how the QtObject element works in QML - qt

I just want to know what this QtObject elements does, its seems that is reactive, because in the tutorial that I followed, use it for update the color of a button, so, I want to know how I can use it, and how its works, and how I can use in other cases.

while your are working on QML file need to hide some properties from upper layer Item ( some thing's like private variable and methods).
best case for get a right way for incapsulation in QML is to using a internal item like QtObject .
in your code used a QtObject for block the external direct access to button color and bind the color to the button item state.

I assume you've read the docs? A QtObject is just the most basic type of of QML object. It doesn't do anything by itself. It's not visual. So it's just used for holding other properties.
In the example you provided, it's being used as a way to make pseudo-private variables. QML has no such thing as private variables, but if you put properties inside of an object, then they are not accessible to anything outside of this file (unless explicitly exposed). That's all it's being used for in your example. If you took the property dynamicColor and moved it outside of the QtObject, the code would still work exactly the same way. The only difference would be other QML files would be able to access (and therefore modify) dynamicColor.


How to replace all cursor appearances within a QML program?

I'm working on a game that uses QML for its UI.
I would like to replace all cursors appearances with cursor-images that are more fitting to the game style (e.g. pointing skeleton hand instead of the normal Qt::ArrowCursor).
Calling QGuiApplication::setOverrideCursor() seams not to be a practical solution as I can not "overwrite" each MouseArea to call may replaceCursor() magic-global-function. For example the change column with cursor within a TableView is currently impossible for me to manipulate.
To me the most practical solution would be to replace the appearance of all cursors but leaf Qt with the tasks to correctly choose the cursor style.
Thanks for any help!
You can still use QGuiApplication::setOverrideCursor() to decorate your mouse areas. It works like a stack, you can set and then restore cursors, so you begin with setting an initial cursor from main.cpp, and then you use an "overloaded" MouseArea which sets its cursor using setOverrideCursor() as well, instead of using the QML functionality.
For example:
onContainsMouseChanged: {
if (containsMouse) Sys.setOverrideCursor(yourCursortype)
else Sys.restoreOverrideCursor()
Of course, that means you will have to create an auxiliary object that will call those functions from C++, and expose it to QML so it can be called from there.

What's the NSView version of NSCell's highlighted property?

I'm migrating a cell-based NSTableView to be view-based. With NSCell, to determine if a cell was highlighted (e.g., to draw the text in white instead of black), I looked at the NSCell highlighted property.
What's the NSView version of this? I can't find anything like this in the docs.
The easiest way to do this is to simply subclass NSTableCellView. All the documentation says that you can subclass either NSTableCellView or NSView, e.g., Table View Programming Guide for Mac:
Drag an NSTableCellView object (or a custom view) from the object library to the appropriate column in the table view. ... Typically, the view class is a subclass of NSTableCellView.
It doesn't say what this is, or why you'd want to use it. It looks like an NSView which has an NSTextField and an NSImageView, and that's it -- so if you're not making a view that has these, it's tempting to ignore this class and just subclass NSView.
Interestingly, though, if you have any NSTextFields in an NSTableCellView (even if you don't use the textField property for this!), they automatically use the correct light/dark coloring.
In particular, it seems that the backgroundStyle property of NSTableCellView is what causes the text value to actually change. The documentation says:
The default implementation automatically forwards calls to all subviews that implement setBackgroundStyle: or are an NSControl, which have NSCell classes that respond to setBackgroundStyle:.
NSTextField is an NSControl with an NSCell, of course, so it gets this called on it.
While it's not exactly clear in Apple's documentation (what does "this" refer to?), it seems that NSTableView calls -setBackgroundStyle: on any view that defines it. So if you don't want to subclass NSTableCellView, you can alternatively just add a property to your own NSView:
var backgroundStyle: NSBackgroundStyle
and have your drawing code use that.

Use certain component depending of state in flex 3

Depending of some flag I want to use certain component in my mxml.
There is not a default value. So it's probably incorrect to put one in mxml and then with states remove it and add the other.
Both also share the same interface, and I call methods in Actionscript using id. That means that if I put them in different states in mxml, the compiler will complain about same id used 2 times.
Is there any conditional statement or state management like: if x use this component, else use other one (preferably with mxml not actionscript) ? And in a way they are mutually exclusive (can have same id)?
Make ie. both components properties visible and includeInLayout listen (bound) to the flag. You can also use states. Always react on events that the components should dispatch. In the listener you can use the currentTarget to get the sending component.
The other way arround if you like to set a behaviour from somwhere without having access to the component id, define bindable properties and let both components listen to changes through bindings like I said with ie. the visible attribute.
This normaly should work for all requirements. If you can give me some sample code I could write you a short sample and moreover we could add it to your question.

How to completely initialise a component but not add it to the display? Flex

I need to completely initialize a custom component in my Flex app (i.e. I should be able to access it from action script and get its properties and its children etc), But I do not want to add it to the display or make it visible.
I have tried to add it to my visible component, but keep it visible, but often many of its properties are set only when it is drawn, so i don't get what i need.
Is there a way to add a custom component to some sort of 'Virtual' display, that is not visible to the user?
You could add the component to an invisible Sprite - that way the component itself could both be on the stage and have its own visible property set to true.
Did you try using initialize()? After a view is added to the display list, the initialization stage begins. Calling initialize() before addChild() should let you initialize the view without needing to first add it to the stage.
For more info visit:
Not sure if possible without adding it to the display list, although I'd wish it were to some extent.
I once had to make custom drag proxy, which didn't work with the real component, because of some weird skinning issues. So instead I had PopupMananger add a box as a popup, added my component to the box, called validateNow on the component, drew it in a bitmap data, removed the popup, and used the bitmap data as the proxy.
So what you were trying was missing a call to validateNow most likely.

how can I write a generic property modification function in Flex/Actionscript3?

I'm new to Flex, although not new to programming. I want to write a generic event handler that will be called by all my textinput boxes when they receive focus. When they have focus, I want to change the colour of the textinput box. When they lose focus, I want to restore the "inactive" color profile. I could write an ActionScript event handler for each textinput box, but we all know that's lame. :o) What I need, then, is a way to access the object which is calling the event handler.
In Delphi, I'd have written a function which passes in the Sender object, allowing me to access the calling object's properties. I'm guessing ActionScript/Flex has a completely different architecture, which is why I'm having difficulty doing this.
Thanks in anticipation!
You should subclass TextInput and handle the focus events in there. I think this would be the simplest way to achieve what you are looking for without having any complex code.
I hope I'm understanding what you're asking for... are you talking about event delegation?
This worked for me:
// 'focusOut' for blur
stage.addEventListener('focusIn', function(e:Event):void {
// The focused control is
If you want to change the look of the focused input box, you can do this by setting the focusSkin property. If you want this to happen globally, you can put a style declaration in your CSS file.
In this CSS example I'm replacing the default focusSkin (mx.skins.halo.HaloFocusRect) with an embedded PNG file.
TextInput {
focusSkin: Embed(source="focus.png");
TextInput has a few properties for altering the look of the focus, like changing the opacity of the focus skin (focusAlpha property). Check the TextInput documentation for more info.
