Parsing a datetime string to local time in rust chrono - datetime

Having trouble with a simple problem. I have a string that does not include timezone information that I need to parse into a DateTime struct. I can get it as UTC, but not local:
let from = NaiveDateTime::parse_from_str(&start_date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")?;
let from_utc = DateTime::<Utc>::from_utc(from, Utc);

You need Local.from_local_datetime() to convert a NaiveDateTime into a DateTime<Local>:
let from: NaiveDateTime = start_date.parse().unwrap();
let date_time = Local.from_local_datetime(&from).unwrap();
Admittedly, this isn't really easy to find in the documentation.
The first line you have works fine as well. For this particular format (RFC3339), it's easier to use str::parse(), though.


Issue in converting Unix timestamp get from moment to normal date

I am using moment().valueOf() to get unix timestamp and to get the normal time from unix time i'm using moment.unix(unix_time).format('LLL') when the unix value is 1606985226404 getting the anser as May 2, 52893 6:36 AM which is incorrect. What is the issue with this?
According to the documentation of Moment.JS, moment() works with milliseconds.
const unix_time = moment().valueOf(); // return epoc in milliseconds
const now = moment.unix(unix_time / 1000).format('LLL').
That's the trick.

Poco::LocalDateTime::timestamp() not converting timestamps to UTC

According to the header file of Poco::Timestamp, timestamps are in UTC, see Timestamp documentation. If timestamps are in UTC, shouldn't a method converting a Poco::LocalDateTime to Poco::Timestamp make sure that the returned timestamp is in UTC? Currently, Poco::LocalDateTime::timestamp() does not do this, and the returned timestamp is in local time.
It's especially strange since the assignment operator Poco::LocalDateTime::operator = (const Timestamp& timestamp) does a UTC to local time conversion. The following code asserts because of this:
Poco::LocalDateTime local1 = Poco::LocalDateTime( 2020, 1, 30 );
Poco::Timestamp timestamp = local1.timestamp();
Poco::LocalDateTime local2 = timestamp;
assert( local1 == local2 );
local1 will not have the same value as local2 in this example. Am I the only one who think this is strange behavior?
If you look at LocalDateTime::timestamp() you will see that it converts the timestamp before returning via Timestamp::fromUtcTime so that function returns a Timestamp in Local time, not UTC time.
You can use the Timestamp::utcTime() function or the Timestamp::raw() function but those return different types to prevent you from accidentally doing the wrong thing.
What are you actually trying to achieve here?

Querying dates in Realm React Native

I'd like to query and filter by dates in realm. Here's my code:
let factories = realm.objects('Factory')
for(factory of factories) {
let toys = realm.objects('Toy').filtered('factory_id ==')
let lowerBound = new Date(year + '-1-1T00:00:00Z')
let uppperBound = new Date(year + '-2-1T00:00:00Z')
let janToys = toys.filtered('created_at > lowerBound AND created_at < uppperBound')
year is a variable declared before the code snippet above.
This doesn't work and I'm pretty sure it's because the date format is not correct.
Here is the date format when I log toys:
Fri Mar 24 2017 16:01:59 GMT+0800 (Malay Peninsula Standard Time)
I'd like to know how to query realm dates. I can't find it in the documentation and other posts here. I'd appreciate any help. If this is not a date format issue, please tell me.
Thank you!
EDIT: I added the outside loop. This may not be a date format issue. Here is the error message:
Error: Predicate expressions must compare a keypath and another keypath or a constant value`
It seems that Realm does not support dot operators inside its queries. Forcing Realm to be relational is not allowed. As a solution, I transformed my usage to follow NoSQL convention. Passing in objects instead of declaring relationships.

What does moment(testDate, "x") do?

I have the following piece of code before me:
var testDate = 1481103000000;
var enterTime = moment(testDate, "x");
<script src=""></script>
The variable enterTime results in a momentjs object with an additional _f property set to "x" and a _pf property of type object (see the console log) compared to a normal moment(testDate) object.
I couldn't find information on the _f or _pf properties anywhere.
Can anyone tell me what the "x" stands for and for what reason it is being used?
Thanks in advance.
With moment(testDate, "x"); you are creating a moment object using moment(String, String); function specifying x as format (Unix ms timestamp).
When you do moment(testDate), you are creating a moment object using moment(Number);.
All moment properties starting with _ are for internal use, _f stands for format, while _pf stand for Parsing Flags.
You can have a look to moment code to get more details about _f and _pf.
x denotes Unix ms timestamp
Please note that this parameter is case-sensitive:
X Output: 1410715640.579 Unix timestamp
x Output: 1410715640579 Unix ms timestamp
Refer here for all the options.

Get local time in seconds using Qt

I am stuck with this problem.
I already got the currentUTCtime in seconds from the QDateTime.
Problem is, I can't find a possible way to convert this into the local time in seconds. There are some QDate functions like toLocalTime() which just don't seem to work. I hope somebody here can help me.
QDateTime currentateTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
QDateTime UTC(QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc());
TimeNow = currentDateTime.toMSecsSinceEpoch()/1000;
Above is my code for the currentUTC Time in seconds.
If you just need the time in seconds since the epoch you can use QDateTime::toTime_t(); this method exists in Qt 4.7 and seems to be a part of Qt 5 from the start, too.
for local time, or for UTC
Use QDateTime::fromTime_t, to which the documentation states:
Returns a datetime whose date and time are the number of seconds that have passed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00, Coordinated Universal Time (Qt::UTC) and converted to the given spec.
qint64 utcTime = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch();
QDateTime localTime = QDateTime::fromTime_t(utcTime, Qt::LocalTime);
