I have a grid of 10x10m coordinates that I extracted from a raster. I have a set of 'starting points'. For each starting point, I want to find the location (coordinates) of cells within a 10-50m radius around it.
I am aware of functions to do this with a raster starting point, but additional analyses that I have not included here require that I perform the search from a grid of coordinates in the format shown below.
The code below achieves my aim, however the outer function produces vectors that are far too large (> 10 Gb) on my actual dataset (which is a grid of 9 million 10x10m cells, with 3000 starting points).
I am looking for alternatives that achieve the same result as the following (simplified) code, but do not require large vector storage or looping over each starting point separately.
#Set up the mock raster
orig=raster(nrows=100, ncols=100)
vals <- rep(c(1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 3, 2), times = c(72, 72, 72, 72, 72, 72, 72, 72, 72))
setValues(orig, vals)
values(orig) <- vals
xygrid <-, xy = TRUE) %>% .[,1:2]
x y
1 -175 85
2 -165 85
3 -155 85
4 -145 85
5 -135 85
6 -125 85
#the initial starting points
init_locs <- c(5, 10, 15, 20)
#calculate the distance to every surrounding cell from starting point
Rx <- outer(xygrid[init_locs, 1], xygrid[, 1], "-")
Ry <- outer(xygrid[init_locs, 2], xygrid[, 2], "-")
R <- sqrt(Rx^2+Ry^2) #overall distance
for (i in 1:length(R[,1])) {
expr2 <- (R[i,] > 10 & R[i,] <= 50) #extract the location of cells within 10-50m
inv <- xygrid[expr2,] #extract the coordinates of these cells
x y
15 -35 85
16 -25 85
17 -15 85
18 -5 85
22 35 85
23 45 85
(Raster and spatial data are not my specialty, but this made me think of a naive approach that might work acceptably. I don't know anything about the methods #Robert Hijmans mentioned, those are likely much more performant. I just thought this sounded like an interesting question to explore with basic methods.)</caveat>
The main challenge here is you have 9 million cells, but only around 80 of those will be with 50m of any given point. If you calculate all those cells' distances to 3,000 starting points and then filter for those under 50m, that's 9M x 3k = 27 billion calculations, and a gigantic data structure, almost all of which is unnecessary.
We can quickly get ~1,000x more efficient by splitting this into two problems -- first, what general region of potentially-within-50m-points should we look at, and second, what is the actual distance to the points in those regions?
We can precalculate a modestly sized <2MB hash table for step 1. Then, by joining it to our locations (a very fast operation), we can focus our calculations on the 1/1000th of points that have a chance of being within 50m. I arbitrarily split the original cells into 100 x 100 = 10k sectors, each sector holding 30x30 cells.
1. Creating hash table
For the hash table, I'll assign each point to a sector, somewhat arbitrarily as 30x30 cells, so we have 100x100 = 10k sectors. This could be tuned based on speed vs. memory tradeoffs.
max_dist = 30 # sector width, in cells
xygrid2 <- expand_grid(
x = seq(0, 2999, by = 1), # 3000x3000 location grid
y = seq(0, 2999, by = 1))
xygrid2$sector_x = xygrid2$x %/% max_dist # 100 x 100 sectors
xygrid2$sector_y = xygrid2$y %/% max_dist
y_range = max(xygrid2$sector_y) + 1
xygrid2$sector_num = xygrid2$sector_x*y_range + xygrid2$sector_y
We now have 10,000 sectors assigned. Now which sectors are adjacent to which others? In every case, the adjacent sectors follow the same pattern. In this case, I have 100 sectors across x, so the sectors adjacent to sector S will have sector numbers that vary from S by -101 -100 -99 -1 0 1 99 100 101. We can use this pattern to assign all the adjacencies instantaneously. For simplicity, I leave in sectors outside our range; they will be ignored later anyway.
sector_num_deltas <- rep(-1:1, by = 3) + rep(-1:1, each = 3) * y_range
distinct(xygrid2, sector_num) %>%
uncount(9) %>% # copy each row 9 times, one for each adjacency
mutate(sector_num_adj = sector_num + sector_num_deltas) -> adjacencies
2. Join and calculate
Now that we have that, the rest goes much faster, since we can do the calculations only on the 1/1000th of sectors that are nearby. With that, we can now identify the 240,000 points that are within 50m of the 3,000 starting positions in under 4 seconds:
# Here are 3,000 random starting locations
sample_starts <- xygrid2 %>%
slice_sample(n = 3000) %>%
mutate(sample_num = row_number())
# Join each location to all the adjacent sectors, and then add all the
# locations within those sectors, and then calculate distances.
sample_starts %>% # 3,000 starting points...
# join each position to the nine adjacent sectors = ~27,000 rows
left_join(adjacencies, by = "sector_num") %>%
# join each sector to the (30x30 = 900) cells in those sectors --> 24 million rows
# That's a lot, but it's only 1/1000th of the starting problem with
# 3k x 9M = 27 billion comparisons!
left_join(xygrid2, by = c("sector_num_adj" = "sector_num")) %>%
select(-contains("sector")) %>%
mutate(dist = sqrt((x.x-x.y)^2 + (y.x-y.y)^2)) %>%
filter(dist <= 5) -> result
The result tells us that our 3,000 sample starting points are within 5 decimeters (50m) of 242,575 cells, about 80 for each starting point.
# A tibble: 242,575 x 6
x.x y.x sample_num x.y y.y dist
<dbl> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1069 140 1 1064 140 5
2 1069 140 1 1065 137 5
3 1069 140 1 1065 138 4.47
4 1069 140 1 1065 139 4.12
5 1069 140 1 1065 140 4
6 1069 140 1 1065 141 4.12
7 1069 140 1 1065 142 4.47
8 1069 140 1 1065 143 5
9 1069 140 1 1066 136 5
10 1069 140 1 1066 137 4.24
# … with 242,565 more rows
Here's a sample to see how that's working in a small corner of our data:
ggplot(a %>% mutate(sample_grp = sector_num_adj %% 8 %>% as.factor),
aes(x.y, y.y, color = sample_grp)) +
geom_point(data = adjacencies %>% filter(sector_num_adj == 5864) %>%
left_join(xygrid2) %>% distinct(x, y, sector_num),
color = "gray80", shape = 21,
aes(x, y)) +
geom_point(data = adjacencies %>% filter(sector_num == 5864) %>%
left_join(xygrid2) %>% distinct(x, y, sector_num),
color = "gray70", shape = 21,
aes(x, y)) +
annotate("text", alpha = 0.5,
x = c(1725, 1750),
y = c(1960, 1940),
label = c("Lookup area", "sector of\nstarting location")) +
geom_point(size = 1) +
scale_color_discrete(guide = FALSE) +
coord_equal() -> my_plot
my_plot +
gganimate::view_zoom_manual(pan_zoom = -1, ease = "quadratic-in-out",
xmin = c(0, 1700),
xmax = c(3000, 1800),
ymin = c(0, 1880),
ymax = c(3000, 1980)),
duration = 3, fps = 20, width = 300)
Example data --- you were using a lon/lat example, but based on your code, I am assuming that you are using planar data.
r <- raster(nrows=100, ncols=100, xmn=0, xmx=100, ymn=0, ymx=100, crs="+proj=utm +zone=1 +datum=WGS84")
values(r) <- 1:ncell(r) # for display only
xygrid <-, xy = TRUE)[,1:2]
locs <- c(8025, 1550, 5075)
dn <- 2.5 # min dist
dx <- 5.5 # max dist
The simplest approach would be to use pointDistance
p <- xyFromCell(r, locs)
d <- pointDistance(xygrid, p, lonlat=FALSE)
u <- unique(which(d>dn & d<dx) %% nrow(d))
pts <- xygrid[u,]
But you will probably run out of memory with that, and it is inefficient to compute all distance. Instead, you may intersect the points with a buffer around the points of interest
b1 <- buffer(SpatialPoints(p, proj4string=crs(r)), dx)
b2 <- buffer(SpatialPoints(p, proj4string=crs(r)), dn)
b <- erase(b1, b2)
x <- intersect(SpatialPoints(xygrid, proj4string=crs(r)), b)
points(x, cex=.5)
points(xyFromCell(r, locs), col="red", pch="x")
With terra it goes like this -- and works well for large datasets in version 1.1-11 that should be on CRAN this week
rr <- rast(r)
pp <- xyFromCell(rr, locs)
bb1 <- buffer(vect(pp), dx)
bb2 <- buffer(vect(pp), dn)
bb <- erase(bb1, bb2)
xx <- intersect(vect(as.matrix(xygrid)), bb)
You can do similar things with sf.
Given that you have so many data points, you might want to start with removing all points that are clearly not of interest
xySel <- lapply(locs, function(i) {
xy <- xygrid[i,]
s <- xygrid[,1] > xy[,1]-dx & xygrid[,1] < xy[,1]+dx & xygrid[,2] > xy[,2]-dx & xygrid[,2] < xy[,2]+dx
xySel =, xySel)
# [1] 363 2
#[1] 10000 2
And now you could run pointDistance as above on all data (or else inside the lapply function)
You say that you need to use points, and not a raster. I have seen that idea many times, and 9 out of 10 times that is wrong. Maybe it is true in your case. For others who stumble upon this question, here are are two raster based approaches.
With the raster package you could use extract( ... ,cellnumbers=TRUE) or ajacent. With adjacent, you would first make a weights matrix using one of the buffers made above
buf <- disaggregate(b)[2,]
rb <- crop(r, buf)
w <- as.matrix(rasterize(buf, rb, background=NA) )
And then use the weight matrix like this
a <- adjacent(r, locs, w, pairs=FALSE)
pts <- xyFromCell(r, a)
With terra you could use the cells method
d <- cells(rr, bb)
xy <- xyFromCell(rr, d[,2])
points(xy, cex=.5)
lines(bb, col="red", lwd=2)
I have a regular, rectangular grid of x, y, z values (an image).
I also have an x, y, z line that intersects the grid.
For each plane (z-level) in the grid, I want to compute the Euclidean distance between each point in the grid and the intersection point of the line with that grid.
# create regular 3D array of values
vec <- array(1:21,c(21,21,21))
dimnames(vec) = list(seq(-10,10), seq(-10,10), seq(-10,10))
# convert to data.frame (with names x, y, z, value)
grid <- melt(vec, varnames=c("x","y","z"))
# and a set of points along a line
line <- data.frame(
x = seq(-10, 10),
y = seq(-10, 10),
z = seq(-10, 10)
I tried a few things and settled on using a for loop on the z-values.
# loop through each z-level to compute the euclidean distance between
# all points on the plane at that level, and
# the point on the line at that level.
tmp = data.frame()
for(i in line$z) {
point <- subset(line, z == i)
plane <- subset(grid, z == i)
plane$euclidean = (plane$x - point$x)^2 + (plane$y - point$y)^2
if(nrow(tmp) == 0) {
tmp = plane
} else {
tmp = rbind(tmp, plane)
I wasn't particularly happy with this solution even though it was relatively quick. I didn't like the idea that I had to split and recombine the dataset resulting in a new ordering/sorting, and feel that I'm doing something wrong when I resort to a for loop in r.
I have a strong feeling that this way is somewhat inefficient and that there may be other (better?) ways to do this using one or more of the following:
without the for loop, subset, and rbind method.
using linear algebra
using one of the apply functions
using spatial data types and the function sp::spDistsN1()
Another solution was to merge the grid and line on the z-value and then perform direct calculation, but the merge step was extremely slow and the x, y, z columns in the resulting data.frame get renamed due to the duplicate column names.
Updates for clarification:
Although the value at each point (pixel) of the image is not important for the calculation of distance, it is needed later and should be brought along.
As in my own solution, I need the distance values assigned to each x,y,z point. So the output should include (x, y, z, value, euclidean) but doesn't necessarily need to be a data.frame.
Here's my tidyverse attempt, though not obvious if it's actually clearer than your approach. Conceptually I think it's basically the same: for each z calculate the distance between the line point for that z with all the other points.
Coerce the array to a dataframe (this way is basically the same as melt)
Make a function that uses dist to calculate the distances between a point and a matrix. dist actually calculates between all rows of a matrix, so we only want to keep the bottom row of the resulting triangle of distances. However, it's probably still faster than doing Euclidean distance by hand.
nest the data so we have one row per z, with the x and y as dataframes in a list column
left_join the line points on and then use pmap to apply our new function
unnest back out so we have columns for x, y, z points in the grid, px and py which are the line intersection point, and distance which is the distance to the point. one row per point in the grid.
vec <- array(1:21,c(21,21,21))
dimnames(vec) = list(x = seq(-10,10), y = seq(-10,10), z = seq(-10,10))
grid <- vec %>% # same thing as melt basically
as.tbl_cube(met_name = "value") %>%
line <- data.frame(
px = seq(-10, 10),
py = seq(-10, 10),
pz = seq(-10, 10)
my_dist <- function(point_x, point_y, mat){
point_mat <- rbind(c(point_x, point_y), mat)
dist_mat <- as.matrix(dist(point_mat))
dist_vec <- dist_mat[nrow(dist_mat), 1:(ncol(dist_mat) - 1)]
attributes(dist_vec) <- NULL
grid %>%
select(-value) %>%
nest(x, y) %>% # One row per z
left_join(line, by = c("z" = "pz")) %>%
mutate(distance = pmap(list(px, py, data), my_dist)) %>%
unnest() # Expand back out to one row per point
#> # A tibble: 9,261 x 6
#> z px py distance x y
#> <int> <int> <int> <dbl> <int> <int>
#> 1 -10 -10 -10 28.3 -10 -10
#> 2 -10 -10 -10 28.3 -9 -10
#> 3 -10 -10 -10 27.6 -8 -10
#> 4 -10 -10 -10 26.9 -7 -10
#> 5 -10 -10 -10 26.2 -6 -10
#> 6 -10 -10 -10 25.6 -5 -10
#> 7 -10 -10 -10 25 -4 -10
#> 8 -10 -10 -10 24.4 -3 -10
#> 9 -10 -10 -10 23.9 -2 -10
#> 10 -10 -10 -10 23.3 -1 -10
#> # ... with 9,251 more rows
Created on 2018-09-18 by the reprex package (v0.2.0).
On extracting values of a raster to points I find that I have several NA's, and rather than use a buffer and fun arguments of extract function, instead I'd like to extract the nearest non-NA Pixel to a point that overlaps NA.
I am using the basic extract function:
data.extr<-extract(loc.thr, data[,11:10])
Here's a solution without using the buffer. However, it calculates a distance map separately for each point in your dataset, so it might be ineffective if your dataset is large.
# create a 10x10 raster
r <- raster(ncol=10,nrow=10, xmn=0, xmx=10, ymn=0,ymx=10)
r[] <- 1:10
r[sample(1:ncell(r), size = 25)] <- NA
# plot the raster
plot(r, axes=F, box=F)
segments(x0 = 0, y0 = 0:10, x1 = 10, y1 = 0:10, lty=2)
segments(y0 = 0, x0 = 0:10, y1 = 10, x1 = 0:10, lty=2)
# create sample points and add them to the plot
xy = data.frame(x=runif(10,1,10), y=runif(10,1,10))
points(xy, pch=3)
text(x = xy$x, y = xy$y, labels = as.character(1:nrow(xy)), pos=4, cex=0.7, xpd=NA)
# use normal extract function to show that NAs are extracted for some points
extracted = extract(x = r, y = xy)
# then take the raster value with lowest distance to point AND non-NA value in the raster
sampled = apply(X = xy, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(xy) r#data#values[which.min(replace(distanceFromPoints(r, xy),, NA))])
# show output of both procedures
print(data.frame(xy, extracted, sampled))
# x y extracted sampled
#1 5.398959 6.644767 6 6
#2 2.343222 8.599861 NA 3
#3 4.213563 3.563835 5 5
#4 9.663796 7.005031 10 10
#5 2.191348 2.354228 NA 2
#6 1.093731 9.835551 2 2
#7 2.481780 3.673097 3 3
#8 8.291729 2.035757 9 9
#9 8.819749 2.468808 9 9
#10 5.628536 9.496376 6 6
This is a raster-based solution, by first filling the NA pixels with the nearest non-NA pixel value.
Note however, that this does not take into account the position of a point within a pixel. Instead, it calculates the distances between pixel centers to determine the nearest non-NA pixel.
First, it calculates for each NA raster pixel the distance and direction to the nearest non-NA pixel. The next step is to calculate the coordinates of this non-NA cell (assumes projected CRS), extract its value and to store this value at the NA location.
Starting data: a projected raster, with identical values as in the answer from koekenbakker:
# set projected CRS
r <- raster(ncol=10,nrow=10, xmn=0, xmx=10, ymn=0,ymx=10, crs='+proj=utm +zone=1')
r[] <- 1:10
r[sample(1:ncell(r), size = 25)] <- NA
# create sample points
xy = data.frame(x=runif(10,1,10), y=runif(10,1,10))
# use normal extract function to show that NAs are extracted for some points
extracted <- raster::extract(x = r, y = xy)
Calculate the distance and direction from all NA pixels to the nearest non-NA pixel:
dist <- distance(r)
# you can also set a maximum distance: dist[dist > maxdist] <- NA
direct <- direction(r, from=FALSE)
Retrieve coordinates of NA pixels
# NA raster
rna <- # returns NA raster
# store coordinates in new raster:
na.x <- init(rna, 'x')
na.y <- init(rna, 'y')
# calculate coordinates of the nearest Non-NA pixel
# assume that we have a orthogonal, projected CRS, so we can use (Pythagorean) calculations
co.x <- na.x + dist * sin(direct)
co.y <- na.y + dist * cos(direct)
# matrix with point coordinates of nearest non-NA pixel
co <- cbind(co.x[], co.y[])
Extract values of nearest non-NA cell with coordinates 'co'
# extract values of nearest non-NA cell with coordinates co
NAVals <- raster::extract(r, co, method='simple')
r.NAVals <- rna # initiate new raster
r.NAVals[] <- NAVals # store values in raster
Fill the original raster with the new values
# cover nearest non-NA value at NA locations of original raster
r.filled <- cover(x=r, y= r.NAVals)
sampled <- raster::extract(x = r.filled, y = xy)
# compare old and new values
print(data.frame(xy, extracted, sampled))
# x y extracted sampled
# 1 5.398959 6.644767 6 6
# 2 2.343222 8.599861 NA 3
# 3 4.213563 3.563835 5 5
# 4 9.663796 7.005031 10 10
# 5 2.191348 2.354228 NA 3
# 6 1.093731 9.835551 2 2
# 7 2.481780 3.673097 3 3
# 8 8.291729 2.035757 9 9
# 9 8.819749 2.468808 9 9
# 10 5.628536 9.496376 6 6
Note that point 5 takes another value than the answer of Koekenbakker, since this method does not take into account the position of the point within a pixel (as mentioned above). If this is important, this solution might not be appropriate. In other cases, e.g. if the raster cells are small compared to the point accuracy, this raster-based method should give good results.
For a raster stack, use #koekenbakker's solution above, and turn it into a function. A raster stack's #layers slot is a list of rasters, so, lapply it across and go from there.
#new layer
r2 <- raster(ncol=10,nrow=10, xmn=0, xmx=10, ymn=0,ymx=10)
r2[] <- 1:10
r2[sample(1:ncell(r2), size = 25)] <- NA
#make the stack
r_stack <- stack(r, r2)
#a function for sampling
sample_raster_NA <- function(r, xy){
apply(X = xy, MARGIN = 1,
FUN = function(xy) r#data#values[which.min(replace(distanceFromPoints(r, xy),, NA))])
#lapply to get answers
lapply(r_stack#layers, function(a_layer) sample_raster_NA(a_layer, xy))
Or to be fancy (speed improvements?)
purrr::map(r_stack#layers, sample_raster_NA, xy=xy)
Which makes me wonder if the whole thing can be sped up even more using dplyr...
I'd like to snap single points to other points based on their distance in R.
In detail, I have a bunch of points defined by X and Y coordinate pairs.
In addition I have single different points, that I want to snap to
the closest neighbors (euclidean distance).
# target points
df <- data.frame(X=c(1,2,2,2,3,4),Y=c(1,2,2,3,3,4))
# points that need snapping
point1 <- data.frame(X=2.1, Y=2.3)
point2 <- data.frame(X=2.5, Y=2.5)
But how to proceed with the snapping of the points?
How can I snap the points and assign new coordinate pairs to the single points?
Is there a simple function available in R? Or do I need to apply
the dist() function to obtain a distance matrix and search for
the closest distance? Maybe there is a more straight forward way.
Thats how it should look like:
1) snap to the closest (euclidean distance) point (clear solution for point 1)
point1$X_snap <- 2
point1$Y_snap <- 2
2) if two or more points similarily close than
snap to that which is more "north-east"
a) snap first to the one which is more north (Y direction)
b) if there are more than one that a similarly distant in Y direction snap
to the one that is more east
point2$X_snap <- 3
point2$Y_snap <- 3
For a graphical illustration how the results should look like
#plot snapped points:
It's possible using dist:
1 2 3 4 5
2 1.7029386
3 0.3162278 1.4142136
4 0.3162278 1.4142136 0.0000000
5 0.7071068 2.2360680 1.0000000 1.0000000
6 1.1401754 2.8284271 1.4142136 1.4142136 1.0000000
7 2.5495098 4.2426407 2.8284271 2.8284271 2.2360680
7 1.4142136
So the row with the minimum value (distance) in the first column identifies the point in df which is closest to point1 . In your example, you have a repeated location. Repeat for each of your point_x .
I found another solution using the matchpt() function
from Biobase (Bioconductor):
# target points
df <- data.frame(X=c(1,2,2,2,3,4),Y=c(1,2,2,3,3,4))
# points that need snapping
point1 <- data.frame(X=2.1, Y=2.3)
point2 <- data.frame(X=2.5, Y=2.5)
snap <- function(df,point){
d <- matchpt(as.matrix(df),
as.matrix(data.frame(X=point$X+0.0001,Y=point$Y+0.0001))) # to the "northwest" criteria correct
min_row <- as.numeric(rownames(d[d$distance==min(d$distance),]))
point$X_snap <- unique(df[min_row,"X"])
point$Y_snap <- unique(df[min_row,"Y"])
You might also want to try the RANN package for Fast Nearest Neighbour Search:
# your data
df <- data.frame(X=c(1,2,2,2,3,4),Y=c(1,2,2,3,3,4))
pts <- data.frame(X=c(2.1, 2.5), Y=c(2.3, 2.5))
# for each point in pts, find the nearest neighbor from df
closest <- RANN::nn2(data = df, query = pts, k = 1)
# argument k sets the number of nearest neighbours, here 1 (the closest)
# $nn.idx
# [,1]
# [1,] 3
# [2,] 5
# $nn.dists
# [,1]
# [1,] 0.3162278
# [2,] 0.7071068
# Get coordinates of nearest neighbor
pts$X_snap <- df[closest$nn.idx, "X"]
pts$Y_snap <- df[closest$nn.idx, "Y"]
# X Y X_snap Y_snap
# 1 2.1 2.3 2 2
# 2 2.5 2.5 3 3
I would put the criteria (distance, "southness", "westness") in a dataframe and then sort this dataframe along these criteria:
# input data
df <- data.frame(X=c(1,2,2,2,3,4),Y=c(1,2,2,3,3,4))
point1 <- data.frame(X=2.1, Y=2.3)
point2 <- data.frame(X=2.5, Y=2.5)
df.res[with(df.res, order(dst, dy, dx)), ]
# function that sorts all potential snapping points according to distance, "westness", "southness"
snap.xy <- function(point, other.points) {
df.res <- data.frame(X = other.points$X, # to later access the coordinates to snap to
Y = other.points$Y, # dto
dx <- point$X - other.points$X, # "westness" (the higher, the more "west")
dy <- point$Y - other.points$Y, # "southness"
dst = sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2)) # distance
# print(df.res[with(df.res, order(dst, dy, dx)), ]) # just for checking the results
return(df.res[with(df.res, order(dst, dy, dx)), ][1,c("X", "Y")]) # return only the X/Y coordinates
# examples
snap.xy(point1, df) # 2/2
snap.xy(point2, df) # 3/3
snap.xy(point2, df)$X # 3
snap.xy(point2, df)$Y # 3
I have a dataset of species and their rough locations in a 100 x 200 meter area. The location part of the data frame is not in a format that I find to be usable. In this 100 x 200 meter rectangle, there are two hundred 10 x 10 meter squares named A through CV. Within each 10 x 10 square there are four 5 x 5 meter squares named 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively (1 is south of 2 and west of 3. 4 is east of 2 and north of 3). I want to let R know that A is the square with corners at (0 ,0), (10,0), (0,0), and (0,10), that B is just north of A and has corners (0,10), (0,20), (10,10), and (10,20), and K is just east of A and has corners at (10,0), (10,10), (20,0), and (20,10), and so on for all the 10 x 10 meter squares. Additionally, I want to let R know where each 5 x 5 meter square is in the 100 x 200 meter plot.
So, my data frame looks something like this
10x10 5x5 Tree Diameter
A 1 tree1 4
B 1 tree2 4
C 4 tree3 6
D 3 tree4 2
E 3 tree5 3
F 2 tree6 7
G 1 tree7 12
H 2 tree8 1
I 2 tree9 2
J 3 tree10 8
K 4 tree11 3
L 1 tree12 7
M 2 tree13 5
Eventually, I want to be able to plot the 100 x 200 meter area and have each 10 x 10 meter square show up with the number of trees, or number of species, or total biomass
What is the best way to turn the data I have into spatial data that R can use for graphing and perhaps analysis?
Here's a start.
## set up a vector of all 10x10 position tags
tags10 <- c(LETTERS,
A function to convert (e.g.) {"J",3} to the center of the corresponding sub-square.
convpos <- function(pos10,pos5) {
## convert letters to major (x,y) positions
p1 <- as.numeric(factor(pos10,levels=tags10)) ## or use match()
p1.x <- ((p1-1) %% 10) *10+5 ## %% is modulo operator
p1.y <- ((p1-1) %/% 10)*10+5 ## %/% is integer division
## sort out sub-positions
p2.x <- ifelse(pos5 <=2,2.5,7.5) ## {1,2} vs {3,4} values
p2.y <- ifelse(pos5 %%2 ==1 ,2.5,7.5) ## odd {1,3} vs even {2,4} values
Important notes:
this is a proof of concept, I can pretty much guarantee I haven't got the correspondence of x and y coordinates quite right. But you should be able to trace through this line-by-line and see what it's doing ...
it should work correctly on vectors (see second usage example above): I switched from switch to ifelse for that reason
your column names (10x10) are likely to get mangled into something like X10.10 when reading data into R: see ?data.frame and ?check.names
Similar to what #Ben Bolker has done, here's a lookup function (though you may need to transpose something to make the labels match what you describe).
tenbyten <- c(LETTERS[1:26],
tenbyten <- matrix(rep(tenbyten, each = 2), ncol = 10)
tenbyten <- t(apply(tenbyten, 1, function(x){rep(x, each = 2)}))
# the 1234 squares
squares <- matrix(c(rep(c(1,2),10),rep(c(4,3),10)), nrow = 20, ncol = 20)
# stick together into a reference grid
my.grid <- matrix(paste(tenbyten, squares, sep = "-"), nrow = 20, ncol = 20)
# a lookup function for the site grid
coordLookup <- function(tbt, fbf, .my.grid = my.grid){
x <- col(.my.grid) * 5 - 2.5
y <- row(.my.grid) * 5 - 2.5
marker <- .my.grid == paste(tbt, fbf, sep = "-")
list(x = x[marker], y = y[marker])
[1] 52.5
[1] 37.5
If this isn't what you're looking for, then maybe you'd prefer a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame, which has proper polygon IDs, and you attach data to, etc. In that case just Google around for how to make one from scratch, and manipulate the row() and col() functions to get your polygon corners, similar to what's given in this lookup function, which only returns centroids.
Edit: getting SPDF started:
This is modified from the function example and can hopefully be a good start:
# really you have a 20x20 grid, counting the small ones.
# c(2.5,2.5) specifies the distance in any direction from the cell center
grd <- GridTopology(c(1,1), c(2.5,2.5), c(20,20)))
grd <- as.SpatialPolygons.GridTopology(grd)
# get centroids
coords <- coordinates(polys)
# make SPDF, with an extra column for your grid codes, taken from the above.
# you can add further columns to this data.frame(), using polys#data
polys <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(grd,
data=data.frame(x=coords[,1], y=coords[,2], my.ID = as.vector(my.grid),