What's best way to update Meteor CLI? - meteor

Just trying to update Meteor CLI from version 1.12 to 1.12.1 but in general, what's the best way to update Meteor's CLI?

To specifically update the Meteor CLI, without having to update a meteor project as well, you can move into any folder that is not a Meteor project folder and run the meteor update command

There are several kinds of update:
downloading the newest Meteor tool
updating the current project to the latest Meteor tool version (implies 1.)
updating all packages to their latest versions
You can all manage that by using the meteor update command with (or without) the respective flags, like --patch, --packages-only or --all-packages.
See: https://docs.meteor.com/commandline.html#meteorupdate
You can also type meteor update --help for information on the respective flags.

Definitely no need to re-install the tool. Running meteor update outside of the meteor project does update just the command line, but you should be really updating your project by running meteor update --release <version> in your project folder.


Using Meteor 1.4 Beta

I'm trying to use the meteor 1.4 beta and wanted advice on the best way to get set-up - I've never used a software beta before and am a bit unsure.
Do I just download the latest file from github? In this case https://github.com/meteor/meteor/releases/tag/release%2FMETEOR%401.4-beta.7
How do I configure the file on my system such that I can use the meteor command in my terminal as normal?
Are there any other things I need to set up or be aware of to use this version?
Create a new project using the recommended (current) Meteor version :
meteor create test
Then upgrade the newly created project to the latest beta available :
cd test
meteor update --release 1.4-beta.7
There you go, the test project is on the latest beta and outside of it you can still use your system-wide Meteor install.
Regarding 1.4 specifically :
The latest dev bundle comes with MongoDB 3.2, if you're upgrading an existing project it will warn you about the need to migrate your database, the easiest way to do so in dev is simply to run meteor reset.
Also, meteor node still points to v0.10.45 but your app will run with v4.4.7 (just console.log(process.version)).

Management packages. What tool should I use?

I'm starting new app with meteor and I'm confuse when I have to install packages.
Meteor gives the possibility to install packages just like that:
meteor add <username>:<packagename>
Ok, very easy. The problem is that I would like use bower then, How I have to install the packages? For example angular.
meteor add urigo:angular
is the same as? what is the difference*? How I have to perform?
bower install angular
The logical conclusion could be use one of them, but I have seen in examples that they can be toguether.
*the package is recorded in different places, but the operation is the same?
meteor add <developer>:<packagename>
you add packages from the Meteor specific package database. Meteor packages are completely integrated into the Meteor eco-system and may contain both server and client side code.
You should use "meteor add" whenever possible.
To find Meteor packages you can use Atmosphere
Bower on the other hand is a framework independent package system for client side (mostly) JavaScript packages. It's not well integrated with Meteor - Although community packages exists to simplify usage of Bower packages with Meteor.
To answer you specific example:
meteor add urigo:angular
This command adds the Angular package of the Angular-Meteor project to your Meteor application. It's not only Angular but does also include some Angular services ($meteor) to provide integration of Meteor with Angular.
It even adds Angular support to the server side to some degree.
bower install angular
only downloads the official minified and non-minified javascript file of the latest Angular version for client side use.
You could use the Bower version with Angular but you wouldn't get the benefits of the integration.
While I don't use Bower myself, check out this package: https://atmospherejs.com/mquandalle/bower. I think it may help answer your question.

How to update meteor to 1.0rc.11

My meteor current version is 0.9.4, and I want to try the latest version "1.0-rc11", I've tried meteor update —release 1.0-rc11 and meteor update —release 1.0-rc.11, and I always got this message "Your packages are at their latest compatible versions."
You have packages that are not compatible with the rc.
Meteor 1.0 is out. You may want to try that with meteor update.
Have a look at what the packages you have are and their constraints to find out whether they are compatible with 1.0. If you have older packages it might prevent an update until you sort them out.
You can check the packages you have in your app using meteor list

gruntjs: do I need to install dependency plugins for each project?

I am recently using gruntjs. It's amazing. I am using version 0.4.5
Every time when I am going to create a new project, do I need to install all dependency plugins that I needed? like grunt-contrib-uglify, grunt-contrib-sass etc.
Basically, I use 4-5 plugins for each project and just wonder to know that if there is away to use it globally.
Going through grunt doc, they said I have to install dependencies locally, that means all plugins for each project?

No sure how to create the Todo app using Meteor Framework

I tried replicating the todos application without using the example meteor terminal commentlets
Steps, i followed, (I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 build)
In terminal - meteor create todos
-- created the todos
a default *.html, *.css, *.js create underneath to the todos folder,
i deleted and replaced the actual todo artifacts into to it (e.g. client, server, public folders to the root) -> tried running the app - UI appears but the functionality breaks
I just wanna know what is ideal way create a app something similar structure as todos app.
This might help other folks to create a larger applications... currently i stuck in single *.js.
There's also a .meteor directory per project. Did you copy that too?
I've used a vagrant (https://github.com/pixelhandler/vagrant-dev-env) to install all of the dependencies and have an app running fine.
I just used 'meteor create myapp' like the docs say.
My bad i found it, just use this commentlet on terminal
meteor list --using
the above commentlet will list you out all the packages used for the current meteor project
Just add those project to the newly create meteor project and write your own structure, i found another way struture the project which i post as soon as possible...
meteor list --using
intersting fact is todo example comes two version one with secure and non secure packages - out-of-box build release with 0.4.2, and 0.5.0 respectively...
