I keep getting java.lang.OutOfMemoryError Java heap space in MyEclipse JBOSS. I tried increasing the memory allocated to JBoss.
But I am still getting the error. Am I doing something wrong or do I need to add more memory?
I am using MyEclipse for Spring version 10. Any help would be appreciated.
I am using IBM jdk 1.7(to support TLS cyphers) for an struts based application deployed with embedded tomcat.
We are running with memory leaks(OOM) that generated almost 30 gigs of dumps.This has become a rotine event.
We have tried increasing the heap mem by including
wrapper.java.additional.1="-XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xss2048k" in the wrapper.conf.
But this didnt help much.
Try using Memory Analyzer, you can follow the instructions here to download and install it:
It should provide an overview of your heap usage.
I'd recommend starting with the dominator tree view to see which objects are responsible for keeping data alive on the heap. You can also run various reports which analyse the heap for you.
You should have core files (.dmp) and heap dumps (.phd), the core files will be large but may be faster to access and will also contain all the values for basic types in objects and strings. The phd files just contain object sizes and the connections between them. It may be easier to relate what you are seeing back to your code if you start with the core file.
This question has been asked but I am still facing issues.
hduser#sanjeebpanda-VirtualBox:/usr/local/spark$ sbt/sbt assembly
Using /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-i386 as default JAVA_HOME.
Note, this will be overridden by -java-home if it is set.
Error occurred during initialization of VM
Could not reserve enough space for object heap
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
What the error message appears to be saying is there is not enough memory on the machine to allocate the necessary java heap space.
I would check ~/.sbtconfig to see what the Xmx and Xms values are set to, and try to lower these. Though since these are the defaults it may cause you other issues.
Best solution would be to use another machine with larger memory available.
OK, I got the same issue when installing Spark. And after setting the _JAVA_OPTIONS, it works.
Following is what I have used. Change the memory size according to your machine:
export _JAVA_OPTIONS='-Xmx128M -Xmx256M'
I m currently using adobe flash builder 4.6 n there is java heap space error. i cleaned my project every time but it's not working is there any permanent solution for this issue, plz help as soon as possible.
java heap error comes for several reason like a build a project which has too much library in it build path for this type of project you have to build individual library and then build main Project.
You can increase a heap memory flash builder 4.6(FB 4.6) manually. 1024MB is a maximum limit of heap memory allocation. you can't allocate more memory than 1024MB.
go to C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4.6 and open FlashBuilder.ini file and update the line -Xmx512m to -Xmx1024m. By default 512MB heap memory allocate to heap. but you can increase it manually.
if you try to increase heap memory more than 1024 then your FB 4.6 not open.
if this not solves your problem then put a log file
On Tridion 2011 SP1, after I just restarted an HTTP Deployer, I get the error "Attempt to load JVM failed on native side" when I try to access HTTPUpload.aspx.
What is the issue?
I added an env variable JAVA_HOME, restarted the server, but no luck so far.
Many thanks in advance!
Nevermind... It seems that after rebooting the server AGAIN, problem was fixed.
I guess I'll never know what was it.
The story is way deeper than initially believed and it all boils down to memory allocation.
The culprit in my case was the heap size that we allocate to the Java process running underneath IIS (in JuggerNET). I have 4 CD instances (4 websites running each a CD stack) on 32bit server, with memory 4GB. The heap size was set to 1024M. Naturally there was not enough memory to allocate 4GB of heapspace.
Reducing the heapsize OR stopping a website solved the issue.
Heapsize is controlled in registry key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Tridion\Content Delivery\General\jvmarg1
with value -Xmx1024M.
Another culprit might be mixing CD DLLs from 64bit with 32bit servers, so check and double check your DLLs!!! I know I did :) hours long...
I'm not sure that windbg is the right tool, but that's what I'm trying now
my asp.net app seems to have a memory leak, it keeps on growing by about 3 MB almost every time a page loads (then it goes back down...)
I want to read the entire process memory and see exactly whats being stored that is unnecessary.
So I run windbg, attach to the webserver40.exe process
then I try
.loadby sos clr
and I get
The call to LoadLibrary(C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\sos) failed, Win32 error 0n193
"%1 is not a valid Win32 application."
Please check your debugger configuration and/or network access.
It seems that I have this sos.dll in Framework AND Framework64
I tried both using
.load C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\sos
but nothing loads
I don't understand why its looking for a vaild 32bit app. im on a 64bit pc with 64bit windows.
How can I get this sos thing to load?
Also when I start I get this warning
WARNING: Process 7240 is not attached as a debuggee
The process can be examined but debug events will not be received
I also tried loadby sos mscorwks it didn't work, but I understand that was discontinued. I'm in asp.net 4
I also read somewhere that the code should be stopped in debug before loading sos, that just hangs VS 2010.
Thank you very much.
Again, if there's another tool that could better help me, I'm all ears :-)
WebDev.WebServer40.exe is a 32 bit executable. To debug that you need to use 32 bit WinDbg. Visual Studio, as well as Callipso server are still executing in 32 bit mode.
For your other question. Yes, WinDbg is a great tool to investigate memory leaks in managed code. This blog will get you started. However in your case I would not be so sure you have a memory leak.
You are saying that memory goes down eventually. This means it is not a memory leak, because a leaked memory never gets released.
Do not waste your time investigate memory problems in Callipso. There are a lot of differences between IIS and Callipso that would make your findings not applicable in production environment. Even if you find that Callipso is in fact leaking does not mean that IIS would be.