I have been trying to replicate https://diffeqflux.sciml.ai/dev/examples/BayesianNODE_NUTS/, using different ODE equation, but I have received this result without uncertainty quantification, is it because I did the initial value u0 is higher :
Could you please tell me what was wrong?
using DiffEqFlux, OrdinaryDiffEq, Flux, Optim, Plots, AdvancedHMC, MCMCChains
using JLD, StatsPlots
function Arps!(du,u,p,t)
y= u[1]
#x, y = u
# Di,b,n,tau = p
n,tau = p
#du[1]=dx=-(x * Di * x^b)
du[1]=dy=-(n *((t^n)/tau) * y/t)
tsteps = 1:1:50
u0 = [16382.9]
prob_trueode = ODEProblem(Arps!,u0,tspan,p)
ode_data = Array(solve(prob_trueode, Tsit5(), saveat = tsteps))
ode_data =ode_data[1,:]
dudt= FastChain(FastDense(1, 30, tanh),
FastDense(30, 1))
prob_neuralode = NeuralODE(dudt, tspan, Tsit5(), saveat = tsteps)
function predict_neuralode(p)
Array(prob_neuralode(u0, p))
function loss_neuralode(p)
pred = predict_neuralode(p)
loss = sum(abs2, ode_data .- pred)
return loss, pred
l(θ) = -sum(abs2, ode_data .- predict_neuralode(θ)) - sum(θ .* θ)
function dldθ(θ)
x,lambda = Flux.Zygote.pullback(l,θ)
grad = first(lambda(1))
return x, grad
metric = DiagEuclideanMetric(length(prob_neuralode.p))
h = Hamiltonian(metric, l, dldθ)
integrator = Leapfrog(find_good_stepsize(h, Float64.(prob_neuralode.p)))
prop = AdvancedHMC.NUTS{MultinomialTS, GeneralisedNoUTurn}(integrator)
adaptor = StanHMCAdaptor(MassMatrixAdaptor(metric), StepSizeAdaptor(0.45, prop.integrator))
samples, stats = sample(h, prop, Float64.(prob_neuralode.p), 500, adaptor, 500; progress=true)
losses = map(x-> x[1],[loss_neuralode(samples[i]) for i in 1:length(samples)])
################### RETRODICTED PLOTS: TIME SERIES #################
pl = scatter(tsteps, ode_data, color = :red, label = "Data: Var1", xlabel = "t", title = "Spiral Neural ODE")
for k in 1:300
resol = predict_neuralode(samples[100:end][rand(1:400)])
plot!(tsteps,resol[1,:], alpha=0.04, color = :red, label = "")
idx = findmin(losses)[2]
prediction = predict_neuralode(samples[idx])
plot!(tsteps,prediction[1,:], color = :black, w = 2, label = "")
The most likely reason for this is because the loss function magnitude is too high for the posterior samples, due to which the posterior sample results are out of range and not visible on your plot.
This can be possibly fixed by (a) adding a scaling factor the Neural ODE output and making sure that the loss function does not start from a very high magnitude or (b) increasing the number of layers in the neural network architecture/ changing the activation function.
By adding scaling factor to the Neural ODE, I have got good results as shown in the figure below:
I am working on a simple pendulum problem to obtain the evolution of the angle θ in a time interval after knowing a data set. To arrive at the solution, I am basing myself on the work of Meléndez et alt, arriving at the following exact expression for the temporal evolution of θ(t).
Where in R I have it this way:
PositionAng <- function(t,AngIn,FreAng)
2 * acos(sin(AngIn/2) * sn(K.fun((sin(AngIn/2)^2)-FrecAng * t), (sin(AngIn/2)^2))
The calculation of the values of the function θ(t) is getting complicated and when I run my program I get a very different graph based on Melendez's work.
My graph it has no elliptical curvature and is linear.
I would like to know if I have an error in the code or I can approach the solution in another way.
Starting from a situation where the angle is: pi/4 (45 degrees) and the length of the rope is 0.8m and the gravity is 9.8 m/s^2.
I have worked with the library (elliptic) to find such a result but I do not know what happens to my graph.
I have built the following code:
L <- 0.8
g <- 9.8
AngIn <- pi/4
#Angular frequency
FrequencyAng <- function(g,L)
#Obtain the value of the angle in a certain second t.
PositionAng <- function(t,AngIn,FreAng)
2 * acos(sin(AngIn/2) * sn(K.fun((sin(AngIn/2)^2)-FrecAng * t), (sin(AngIn/2)^2))
#Function that applies the previous formula using the different intervals (t).
Test <- function(L,g,AngIn)
FrecAng <- 0
t = seq(from= 0, to= 10, by= 0.1)
PosAng <- PositionAng(t,AngIn,FrecAng)
return (PosAng)
#Evolution of the angle as a function of time
EvolAng <- Test(L,g,AngIn)
type = "l",
main = "Evolution of the angle in time",
ylab = "Angle",
xlab = "Time
sn is an elliptical function of Jacobi.
I want to obtain something like the one shown below
As Oliver points out, your problem is that you are setting FrecAng to 0 inside Test. Since PositionAng only uses t once, where it is multiplied by FrecAng (i.e. 0), this term is always 0, so this function produces a constant. I think it should be:
Test <- function(L,g,AngIn)
FrecAng <- FrequencyAng(g, L)
t = seq(from = 0, to = 10, by = 0.1)
PosAng <- PositionAng(t, AngIn, FrecAng)
return (PosAng)
Which produces:
EvolAng <- Test(L, g, AngIn)
type = "l",
main = "Evolution of the angle in time",
ylab = "Angle",
xlab = "Time")
This seems to give sensible results - for a longer pendulum we have what looks like simple harmonic motion:
plot(Test(20, 9.8, pi/4),
type = "l",
main = "Evolution of the angle in time",
ylab = "Angle",
xlab = "Time")
But for shorter lengths we see the non-linear effects:
plot(Test(0.4, 9.8, pi/4),
type = "l",
main = "Evolution of the angle in time",
ylab = "Angle",
xlab = "Time")
MLR3 is really cool. I am trying to tune the regularisation prarameter
searchspace_glmnet_trafo = ParamSet$new(list(
ParamDbl$new("regr.glmnet.lambda", log(0.01), log(10))
searchspace_glmnet_trafo$trafo = function(x, param_set) {
x$regr.glmnet.lambda = (exp(x$regr.glmnet.lambda))
but get the error
Error in glmnet::cv.glmnet(x = data, y = target, family = "gaussian", :
Need more than one value of lambda for cv.glmnet
A minimum non-working example is below. Any help is greatly appreciated.
data("kc_housing", package = "mlr3data")
dates = anytime(kc_housing$date)
kc_housing$date = as.numeric(difftime(dates, min(dates), units = "days"))
kc_housing$zipcode = as.factor(kc_housing$zipcode)
kc_housing$renovated = as.numeric(!is.na(kc_housing$yr_renovated))
kc_housing$has_basement = as.numeric(!is.na(kc_housing$sqft_basement))
kc_housing$id = NULL
kc_housing$price = kc_housing$price / 1000
kc_housing$yr_renovated = NULL
kc_housing$sqft_basement = NULL
tsk = TaskRegr$new("sales", kc_housing, target = "price")
fencoder = po("encode", method = "treatment",
affect_columns = selector_type("factor"))
pipe = fencoder %>>% lrnglm
glearner = GraphLearner$new(pipe)
searchspace_glmnet_trafo = ParamSet$new(list(
ParamDbl$new("regr.glmnet.lambda", log(0.01), log(10))
searchspace_glmnet_trafo$trafo = function(x, param_set) {
x$regr.glmnet.lambda = (exp(x$regr.glmnet.lambda))
inst = TuningInstance$new(
tsk, glearner,
rsmp("cv"), msr("regr.mse"),
searchspace_glmnet_trafo, term("evals", n_evals = 100)
gsearch = tnr("grid_search", resolution = 100)
lambda needs to be a vector param, not a single value (as the message tells).
I suggest to not tune cv.glmnet.
This algorithm does an internal 10-fold CV optimization and relies on its own sequence for lambda.
Consult the help page of the learner for more information.
You can apply your own tuning (tuning of param s, not lambda) on glmnet::glmnet(). However, this algorithm is not (yet) available for use with {mlr3}.
I'm trying to plot a K-Means cluster to analyze different categories of products based on their inventory average and sold quantity.
All values are non-negative and of the same measurement unit.
I don't know what I did wrong and the results contain point with negative values. Actually, I believe all the points given in the plot aren't actual valid points from my data.
Here is my code:
reduced_dataset = dataset[1:20, 4:5]
# Using the elbow method to find the optimal number of clusters
wcss = vector()
for (i in 1:10) wcss[i] = sum(kmeans(reduced_dataset, i)$withinss)
type = 'b',
main = paste('The Elbow Method'),
xlab = 'Number of clusters',
ylab = 'WCSS')
# As a result, number of clusters should be 2
# Fitting K-Means to the dataset
kmeans = kmeans(x = reduced_dataset, centers = 2)
y_kmeans = kmeans$cluster
# Visualising the clusters
lines = 0,
shade = TRUE,
color = TRUE,
labels = 2,
plotchar = FALSE,
span = TRUE,
main = paste('Clusters of categories - NOT ON SALE'),
xlab = 'Average Sold Quantity',
ylab = 'Average Inventory')
structure(list(Avg_Sold_No_Promo = c(0.255722695, 1.139983236,
0.458651842, 0.784966698, 1.642746914, 0.115264798, 7.50338696,
0.487603306, 1.023373984, 0.956099815, 1.505901506, 0.253837072,
0.834963325, 0.880898876, 6.527699531, 11.54054054, 3.44077135,
0.750182882, 0.251033058, 1.875698324), Avg_Inventory_No_Promo =
22.57865326, 9.00694927, 11.56137012, 28.47530864, 7.485981308,
170.9064352, 11.07438017, 22.80792683, 40.63863216, 41.73463573,
10.87603306, 35.87408313, 46.09213483, 185.5671362, 315.6015693,
165.1129477, 78.18032187, 9.65857438, 198.4385475)), .Names =
"Avg_Inventory_No_Promo"), row.names = c(NA, 20L), class = "data.frame")
Can someone please help me?
The clusplot function does this automatically.
It is called PCA, and that is also why you get the line with the variability explained there.
so I am in dire need of help. I have finally managed to construct my R-INLA model and get it to graph as needed. via the code below:
First I create the stacks (note this is the very end of my INLA process, the mesh etc has already been done)
stk.abdu = inla.stack(data = list(y = 1, e = 0), A = list(abdu.mat, 1),tag = 'abdu', effects = list(list(i = 1:sc.mesh.5$n), data.frame(Intercept = 1,dwater=winter.abdu$dwater,elev=winter.abdu$elev,forest=winter.abdu$forest,developed=winter.abdu$developed,openwater=winter.abdu$OpenWater,barren=winter.abdu$barren,shrubland=winter.abdu$shrubland,herb=winter.abdu$herb,planted=winter.abdu$planted,wetland=winter.abdu$wetland,dist=winter.abdu$dwater)))
stk.quad = inla.stack(data = list(y = 0, e = 0.1), A = list(quad.mat, 1),tag = 'quad', effects = list(list(i = 1:sc.mesh.5$n), data.frame(Intercept = 1,dwater=dummy$dwater,elev=dummy$elev,forest=dummy$forest,developed=dummy$developed,openwater=dummy$openwater,barren=dummy$barren,shrubland=dummy$shrubland,herb=dummy$herb,planted=dummy$planted,wetland=dummy$wetland,dist=dummy$dwater)))
stk.prd<-inla.stack(data = list(y = NA), A = list(Aprd, 1),tag = 'prd', effects = list(list(i = 1:sc.mesh.5$n), data.frame(Intercept = 1,dwater=prddf2$dwater,elev=prddf2$elev,forest=prddf2$forest,developed=prddf2$developed,openwater=prddf2$openwater,barren=prddf2$barren,shrubland=prddf2$shrubland,herb=prddf2$herb,planted=prddf2$planted,wetland=prddf2$wetland,dist=prddf2$dwater)))
stk.all.prd = inla.stack(stk.abdu,stk.quad,stk.prd)
Next I fit my model
ft.inla.prd<-inla(y ~ 0 + Intercept + elev + dwater + forest+ developed + f(inla.group(dist,n=50,method="quantile"),model="rw1",scale.model=TRUE)+f(i,model=sc.spde),family="binomial",data=inla.stack.data(stk.all.prd),control.predictor = list(A = inla.stack.A(stk.all.prd),compute=TRUE),E=inla.stack.data(stk.all.prd)$e,control.compute=list(dic = TRUE),control.fixed=list(expand.factor.strategy="INLA"))
Then I change the predicted values from logit to probabilities
ft.inla.prd$newfield <- exp(ft.inla.prd$summary.random$i$mean)/(1 + exp(ft.inla.prd$summary.random$i$mean))
And finally I use inla.mesh.project and levelplot to create my image
xmean <- inla.mesh.project(projgrid,ft.inla.prd$newfield)
levelplot(xmean, col.regions=topo.colors(99), main='Probability of Presence',xlab='', ylab='', scales=list(draw=FALSE))
So my problem is that I now want to export this data (what is projected as the graph) as a raster so that I can work with it in ArcGIS. However, I have not been able to find a way to do so.
Any input is greatly appreciated
I have been working on a program in Scilab that numerically integrates a function by the trapezoidal rule (without using the built-in function). I have no problem with the integration or plotting the function, but I want to overlay the real function on a plot of the trapezoids, colored in.
For some reason, when I set the bounds a = 0 to b = 3, no problem, I get exactly what I want. However, when I set the bounds above 3, the trapezoids will still plot (by lines), but they won't be colored in. In the code below, the color stops at 3. If I plot 0 to 6, for example, the color stops half-way through. 3 to 6, and there is no color at all.
Here are the relevant sections of code:
deff('[y] = f(x)','y = e^(x^2)'); // Definition of function
a = 0; // Lower bound
b = 4; // Upper bound
n = 20; // Number of intervals
h = ((b - a)/n); // Interval spacing
x = a:h:b; // Array of positions for division
for i = 1:n+1
y(i) = f(x(i));
for i = 1:n // Plot colored trapezoids
x_start = a+(h*(i-1));
x_end = a+(h*(i));
y_start = y(i);
y_end = y(i+1);
xpts = [x_start, x_end, x_end, x_start];
ypts = [y_start, y_end, 0, 0];
This is the plot output for a = 0, b = 3
What version of Scilab are you using?
I tried your code with Scilab 5.4.1 (64bit) and I got uncolored trapezoids, but with 5.5.2 (64bit) all the shapes are nice green.
So maybe there was some bugfix between these versions.
I also changed your function definition from 'y = e^(x^2)' to 'y = %e^(x^2)' since the Euler number is a predefined variable (at least in 5.5.2).
deff('[y] = f(x)','y = %e^(x^2)'); // Definition of function
a = 0; // Lower bound
b = 6; // Upper bound
n = 100; // Number of intervals
h = ((b - a)/n); // Interval spacing
x = a:h:b; // Array of positions for division
for i = 1:n+1
y(i) = f(x(i));
for i = 1:n // Plot colored trapezoids
x_start = a+(h*(i-1));
x_end = a+(h*(i));
y_start = y(i);
y_end = y(i+1);
xpts = [x_start, x_end, x_end, x_start];
ypts = [y_start, y_end, 0, 0];