I am a beginner in Android Studio. I created one App where I am uploading Magazines Monthly, so that all the users of App can see. As of now I am uploading the files in storage/emulated/0/Downloads/Appname/Magazines. But where to upload the files, so it can be viewed by everyone(I mean to save in a public)..if someone can answer it will be a great help. Thanks in advance...
I am trying to sync the uploaded file to my local desktop folder during upload, but I want to sync only a few types of files.
Is there a way to do achieve this? I am unable to find anything in the API documentation.
Thanks for your time.
I’m new to ionic and in my Ionic Application, I need to store a pdf and image file in SQLite i.e in the app storage and should open within app. I will get the file from another database like MongoDB in the URL format. Could anyone of you help me out of this and suggest any references to complete the app storage using SQLite.
Thanks in advance.
I have researched on different aspects but could not find any.
I'm making an app in Swift that will have a Realm database with some preset data in it when the user downloads it from the app store. I know how to make database entries when it's based on user interaction, but I can't figure out the best way to just have the data already there as soon as it's downloaded.
Any advice on this issue will be greatly appreciated,
Thanks in advance!
You can bundle a pre-built Realm file with you application that you copy over to the default realm path if there's no file already at that path.
Just getting into mobile app development, and I have a couple of very basic questions relating to the use of a large prepopulated SQLite database. It's not a typical for-public-consumption app that captures a little bit of user data.
The app would be deployed to some employees of the company, not to the general public. We would like to attach their phones via USB cable to a PC and copy a 300MB SQLite db file onto their phones.
We would like to write a number of apps that know how/where to find that db file in the phone's file system, and issue selects against it. It would be read-only.
Is that scenario feasible with Appcelerator? Can the database file be located outside the folder structure of the app so that multiple apps could use it?
On both iOS and Android apps are sandboxed and can only access their own data. On Android you could use the external storage but then every app would be able to access it. Also, since on iOS the app won't be able to open the SQLite database from the read-only application resources, it will be copied to the application data directory, meaning the app will be 300+300MB in size. You better download the files once the app is installed.
Recently I have published my website and uploaded it to GoDaddy server. After that I have made changes in .aspx as well in .aspx.cs files. Then I uploaded that files to server but it throws an error. So anybody is having idea about how to upload only changes to published ASP.NET website.
Thanks in advance!
Here is what I do:
I keep a copy of the older version locally.
Then run a diff tool(folderpatch) to compare it with the new version
Generate a patch(zip file)
Upload the patch
Patch the online version to make it same as my new version
Using a tool ensure that you don't miss any updated files.
Having to upload only one file is a lot faster for uploads.
Using the patch tool on the server, ensures that all files are uploaded to the correct locations.
P.s: I wrote folderpatch to make my life easier. But its free and open source, so feel free to use it where it helps you.