How do I find Grakn 2.0 entities that lack an attribute of a specific type? - vaticle-typedb

I am running Grakn 2.0.0-alpha in a docker container. I have a hypergraph representing a state machine, with state transitions between states.
Some of these transitions have an attribute of type some-attribute-type, and some do not. I can confirm this by querying for all transitions and checking them one by one. However, when I use negation in the following query, I get nothing. What am I doing wrong? I have tried the following query both via the Python client and via the console.
match {
$next (preceding $current_state, succeeding $next_state) isa next;
not {
$next has some-attribute-type $g0;
The grakn 2.0.0-alpha negation may have a bug or the semantics may have diverged from the prior major release. It appears that if you try to first match a variable against the type you want to negate, and then use that variable to check the non-existence, then you get too many matches (as expected)
The following query returns some results, but more than expected from the previous query.
match {
$next (preceding: $current_state, succeeding: $next_state) isa next;
$e isa some-attribute-type;
not {
$next has $e;
See the following bug report:

Can you provide a simple reproducible example, please?
Also, is that possible that you forgot to close the write transaction?


How to make complex Firestore rules work fine with maps and lists?

I am currently having a lot of trouble setting up complex Firestore rules, but nothing worked so far and I would love if someone could help.
This is my root database structure:
Where user_access has email address as key, and an object/list/value (more on that later) with the groupId he can access followed by the level of permission.
Every meeting has a groupId (where it belong).
So, I would like a rule to: check if the current groupId value from meetings is in the document at user_access with the current email address as key.
I thought about doing this rule (simplified below):
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /meetings/{meetingId} {
function correctUser() {
return get(/databases/$(database)/documents/access/$([get(/databases/$(database)/documents/meetings/$(meetingId)).data.groupId] == "leader"
allow read: if correctUser();
allow write: if correctUser();
But it doesn't work.. And I'm not sure why.
I tried making a list:
function correctUser() {
return get(/databases/$(database)/documents/meetings/$(meetingId)).data.groupId in get(/databases/$(database)/documents/access/$(
But it also didn't work and I'm not sure why.
The best case scenario would be using a list of objects (a map), key(id),value(permission). Is that possible? Worst case scenario I can use a list for each different permission, or even put all the ids as value (I'll probably never reach the 20k fields limit).
So, I have two questions:
First, how can I make my rule(s) work?
Second, how do I call values from wildcards from inside fields? For example, on the example above with {meetingId}, how would I use this meetingId as a key? (...).data.meetingId? (...).data[$(meetingId)]? I found it very confusing and bad documented. What about on maps? Same thing?
It took me weeks to find out, but what I ultimately wanted and worked was:
function isLeader() {
return get(/databases/$(database)/documents/access/$([] == "leader"
|| get(/databases/$(database)/documents/access/$([] == "leader"
There is difference between and which I didn't know and was killing my requests, sometimes read, sometimes write. Glad it works now.

Collection of Unique Functions in Go

I am trying to implement a set of functions in go. The context is an event server; I would like to prevent (or at least warn) adding the same handler more than once for an event.
I have read that maps are idiomatic to use as sets because of the ease of checking for membership:
if _, ok := set[item]; ok {
// don't add item
} else {
// do add item
I'm having some trouble with using this paradigm for functions though. Here is my first attempt:
// this is not the actual signature
type EventResponse func(args interface{})
type EventResponseSet map[*EventResponse]struct{}
func (ers EventResponseSet) Add(r EventResponse) {
if _, ok := ers[&r]; ok {
// warn here
ers[&r] = struct{}{}
func (ers EventResponseSet) Remove(r EventResponse) {
// if key is not there, doesn't matter
delete(ers, &r)
It is clear why this doesn't work: functions are not reference types in Go, though some people will tell you they are. I have proof, though we shouldn't need it since the language specification says that everything other than maps, slices, and pointers are passed by value.
Attempt 2:
func (ers EventResponseSet) Add(r *EventResponse) {
// ...
This has a couple of problems:
Any EventResponse has to be declared like fn := func(args interface{}){} because you can't address functions declared in the usual manner.
You can't pass a closure at all.
Using a wrapper is not an option because any function passed to the wrapper will get a new address from the wrapper - no function will be uniquely identifiable by address, and all this careful planning is for nought.
Is it silly of me to not accept defining functions as variables as a solution? Is there another (good) solution?
To be clear, I accept that there are cases that I can't catch (closures), and that's fine. The use case that I envision is defining a bunch of handlers and being relatively safe that I won't accidentally add one to the same event twice, if that makes sense.
You could use reflect.Value presented by Uvelichitel, or the function address as a string acquired by fmt.Sprint() or the address as uintptr acquired by reflect.Value.Pointer() (more in the answer How to compare 2 functions in Go?), but I recommend against it.
Since the language spec does not allow to compare function values, nor does it allow to take their addresses, you have no guarantee that something that works at a time in your program will work always, including a specific run, and including different (future) Go compilers. I would not use it.
Since the spec is strict about this, this means compilers are allowed to generate code that would for example change the address of a function at runtime (e.g. unload an unused function, then load it again later if needed again). I don't know about such behavior currently, but this doesn't mean that a future Go compiler will not take advantage of such thing.
If you store a function address (in whatever format), that value does not count as keeping the function value anymore. And if no one else would "own" the function value anymore, the generated code (and the Go runtime) would be "free" to modify / relocate the function (and thus changing its address) – without violating the spec and Go's type safety. So you could not be rightfully angry at and blame the compiler, but only yourself.
If you want to check against reusing, you could work with interface values.
Let's say you need functions with signature:
func(p ParamType) RetType
Create an interface:
type EventResponse interface {
Do(p ParamType) RetType
For example, you could have an unexported struct type, and a pointer to it could implement your EventResponse interface. Make an exported function to return the single value, so no new values may be created.
type myEvtResp struct{}
func (m *myEvtResp) Do(p ParamType) RetType {
// Your logic comes here
var single = &myEvtResp{}
func Get() EventResponse { return single }
Is it really needed to hide the implementation in a package, and only create and "publish" a single instance? Unfortunately yes, because else you could create other value like &myEvtResp{} which may be different pointers still having the same Do() method, but the interface wrapper values might not be equal:
Interface values are comparable. Two interface values are equal if they have identical dynamic types and equal dynamic values or if both have value nil.
Pointer values are comparable. Two pointer values are equal if they point to the same variable or if both have value nil. Pointers to distinct zero-size variables may or may not be equal.
The type *myEvtResp implements EventResponse and so you can register a value of it (the only value, accessible via Get()). You can have a map of type map[EventResponse]bool in which you may store your registered handlers, the interface values as keys, and true as values. Indexing a map with a key that is not in the map yields the zero value of the value type of the map. So if the value type of the map is bool, indexing it with a non-existing key will result in false – telling it's not in the map. Indexing with an already registered EventResponse (an existing key) will result in the stored value – true – telling it's in the map, it's already registered.
You can simply check if one already been registered:
type EventResponseSet map[*EventResponse]bool
func (ers EventResponseSet) Add(r EventResponse) {
if ers[r] {
// warn here
ers[r] = true
Closing: This may seem a little too much hassle just to avoid duplicated use. I agree, and I wouldn't go for it. But if you want to...
Which functions you mean to be equal? Comparability is not defined for functions types in language specification. reflect.Value gives you the desired behaviour more or less
type EventResponseSet map[reflect.Value]struct{}
set := make(EventResponseSet)
if _, ok := set[reflect.ValueOf(item)]; ok {
// don't add item
} else {
// do add item
set[reflect.ValueOf(item)] = struct{}{}
this assertion will treat as equal items produced by assignments only
//for example
item1 := fmt.Println
item2 := fmt.Println
item3 := item1
//would have all same reflect.Value
but I don't think this behaviour guaranteed by any documentation.

Meteor parameters and where they come from

I have a question where all the parameters for the meteor functions are coming from? Things like postAttribues, id, postId, limit, etc, etc...
Meteor.publish('newPosts', function(limit) {
return Posts.find({}, {sort: {submitted: -1}, limit: limit});
Meteor.publish('singlePost', function(id) {
return id && Posts.find(id);
//related to post
Meteor.publish('comments', function(postId) {
return Comments.find({postId: postId});
Are they signaled from Mongo DB? It's fine and dandy to memorize these things, but it would be nice to know where these parameters are coming from and what parameters are usually available to me.
I never used any frameworks before, so this may be why I'm confused. I worked exclusively with Javascript before jumping on Meteor.
I also have the same question about Iron Router: When creating a route, we can set a route with a specific Id with /randomName/:_id and the unique code that's responsible for associating the ":_Id" with the actual page is this.params._id. Why and how does the back end associate these things?
I would appreciate any help to help me understand this better.
A meteor find() query follows the syntax find({query}, {options}) defined here: where the options parameter is an object containing sort, limit, etc... These options look similar to some Mongo operators such as .sort() and .limit() but are defined
The parameters limit and sort are part of the options parameter. It would be useful to review the documentation for Meteor found here:
The parameter postId comes from the way you have defined your objects in your DB. This field is part of your query parameter which specifies what exactly to find in the DB. So by specifying a postId:, Meteor will look through your Comments collection for any containing the postId that you pass. When you pass a string as the query parameter, it is expected that that string is an _id in your collection.
For the parameters being passed into the publication itself see . It comes from the subscription. Basically, you can pass. Parameters between the client and the server this way. To make your publication more robust, you can add parameters as you wish so that the client can specify which 'id' or 'limit' that they want.
As for your iron:router question, I am not sure exactly what you are asking about how the backend associates parameters and the page itself. Perhaps you could be more specific and update your question accordingly

What's the right way to check if collection.find success in Meteor?

The Meteor document said 'find returns a cursor', and can use 'fetch' to return all matching documents, but I didn't find a complete reference of this 'cursor' object.
I want to use this 'cursor' object to check if find sucessfully got some result or got nothing.
Following is what I am doing now:
if (Tags.find({name: tag["tag"]}).fetch().length === 0) {
// Not found, add default documents
Not sure if this is right way(best practice) to do this?
The idiom is to use .findOne:
if (!Tags.findOne(...)) {
// nothing found, add default documents
This is more efficient than fetch() because it only queries the database for one document.
You can also use <cursor>.count, but beware that in Mongo, count operations are expensive.

element() vs. node() in XQuery

Can someone tell me the exact difference between node() and element() types in XQuery? The documentation states that element() is an element node, while node() is any node, so if I understand it correctly element() is a subset of node().
The thing is I have an XQuery function like this:
declare function local:myFunction($arg1 as element()) as element() {
let $value := data($arg1/subelement)
Now I want to call the function with a parameter which is obtained by another function, say functionX (which I have no control over):
let $parameter := someNamespace:functionX()
return local:myFunction($parameter)
The problem is, functionX returns an node() so it will not let me pass the $parameter directly. I tried changing the type of my function to take a node() instead of an element(), but then I can’t seem to read any data from it. $value is just empty.
Is there some way of either converting the node to an element or should am I just missing something?
EDIT: As far as I can tell the problem is in the part where I try to get the subelement using $arg1/subelement. Apparently you can do this if $arg1 is an element() but not if it is a node().
UPDATE: I have tested the example provided by Dimitre below, and it indeed works fine, both with Saxon and with eXist DB (which is what I am using as the XQuery engine). The problem actually occurs with the request:get-data() function from eXist DB. This function gets data provided by the POST request when using eXist through REST, parses it as XML and returns it as a node(). But for some reason when I pass the data to another function XQuery doesn’t acknowledge it as being a valid element(), even though it is. If I extract it manually (i.e. copy the output and paste it to my source code), assign it to a variable and pass it to my function all goes well. But if I pass it directly it gives me a runtime error (and indeed fails the instance of test).
I need to be able to either make it ignore this type-check or “typecast” the data to an element().
data() returning empty for an element just because the argument type is node() sounds like a bug to me. What XQuery processor are you using?
It sounds like you need to placate static type checking, which you can do using a treat as expression. I don't believe a dynamic test using instance of will suffice.
Try this:
let $parameter := someNamespace:functionX() treat as element()
return local:myFunction($parameter)
Quoting from the 4th edition of Michael Kay's magnum opus, "The treat as operator is essentially telling the system that you know what the runtime type is going to be, and you want any checking to be deferred until runtime, because you're confident that your code is correct." (p. 679)
UPDATE: I think the above is actually wrong, since treat as is just an assertion. It doesn't change the type annotation node(), which means it's also a wrong assertion and doesn't help you. Hmmm... What I really want is cast as, but that only works for atomic types. I guess I'm stumped. Maybe you should change XQuery engines. :-) I'll report back if I think of something else. Also, I'm curious to find out if Dimitre's solution works for you.
UPDATE #2: I had backpedaled here earlier. Can I backpedal again? ;-) Now my theory is that treat as will work based on the fact that node() is interpreted as a union of the various specific node type annotations, and not as a run-time type annotation itself (see the "Note" in the "Item types" section of the XQuery formal semantics.) At run time, the type annotation will be element(). Use treat as to guarantee to the type checker that this will be true. Now I wait on bated breath: does it work for you?
EXPLANATORY ADDENDUM: Assuming this works, here's why. node() is a union type. Actual items at run time are never annotated with node(). "An item type is either an atomic type, an element type, an attribute type, a document node type, a text node type, a comment node type, or a processing instruction type."1 Notice that node() is not in that list. Thus, your XQuery engine isn't complaining that an item has type node(); rather it's complaining that it doesn't know what the type is going to be (node() means it could end up being attribute(), element(), text(), comment(), processing-instruction(), or document-node()). Why does it have to know? Because you're telling it elsewhere that it's an element (in your function's signature). It's not enough to narrow it down to one of the above six possibilities. Static type checking means that you have to guarantee—at compile time—that the types will match up (element with element, in this case). treat as is used to narrow down the static type from a general type (node()) to a more specific type (element()). It doesn't change the dynamic type. cast as, on the other hand, is used to convert an item from one type to another, changing both the static and dynamic types (e.g., xs:string to xs:boolean). It makes sense that cast as can only be used with atomic values (and not nodes), because what would it mean to convert an attribute to an element (etc.)? And there's no such thing as converting a node() item to an element() item, because there's no such thing as a node() item. node() only exists as a static union type. Moral of the story? Avoid XQuery processors that use static type checking. (Sorry for the snarky conclusion; I feel I've earned the right. :-) )
NEW ANSWER BASED ON UPDATED INFORMATION: It sounds like static type checking is a red herring (a big fat one). I believe you are in fact not dealing with an element but a document node, which is the invisible root node that contains the top-level element (document element) in the XPath data model representation of a well-formed XML document.
The tree is thus modeled like this:
and not like this:
I had assumed you were passing the <docElement> node. But if I'm right, you were actually passing the document node (its parent). Since the document node is invisible, its serialization (what you copied and pasted) is indistinguishable from an element node, and the distinction was lost when you pasted what is now interpreted as a bare element constructor in your XQuery. (To construct a document node in XQuery, you have to wrap the element constructor with document{ ... }.)
The instance of test fails because the node is not an element but a document-node. (It's not a node() per se, because there's no such thing; see explanation above.)
Also, this would explain why data() returns empty when you tried to get the <subelement> child of the document node (after relaxing the function argument type to node()). The first tree representation above shows that <subelement> is not a child of the document node; thus it returns the empty sequence.
Now for the solution. Before passing the (document node) parameter, get its element child (the document element), by appending /* (or /element() which is equivalent) like this:
let $parameter := someNamespace:functionX()/*
return local:myFunction($parameter)
Alternatively, let your function take a document node and update the argument you pass to data():
declare function local:myFunction($arg1 as document-node()) as element() {
let $value := data($arg1/*/subelement)
Finally, it looks like the description of eXist's request:get-data() function is perfectly consistent with this explanation. It says: "If its not a binary document, we attempt to parse it as XML and return a document-node()." (emphasis added)
Thanks for the adventure. This turned out to be a common XPath gotcha (awareness of document nodes), but I learned a few things from our detour into static type checking.
This works perfectly using Saxon 9.3:
declare namespace my = "my:my";
declare namespace their = "their:their";
declare function my:fun($arg1 as element()) as element()
declare function their:fun2($arg1 as node()) as node()
my:fun(their:fun2(/*) )
when the code above is applied on the following XML document:
the correct result is produced with no error messages:
The following should work even with the most punctuential static type-checking XQuery implementation:
declare namespace my = "my:my";
declare namespace their = "their:their";
declare function my:fun($arg1 as element()) as element()
declare function their:fun2($arg1 as node()) as node()
let $vRes := their:fun2(/*)
(: this prevents our code from runtime crash :)
return if($vRes instance of element())
(: and this assures the static type-checker
that the type is element() :)
my:fun(their:fun2(/*) treat as element())
node() is an element, attribute, processing instruction, text node, etc.
But data() converts the result to a string, which isn't any of those; it's a primitive type.
You might want to try item(), which should match either.
See Matching an ItemType and an Item in the W3C XQuery spec.
Although it's not shown in your example code, I assume you are actually returning a value (like the $value you are working with) from the local:myFunction.
