Failed to pull existing files from SSH DVC Remote - dvc

After running dvc push data.csv (to ssh-remote), when i try to dvc-pull the same file on another machine from the same remote, it won't get pulled. Below are the logs and the error:
2021-01-21 22:17:26,643 DEBUG: checking if 'data.csv'('HashInfo(name='md5', value='279936268f488e1e613f81a537f29055', dir_info=None, size=1458311, nfiles=None)') has changed.
2021-01-21 22:17:26,643 DEBUG: 'data.csv' doesn't exist.
2021-01-21 22:17:26,644 WARNING: Cache 'HashInfo(name='md5', value='279936268f488e1e613f81a537f29055', dir_info=None, size=1458311, nfiles=None)' not found. File 'data.csv' won't be created.
2021-01-21 22:17:26,644 DEBUG: cache '/usr/src/bohr/.dvc/cache/27/9936268f488e1e613f81a537f29055' expected 'HashInfo(name='md5', value='279936268f488e1e613f81a537f29055', dir_info=None, size=1458311, nfiles=None)' actual 'None'
2021-01-21 22:17:26,660 ERROR: failed to pull data from the cloud - Checkout failed for following targets:
However, the file is present on the remote:
$ ls -la ~/.dvcstorage/bohr/27/9936268f488e1e613f81a537f29055
-rw-rw-r-- 1 hbabii hbabii 1458311 Jan 22 00:19 /home/hbabii/.dvcstorage/bohr/27/9936268f488e1e613f81a537f29055
I double-checked that I am pulling from and pushing to the same remote. I am using DVC v1.11.11.
Could you please give me any hints on what could be wrong?
Cheers, Hlib

In the end, the problem was that I indeed was pulling from the wrong remote (I had multiple remotes, their configuration was tricky, and local configurations differed on different machines).


Showing error while mounting EFS to an instance in my Elastic Beanstalk environment

Followed the following procedure for attaching the EFS file to instances created using EB:,scale%20up%20to%20multiple%20instances.
But the logs of Elastic Beanstalk are showing following error:
[Instance: i-06593*****] Command failed on instance. Return code: 1 Output: (TRUNCATED)...fs ... mount -t efs -o tls fs-d9****:/ /efs Failed to resolve "fs-d9****" - check that your file system ID is correct. See for more detail. ERROR: Mount command failed!. command 01_mount in .ebextensions/storage-efs-mountfilesystem.config failed. For more detail, check /var/log/eb-activity.log using console or EB CLI.
Just used **** in EFS ID for security.
Based on the comments.
The solution was to create new EFS filesystem, instead of using the original one.

brew install mariadb fails as system can not chown for auth_pam_tool

brew install not work. this is the log.
% brew install mariadb
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /Users/shingo/Library/Caches/Homebrew/downloads/d56104142081a8230646ac3f245adf2414e515cd5f2aeeb0637614e9966e882c--mariadb-10.4.13.mojave.bottle.tar.gz
==> Pouring mariadb-10.4.13.mojave.bottle.tar.gz
==> /usr/local/Cellar/mariadb/10.4.13/bin/mysql_install_db --verbose --user=shingo --basedir=/usr/local/Cellar/mariadb/10.4.13 --datadir=/usr/local/var/mysql --tmpdir=/tmp
Last 15 lines from /Users/shingo/Library/Logs/Homebrew/mariadb/post_install.01.mysql_install_db:
shell> /usr/local/Cellar/mariadb/10.4.13/bin/mysql -u root mysql
mysql> show tables;
Try 'mysqld --help' if you have problems with paths. Using
--general-log gives you a log in /usr/local/var/mysql that may be helpful.
The latest information about mysql_install_db is available at
You can find the latest source at and
the maria-discuss email list at
Please check all of the above before submitting a bug report
Warning: The post-install step did not complete successfully
You can try again using `brew postinstall mariadb`
==> Caveats
A "/etc/my.cnf" from another install may interfere with a Homebrew-built
server starting up correctly.
MySQL is configured to only allow connections from localhost by default
To start mariadb:
brew services start mariadb
Or, if you don't want/need a background service you can just run:
mysql.server start
==> Summary
🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/mariadb/10.4.13: 744 files, 169.9MB
I have tried to execute mysql_install_db
I have tried to execute mysql_install_db without brew. this is the log.
The brew displays only the last 15 lines, so I can't help it.
% /usr/local/Cellar/mariadb/10.4.13/bin/mysql_install_db --verbose --user=shingo --basedir=/usr/local/Cellar/mariadb/10.4.13 --datadir=/usr/local/var/mysql --tmpdir=/tmp
chown: /usr/local/Cellar/mariadb/10.4.13/lib/plugin/auth_pam_tool_dir/auth_pam_tool: Operation not permitted
Couldn't set an owner to '/usr/local/Cellar/mariadb/10.4.13/lib/plugin/auth_pam_tool_dir/auth_pam_tool'.
It must be root, the PAM authentication plugin doesn't work otherwise..
Installing MariaDB/MySQL system tables in '/usr/local/var/mysql' ...
2020-05-29 22:13:03 0 [Note] /usr/local/Cellar/mariadb/10.4.13/bin/mysqld (mysqld 10.4.13-MariaDB) starting as process 45440 ...
2020-05-29 22:13:03 0 [ERROR] /usr/local/Cellar/mariadb/10.4.13/bin/mysqld: option '--innodb-large-prefix' requires an argument
2020-05-29 22:13:03 0 [ERROR] Parsing options for plugin 'InnoDB' failed.
2020-05-29 22:13:03 0 [ERROR] /usr/local/Cellar/mariadb/10.4.13/bin/mysqld: unknown variable 'mysqlx-bind-address='
2020-05-29 22:13:03 0 [ERROR] Aborting
Installation of system tables failed! Examine the logs in
/usr/local/var/mysql for more information.
The problem could be conflicting information in an external
my.cnf files. You can ignore these by doing:
shell> /usr/local/Cellar/mariadb/10.4.13/bin/mysql_install_db --defaults-file=~/.my.cnf
You can also try to start the mysqld daemon with:
shell> /usr/local/Cellar/mariadb/10.4.13/bin/mysqld --skip-grant-tables --general-log &
and use the command line tool /usr/local/Cellar/mariadb/10.4.13/bin/mysql
to connect to the mysql database and look at the grant tables:
shell> /usr/local/Cellar/mariadb/10.4.13/bin/mysql -u root mysql
mysql> show tables;
Try 'mysqld --help' if you have problems with paths. Using
--general-log gives you a log in /usr/local/var/mysql that may be helpful.
The latest information about mysql_install_db is available at
You can find the latest source at and
the maria-discuss email list at
Please check all of the above before submitting a bug report
I noticed that the system can not chown for auth_pam_tool because Operation not permitted.
auth_pam_tool permission
this is my permission the directory.
% ls -l /usr/local/Cellar/mariadb/10.4.13/lib/plugin/auth_pam_tool_dir/auth_pam_tool
-r-xr-xr-x 1 shingo staff 13608 5 10 04:28 /usr/local/Cellar/mariadb/10.4.13/lib/plugin/auth_pam_tool_dir/auth_pam_tool
How to fix Operation not permitted?
Or is there any other reason why it cannot be installed?
Self resolved.
Anyway I gave it try start
Even though the installation was not successful, anyway I gave it try % mysql.server start.
A error log file was created.
A error log file was created by starting mysql server.
the error log shows:
2020-05-30 8:47:10 0 [Warning] InnoDB: innodb_open_files 300 should not be greater than the open_files_limit 256
2020-05-30 8:47:10 0 [ERROR] /usr/local/Cellar/mariadb/10.4.13/bin/mysqld: unknown variable 'mysqlx-bind-address='
2020-05-30 8:47:10 0 [ERROR] Aborting
An unknown value in the mysqlx-bind-address seems to be causing the error.
How to fix unknown variable
I found
the same error question. This question discussed a my.conf file.
~/.my.conf did not exist on my mac
/etc/my.conf did not exist on my mac
this question teach me the my.conf location.
Finally I found my.conf in /usr/local/etc/my.cnf.Certainly the settings for mysqlx-bind-address were written in my.conf.
So rm /usr/local/etc/my.cnf, then brew reinstall SUCCESS!.
The permission was irrelevant at all.
this work for me:
rm /opt/homebrew/etc/my.cnf

Nexus3 is active(exited) and not accessible

My Nexus3 was stuck due to out of space issue, i clean some directories(non-nexus) and started, its show status like below
# service nexus status;
? nexus.service - LSB: nexus
Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/nexus; generated)
Active: active (exited)
in logs i can see below
2019-02-06 18:59:08,550+0100 ERROR [FelixStartLevel] *SYSTEM - Failed to start nexus
com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.OStorageException: Cannot open local storage '/opt/nexus/sonatype-work/nexus3/db/component' with mode=rw
DB name="component"
at org.sonatype.goodies.lifecycle.LifecycleSupport.start(
at org.sonatype.goodies.lifecycle.Lifecycles.start(
at java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap.computeIfAbsent(
at java.util.Spliterators$ArraySpliterator.forEachRemaining(
at java.util.concurrent.CountedCompleter.exec(
at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask.doExec(
at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool$WorkQueue.runTask(
at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.runWorker(
Caused by: /opt/nexus/sonatype-work/nexus3/db/component/dirty.fl (Permission denied)
at Method)
But when i do ls it shows file is there
root#XXX:/opt/nexus/sonatype-work/nexus3/db/component# ls -ltrh dirty.fl
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2 Feb 6 19:05 dirty.fl
Any clue what goes wrong?
Cannot open local storage '/opt/nexus/sonatype-work/nexus3/db/component' with mode=rw
The file is present, but NXRM can't open it in a read-write mode. Since you have already ran out of space on your disk, please ensure your disk isn't mounted in read-only mode.
If you're still out of space, move the sonatype-work/nexus3/db/component directory to another location and create a symlink to point to the new component directory. Keep in mind the performance when choosing your new location.
To prevent this from happening in the future, try using the Cleanup Policies and periodically run Compact blob store task.

Error on starting the application Puppet in the Generic enablers Cosmos

Good afternoon,
I have installed the Generic enablers Cosmos, following the manual BigData Analysis - Installation and Administration Guide. When I have come to 'Step 7: applying Puppet' and executed the commands, in the file puppet.err has appeared the following errors:
Error: Could not prefetch yumrepo provider ' inifilé: Section 'openvz-utils' is already defined, cannot re-defines in/etc/yum.repos.d/openvz.repo
Description: There is a conflict with the titles (indicated in bold type) of the file /etc/yum.repos.d/cosmos-openvz.repo and /etc/yum.repos.d/openvz.repo .
cat /etc/yum.repos.d/cosmos-openvz.repo
cat /etc/yum.repos.d/openvz.repo
Solution: I have realized a change in the titles of the file /etc/yum.repos.d/openvz.repo, example: [openvz-utils_1]
Error: Could not prefetch database_grant provider 'mysql': Execution of '/usr/bin/mysql mysql -Be describe user' returned 1: ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)
Description: in the folder /var/lib/mysql/ was not found the file mysql.sock.
Solution: I have installed mysql-server.x86_64:
yum install mysql-server.x86_64
At the end of the installations, I restarted the service:
/etc/init.d/mysqld stop
/etc/init.d/mysqld start
Error: Could not update: Execution of '/usr/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y list vzstats' returned 1: Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: ambari. Please verify its path and try again
Description: This error appears in the machine of the Master node, this one is provoked by the configuration of the file [COSMOS_TMP_PATH]/puppet/modules/cosmos/manifests/hieradata/my_environment/common.yaml, indicated in 'Step 6: Puppet configuration'. Concretely, the URL that use the IP:
Solution: in the file [COSMOS_TMP_PATH]/puppet/modules/cosmos/manifests/hieradata /my_environment/common.yaml to change the line:
ambari::params::repo_url: 'http://'
(without blank space)
ambari::params::repo_url: 'http://'
(without blank space)
Error: Could not update: Execution of '/usr/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y list vzstats' returned 1: Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: cosmos-libvirt. Please verify its path and try again
Description: it is the same problem as the previous error. The difficulty in this one is that I cannot modify the file [COSMOS_TMP_PATH]/puppet/modules/cosmos/manifests/hieradata /my_environment/common.yaml in the line:
cosmos::params::cosmos_repo_deps_url: 'http://'
(without blank space)
Because it is line is used in several files:
cat /etc/yum.repos.d/cosmos-libvirt.repo
name=Cosmos LibVirt with OpenVZ - v1.0.5 - NO PolKIT
cat /etc/yum.repos.d/cosmos-openvz.repo
name=OpenVZ utilities
name=OpenVZ RHEL6-based kernel
baseurl=http:// > rhel6
It does not also allow to modify the file previous, in the moment to execute the command (indicated in 'Step 7: applying Puppet'):
puppet apply --debug --verbose \
--modulepath [COSMOS_TMP_PATH]/puppet/modules/:[COSMOS_TMP_PATH]/puppet/modules_third_party/ \
--environment my_environment --hiera_config [COSMOS_TMP_PATH]/puppet/modules/cosmos/manifests/hiera.yaml \
--manifestdir [COSMOS_TMP_PATH]/puppet/modules/cosmos/manifests/ [COSMOS_TMP_PATH]/puppet/modules/cosmos/manifests/site.pp \
> puppet.out 2> puppet.err
It will erase the modified.
I need help with the error:
Error: /Stage[main]/Ambari::Server::Config/Augeas[ambari-config-repoinfo]: Could not evaluate: Saving failed, see debug
Might they to throw me a hand with these last error?
Thank you in advance.
PD: Forgive for if it is written badly

I get some errors trying to install cpXstack. It fails at the end

I'm trying to install cpXstack on my site, But it fails every time I try to get it done.
I get the following errors, I wonder if anybody has figured this out:
sed: can't read /var/spool/incron/root: No such file or directory
PID unreadable in: /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/mailman/data/
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/mailman/data/'
Is qrunner even running?
/etc/ syntax OK
PID unreadable in: /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/mailman/data/
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/mailman/data/'
Is qrunner even running?
/etc/ syntax OK
info [rebuildhttpdconf] 'local' datastore in use (/var/cpanel/conf/apache/local)
Built /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf OK
Waiting for httpd to restart................finished.
httpd (/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -k start -DSSL) running as root with PID 10333 (pidfile check method)
Apache successfully restarted.
[10366] [2013-02-07 06:36:31 +0200] [main] Current process '20664' stopped
[Thu Feb 7 06:36:32 2013] Starting /usr/local/cpanel/libexec/tailwatch/tailwatchd daemon
Log is at /usr/local/cpanel/logs/tailwatchd_log
cat: /opt/pifpm/pifpm.config: No such file or directory
./ line 39: /etc/init.d/php-fpm-5.3.21: No such file or directory
error reading information on service php-fpm-5.3.21: No such file or directory
./ line 39: /etc/init.d/php-fpm-5.4.11: No such file or directory
error reading information on service php-fpm-5.4.11: No such file or directory
Installation failed: contact
You should check the initial stages of the error to understand what is really happening .
I am one of the programmers of this plugin ;I can assist you better if you provide the exact reason why the install failed .
