RGraphviz Hasse Diagram displaying only one lable - r

In order to create an Hasse Diagram like the following
One is using the following libraries
One is taking a small sample of one's data
df <- data[1:10,]
Then creating the preferences
pref <- low(time) * low(MAPE)
And the Better-Than-Graph (BTG)
btg <- get_btg(df, pref)
In order to display the labels for the nodes containing relevant values, one is creating the labels as following
labels <- paste0(df$time, "\n", df$MAPE)
However, when one builds the visualization with
plot_btg(df, pref, labels)
One can only see the first label, instead of the two. Here is what one is seeing

Passing use_dot=FALSE solved the problem
plot_btg(df, pref, labels, use_dot = FALSE)


iGraph - Spacing between verticies

I have a dataset called data. The data is not that important, but every interaction has a name. I want to create a graph in iGraph with the following code:
tab <- count(data, B, S, K)
factors <- table(interaction(tab$B, tab$K),interaction(tab$S,tab$K))
graph1 <- graph_from_incidence_matrix(factors)
plot(graph1, vertex.size = 40, layout = layout.bipartite)
However, I get the following:
All the names of interactions are completely mixed together. I can make it a little more readable by lowering the vertex.size, but I want to find a solution to my problem.
I want to create more space between the verticies, but I cannot seem to find the right way.
I have tried creating a manual graph by using tkplot, but it is annoying that I manually have to sort them each time.
Best regards

Using multiple datasets for one graph

I have 2 csv data files. Each file has a "date_time" column and a "temp_c" column. I want to make the x-axis have the "date_time" from both files and then use 2 y-axes to display each "temp_c" with separate lines. I would like to use plot instead of ggplot2 if possible. I haven't been able to find any code help that works with my data and I'm not sure where to really begin. I know how to do 2 separate plots for these 2 datasets, just not combine them into one graph.
plot(grewl$temp_c ~ grewl$date_time)
plot(kbll$temp_c ~ kbll$date_time)
work separately but not together.
As others indicated, it is easy to add new data to a graph using points() or lines(). One thing to be careful about is how you format the axes as they will not be automatically adjusted to fit any new data you input using points() and the like.
I've included a small example below that you can copy, paste, run, and examine. Pay attention to why the first plot fails to produce what you want (axes are bad). Also note how I set this example up generally - by making fake data that showcase the same "problem" you are having. Doing this is often a better strategy than simply pasting in your data since it forces you to think about the core component of the problem you are facing.
#for same result each time
#make data
set1<-data.frame("date1" = seq(1,10),
"temp1" = rnorm(10))
set2<-data.frame("date2" = seq(8,17),
"temp2" = rnorm(10, 1, 1))
#first attempt fails
#plot one
plot(set1$date1, set1$temp1, type = "b")
#add points - oops only three showed up bc the axes are all wrong
lines(set2$date2, set2$temp2, type = "b")
#second attempt
#adjust axes to fit everything (set to min and max of either dataset)
plot(set1$date1, set1$temp1,
xlim = c(min(set1$date1,set2$date2),max(set1$date1,set2$date2)),
ylim = c(min(set1$temp1,set2$temp2),max(set1$temp1,set2$temp2)),
type = "b")
#now add the other points
lines(set2$date2, set2$temp2, type = "b")
# we can even add regression lines
abline(reg = lm(set1$temp1 ~ set1$date1))
abline(reg = lm(set2$temp2 ~ set2$date2))

Controlling margins in a genoPlotR plot_gene_map

I'm producing a plot_gene_map figure by the genoPlotR R package, which gives a horizontal phylogenetic tree where aligned with each leaf is a genomic segment.
Here's a simple example that illustrates my usage and problem:
The plot_gene_map function requires an ade4s' package phylog object which represents the phylogenetic tree:
tree <- ade4::newick2phylog("(((A:0.08,B:0.075):0.028,(C:0.06,D:0.06):0.05):0.0055,E:0.1);")
A list of genoPlotR's dna_seg objects (which are essentially data.frames with specific columns), where the names of the list elements have to match the names of the leaves of tree:
dna.segs.list <- list(A=genoPlotR::as.dna_seg(data.frame(name=paste0("VERY.LONG.NAME.A.",1:10),start=seq(1,91,10),end=seq(5,95,10),strand=1,col="black",ly=1,lwd=1,pch=1,cex=1,gene_type="blocks",fill="red")),
And a list of genoPlotR's annotation objects, which give coordinate information, also named according to the tree leaves:
annotation.list <- lapply(1:5,function(s){
mids <- genoPlotR::middle(dna.segs.list[[s]])
names(annotation.list) <- names(dna.segs.list)
And the call to the function is:
Which gives:
As you can see the top and right box (gene) names get cut off.
I tried playing with pdf's width and height, when saving the figure to a file, and with the margins through par's mar, but they have no effect.
Any idea how to display this plot without getting the names cut off?
Currently genoPlotR's plot_gene_map does not have a legend option implemented. Any idea how can I add a legend, let's say which shows these colors in squares aside these labels:
data.frame(label = c("A","B","C","D","E"), color = c("red","blue","green","yellow","orange"))
Glad that you like genoPlotR.
There are no real elegant solution to your problem, but here are a few things you can attempt:
- increase annotation_height and reduce annotation_cex
- increase rotation (“rot”) in the annotation function
- use xlims to artificially increase the length of the dna_seg (but that’s a bad hack)
For the rest (including the legend), you’ll have to use grid and its viewports.
A blend of the first 3 solutions:
annotation.list <- lapply(1:5,function(s){
mids <- genoPlotR::middle(dna.segs.list[[s]])
return(genoPlotR::annotation(x1=mids, x2=NA, text=dna.segs.list[[s]]$name,rot=75,col="black"))
names(annotation.list) <- names(dna.segs.list)
genoPlotR::plot_gene_map(dna_segs=dna.segs.list,tree=tree,tree_width=2,annotations=annotation.list,annotation_height=5,annotation_cex=0.4,scale=F,dna_seg_scale=F, xlims=rep(list(c(0,110)),5))
For the better solution with grid: (note the "plot_new=FALSE" in the call to plot_gene_map)
# changing rot to 30
annotation.list <- lapply(1:5,function(s){
mids <- genoPlotR::middle(dna.segs.list[[s]])
names(annotation.list) <- names(dna.segs.list)
# main viewport: two columns, relative widths 1 and 0.3
pushViewport(viewport(layout=grid.layout(1,2, widths=unit(c(1, 0.3), rep("null", 2))), name="overall_vp"))
# viewport with gene_map
pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col=1, name="geneMap"))
genoPlotR::plot_gene_map(dna_segs=dna.segs.list,tree=tree,tree_width=2,annotations=annotation.list,annotation_height=3,annotation_cex=0.5,scale=F,dna_seg_scale=F, plot_new=FALSE)
# another viewport for the margin/legend
pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col=2, name="legend"))
Hope that helps!
Which function or package could I use to add the legend? The R base functions did not seem to work for me. The following message is displayed:
Error in strheight(legend, units = "user", cex = cex) :
plot.new has not been called yet"

ggplot2 equivalent of 'factorization or categorization' in googleVis in R

Due to static graph prepared by ggplot, we are shifting our graphs to googleVis with interactive charts. But when it comes to categorization we are facing many problems. Let me give example which will help you understand:
df = data.frame( x = sample(1:100), y = sample(1:100), cat = sample(c('a','b','c'), 100, replace=TRUE) )
ggplot2 provides parameter like alpha, colour, linetype, size which we can use with categories like shown below:
ggplot(df) + geom_line(aes(x = x, y = y, colour = cat))
Not just line chart, but majority of ggplot2 graphs provide categorization based on column values. Now I would like to do the same in googleVis, based on value df$cat I would like parameters to get changed or grouping of line or charts.
I have already tried dcast to make multiple columns based on category column and use those multiple columns as Y input, but that it not what I would like to do.
Can anyone help me regarding this?
Let me know if you need more information.
vrajs5 you are not alone! We struggled with this issue. In our case we wanted to fill bar charts like in ggplot. This is the solution. You need to add specifically named columns, linked to your variables, to your data table for googleVis to pick up.
In my fill example, these are called roles, but once you see my syntax you can abstract it to annotations and other cool features. Google has them all documented here (check out superheroes example!) but it was not obvious how it applied to r.
#mages has this documented on this webpage, which shows features not in demo(googleVis):
# in this case
# How do we fill a bar chart showing bars depend on another variable?
# We wanted to show C in a different fill to other assets
library(data.table) # You can use data frames if you don't like DT
test.dt = data.table(px = c("A","B","C"), py = c(1,4,9),
"py.style" = c('silver', 'silver', 'gold'))
# Add your modifier to your chart as a new variable e.g. py1.style
test <-gvisBarChart(test.dt,
xvar = "px",
yvar = c("py", "py.style"),
options = list(legend = 'none'))
We have shown py.style deterministically here, but you could code it to be dependent on your categories.
The secret is myvar.googleVis_thing_youneed linking the variable myvar to the googleVis feature.
RESULT BEFORE FILL (yvar = "py")
RESULT AFTER FILL (yvar = c("py", "py.style"))
Take a look at mages examples (code also on Github) and you will have cracked the "categorization based on column values" issue.

Stacked bar in R

I have a table exported in csv from PostgreSQL and I'd like to create a stacked bar graph in R. It's my first project in R.
Here's my data and what I want to do:
It the quality of the feeder bus service for a certain provider in the area. For each user of the train, we assign a service quality based of synchronization between the bus and the train at the train stations and calculate the percentage of user that have a ideal or very good service, a correct service, a deficient service or no service at all (linked to that question in gis.stackexchange)
So, It's like to use my first column as my x-axis labels and my headers as my categories. The data is already normalized to 100% for each row.
In Excel, it's a couple of clicks and I wouldn't mind typing a couple of line of codes since it's the final result of an already quite long plpgsql script... I'd prefer to continue to code instead of moving to Excel (I also have dozens of those to do).
So, I tried to create a stacked bar using the examples in Nathan Yau's "Visualize This" and the book "R in Action" and wasn't quite successful. Normally, their examples use data that they aggregate with R and use that. Mine is already aggregated.
So, I've finally come up with something that works in R:
but I had to transform my data quite a bit:
I had to transpose my table and remove my now-row (ex-column) identifier.
Here's my code:
# load libraries
# load data
stl <- read.csv("D:/TEMP/rabat/_stl_rabattement_stats_mtl.csv", sep=";", header=TRUE)
# reshape for plotting
stl_matrix <- as.matrix(stl)
# make a quick plot
barplot(stl_matrix, border=NA, space=0.1, ylim=c(0, 100), xlab="Trains", ylab="%",
main="Qualité du rabattement, STL", las = 3)
Is there any way that I could use my original csv and have the same result?
I'm a little lost here...
Try the ggplot2 and reshape library. You should be able to get the chart you want with
stl$train_order <- as.numeric(rownames(stl))
stl.r <- melt(stl, id.vars = c("train_no", "train_order"))
stl.r$train_no <- factor(
levels = stl$train_no[order(stl$train_order)])
ggplot(stl.r, aes(x = factor(train_no), y = value, fill = variable)) + geom_bar(stat = 'identity')
It appears that you transposed the matrix manually. This can be done in R with the t() function.
Add the following line after the as.matrix(stl) line:
stl_matrix <- t(stl_matrix)
