Issue JWT after OTP verification in ASP NET Core Web API -

I am using .NET Core 3.1 in my Web API project. In that, I have used JWT authentication. Now I want to allow users to log in or register using their mobile number. So when the user enters the mobile number an OTP will be sent and after verifying the OTP, I want to issue JWT for the user. Now, I have the below queries regarding this:
If this flow is correct or something needs to be changed?
Where should I store the OTP sent to the user's mobile number? Should I create a separate table for storing OTP and mobile numbers or it should be managed on the front-end site where I am using ReactJs?
Note: I cannot change the authentication mechanism from JWT to any other as I already have dependencies over it.

So when the user enters the mobile number an OTP will be sent and
after verifying the OTP, I want to issue JWT for the user. Now, I have
the below queries regarding this:
If this flow is correct or something needs to be changed?
First, I think the workflow is correct.
Generally, when we using JWT authentication, the workflow as below:
Client sends a request (which contains the user information, such as: name and password) to server for token
Server receives the user information and checking for authorization. If validated success, server generates a JWT token.
Client receives the token and stores it somewhere locally.
Client sends the token in the future requests.
Server gets the token from request header, computes Hash again by using a) Header from token b) payload from token c) secret key which server already has.
If ("newly computed hash" = "hash came in token"), token is valid otherwise it is tempered or not valid
So, in your workflow, you are using Mobile number and the OTP to login, and validate the user. It also is correct.
Where should I store the OTP sent to the user's mobile number? Should I create a
separate table for storing OTP and mobile numbers or it should be
managed on the front-end site where I am using ReactJs?
For this issue, I think it depends on how you generate/send the OTP.
If the OTP is generated by yourself, you have to store the phone number and OTP in the database, because, after client send the phone number and OTP to the server side, you have to validate whether the user is valid or not.
If you are using some provider or package to generate the OTP, might be the OTP has an expired time property, you can also store them in the database. If the expired time very short, there is no need to store them in database, you could try to use session to store the OTP.


Is it possible that the ID token generated by FCM is a duplicate?

According to the documentation, we know that the client can send its ID Token, or Registration Token, to the application server to notify the client that it is logged in.
I would like to know if this token can have duplicate values? I know it is similar to a JWT, which contains information such as uid, issue time, etc. If the same account logs in at the same point in time, is it possible for different devices to generate ID Token with the same value?
No it is not possible. Application installation is one of the things that change.
Assuming you mean the FCM token, used to send e.g notifications.

How a Firebase token is generated?

I'm doing analysis on Firebase Token and understood below points:-
-> A Firebase token is saved in database which will be used for sending notifications.
-> The token generally do not expire except in the following cases:
- The app deletes Instance ID
- The app is restored on a new device
- The user uninstalls/reinstall the app
- The user clears app data.
-> When we use a token which is expired we get errors like Not Registered from the response while sending messages.
-> To avoid the error, we should be deleting the token from database.
However I have found that If we login to a cloud application (which is my app currently), a new fcm token gets generated when i logged in to a new browser say FireFox, Edge etc.
So, the token is generated based on browser or System IP or what exactly the Fcm uses to generate a token ?
The method used to generate the token is an implementation detail, and you should not depend on that to build your app.
A token uniquely identifies a device. Each device receives messages independently of each other, and does not know anything about the user of that device. It's expected that if a user signed into an app on multiple devices, that each device would generate a unique token. If you want to send message to a user, you will have to map each of the user's device tokens in your own database, and send the message to each of them, or only the ones that the user chooses.
You can expect that device tokens might change over time. If you send a message to a device, and the API tells you that the token is not valid, you should simply delete it from your records.

How do I structure authentication with a social IdP?

My system works as follows;
I have an ASP.Net RESTful API server, which contains a user database.
I also have a Xamarin.Forms application, with a registration and login page.
What I want is to have the ability to authenticate a login using a social IdP, and then, if that user has not been logged in before, register that user in my local database.
I have been reading up on how to implement OAuth 2.0 with OpenID Connect to authenticate my users with a social IdP, however, I cannot seem to wrap my head arround it. From what I've read, I shouldn't use an Access token for authentication, since that i what the ID token is for, however, I have also read that the only intended purpose for an ID token, is the client.
My problem then is, how can I make sure that calls made to my ASP.Net server, has been made by "real person", and how do I determine who makes the call?
Access token will be used determine whether the client application was authorized by a user to access a resource. The concept of ID token comes from OpenID Connect. Main purpose of the ID token is to authenticate the user to the client application (i.e. letting the client application know that the person who authorized the access is a valid person).
To do this, you have to validate the ID token. This can be done using third party libraries such as nimbusds or auth0. You can validate the signature of the token verify the integrity of the token and check the claims included in the token (by comparing them with expected values) to verify the user details. Also, you can add custom claims (any claim that is specific for your application/implementation) to the tokens through your identity provider so that you'll be able to validate those particular claims in order to verify the user.

Using firebase jwt to authenticate users to external server\service?

Okay so in my iOS app I log the user into firebase, then get the jwt token. So now I have my server with an api which accepts an idtoken in the header of the GET.
What do I do here? Certainly I wouldn't be validating the JWT againt firebase on every single API call right? I mean its fast, but that adds latency with a second external check, no? How does one simply just decode that guy in C#? I have an Auth0 layer already and that decodes the JWT with my server-stored secret, but that same code doesn't work for the Firebase token.
Could it just be decoded then extract the user details from that, maybe just check expiry and if expiry > X months it's still okay?
In order to verify Firebase ID tokens and JWTs in general, you only make a network call on your server to get the public certs which are usually not updated for several hours. You could cache that and try to verify with an ID token and if it fails, only then, load the new public certs.
And yes, you must verify the ID token on each call especially since Firebase ID tokens expire after typically an hour and need to be refreshed continuously.

Push notifications by username

I have been looking for ways to send notifications to specific users and what I found was that I need the device token to do that.
I have tried Firebase and Ionic Cloud Service to do some pushs and it worked fine, but I'm wondering if it's possible to register a service with a key -> value, for exemple, register with the username and the token. If so, how can I do it?
And what is the best service to do it?
Thank you in advance for the help.
P.S.: I'm not asking for code, just the theory.
From you question [for example, register with the username and the token. If so, how can I do it?] I understand following.
You mean to say, there is a mobile app, which user will sign up to use and you want to send the notification to registered user i.e. get send push notification by username.
To solve this, you can follow the steps mentioned below.
On app launch when you get FCM registration token, save it to some intermediate location such as local storages along with device-id, mobile details etc..
Create a backend API which can save username and registration token in DB.
When a user signs up or signs in, then fetch the registration token from local storages, post username, token to backend API to save it. You can make backend API bit intelligent to handle multiple devices of the single user, distinguishable by device-id, mobile details.
Then while sending API from the backend, you can fetch all registration ids of a single user and send the notification to that users using all tokens of that user in FCM API. Use registration ids as JSON array in "registration_id" field. FCM Document - link.
