MomentJS change display of "am" to "a.m." - momentjs

I have a bit of an odd request from our product owner. He wants us to change the display of the "am" and "pm" to display as "a.m." and "p.m." Ideally, we need to do this in one place so it just handles it everywhere we leverage momentjs.
I've checked the momentJS documentation and it doesn't seem that there's an easy way to specify this in the docs.
I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on how to make this happen?


How can I manually add text comments, link or any string to a Kibana visualization?

I am looking for a way to add comment on a Kibana time based visual.
The idea is that, I can mark a datapoint or a specific time and leave a comment there
so anyone else who will see get to this timeframe or datapoint will see my comment.
I am adding an example from Grafana where this functionality is available and very useful - Grafana calls it Annotations.
So it should look like the following:
A user added a comment, it appears on the graph and anyone can see it, as simple as that.
How can I do that, or anything similar to that on a graph? Again, to clarify, I am talking about a user manually adding information to an existing graph.

Custom date and time for appointment form in Wordpress

Hello people of stackoverflow.
I want to know if maybe anyone of you knows, if there is a plugin that can set available/unavailable dates including hour schedule in calendar, so the customer can choose her appointment.
I already got the form, but the list for available dates is written in so you have to manually edit them in code and it would be so much better if editing is possible directly on wordpress. So instead of choosing the dates from option values i would like to have a popup calendar and available hours for that day.
Any help or guidance to help would be much appreciated.
There is a software you can implement into your wordpress that works as you have described, it's called "Salonized", maybe it will help.

Open Graph: How to Give Star Rating to Something Besides Books or Movies

How can I give a star rating to say, a place? AFAIK Open Graph currently only supports books and movies. When I try to create a custom "Rate" type FB tells me to use the "common rate" type which again, apparently only works for books and movies.
Looks like you are out of luck. I dont think you can create a "rate" action for other types.
Also I tried using the books.rates and video.rates for rating a place, no luck!
One way this can be done, which might sound like a hack, is to create another action - something that resembles 'rating action' but have some other information that can be passed to it, which makes it different from rate action. Pulling this off might not be that easy considering Facebook's strict review policy. I will be trying to find a name for this kind of action and will update the answer accordingly.
Hope this helps.

Good way to allow people to select a lot of things?

I'm using jQuery, ASP.NET, SQL Server, and the other usual suspects to design a company CRM. After they put in contact info, notes, dates, places and so forth they have to be able to select many different people to be "CC'ed." A group of people will be required to be one either "CC'ed" or "ToDo." The rest of the people can be nothing or "CC" or "ToDo." Currently we have it set up as a huge databind to templates with radio buttons for each option. Looks like shit. Anyone have any suggestions? I'd like to use a template with a datasource and have a good way to retrieve their answers and use them.
I'm leaning jQuery direction but like I said I'll need there to be up to 3 possible options for the people. This is going to be all opinion so I'm just looking for options.
Just to re-clarify, this concept is similar to email but I don't want them to have to type anything in as it is a set group of names that they're allowed to select from.
Looking for quick simple and pretty. somewhere in the range of 120 names.
If you intend to look down the jQuery route, I suggest that this widget could possibly help you out (even if only for inspiration sakes).
I'm struggling to "visualize" your form for terms of "real-estate expendature" etc.
Not directly what you are looking for, but this plugin may help
Typing with intellisense. Sorry - any graphical thing will look overloaded.
Or: A table with filter options on top (again, typing). THere simply is no other way.
What I would most likely do to achieve this is implement the auto filter pattern that you type in a text box a few letters of the name and then it would filter down all of the overall results to those containing that pattern. Then have a select all button that will let you check all of them, and then the user can manually uncheck a few instead of having to check all.
The other thing to do would be to offer some type of categorization of the data so that they could filter by category that would put people in probable groups that would want all them all together. Like IT, HR, Executive or something similar.

Time field in Drupal forms?

In creating a drupal form, one can easily create a date field.
'#type' => 'date',
But what about a time field? Is there an easy way to create and use a drupal form field type that describes the time of day? (Something more elegant than just a textfield with the label "time"?)
Drupal 7:
date_popup in the date module makes really nice time fields
You can use a form element like:
'#type' => 'date_popup',
'#date_format' => 'g:i a',
and the field will match the format you use. If you don't include date elements, it will just show time.
Actually, the date field is nothing more than a textfield with a label. That is on the outside. What you do get when using this field from the date module, is a lot of date validation, to make sure that what the user has typed/selected makes sense. The other thing you get is some different javascript tools to aid the typing of the actual date. But to do this, you need the data module.
Since time is a lot more simple (universal) than a date, you wont need much validation. So all you need, to make it into a fancy time field, is to add some javascript to help out, but this is not really needed.
So the short answer is no, you can't do something like that, but you don't really need to either. You could create your own time field with hook_elements() though if you really wanted to.
There does not seem to be a 'standard' solution for this at the moment, but you might find something useful in the following:
There is a CCK Time module for Drupal 5, along with some patches for a Drupal 6 port in a feature request.
There is a feature request to allow a 'time only' field within the date module, linking some more related threads.
Most interesting for you might be this posting of code snippets. It is a concrete example of what googletorp suggested (+1).
And while not exactly providing a time field, you might also be interested in the duration modules, depending on what you want to achieve.
