How to fill in time series data into a data frame? - r

I am working with the following time series data:
Weeks <- c("1995-01", "1995-02", "1995-03", "1995-04", "1995-06", "1995-08", "1995-10", "1995-15", "1995-16", "1995-24", "1995-32")
Country <- c("United States")
Values <- sample(seq(1,500,1), length(Weeks), replace = T)
df <- data.frame(Weeks,Country, Values)
Weeks Country Values
1 1995-01 United States 193
2 1995-02 United States 183
3 1995-03 United States 402
4 1995-04 United States 75
5 1995-06 United States 402
6 1995-08 United States 436
7 1995-10 United States 97
8 1995-15 United States 445
9 1995-16 United States 336
10 1995-24 United States 31
11 1995-32 United States 413
It is structured according to the year and the week number in that year (column 1). Notice, how some weeks are omitted (as a result of the aggregation function). For example, 1995-05 is not included. How can I include the omitted rows into the data, add the appropriate country name, and assign them a value = 0?
Thank you for your help!

separate year and week values in different columns. For each Country and Years we complete the missing weeks and assign Values to 0. Finally unite year and week column to get the data in the same format as the original one.
df %>%
separate(Weeks, c('Years', 'Weeks'), sep = '-', convert = TRUE) %>%
group_by(Country, Years) %>%
complete(Weeks = min(Weeks):max(Weeks), fill = list(Values = 0)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(Weeks = sprintf('%02d', Weeks)) %>%
unite(Weeks, Years, Weeks, sep = '-')
# Country Weeks Values
# <chr> <chr> <dbl>
# 1 United States 1995-01 354
# 2 United States 1995-02 395
# 3 United States 1995-03 408
# 4 United States 1995-04 143
# 5 United States 1995-05 0
# 6 United States 1995-06 481
# 7 United States 1995-07 0
# 8 United States 1995-08 49
# 9 United States 1995-09 0
#10 United States 1995-10 229
# … with 22 more rows


Combining multiple observations into one column in R

I'm working with a Covid19 dataset in which each row contains Covid data (tests, positives, negatives, deaths, etc...) for a particular day in a particular country. This means there are multiple rows for each day since every country's data gets its own row. I'm trying to generalize the data to only include one row per day per continent. Is there a simple way to sum all columns where the date is the same?
For example, I'd want to go from a table like this...
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
to one like this...
The closest I've gotten is
covid19EU <- covid19 %>% filter(Continent_Name == "Europe") %>% group_by(Date) %>% summarise_all(max)
but this returns the highest value instead of summing the value over all observations for the same date, ie
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
covid19 %>%
group_by(Date, Continent) %>%
summarize(across(where(is.numeric), sum))
Date Continent Positives Something_else
<chr> <chr> <int> <int>
1 2020-02-05 Europe 15 6
2 2020-02-06 Europe 20 15
If there's only one column of data to sum, you can use the count(wt = ...) shortcut:
covid19 %>%
count(Date, Continent, wt = Positives, name = "Positives")
# Date Continent Positives
#1 2020-02-05 Europe 15
#2 2020-02-06 Europe 20
Example data with another column of numeric data to sum (possibly implied by OP question "Is there a simple way to sum all columns where the date is the same?")
covid19 <- data.frame(
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
Date = c("2020-02-05","2020-02-05", "2020-02-05",
Continent = c("Europe","Europe","Europe",
Country = c("United Kingdom","Poland",
"Sweden","United Kingdom","Poland","Sweden"),
Positives = c(10L, 5L, 0L, 12L, 7L, 1L),
Something_else = 1:6
in base R:
aggregate(Positives~Date+Continent,covid19, sum)
Date Continent Positives
1 2020-02-05 Europe 15
2 2020-02-06 Europe 20

Find the nth largest value based on criteria [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to sum a variable by group
(18 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
This is the basically same problem I had in Excel a few days ago (Excel - find nth largest value based on criteria), but this time in R (the data set contains half a million entries and that is more than Excel seems to be able to handle).
I have a table that looks like this that I have imported from Excel:
Country Region Code Product name Year Value
Sweden Stockholm 123 Apple 1991 244
Sweden Kirruna 123 Apple 1987 100
Japan Kyoto 543 Pie 1987 544
Denmark Copenhagen 123 Apple 1998 787
Denmark Copenhagen 123 Apple 1987 100
Denmark Copenhagen 543 Pie 1991 320
Denmark Copenhagen 126 Candy 1999 200
Sweden Gothenburg 126 Candy 2013 300
Sweden Gothenburg 157 Tomato 1987 150
Sweden Stockholm 125 Juice 1987 250
Sweden Kirruna 187 Banana 1998 310
Japan Kyoto 198 Ham 1987 157
Japan Kyoto 125 Juice 1987 550
Japan Tokyo 125 Juice 1991 100
What I want to do is to make a code that can give me the sum of the nth largest value of products that have been sold in a specific country. For instance, the most sold product in Sweden is Apple so I want to code to find that apple is the most sold product (in total, which is what I am interested in) and then summaries all the values of the sold apples in the country Sweden, 344.
I also want to be able to find the nth largest value based on both country and year. That is, if I am looking for the most sold product in Sweden in the year 2013, it should return the product Candy and the value 300.
Solution for your first question (find most sold product per country, summarise value for this product) using dplyr:
df %>%
group_by(Country, Product_name) %>%
summarise(sum_value = sum(Value, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
group_by(Country) %>%
filter(sum_value == max(sum_value))
# A tibble: 3 x 3
# Groups: Country [3]
Country Product_name sum_value
<fctr> <fctr> <int>
1 Denmark Apple 887
2 Japan Juice 650
3 Sweden Apple 344
Solution for second question (show nth most sold products per country and year, sum value):
df %>%
group_by(Country, Product_name, Year) %>%
summarise(sum_value = sum(Value, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
group_by(Country, Year) %>%
arrange(desc(sum_value), .by_group = TRUE) %>%
slice(., 1:2)
Had to change the data a bit to get a decent output, so here's the output with all years set to 1987 (change the 2 in the 1:2 within the last row for a different n):
# A tibble: 6 x 4
# Groups: Country, Year [3]
Country Product_name Year sum_value
<fctr> <fctr> <int> <int>
1 Denmark Apple 1987 887
2 Denmark Pie 1987 320
3 Japan Juice 1987 650
4 Japan Pie 1987 544
5 Sweden Apple 1987 344
6 Sweden Banana 1987 310

How do I get the sum of frequency count based on two columns?

Assuming that the dataframe is stored as someData, and is in the following format:
ID Team Games Medal
1 Australia 1992 Summer NA
2 Australia 1994 Summer Gold
3 Australia 1992 Summer Silver
4 United States 1991 Winter Gold
5 United States 1992 Summer Bronze
6 Singapore 1991 Summer NA
How would I count the frequencies of the medal, based on the Team - while excluding NA as an variable. But at the same time, the total frequency of each country should be summed, rather than displayed separately for Gold, Silver and Bronze.
In other words, I am trying to display the total number of medals PER country, with the exception of NA.
I have tried something like this:
counts <- ddply(olympics, .(olympics$Team, olympics$Medal), nrow)
names(counts) <- c("Country", "Medal", "Freq")
But this just gives me a massive table of every medal for every country separately, including NA.
What I would like to do is the following:
Australia 2
United States 2
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
We can use count
df1 %>%
filter(! %>%
# A tibble: 2 x 2
# Team n
# <fct> <int>
#1 Australia 2
#2 United States 2
You can do that in base R with table and colSums
colSums(table(someData$Medal, someData$Team))
Australia Singapore United States
2 0 2
someData = read.table(text="ID Team Games Medal
1 Australia '1992 Summer' NA
2 Australia '1994 Summer' Gold
3 Australia '1992 Summer' Silver
4 'United States' '1991 Winter' Gold
5 'United States' '1992 Summer' Bronze
6 Singapore '1991 Summer' NA",

How do I add another column to a dataframe in R that shows the difference between the columns of two other dataframes?

What I have:
I have two dataframes to work with. Those are:
> print(myDF_2003)
A_score country B_score
1 200 Germany 11
2 150 Italy 9
3 0 Sweden 0
> print(myDF_2005)
A_score country B_score
1 -300 France 16
2 100 Germany 12
3 200 Italy 15
4 40 Spain 17
They are produced by the following code, which I do not want to change:
myDF_2003=data.frame(c(200,150,0),c("Germany", "Italy", "Sweden"), c(11,9,0))
colnames(myDF_2003)=c("A_score","country", "B_score")
myDF_2003$country=factor(myDF_2003$country, levels=unique(myDF_2003$country))
myDF_2005=data.frame(c(-300,100,200,40),c("France","Germany", "Italy", "Spain"), c(16,12,15,17))
colnames(myDF_2005)=c("A_score","country", "B_score")
myDF_2005$country=factor(myDF_2005$country, levels=unique(myDF_2005$country))
What I want:
I want to paste another column to myDF_2005 which has the difference of the B_Scores of countries that exist in both previous dataframes. In other words: I want to produce this output:
> print(myDF_2005_2003_Diff)
A_score country B_score B_score_Diff
1 -300 France 16
2 100 Germany 12 1
3 200 Italy 15 6
4 40 Spain 17
What is the most elegant code to do this?
# join in a temporary dataframe
temp <- merge(myDF_2005, myDF_2003, by = "country", all.x = T)
# calculate the difference and assign a new column
myDF_2005$B_score_Diff <- temp$B_score.x - temp$B_score.y
A solution using dplyr. The idea is to merge the two data frame and then calculate the difference.
myDF_2005_2 <- myDF_2005 %>%
left_join(myDF_2003 %>% select(-A_score), by = "country") %>%
mutate(B_score_Diff = B_score.x - B_score.y) %>%
select(-B_score.y) %>%
rename(B_score = B_score.x)
# A_score country B_score B_score_Diff
# 1 -300 France 16 NA
# 2 100 Germany 12 1
# 3 200 Italy 15 6
# 4 40 Spain 17 NA

R: How to spread, group_by, summarise and mutate at the same time

I want to spread this data below (first 12 rows shown here only) by the column 'Year', returning the sum of 'Orders' grouped by 'CountryName'. Then calculate the % change in 'Orders' for each 'CountryName' from 2014 to 2015.
CountryName Days pCountry Revenue Orders Year
United Kingdom 0-1 days India 2604.799 13 2014
Norway 8-14 days Australia 5631.123 9 2015
US 31-45 days UAE 970.8324 2 2014
United Kingdom 4-7 days Austria 94.3814 1 2015
Norway 8-14 days Slovenia 939.8392 3 2014
South Korea 46-60 days Germany 1959.4199 15 2014
UK 8-14 days Poland 1394.9096 6. 2015
UK 61-90 days Lithuania -170.8035 -1 2015
US 8-14 days Belize 1687.68 5 2014
Australia 46-60 days Chile 888.72 2. 0 2014
US 15-30 days Turkey 2320.7355 8 2014
Australia 0-1 days Hong Kong 672.1099 2 2015
I can make this work with a smaller test dataframe, but can only seem to return endless errors like 'sum not meaningful for factors' or 'duplicate identifiers for rows' with the full data. After hours of reading the dplyr docs and trying things I've given up. Can anyone help with this code...
data %>%
spread(Year, Orders) %>%
group_by(CountryName) %>%
summarise_all(.funs=c(Sum='sum'), na.rm=TRUE) %>%
The expected output would be a table similar to below. (Note: these numbers are for illustrative purposes, they are not hand calculated.)
CountryName percent_inc
UK 34.2
US 28.2
Norway 36.1
... ...
I had to make a few edits to the variable names, please note.
Sum first, while your data are still in long format, then spread. Here's an example with fake data:
dat = data.frame(Country=sample(LETTERS[1:5], 500, replace=TRUE),
Year = sample(2014:2015, 500, replace=TRUE),
Orders = sample(-1:20, 500, replace=TRUE))
dat %>% group_by(Country, Year) %>%
summarise(sum_orders = sum(Orders, na.rm=TRUE)) %>%
spread(Year, sum_orders) %>%
mutate(Pct = (`2014` - `2015`)/`2014` * 100)
Country `2014` `2015` Pct
1 A 575 599 -4.173913
2 B 457 486 -6.345733
3 C 481 319 33.679834
4 D 423 481 -13.711584
5 E 528 551 -4.356061
If you have multiple years, it's probably easier to just keep it in long format until you're ready to make a nice output table:
dat = data.frame(Country=sample(LETTERS[1:5], 500, replace=TRUE),
Year = sample(2010:2015, 500, replace=TRUE),
Orders = sample(-1:20, 500, replace=TRUE))
dat %>% group_by(Country, Year) %>%
summarise(sum_orders = sum(Orders, na.rm=TRUE)) %>%
group_by(Country) %>%
arrange(Country, Year) %>%
mutate(Pct = c(NA, -diff(sum_orders))/lag(sum_orders) * 100)
Country Year sum_orders Pct
<fctr> <int> <int> <dbl>
1 A 2010 205 NA
2 A 2011 144 29.756098
3 A 2012 226 -56.944444
4 A 2013 119 47.345133
5 A 2014 177 -48.739496
6 A 2015 303 -71.186441
7 B 2010 146 NA
8 B 2011 159 -8.904110
9 B 2012 152 4.402516
10 B 2013 180 -18.421053
# ... with 20 more rows
This is not an answer because you haven't really asked a reproducible question, but just to help out.
Error 1 You're getting this error duplicate identifiers for rows likely because of spread. spread wants to make N columns of your N unique values but it needs to know which unique row to place those values. If you have duplicate value-combinations, for instance:
CountryName Days pCountry Revenue
United Kingdom 0-1 days India 2604.799
United Kingdom 0-1 days India 2604.799
shows up twice, then spread gets confused which row it should place the data in. The quick fix is to data %>% mutate(row=row_number()) %>% spread... before spread.
Error 2 You're getting this error sum not meaningful for factors likely because of summarise_all. summarise_all will operate on all columns but some columns contain strings (or factors). What does United Kingdom + United Kingdom equal? Try instead summarise(2014_Sum = sum(2014), 2015_Sum = sum(2015)).
