Lock positions of child object in parent-child relationship with math - math

This is a small problem I'm trying to solve with math. I'm trying to lock any position and rotation of child object. I tried to use the range mapper (if parent.pos.x = 30, then cild.pos.x = - 30), but it takes a long time to enter values manually and now work well.
Is there any formula for blocking the transformation of an child object? (I can transform just local position of a child, not a global)
enter image description here


How to code a pathfinding player in godot using A*?

Iam nooby in godot, I have to use A* to traslate the player to the goal position, but I do not know how to start, pls help!! basically I have just 2 tiles in the tilemap, 1 of them is allowed to pass over it, I have to extract I guess the allowed tile and calculate the distance between the position player with the position goal, getting the real distance and then check cell per cell which has the lowest cost, but I do not know how to do that :c
func get_player_init_pos():
var pos = map_to_world(Vector2(54,1))pos.y += half_cell_size.y
return pos
func is_tile_vacant(pos, direction):
var curr_tile = world_to_map(pos)
var next_tile = get_cellv(curr_tile + direction)
var next_tile_pos = Vector2()
if(next_tile == 0):
next_tile_pos = map_to_world(curr_tile + direction)
else:next_tile_pos = pos
return next_tile_pos
I have this, the first part of the code is to locate the player in the map and the second is for check the tile walls in the map
You could roll your own path finding algorithm. However, there is little point in doing so, since Godot has a AStar class you can use. However, you probably don't need to use that either, because Godot has a navigation system. And that is what I'm going to suggest you to use.
First of all, you can specify both navigation and collision polygons on your tiles. You need to have the navigation polygons. Go ahead and do them.
Second you want to have a Navigation2D in the scene tree and have your TileMap as a child.
And third, you can ask the Navigation2D for a path with get_simple_path, you pass the start and end positions as arguments and you get an array of points that make up the path.
Since you mention A*, I'll briefly explain using the AStar too anyway.
First, you need to add the cells with add_point. It requires ids. It is a good idea to be clever with the ids so you can compute the id for a given position. For example x * width + y if you know the size.
So you can iterate over the tiles in your TileMap and call add_point for each one (You don't need to add cell that are not passable).
Then you need to specify the connections with connect_points (it takes the ids of the points as parameters).
And finally you can call get_point_path passing the start and end ids. Again it gives you a array of points.

How do you get IFCWindow sill height

How to get the sill height (height above the floor) of a Ifcwindow in ifc file
There is no solution to get the height above the floor directly. This is because the height above for depends on several factors, like how the wall is created in which the window resides, etc.
It could be that the sillHeight is exported by the original modelling software to a custom IFC property. You could check for that, but since there is no common standard for it, it's risky.
Your best bet is to look into the ObjectPlacement property which IfcWindow inherits from IfcProduct. The ObjectPlacement defines how a product is placed either in world space or relative to its host. See https://standards.buildingsmart.org/IFC/RELEASE/IFC4/ADD2/HTML/schema/templates/product-local-placement.htm for details.
You need to read the ObjectPlacement property, and check if there is a RelativeTo property, if so, you need to fill into that property as well, and check if it's the placement of a floor. If so, you can stop the looping, and perform a matrix calculation on all the placements you harvested to calculate the placement of window relative to floor.
(Maybe even more simple: calculate world placement of window and floor separately, than subtract the two vector z values to get the height of window from floor)

Get Dicom image position into a sequence

A simple question as i am developing a java application based on dcm4che ...
I want to calculate/find the "position" of a dicom image into its sequence (series). By position i mean to find if this image is first, second etc. in its series. More specifically i would like to calculate/find:
Number of slices into a Sequence
Position of each slice (dicom image) into the Sequence
For the first question i know i can use tag 0020,1002 (however it is not always populated) ... For the second one?
If you are dealing with volumetric image series, best way to order your series is to use the Image Position (Patient) (0020, 0032). This is a required Type 1 tag (should always have value) and it is part of the image plane module. It will contain the X, Y and Z values coordinates representing the upper left corner of the image in mm. If the slices are parallel to each other, only one value should change between the slices.
Please note that the Slice Location (0020, 1041) is an optional (Type 3) element and it may not exist in the DICOM file.
We use the InstanceNumber tag (0x0020, 0x0013) as our first choice for the slice position. If there is no InstanceNumber, or if they are all the same, then we use the SliceLocation tag (0x0020, 0x1041). If neither tag is available, then we give up.
We check the InstanceNumber tag such that the Max(InstanceNumber) - Min(InstanceNumber) + 1 is equal to the number of slices we have in the sequence (just in case some manufacturers start counting at 0 or 1, or even some other number). We check the SliceLocation the same way.
This max - min + 1 is then the number of slices in the sequence (substitute for tag ImagesInAcquisition 0x0020, 0x1002).
Without the ImagesInAcquisition tag, we have no way of knowing in advance how many slices to expect...
I would argue that if the slice location is available, use that. It will be more consistent with the image acquisition. If it is not available, then you'll have to use or compute from the image position (patient) attribute. Part 3 section C. has details on these attributes.
The main issue comes when you have a series that is oblique. If you just use the z-value of the image position (patient), it may not change by the slice thickenss/spacing between slices attributes, while the slice location typically will. That can cause confusion to end users.

How to get the negative position value in Group?

The dashed rectangle is the parent group and inside, there is a label. Its x is negative.
Now, what I want to do is relocation the outside group to the contents' top-left point and meanwhile the contents' move back to the outside group's (0,0) point. The result looks like everything keeps the same position as before.but in fact, both inside content and outside group is moved.
It is easy to realize in flash, however, in flex i got trouble.
The function "getRect" returns wrong values.it's never return the correct position the inside content is.(like the thumb shows,the position should be like [-70,50])
(Feel free to correct me because I'm not sure what you want to accomplish here)
If your Label (let's say it is called myLabel) is correctly located directly inside of your Group, simply calling myLabel.x will return the X-coordinate of the label compared to its parent (which is your Group here, so you should get -70).
Then if you want to move the label so it fits into your Group viewport, you have two solutions:
Either you manually set myLabel.x = 0 and myLabel.y = 0. In this case the label will actually be moved at the Group origin.
Either you retrieve the matrix of your label component to call its .translate(dx, dy) function. Using the matrix functions will modify the way your Label is displayed, but its position will remain unchanged (More information about that on this page).
Short answer: If you don't care about keeping the original position of your label, just set myLabel.x = 0 and myLabel.y = 0 and it should be moved correctly.

XNA FBX model drawing problems, it's either my code, the way I export models or the way content is exported

So basically when I try to draw more a mesh inside an FBX file its orientation is always removed and it's scaled down. I'm not sure if the issue is caused by code or the way I'm exporting the FBX files. I have been trying to narrow down the cause and I am fairly sure it's not caused by the way I export the FBX (but I could be wrong), so it's either the XNA content pipeline or my drawing code
Here are some pics I took to show my problem, where the gray background is in 3Ds Max as I see it and red background is in XNA:
THis is as it appears in 3D StudioMax: http://i.stack.imgur.com/e0oW4.png
This is how it appears in XNA: http://i.stack.imgur.com/1vOcx.png
Both are being viewed from the same angle and direction but varying distances.
Now what is really odd is if I create another mesh in max, say a box, and export that (along with the original model), it works fine: http://i.stack.imgur.com/SIDg9.png
So long as there is more than one mesh in the fbx model it draws properly (though I'm still suspicious if it's drawing with proper scaling applied, i.e. if in Max it is 1 unit long in XNA it becomes something like 1.27 units long), if there is less its orientation which I applied to it in 3D studio max is removed when I draw it.
This is how I draw the model:
foreach (ModelMesh mesh in model.Meshes)
foreach (BasicEffect effect in mesh.Effects)
effect.World = boneTransforms[mesh.ParentBone.Index];
Vector3 cameraPosition = Camera.Get.Position;// new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
//cameraPosition.X = -Camera.Get.PosX;
//cameraPosition.Y = Camera.Get.PosY;
effect.View = Camera.Get.View;// Matrix.CreateLookAt(cameraPosition, cameraPosition + Camera.Get.LookDir, Camera.Get.Up);
effect.Projection = Matrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(MathHelper.PiOver4,
0.01f, 1000000); //Matrix.CreateOrthographic(800 / 1, 480 / 1, 0, 1000000);
//effect.TextureEnabled = true;
effect.LightingEnabled = true;
effect.PreferPerPixelLighting = true;
//effect.SpecularColor = new Vector3(1, 0, 0);
Obviously mesh.draw() is called twice when there is more than one mesh in the fbx file..
Generally if you are having a problem with the position or scale of the mesh while rendering, then it's likely to be related to the matrices. Not necessarily the exporting, but rather how you use them in the code.
I use blender3d for modelling, but I know that Blender3d actually defines different spaces when you are creating the meshes within the editor. For example, if you create a mesh while in 'object' mode, the position/rotation/scale of the object in the scene will not be exported (because that object will be the root of a new tree, centered around 0,0,0). So I would check for a similar situation in 3DMax - make sure you are transforming the vertices in Max relative to 0,0,0, or else you may lose the 'initial' translation and when you render in XNA, all the objects will be rendered around your 0,0,0 (i.e. appear mixed together).
Failing that, and I can't remember exactly off the top of my head, but I think you may need to multiply the current mesh's absolute matrix transform with that of the parent's world matrix transform. Although it's been a while so I'm not too sure.
