Create incremental column year based on id and year column in R - r

I have the below dataframe and i want to create the 'create_col' using some kind of seq() function i guess using the 'year' column as the start of the sequence. How I could do that?
id <- c(1,1,2,3,3,3,4)
year <- c(2013, 2013, 2015,2017,2017,2017,2011)
create_col <- c(2013,2014,2015,2017,2018,2019,2011)
Ideal result:
id year create_col
1 1 2013 2013
2 1 2013 2014
3 2 2015 2015
4 3 2017 2017
5 3 2017 2018
6 3 2017 2019
7 4 2011 2011

You can add row_number() to minimum year in each id :
df %>%
group_by(id) %>%
mutate(create_col = min(year) + row_number() - 1)
# id year create_col
# <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#1 1 2013 2013
#2 1 2013 2014
#3 2 2015 2015
#4 3 2017 2017
#5 3 2017 2018
#6 3 2017 2019
#7 4 2011 2011
df <- data.frame(id, year)


Remove duplicate year rows by groups [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
get rows of unique values by group
(4 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I have a data.table of the following form:-
data <- data.table(group = rep(1:3, each = 4),
year = c(2011:2014, rep(2011:2012, each = 2),
2012, 2012, 2013, 2014), value = 1:12)
This is only an abstract of my data.
So group 2 has 2 values for 2011 and 2012. And group 3 has 2 values for the year 2012. I want to just keep the first row for all the duplicated years.
So, in effect, my data.table will become the following:-
data <- data.table(group = c(rep(1, 4), rep(2, 2), rep(3, 3)),
year = c(2011:2014, 2011, 2012, 2012, 2013, 2014),
value = c(1:5, 7, 9, 11, 12))
How can I achieve this? Thanks in advance.
Try this data.table option with duplicated
> data[!duplicated(cbind(group, year))]
group year value
1: 1 2011 1
2: 1 2012 2
3: 1 2013 3
4: 1 2014 4
5: 2 2011 5
6: 2 2012 7
7: 3 2012 9
8: 3 2013 11
9: 3 2014 12
For data.tables you can pass by argument to unique -
unique(data, by = c('group', 'year'))
# group year value
#1: 1 2011 1
#2: 1 2012 2
#3: 1 2013 3
#4: 1 2014 4
#5: 2 2011 5
#6: 2 2012 7
#7: 3 2012 9
#8: 3 2013 11
#9: 3 2014 12
Using base R
subset(data, !duplicated(cbind(group, year)))
One solution would be to use distinct from dplyr like so:
data %>%
distinct(group, year, .keep_all = TRUE)
group year value
1: 1 2011 1
2: 1 2012 2
3: 1 2013 3
4: 1 2014 4
5: 2 2011 5
6: 2 2012 7
7: 3 2012 9
8: 3 2013 11
9: 3 2014 12
This should do the trick:
data %>%
group_by(group, year) %>%
filter(!duplicated(group, year))

How to find first non-NA leading or lagging value?

I have rows grouped by ID and I want to calculate how much time passes until the next event occurs (if it does occur for that ID).
Here is example code:
year <- c(2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018)
id <- c(rep("A", times = 4), rep("B", times = 4), rep("C", times = 4))
event_date <- c(NA, 2016, NA, 2018, NA, NA, NA, NA, 2015, NA, NA, 2018)
df<-, year, event_date))
id year event_date
1 A 2015 <NA>
2 A 2016 2016
3 A 2017 <NA>
4 A 2018 2018
5 B 2015 <NA>
6 B 2016 <NA>
7 B 2017 <NA>
8 B 2018 <NA>
9 C 2015 2015
10 C 2016 <NA>
11 C 2017 <NA>
12 C 2018 2018
Here is what I want the output to look like:
id year event_date years_till_next_event
1 A 2015 <NA> 1
2 A 2016 2016 0
3 A 2017 <NA> 1
4 A 2018 2018 0
5 B 2015 <NA> <NA>
6 B 2016 <NA> <NA>
7 B 2017 <NA> <NA>
8 B 2018 <NA> <NA>
9 C 2015 2015 0
10 C 2016 <NA> 2
11 C 2017 <NA> 1
12 C 2018 2018 0
Person B does not have the event, so it is not calculated. For the others, I want to calculate the difference between the leading event_date (ignoring NAs, if it exists) and the year.
I want to calculate years_till_next_event such that 1) if there is an event_date for a row, event_date - year. 2) If not, then return the first non-NA leading value - year. I'm having difficulty with the 2nd part of the logic, keeping in mind the event could occur not at all or every year, by ID.
Using zoo with dplyr
df %>%
group_by(id) %>%
mutate(years_till_next_event = na.locf0(event_date, fromLast = TRUE) - year )
Here is a data.table option
setDT(df)[, years_till_next_event := nafill(event_date, type = "nocb") - year, id]
which gives
id year event_date years_till_next_event
1: A 2015 NA 1
2: A 2016 2016 0
3: A 2017 NA 1
4: A 2018 2018 0
5: B 2015 NA NA
6: B 2016 NA NA
7: B 2017 NA NA
8: B 2018 NA NA
9: C 2015 2015 0
10: C 2016 NA 2
11: C 2017 NA 1
12: C 2018 2018 0
You can create a new column to assign a row number within each id if the value is not NA, fill the NA values from the next values and subtract the current row number from it.
df %>%
group_by(id) %>%
mutate(years_till_next_event = replace(row_number(),, NA)) %>%
tidyr::fill(years_till_next_event, .direction = 'up') %>%
mutate(years_till_next_event = years_till_next_event - row_number()) %>%
# id year event_date years_till_next_event
# <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <int>
# 1 A 2015 NA 1
# 2 A 2016 2016 0
# 3 A 2017 NA 1
# 4 A 2018 2018 0
# 5 B 2015 NA NA
# 6 B 2016 NA NA
# 7 B 2017 NA NA
# 8 B 2018 NA NA
# 9 C 2015 2015 0
#10 C 2016 NA 2
#11 C 2017 NA 1
#12 C 2018 2018 0
df <- data.frame(id, year, event_date)

Group By and summaries with condition

I have data frame df. After group_by(id, Year, Month, new_used_ind) and summarise(n = n()) it looks like:
id Year Month new_used_ind n
1 2001 apr N 3
1 2001 apr U 2
2 2002 mar N 5
3 2003 mar U 3
4 2004 july N 4
4 2004 july U 2
I want to add and get total for id, year and month but also want a total of ' N' from new_used_ind in a new column.
Something like this
id Year Month Total_New total
1 2001 apr 3 5
2 2002 mar 5 8
4 2004 july 4 6
read.table(text= "id Year Month new_used_ind n
1 2001 apr N 3
1 2001 apr U 2
2 2002 mar N 5
3 2003 mar U 3
4 2004 july N 4
4 2004 july U 2", header = T) -> df
df %>%
group_by(id, Year, Month) %>%
mutate(total_New=sum(n*(new_used_ind=="N"))) %>%
mutate(total_n=sum(n)) %>%
summarise_at(c("total_New", "total_n"), mean)
#> # A tibble: 4 x 5
#> # Groups: id, Year [4]
#> id Year Month total_New total_n
#> <int> <int> <fct> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 1 2001 apr 3 5
#> 2 2 2002 mar 5 5
#> 3 3 2003 mar 0 3
#> 4 4 2004 july 4 6
Created on 2019-06-11 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

How to de-cumulate variable in dplyr?

I have an issue. I have panel of quarterly individual data, which are "annually cumulative", ie. values for 1st quarter are for 1st quarter, values for 2nd quarter are sum for 1st and 2nd, 3rd quarter values are sums for first 3 quarters of the year and 4th quarter are annual sums. How to easily de-cumulate those in dplyr, grouping by id and year?
Assuming we have two years, and in year one sales are 2 per quarter, and in year 2 sales are 3 per quarter, the original is:
df = data.frame(quarter = c("Q1","Q2","Q3","Q4","Q1","Q2","Q3","Q4"), year=c(rep(2017,4),rep(2018,4)), cum_tot= c(2,4,6,8,3,6,9,12))
quarter year cum_tot
1 Q1 2017 2
2 Q2 2017 4
3 Q3 2017 6
4 Q4 2017 8
5 Q1 2018 3
6 Q2 2018 6
7 Q3 2018 9
8 Q4 2018 12
Then we can get the sales per quarter as:
df %>% group_by(year) %>% mutate(original = c(cum_tot[1], diff(cum_tot)))
Or, as per GGamba's comment below:
df %>% group_by(year) %>% mutate(original = cum_tot - lag(cum_tot, default = 0))
They both result in:
quarter year cum_tot original
1 Q1 2017 2 2
2 Q2 2017 4 2
3 Q3 2017 6 2
4 Q4 2017 8 2
5 Q1 2018 3 3
6 Q2 2018 6 3
7 Q3 2018 9 3
8 Q4 2018 12 3
Hope this helps!

Merge 2 resulting vectors into 1 data frame using R

I have a df like this
Month <- c('JAN','JAN','JAN','JAN','FEB','FEB','MAR','APR','MAY','MAY')
Category <- c('A','A','B','C','A','E','B','D','E','F')
Year <- c(2014,2015,2015,2015,2014,2013,2015,2014,2015,2013)
Number_Combinations <- c(3,2,3,4,1,3,6,5,1,1)
df <- data.frame(Month ,Category,Year,Number_Combinations)
Month Category Year Number_Combinations
1 JAN A 2014 3
2 JAN A 2015 2
3 JAN B 2015 3
4 JAN C 2015 4
5 FEB A 2014 1
6 FEB E 2013 3
7 MAR B 2015 6
8 APR D 2014 5
9 MAY E 2015 1
10 MAY F 2013 1
I have another df that I got from the above dataframe with a condition
df1 <- subset(df,Number_Combinations > 2)
Month Category Year Number_Combinations
1 JAN A 2014 3
3 JAN B 2015 3
4 JAN C 2015 4
6 FEB E 2013 3
7 MAR B 2015 6
8 APR D 2014 5
Now I want to create a table reporting the month, the total number of rows for the month in df and the total number of for the month in df1
Desired Output would be
Month Number_Month_df Number_Month_df1
1 JAN 4 3
2 FEB 2 1
3 MAR 1 1
4 APR 1 1
5 MAY 2 0
While I used table(df) and table(df1) and tried merging but not getting the desired result. Could someone please help me in getting the above dataframe?
We get the table of the 'Month' column from both 'df' and 'df1', convert to 'data.frame' (, merge by the 'Var1', and change the column names accordingly.
res <- merge($Month)),$Month)), by='Var1')
colnames(res) <- c('Month', 'Number_Month_df', 'Number_Month_df1')
res <- data.frame(Number_Month_df=sort(table(df$Month),T),
res$Month <- rownames(res)
