How to move Woocommerce product meta to right column? - woocommerce

How do I move Woocommerce product meta and the social share to the right column in single product page?

I have found the solution. Woocommerce product meta mostly implemented in two ways. (Templates and Hook) In my case, the product meta is using the templates approach which you can find in most of the theme folder wp_content/themes/YOURTHEMENAME/inc/woocommerce.php
add_action('thegem_woocommerce_single_product_right', 'thegem_socials_sharing', 55);
add_action('thegem_woocommerce_single_product_right', 'woocommerce_template_single_meta', 65);


custom order of products in woocommerce category page

I have a woocommerce store and want to make a custom order of my products.
Users access directly category pages, no shop archive page.
Do you have any good solutions for making a custom order here ?
I Tried using plugins and also giving those products a number... but all did not work.
kind regards
You can assign a number to each woocommerce product in wp-admin.When you edit or add product than you will see a menu order option just input a numeric number.

how to add sitemap in woocommerce product website?

how to add sitemap in woocommerce product website
I was able to include the individual products posts without any issue. However none of the categories are being added. I believe Woocommerce is saving product categories as custom Tags.
Also, the ability to set a different priority for custom posts (and tags in the future) would be great!

Modify Woo-commerce product name as appears on product page

(Site runs on Avada child+WP+woo)
Woo commerce product page has the product title as appears near the product image.
I'm looking for a way to add the product name, one of it's attributes, e.g. "Disney's little princess - DVD" where "Disney's little princess" is the original product name and "DVD" is taken from one of the product attributes.
I would appreciate any help.
Follow the following steps
Place the woocommerce template files in your theme
Go to the file
your template folder>Woocommerce >single-product>title.php
Edit this file as you want

Why woocommerce shows only five products in category page?

I'm new to wordpress. I've instaled woocommerce plugin in wordpress 3.9.1. And installed the add-on to import the products. I imported a csv file with 15 products. All those products are belongs to one category. But when I see the frontend that category page, it shows only 5 products. Rest of the products are missing. How can I fix this? Any help will be appreciated.
WooCommerce has an easy (I think) solution to this problem if you're still looking for one. Just set-up a page for each of your products and use this shortcode:
[product_category category="appliances"]
Replace appliances with whatever your category name is. It shows all your products of that category and gets you out of the WooCommerce loop so you can add more styling and content to your page.
Try checking Settings > Reading and see what it shows under "Blog pages show at most:" thats setting dictates how posts get shown on a page before pagination. That setting also affects how many products WooCommerce displays.

Display only single varation of product from WooCommerce

I try to learn WooCommerce and I want to display as "featured" only one variation of a product. Is it possible? I can't find anything about it.
