 85 72 56 92
2/7/19 X 5 99 43 67 85 72 56 92
2/7/19 Y 4 72 43 67 85 72 56 92
2/7/19 Z 4 45 43 67 85 72 56 92
I am trying to filter data into quantiles. I have a code that works for filtering into quantiles for one measure. However I want filtered results for many measures individually (i.e. I want a “high” group for a ton of columns).
The code that I have that works for one measure is as follows.
Columns are date, identity, and a a is the indicator I want to sort on
High = df[!$a),] %>%
group_by( %>%
filter(a > quantile(a, .666)) %>%
summarise(high_return = sum(df.return) / length(df.identity)
Now I want to loop this for when I have many indicators to sort on individually (I.e. I do not want to sort within one another, I want each sorted separately and the results to be broken out by indicator)
I want the output of the loop to be a new data frame with the following format (where a_Return is the average return of the top 1/3 of the original a's on a given date):
Date a_Return b_Return c_Return
2/1/19 6. 7 3
2/3/19 4. 2 5
2/4/19 2. 4 6
I have tried the code below without it working:
Indicators <- c(“a”, “b”, “c”)
for(i in 1:length(Indicators)){
High = df %>%
group_by( %>%
filter(High[[I]] > quantile(High[[i]], .666)) %>%
summarise(g = sum(df.return) / length(df.identity)}
With this attempt I get the error: "Error in filter_impl(.data, quo) : Result must have length 20, not 4719.
I also tried:
High %>%
group_by(date) %>%
filter_at(vars(Indicators[i]), any_vars(. > quantile (., .666)))%>%
summarise(!!Indicators[I] := sum(Return) / n())
but with that code I get the error "Strings must match column names. Unknown Columns: NA"
I want High to turn up with a date column and then a column for each a, b, and c.
If you combine the filtering and calculations into a single function, then you can put that into summarize_at to apply it easily to each column. Since you're example data isn't fully reproducible, I'll use the iris dataset. In your case, you'd replace Species with Date, and Petal.Width with Return:
top_iris <- iris %>%
group_by(Species) %>%
summarize_at(vars(one_of('Sepal.Length', 'Sepal.Width', 'Petal.Length')),
funs(return = sum(Petal.Width[. > quantile(., .666)]) / length(Petal.Width[. > quantile(., .666)])))
# A tibble: 3 x 4
Species Sepal.Length_return Sepal.Width_return Petal.Length_return
<fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 setosa 0.257 0.262 0.308
2 versicolor 1.44 1.49 1.49
3 virginica 2.1 2.22 2.09
The problem with using filter is that each function in the pipe runs in order, so any criteria you give to filter_* will have to be applied to the whole data.frame before the result is piped into summarize_at. Instead, we just use a single summarize_at statement, and filter each column as the summarization function is applied to it.
To explain this in more detail, summarize_at takes 2 arguments:
The first argument is one or more of the variable selector functions described in ?select_helpers, enclosed in the vars function. Here we use one_of which just takes a vector of column names, but we could also use matches to select using a regular expession, or starts_with to choose based on a prefix, for example.
The second argument is a list of one or more function calls to be run on each selected column, enclosed in the funs function. Here we have 1 function call, to which we've given the name return.
Like with any tidyverse function, this is evaluated in a local environment constructed from the data piped in. So bare variable names like Petal.Width function as data$Petal.Width. In *_at functions, the . represents the variable passed in, so when the Sepal.Length column is being summarized:
Petal.Width[. > quantile(., .666)]
data$Petal.Width[data$Sepal.Length > quantile(data$Sepal.Length, .666)]
Finally, since the function in funs is named (that's the return =), then the resulting summary columns have the function's name (return) appended to the original column names.
If you want to remove missing data before running these calculations, you can use na.omit to strip out NA values.
To remove all rows containing NA, just pipe your data through na.omit before grouping:
iris2 <- iris
iris2[c(143:149), c(1:2)] <- NA
iris2 %>%
na.omit() %>%
group_by(Species) %>%
summarize_at(vars(one_of('Sepal.Length', 'Sepal.Width', 'Petal.Length')),
funs(return = sum(Petal.Width[. > quantile(., .666)]) / length(Petal.Width[. > quantile(., .666)])))
Species Sepal.Length_return Sepal.Width_return Petal.Length_return
<fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 setosa 0.257 0.262 0.308
2 versicolor 1.44 1.49 1.49
3 virginica 2.09 2.19 2.07
To strip NA values from each column as it's being summarized, you need to move na.omit inside the summarize function:
iris2 %>%
group_by(Species) %>%
summarize_at(vars(one_of('Sepal.Length', 'Sepal.Width', 'Petal.Length')),
funs(return = {
var <- na.omit(.)
length(Petal.Width[var > quantile(var, .666)])
# A tibble: 3 x 4
Species Sepal.Length_return Sepal.Width_return Petal.Length_return
<fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 setosa 0.257 0.262 0.308
2 versicolor 1.44 1.49 1.49
3 virginica 2.11 2.2 2.09
Here we use curly braces to extend the function we run in summarize_at to multiple expressions. First, we strip out NA values, then we calculate the return values. Since this function is in summarize_at it gets applied to each variable based on the grouping established by group_by.

Normalise only some columns in R

I'm new to R and still getting to grips with how it handles data (my background is spreadsheets and databases). the problem I have is as follows. My data looks like this (it is held in CSV):
RecNo Var1 Var2 Var3
41 800 201.8 Y
43 140 39 N
47 60 20.24 N
49 687 77 Y
54 570 135 Y
58 1250 467 N
61 211 52 N
64 96 117.3 N
68 687 77 Y
Column 1 (RecNo) is my observation number; while it is a number, it is not required for my analysis. Column 4 (Var3) is a Yes/No column which, again, I do not currently need for the analysis but will need later in the process to add information in the output.
I need to normalise the numeric data in my dataframe to values between 0 and 1 without losing the other information. I have the following function:
normalize <- function(x) {
x <- sweep(x, 2, apply(x, 2, min))
sweep(x, 2, apply(x, 2, max), "/")
However, when I apply it to my above data by calling
myResult <- normalize(myData)
it returns an error because of the text in Column 4. If I set the text in this column to binary values it runs fine, but then also normalises my case numbers, which I don't want.
So, my question is: How can I change my normalize function above to accept the names of the columns to transform, while outputting the full dataset (i.e. without losing columns)?
I could not get TUSHAr's suggestion to work, but I have found two solutions that work fine:
1. akrun's suggestion above:
myData2 <- myData1 %>% mutate_at(2:3, funs((.-min(.))/max(.-min(.))))
This produces the following:
RecNo Var1 Var2 Var3
1 41 0.62184874 0.40601834 Y
2 43 0.06722689 0.04195255 N
3 47 0.00000000 0.00000000 N
4 49 0.52689076 0.12693105 Y
5 54 0.42857143 0.25663508 Y
6 58 1.00000000 1.00000000 N
7 61 0.12689076 0.07102414 N
8 64 0.03025210 0.21718329 N
9 68 0.52689076 0.12693105 Y
Alternatively, there is the package BBmisc which allowed me the following after transforming my record numbers to factors:
> myData <- myData %>% mutate(RecNo = factor(RecNo))
> myNorm <- normalize(myData2, method="range", range = c(0,1), margin = 1)
> myNorm
RecNo Var1 Var2 Var3
1 41 0.62184874 0.40601834 Y
2 43 0.06722689 0.04195255 N
3 47 0.00000000 0.00000000 N
4 49 0.52689076 0.12693105 Y
5 54 0.42857143 0.25663508 Y
6 58 1.00000000 1.00000000 N
7 61 0.12689076 0.07102414 N
8 64 0.03025210 0.21718329 N
9 68 0.52689076 0.12693105 Y
EDIT: For completion I include TUSHAr's solution as well, showing as always that there are many ways around a single problem:
Thank you for your help!

How to obtain a new table after filtering only one column in an existing table in R?

I have a data frame having 20 columns. I need to filter / remove noise from one column. After filtering using convolve function I get a new vector of values. Many values in the original column become NA due to filtering process. The problem is that I need the whole table (for later analysis) with only those rows where the filtered column has values but I can't bind the filtered column to original table as the number of rows for both are different. Let me illustrate using the 'age' column in 'Orange' data set in R:
> head(Orange)
Tree age circumference
1 1 118 30
2 1 484 58
3 1 664 87
4 1 1004 115
5 1 1231 120
6 1 1372 142
Convolve filter used
smooth <- function (x, D, delta){
z <- exp(-abs(-D:D/delta))
r <- convolve (x, z, type='filter')/convolve(rep(1, length(x)),z,type='filter')
r <- head(tail(r, -D), -D)
Filtering the 'age' column
age2 <- smooth(Orange$age, 5,10)
The number of rows for age column and age2 column are 35 and 15 respectively. The original dataset has 2 more columns and I like to work with them also. Now, I only need 15 rows of each column corresponding to the 15 rows of age2 column. The filter here removed first and last ten values from age column. How can I apply the filter in a way that I get truncated dataset with all columns and filtered rows?
You would need to figure out how the variables line up. If you can add NA's to age2 and then do Orange$age2 <- age2 followed by na.omit(Orange) you should have what you want. Or, equivalently, perhaps this is what you are looking for?
df <- tail(head(Orange, -10), -10) # chop off the first and last 10 observations
df$age2 <- age2
Tree age circumference age2
11 2 1004 156 915.1678
12 2 1231 172 876.1048
13 2 1372 203 841.3156
14 2 1582 203 911.0914
15 3 118 30 948.2045
16 3 484 51 1008.0198
17 3 664 75 955.0961
18 3 1004 108 915.1678
19 3 1231 115 876.1048
20 3 1372 139 841.3156
21 3 1582 140 911.0914
22 4 118 32 948.2045
23 4 484 62 1008.0198
24 4 664 112 955.0961
25 4 1004 167 915.1678
Edit: If you know the first and last x observations will be removed then the following works:
x <- 2
df <- tail(head(Orange, -x), -x) # chop off the first and last x observations
df$age2 <- age2
