How does Google Analytics proxy detection work? - google-analytics

I hosted a website and included a Google Analytic tag in it to count the visitors. The website itself is kinda empty and has no purpose other than trying out Google Analytics.
It seems like Google Analytics can somehow find out if i visit the website via a proxy and doesnt add this visit to the visitorcount. It doesnt matter if i use the proxy directly in the browser or via a java framework like HtmlUnit or Selenium.
The frameworks and proxys themself are working, i checked it at websites like whatismyip dot com. The Analytic tag is also working, since it correctly adds normal visitors to the visitorcount.
So my question is: how does Google Analytic find out someone is using a proxy? As far as i know the only indications someone is using a proxy are in the HTTP-Headers (X-Forwarded-For tag and so on). But the JavaScript which is included in my site shouldnt have access to the HTTP-Request, right?
I used free proxys which can be found if you google "free http proxy list" or similar keywords. Does Analytic automaticly downloads and blacklists those IP-Adresses? Because i canot imagine any other way it can find out someone is using a proxy just via Javascript.

If you tick "Exclude bot" in View settings it may be that Analytics recognizes those IPs as spam sources. Since these proxies are free services they can be used frequently for this purpose by malicious people and Google has blacklisted them.


Google Site Kit Plugin has been copied to multiple sites, so Analytics information is inaccurate

My company manages several websites for clients. We build Wordpress sites and manage them all on Flywheel. Whenever we make a new website, we typically duplicate an existing site so that we can reuse some general settings. I recently found out that the Google Site Kit plugin has been getting duplicated, along with its existing settings, so that multiple separate websites have been pointing to the same google analytics account. Because they are all pointing to the same account, the Google Analytics account is just tracking slugs, thinking all traffic is coming from the same base url. Now all traffic on common pages, such as Home, Contact, and About are being clumped together, highly inflating the numbers of what traffic would be on any one of the sites. Is there a way to separate the data by base url, so I could see accurate data for each site?
In that case what you'll need to do on the sites with the same property is revisit the Site Kit settings and connect to the correct Google Analytics property (and Tag Manager / AdSense if applicable).
Note also that if your site URL changes Site Kit does recognize this, asking users to connect once more on the new domain. If you then connect on the new site you'll need to change the connected Google Analytics property.
Going forward, before you duplicate a site that has Site Kit active you can disconnect the Google Analytics, AdSense and Tag Manager modules before duplicating, before connecting once more after copying. Alternatively you can reset Site Kit before duplicating. Resetting will mean you'll need to connect all services once more (after duplicating).
Hopefully the above helps.

Wix template sending tracking via fileusr to my site - causing Google Analytics to view traffic as referral

My website is hosted on . Wix does not allow you to insert HTML code directly in the page of your web site. When I input HTML code, Wix inserts an iframe that is hosted from a different domain ( This iframe does not use Google Analytics tracking, so when the browser loads this iframe GA believes my customer has "left" my web site and gone somewhere else. When the iframe loads, the original source of the traffic is lost.
From the research I've done, it seems this Wix feature does not work with GA traffic tracking, and so there is no solution other than using a different hosting platform.
However, I'm sure you clever folk know otherwise!...
Right, Wix is notorious for being a "widget" based platform that does not play nice with custom code. However, the whole GA different-origin thing is such a common request that they implement the tracker directly themselves if you plug your GA ID into your site settings. Any reason you are not using this? - They also claim to support other custom tracking snippets - make sure you are pasting it into the "Tracking & Analytics" section and not as a custom HTML widget.
If for some reason you can't or don't want to use the above methods, it used to be that you were just out of luck. There is a reason why Wix is not as favored as other platforms by digital marketers that need to implement tracking code. However, if you were really determined, you could probably implement a very custom GA tracker or any custom code through their new feature called Corvid, which exposes internal APIs and extra coding features. How to do so is beyond the scope of this question, but the postMessage() method is the normal way to pass messages from a parent to a child (iframe) container. Or you could use wix-fetch, which is an internal version of the web API fetch(), to manually send a hit request to GA.

Google tag manager collect the data from other domains?

After using Goole Tag Manager from Goole Analystics it starts to collect the visitor info from other domains that even don't have the tag. These domains share same IP address but it shouldn't be the problem I guess. Any idea?
There can be many problems. Lets look at it:
do you manage the other pages?
is it possible you accidentally deployed the tag to this domains?
is it possible that you maybe accidently didnt change the UA-ID in
the tag you deployed?
check them with Google Tag Assistant extension installed and enabled
in Google Chrome for Google Tag Manager tag, its really on the page? see 3) with what UA-ID?
is there maybe standard Google Analytics tracking left on the other
Let me know I would like to dig into your problem and help it fix it. It really looks like some previous tag was forgotten on the other domains. There is no way how domain without any tag could appear in your GA, except of course the traffic spam bots, which can be filtered.
In that case refer to this page which is kept up to date. Especially focus on Valid Hostname filter, but be careful with the deployment. Always preview, debug and test, before putting in into your main view in GA.

how to test my local page on Fetch as Googlebot

I have written a page and need to test it locally.
How can I see the result of my development site served from my local machine using Google's "Fetch As Google" feature in Webmaster Tools?
(disclaimer: more of a comment than an answer)
This is an excellent question and there are amazingly little sources on the web for a solution.
Fetch Google Bot -
The Fetch as Googlebot tool lets you
see a page as Googlebot sees it. This
is particularly useful if you're
troubleshooting a page's poor
performance in search results. For
example, if you use rich media files
to display content, the page returned
by the tool may not contain this
content if Google can't crawl it
effectively. You can choose to fetch a
page as Google's regular web crawler
sees it or, if you publish mobile
content, as our mobile crawlers do.
I followed the link above and tried out User Agent Switcher but it doesn't accomplish what the asker is looking for. See this thread:
You can change the user agent settings
to be the same as GoogleBot, for
example, but I'm not sure if sites
also change their appearance based on
the headers the search bot sends.
Changing the headers is beyond the
scope of the extension, however.
For example if i put googleBot i'd
like it to customize that it would be
emulate Google's spider.
The User Agent Switcher has always
been designed to be a simple,
light-weight solution so I'm not
planning on adding anything like this.
In short I don't think there is a solution. This would be a great opportunity for a google app
Do you mean you want to see how your site will react to the google web crawler?
For this you could use Firefox with the User Agent Switcher addon.
In order to test your localhost website with the official Google tools, you can use Ngrok as i described in this post :
Fetch as Google is not possible to use directly with non verified domain in Google Search Console (Webmaster tools). A trick to view it, is to iframe your Ngrok URL in a another verified domain.
- you should have a website verified in Search console
- Make an iframe that loads your Ngrok URL of your localhost webpage
Ngrok + Fetch as google combination is great, but you will need to go through the verification process each time you launch ngrok on the google tools side.
In my case I just needed to check if server side render was properly done, just went to google Chrome navigator settings and disabled javascript:
Settings >> Advanced >> Content Settings >> Disable >> Javascript Allowed (off)
It allowed me to check that the page was being 100% rendered in the server side(nextjs server side rendering) and no JavaScript render was being run on the client side.

Exclude Xenu's Link Sleuth from Google Analytics

I've just added the Google Analytics tracking to my website (cca 350 static HTML pages).
I realized that I run Xenu's Link Sleuth to check my links pretty often, nearly after each change in my HTML files. I guess such checking will be counted as regular accesses to my website by Google Analytics. I would like to exclude the Xenu checking from the Google Analytics reports. Is this possible?
So far, I have excluded my own access by filtering out my IP address. Can I do something similar for the Xenu? I am running the Xenu application always from my own PC, does it mean that by excluding my own IP, I have also excluded the Xenu checking, which is possibly using also my IP address?
As I am writing this, I am realizing that I am using also online HTML validator at and another version here Can I somehow exclude also these checks?
Does Link Sleuth run JavaScript? If not, it won't do anything to Google Analytics.
From what I can see on the FAQ, Link Sleuth will only run JavaScript if you tell it to, and then only links that match your regular expression. Just don't get it to call the GA tracker.
