Firebase Automated Cron Job Options Without Functions - firebase

I have an app (Flutter using Android Studio) I am on the final stages of and I would, in an ideal world, want to include a feature to notify the user via a mobile notification if a date held against their UID is equal to today (let's use a birthday as an example).
I've spent 2 days looking in to all options, and was very close to using Cloud Functions to store a once a day cron function to notify all users, using FCM, based on the condition above - but something stopped me.
I'm very new to app building. So new that I can not confidently say I do not have a bug or infinity loop somewhere to rack up a huge bill upgrading to the Blaze plan - which without I can not use functions (I literally had credit card in hand on the upgrade page and stopped).
After 3 months of app building I feel I'm between a rock and a hard place. I don't want to launch without auto-notifications (as it's pretty key to the slickness of the app) BUT I can not risk a skies the limit, no-cap, no protection Blaze account if the worst was to happen.
It seems crazy for the effort to be put in to Firebase by Google, which to be fair helps new developers code and launch apps, to put them unnecessarily at risk or cost without automated protection. At least the Flame plan capped your spend - but I can see this is a real concern to new app developers such as myself (I've developed for the web for years). I just can't risk Blaze. I am more than happy to pay for things I use, but not to put myself at risk. Anyway I digress...
Without upgrading to Blaze - is there anyway a newbie such as myself, who is still learning the ropes, I can use FCM, and a cron job, to every day check the Cloud Firestore for users where a certain condition applies (i.e. UID date = today) - and notify them through a notification to their mobile device?

I would recommend using Google Cloud Functions and Cloud Scheduler to accomplish this.
It is worth noting that Firebase + Google Cloud provide an amount of free usage per month. It is quite likely that you could keep your usage under the limits, at least initially. Also, if you are a new Google Cloud customer, there may currently be a trial offer you can redeem for things not covered in the free tier.


Using Firebase as a scheduler

2 years back, I was tasked to quickly build a system for an Health Club that was hit by the Covid pandemic. The system was built within a week & I used what technology I was comfortable with and deployed the system.
The requirements were simple - A member subscribes to a program and he gets regular, timely notifications via FCM. The signup date of the member is rolling, hence it has to follow the n+number of days & time schedule logic.
I built this using simple php with nodejs handling the scheduler. The scheduler runs every minute, checks the mariadb database and runs a loop to send these notifications. This is running correctly at the moment. Having said this, I know this is not the optimal way of doing a solution like this.
I would compare this to the "Autoresponders" we set in any mailing system. Once a person joins, we can schedule Autoresponders - the sending and delivery is managed by the mailing provider.
I wanted to understand if I can use Topics or Realtime / Firebase database to achieve this?
I know it's a super generic question, but if someone can point me in the right direction, I would appreciate it.
PS: I am insisting on Firebase because my apps are already integrated with it and would not require much of work to run these changes.

Firebase Blaze plan and Cloud Functions

Unfortunately Firebase's Flame plan disappeared and I now have to deal with Blaze plan, which I'm not fan of because of it's "unlimited" budget (but my wallet isn't). Yesterday I was coding and by mistake made a loop that called 3 Cloud Functions, I spotted the loop fast enough to stop the carnage.
In only 15 seconds of execution, I've been able to trigger more than 10K requests, and without errors, that a pretty good performance of Firebase, but it's scary as well! How can I cap this to throttle requests coming from users? I'm pretty confident in my code, but as we all know if someone gets my Firebase config file, I'm done.
I'm a solo developer and it's my first app done on my spare time, I don't want to to become a mess because of triggering reads / writes / Cloud Functions. No one is perfect, everyone makes mistakes, maybe I didn't spot a small bug in my code that'll reveal it's true potential only once in production. I'm not asking Firebase to handle my mistakes, but I'd like to be able to stop the CF and Firebase if I want to.
My only desire is to sleep confident, I don't want to wake up one morning with a 10.000$ bill. I've read that's it's possible to totally disable billing account on a project with CloudFunctions, but what will happen to my Firebase Storage bucket for example (for the storage superior to the Spark plan)? And it doesn't seem easy to do.
Firebase is a great product and I love how easy / fun it is to use, but now that budget locked plans as Flame are gone I feel really trapped now that my application is almost ready to go into production, and I don't think I'm the only one out there.
Ah you've stumbled onto the 'rate-limiting' conundrum. Not to worry, I've spent many nights worrying about this myself.
In order to get a bit more control over your application, you're going to have to link your project to google cloud platform. Then navigate to IAM & Admin>Quotas (once you've selected your firebase project).
Now you might be overwhelmed initially, and confused as to why there are so many Cloud functions API limiters. These quotas should allow you to rate limit your cloud functions API (similar to what twitter does) in a number of ways, including but not limited to:
Read Requests per day
Read requests per 100 seconds
Function invocations per 100 seconds
Function invocations per day
The API that will be listed are the ones you've enabled, so you can set limits for cloud storage as well.
By default, the max number of invocations per second is set to the maximum of 5000 invocations per day on the spark plan. but according to the docs, the absolute maximum is 100,000,000/100 seconds!
Also worth having a look at is the pricing docs, which have a nice example of a typical monthly use case for a successful app. To grossly oversimplify, a single invocation costs $0.0000004, hence 10,000,000 invocations will cost you a whopping $3.20. However don't let that very low cost fool you, if you write some terrible code and it has exponential complexity (like reading every document in a firestore collection every invocation), you could get slapped with an exponential cost. So make sure you set those quotas :)
Remember, server admin is as much a part of the application as the code itself. If your app goes to production, be prepared to spend some time each day going through the Google cloud dashboard and checking limits, analyzing trends, etc. This way you can kind of step up the amount of invocations you can allow per day and sleep well knowing that if you shoot yourself in the foot, you won't bleed too much.
Best of luck with it
Despicable B.

How can you limit the billing in firebase? They used to have this possibility, it looks like they removed it [duplicate]

I'm currently working in a social network app and I need to do a search feature. Firestore does not support these kind of queries, so I need to use an external service like Algolia.
The problem is that the free plan does not support connecting to external websites/APIs other than Google's own ones, so I can't connect to Algolia to get my search system working.
I have read multiple stories about devs paying high bills because of loops or errors in their code, and as the Blaze plan is a pay-to-go plan, they get charged what they used. If a loop generated 10TB of files they will get charged for that.
I also know that Blaze plan's features are free as long as each of them (individually) stay below the limits of the free Spark plan.
So as my question says, is there a way to set limits? For example, I would like to tell Firebase to limit my cloud functions invocations to 100k per month. That way it would be free and I would never be able to get over 100k as it's limited, which means I'll never get billed for that.
Take into account that the only thing I need right now from a paid plan is the connection to external networks. I don't need anything else as we're just starting and the app is not in production, so there's no need for huge limits.
Every Firebase project is also a Google Cloud Platform project. This means that many of the advanced features of Google Cloud Platform are also available for your Firebase project.
For example, you can set up billing alert for your Firebase project, so that you are alerted when the usage reaches a certain level. While you can't configure it to switch off the project at some point, the alert should typically be quite good for alerting you to unusual usage patterns.
For more on this see:
Tracking your spending with budgets in a recent blog post.
The GCP documentation on how to set budget alerts, which is what Firebase uses under the hood.
The GCP documentation now also has a section on capping (disabling) billing to stop usage. This is a brute force approach though and may lead to data being lost, so I'd recommend investigating all other options first.
Update (December 2020): Firebase's Todd Kerpelman just released a series of videos where he disables billing using the process from the documentation mentioned above.
You cannot set spending limits to your app now.
As of December 12, 2019, you can no longer create spending limits, but
you can change or remove existing spending limits.
You can create budgets, which will alert you when reaching the budget. But it won't stop the usage when hitting the budget.
The screenshot here seems to show a Spending Limit setting for Firebase projects: Firebase: Budget and Daily Spending Limit
That settings page is located here (the Spending Limit setting apparently only shows up once you set up billing for the project):
It's disabled in the poster's case, but I think that's only because he connected it up to a "NodeJS App Engine app", which isn't the case for many Firebase developers.
I haven't tried it yet myself, but will do so once I start a paid plan.
EDIT: Yep, the setting shows up once you switch to a paid plan. (in my case, Blaze) I don't have enough traffic yet to confirm that it works as expected, but if I find later that it doesn't, I'll give an update here.
"This example shows you how to cap costs and stops usage for a project by disabling Cloud Billing. This will cause all Google Cloud services to terminate non-free tier services for the project."
Google Cloud Source

Payment SDK's with Firebase

I have never dealt with payment SDK's before. I want to implement Stripe into my app to handle in-app payments, but implementing this may take some time and quite a bit of trial and error.
The issue I am facing is that Firebase requires either the Spark or Blaze plan in order to implement these into the app. But, I do not want to pay for the plans until I am ready to fully launch my app. Is there a good way to test out payment SDK's in Firebase without paying for a plan?
I know that the Blaze plan is pay-as-you-go, but I am hesitant to get the plan now as I am sure exactly how much it would be costing me on a monthly basis while I am just testing things out.
You are correct in that to integrate 3rd party systems into a Firebase project you have to upgrade to a paid plan. The Blaze plan is the Flame + pay as you go. So if you are not hitting your free limits per month (which if you're the only tester, it is highly unlikely), your cost will just be the cost of the Flame plane, or $25/month (at time of writing).
To test, you can locally run your Cloud functions using the Firebase shell. That will confirm them working before you deploy to the GCP servers. Once you have your pay plan setup, just do a regular deploy and it should all work correctly. You will of course need some integration testing based on what apps you are using (web/ios/android).

Cost of developing a Google Assistant App?

What costs are involved with developing and/or releasing a Google Assistant App?
eg: Can you develop an app using DialogFlow and a backend (say Firebase) without having to pay while you learn?
First of all - you don't need to use Dialogflow or Firebase to develop your action. Both are suggested, but neither are required. You can use any NLP you want, or none at all if you use the Actions SDK (but you want an NLP). You can use any backend at all, including running it off your local machine and tunneling to it via ngrok, but you don't want to do that for production.
But, during development (and even during a light deployment before your action becomes massively popular and a stand-out hit), you have lots of solutions that will be free.
Dialogflow is free for use with the Google Assistant. Period. There is an Enterprise edition which offers additional services and support for a cost, but you won't need them. There are restrictions, but you won't bump into them until you hit 3 requests per second - which you shouldn't during development.
Firebase's free tier (the Spark Plan) is good for very simple experimentation, but once you start doing network calls to outside Google's network (if you are trying to call the network API for other services), you will be blocked. No worries! The "Blaze Plan" paid tier does require a way to bill you, but they don't start billing you until you get quite a bit of usage: 2 million function calls / month and similarly scaled usage of CPU, memory, and network. So even the "Blaze Plan" will be free during development (and for basic usage).
Updated, December 2020
Things have changed a bit since the original answer was posted, but the underlying basics remain true - there is no charge to develop for Actions on Google.
Dialogflow now has an "Essentials" edition and a more advanced "CX" edition. While you can still use both to build Actions, they're not really intended for this purpose anymore.
Instead, Google has included the Actions Builder into the Actions Console to handle the NLP work. The Actions SDK works with this, but can also just pass along all the STT information to your webhook. Both are also free to use.
Dialogflow is for free if you don't use it as an enterprise:
And Firebase free tier should be enough if you not using firebase
already for other projects. enter link description here
But of course you have to calculate your own time so in case of the
spent time probably not.
For everything else yes it is, as long as you not using it already somewhere. You can for development also host your server local and use an ngrok tunnel as sever address for Dialogflow.
As an addition to shortQuestion's answer:
The free plan in Firebase should be enough if you're just using it for learning and developing apps for personal use. If you want to go a bit further you'll need to upgrade the plan.
You can sign up with a free trial for actions on Google to get 300$ of credits during a 12 month period which would be more than enough to do anything you want.
The costs of Firebase/Actions on Google on a higher plan aren't anything to worry about though, you'd be talking about a few cent per multiple hundred thousand requests.
