R/exams in blackboard only producing single question exams - r-exams

I have been able to get multi-question exams (via R/exams) to work in blackboard without issue, but now all of a sudden any exam I import into blackboard is a single-question exam.
Such as from the example here.
exm <- cbind(c("capitals.Rmd", "swisscapital.Rmd", "switzerland.Rmd"))
## [,1]
## [1,] "capitals.Rmd"
## [2,] "swisscapital.Rmd"
## [3,] "switzerland.Rmd"
I have tried setting n and nsamp ini exams2blackboard, but every single time exams in blackboard end up with only one question.

This behavior is expected because you have specified exm as a 1-column matrix (with 3 rows containing different exercises). This will create 1 question pool containing 3 exercises. More generally, specifying an n x k matrix will create k question pools containing n exercises each.
Alternatively, you can specify a vector or a list of k exercises instead of matrix and then set exams2blackboard(exm, n = n) which will also create k question pools with n exercises each.
The reason for the different format is that they are convenient for different things:
Vector: Each question pool contains n random replications of the same exercise.
List: Each question pool contains a sample of n exercises drawn from each list element. Thus, you have a mixture of (random replications from) potentially different exercises in each pool.
Matrix: You have fine control over which (random replications from) exercises exactly will enter each question pool.


How can I handle a very large number of combinations in R?

Here is my problem - I would like to generate a fairly large number of factorial combinations and then apply some constraints on them to narrow down the list of all possible combinations. However, this becomes an issue when the number of all possible combinations becomes extremely large.
Let's take an example - Assume we have 8 variables (A; B; C; etc.) each taking 3 levels/values (A={1,2,3}; B={1,2,3}; etc.).
The list of all possible combinations would be 3**8 (=6561) and can be generated as following:
tic <- function(){start.time <<- Sys.time()}
toc <- function(){round(Sys.time() - start.time, 4)}
nX = 8
lk = as.list(NULL)
lk = lapply(1:nX, function(x) c(1,2,3))
mapx = expand.grid(lk)
mapx$idx = 1:nrow(mapx)
So far so good, these operations are done pretty quickly (< 1 second) even if we significantly increase the number of variables.
The next step is to generate a corrected set of all pairwise comparisons (An uncorrected set would be obtain by freely combining all 6561 options with each other, leading to 65616561=43046721 combinations) - The size of this "universe" would be: 6561(6561-1)/2 = 21520080. Already pretty big!
I am using the R built-in function combn to get it done. In this example the running time remains acceptable (about 20 seconds on my PC) but things become impossible with higher higher number of variables and/or more levels per variable (running time would increase exponentially, for example it already took 177 seconds with 9 variables!). But my biggest concern is actually that the object size would become so large that R can no longer handle it (Memory issue).
univ = t(combn(mapx$idx,2))
The next step would be to identify the list of combinations meeting some pre-defined constraints. For instance I would like to sub-select all combinations sharing exactly 3 common elements (ie 3 variables take the same values). Again the running time will be very long (even if a 8 variables) as my approach is to loop over all combinations previously defined.
vrf = NULL
vrf = sapply(1:nrow(univ), function(x){
j1 = mapx[mapx$idx==univ[x,1],-ncol(mapx)]
j2 = mapx[mapx$idx==univ[x,2],-ncol(mapx)]
cond = ifelse(sum(j1==j2)==3,1,0)
univ = univ[vrf==1,]
Would you know how to overcome this issue? Any tips/advices would be more than welcome!

How sum up and print points of all exercises?

I know that in r-exam I can assign points to exercises eg. via expoints in the exercise' meta-data. However, I don't know to get the sum of the points across all exercises.
As a specific usecase: Consider a test that (by formal university requirements) must consist of (say) 90 points. So, I need to track the number of points that are already included via the exercises of the test.
I'm unaware which variable tracks this score (if any).
You are right, this information is not directly available, however it can be extracted from the metainformation contained in the output from any exams2xyz() interface. As a simple illustration consider:
exm <- exams2pdf(c("swisscapital.Rmd", "deriv.Rmd", "ttest.Rmd"),
n = 1, points = c(1, 17, 2))
Now exm is a list with only n = 1 exam, consisting of three exercises, each of which provides its metainform (among other details). So you can extract the points of the second exercise in the first (and only) exam via:
## [1] 17
So to get the points from all exercises in the first exam:
sapply(exm[[1]], function(y) y$metainfo$points)
## exercise1 exercise2 exercise3
## 1 17 2
Of course, here it the points were explicitly set in exams2pdf() and were thus known. But the same approach can also be used if the points are set via the expoints tag in the individual exercises.

Generate permutations in sequential order - R

I previously asked the following question
Permutation of n bernoulli random variables in R
The answer to this question works great, as long as n is relatively small (<30), otherwise the following error code occurs Error: cannot allocate vector of size 4.0 Gb. I can get the code to run with somewhat larger values by using my desktop at work but eventually the same error occurs. Even for values that my computer can handle, say 25, the code is extremely slow.
The purpose of this code to is to calculate the difference between the CDF of an exact distribution (hence the permutations) and a normal approximation. I randomly generate some data, calculate the test statistic and then I need to determine the CDF by summing all the permutations that result in a smaller test statistic value divided by the total number of permutations.
My thought is to just generate the list of permutations one at a time, note if it is smaller than my observed value and then go on to the next one, i.e. loop over all possible permutations, but I can't just have a data frame of all the permutations to loop over because that would cause the exact same size and speed issue.
Long story short: I need to generate all possible permutations of 1's and 0's for n bernoulli trials, but I need to do this one at a time such that all of them are generated and none are generated more than once for arbitrary n. For n = 3, 2^3 = 8, I would first generate
calculate if my test statistic was greater (1 or 0) then generate
calculate again, then generate
calculate, then generate
calculate, then generate
etc until 111
I'm fine with this being a loop over 2^n, that outputs the permutation at each step of the loop but doesn't save them all somewhere. Also I don't care what order they are generated in, the above is just how I would list these out if I was doing it by hand.
In addition if there is anyway to speed up the previous code that would also be helpful.
A good solution for your problem is iterators. There is a package called arrangements that is able to generate permutations in an iterative fashion. Observe:
# initialize iterator
iperm <- ipermutations(0:1, 3, replace = T)
for (i in 1:(2^3)) {
[1] 0 0 0
[1] 0 0 1
[1] 1 1 1
It is written in C and is very efficient. You can also generate m permutations at a time like so:
This allows for better performance because the next permutations are being generated by a for loop in C as opposed to a for loop in R.
If you really need to ramp up performance you can you the parallel package.
iperm <- ipermutations(0:1, 40, replace = T)
parallel::mclapply(1:100, function(x) {
myPerms <- iperm$getnext(10000)
# do something
}, mc.cores = parallel::detectCores() - 1)
Note: All code is untested.

Run the script using hard drive

Given a set of n inputs, I want to generate all permutations of 0's and 1's (essentially the input matrix for a truth table). In order to do so, I am using the permutations command (using the gtools package) in R, as follows:
> permutations(2,n,v=c(0,1),repeats.allowed=TRUE)
where n is the number of inputs.
However, given sufficiently large number of n (let's say 26), the size of the variable becomes very high (if n=26, the variable would be approx. 13GB in size). Given this, I wanted to know if there is any way (in R) of using the hard disk instead of creating the variable on the RAM? (I might actually have to run this with n = 86 which would be an impossible thing to do on the RAM).

Multiple Matrix Operations in R with loop based on matrix name

I'm a novice R user, who's learning to use this coding language to deal with data problems in research. I am trying to understand how knowledge evolves within an industry by looking at patenting in subclasses. So far I managed to get the following:
# kn.matrices<-with(patents, table(Class,year,firm))
# kn.ind <- with(patents, table(Class, year))
patents is my datafile, with Subclass, app.yr, and short.name as three of the 14 columns
# for (k in 1:37)
# kn.firms = assign(paste("firm", k ,sep=''),kn.matrices[,,k])
There are 37 different firms (in the real dataset, here only 5)
This has given 37 firm-specific and 1 industry-specific 2635 by 29 matrices (in the real dataset). All firm-specific matrices are called firmk with k going from 1 until 37.
I would like to perform many operations in each of the firm-specific matrices (e.g. compare the numbers in app.yr 't' with the average of the 3 previous years across all rows) so I am looking for a way that allows me to loop the operations for every matrix named firm1,firm2,firm3...,firm37 and that generates new matrices with consistent naming, e.g. firm1.3yearcomparison
Hopefully I framed this question in an appropriate way. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Following comments I'm trying to add a minimal reproducible example
These three vectors thus represent columns in a spreadsheet that forms the "patents" matrix mentioned before.
it looks like you already have a 3 dimensional array with all your data. You can basically view this as your 38 matrices all piled one on top of the other. You don't want to split this into 38 matrices and use loops. Instead, you can use R's apply function and extraction functions. Just view the help topic on the apply() family and it should show you how to do what you want. Here are a few basic examples
# returns the sums of all columns for all matrices
apply(kn.matrices, 3, colSums)
# extract the 5th row of all matrices
kn.matrices[5, , ]
# extract the 5th column of all matrices
kn.matrices[, 5, ]
# extract the 5th matrix
kn.matrices[, , 5]
# mean of 5th column for all matrices
colMeans(kn.matrices[, 5, ])
