How to properly specify theme variables in extjs? - css

I have been trying to learn styling in extjs, but I cannot figure out how it works. In a very simple example, I would like to apply some styles to panel header:
name: 'Fiddle',
launch: function () {
Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel', {
title: 'MyPanel',
cls: 'title',
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
items: [{
xtype: 'button',
text: 'myButton'
}, {
html: 'Hello World!!!',
So, according to documentation I managed to change header background-color with the following css file:
.title .x-panel-header {
background-color: pink;
color: red; /* this doesn't work */
font-size: 22px; /* this doesn't work */
The problem is that some theme variables aren't applied correctly - for example, text color or font-size, although these variables are specified according to documentation for panel header. What am I missing?

Almost all ExtJS components have a style or cls property.
Manually overriding the extjs css classes should be the last resort.
In your case you should be looking at these components:
The panel component should have a header config and the header component should have a title config to customize each part.
Here is working example: Sencha fiddle example
For the sass variables you mentioned
They are used to customize ExtJS Themes. So if you want to make your own theme with let's say triton as base you can use these variables to create your own theme. This is quite useful if you want to make overrides for the whole theme (e.g. the background color of all Ext.panel.Panel components)
I'd recommend you to read this guide for more information on this subject: Theming guide


How to change specific elements style in storybook?

In my case I just want to change the default default color, take as example the default home section:
We recommend building UIs with a [**component-driven**](
That leads to:
I'd like to change that blue to, say, red.
I saw that the a class has the following themes:
class="sbdocs sbdocs-a css-19nbuh3"
So, I created a .storybook/manager-head.html and inside I wrote:
.sbdocs-a {
color: red;
But I see no changes! What am I doing wrong?
You can do this two ways but all in .storybook/preview.js.
Altering the docs theme:
export const parameters = {
docs: {
theme: {
colorSecondary: 'red',
This have the side effect to cause other unwanted components to change their color, as this color is not used only for links.
Provide your own <a> component to docs [best solution]:
export const parameters = {
docs: {
components: {
a: ({children, ...args}) => <a style={{color: 'red'}} {...args}>{children}</a>
This is the best way i found to style docs components.
also token name used for a can be found in storybook sources
See theming docs page for a full theme example.

change the style of Vuetify table header

I am trying to change the default color of vuetify table header. I managed to change the header using custom class using code below:
headers = [
text: "Metering Point",
align: "start",
sortable: true,
value: "meteringpoint",
class: "success--text title"
Unfortunately, the checkbox style for select all is still on default color. As the header for the check box is not declared on the array headers so it is not declared with the custom class.
Previously I tried to overwrite it on the tag with this code below:
.v-data-table-header {
background-color: grey;
but it doesn't work.
how do I declare the class for the checkbox? Or is there any possible way for me to overwrite the default styling?
As said by #StevenSiebert. I need to check what is the class after being rendered.
I checked the table header class name and use this code inside the style tag to change the style for that class:
::v-deep .v-data-table-header {
background-color: #DCDCDC;
Here is the reference I found for Scoped CSS in Vue:
when taking a look at the official Vuetify Docs here: Vuetify API
It gives the option to set checkbox-color on the v-data-table (for all checkboxes) or v-data-table-header (for the select all checkbox) which would be my choice considering it is officially supported.
headers = [
text: "Metering Point",
lign: "start",
sortable: true,
value: "meteringpoint",
class: "success--text title"

TinyMCE: Set background-color for complete editor content?

I'm using TinyMCE 4. Unfortunately the "backcolor" control seems to only allow changes to text, not a whole paragraph. Even when I select a paragraph in the status bar of TinyMCE and apply a background color, it's only applied to the inner span, not the paragraph itself. I would need to set the background color for the complete content, not only parts of it. This should be applied to the HTML output, something like
<div style="background-color: #f00">[complete editor content]</div>
Thanks for any help.
You can use this code to access the tinymce's body to set background color:
tinymce.activeEditor.getBody().style.backgroundColor = '#<yourcolor>';
Disadvantage: Setting the background color that way will not change/affect the html content inside the editor. So you have to treat/update/store that value in a separate way.
You can also add a button on initialising tinymce:
setup: function (editor) {
editor.addButton('mybutton', {
text: 'Set bgColor',
icon: false,
onclick: function () {
editor.getBody().style.backgroundColor = '#E5FFCC';
You have to reach the editable content body in the dynamically generated iframe. The iframe is generated after the initialization of the editor.
If your textarea id is foo, the id of the iframe is foo_ifr.
You may also open the editor with firebug or developer tools and use dom explorer, you may see the inner dynamically generated components.
var iframe = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0];
// or
var iframe = document.getElementsById("foo_ifr");
// check if iframe.contentDocument is cross-browser, i tested with IE 11.
var innerBody = iframe.contentDocument.getElementsByClassName("mceContentBody")[0];"red";
To get the custom styling that you want, you have to create new custom style formats when the editor is being initialized. This gives you the ability to define css styling to the element. For example
selector: 'textarea',
//merge with default formats
style_formats_merge: true,
//set up custom style formats
style_formats: [
{title: 'Red Background', block: 'p', styles: {
'background-color': '#ff0000',
'padding': '7px'}
{title: 'Blue Background', block: 'p', styles: {
'background-color': '#0000ff',
'padding': '7px'}
This merges two new custom formats with the default formats. See this DEMO

How to add a "small caps" style for the TinyMCE Advanced editor to use the style in the "Styles" dropdown tool in WordPress

The Mystique theme includes two files that need to be updated to allow a custom styles section. The addition of a "small caps" style for use in the correct formatting of law journal citations. What is the steps to add a "small caps" style for the TinyMCE Advanced editor to use the style in the "Styles" dropdown tool in WordPress.
Using TinyMCE 4, the following custom setup function will add a SmallCaps control:
setup: function (ed) {
//Adds smallcaps button to the toolbar
ed.addButton('smallcaps', {
title: 'Smallcaps',
icon: 'forecolor',
onclick: function (evt) {
ed.undoManager.beforeChange();//Preserve highlighted area for undo
ed.undoManager.add();//Add an undo point
onPostRender: function () {
var ctrl = this;
ed.on('NodeChange', function (e) {
//Set the state of the smallcaps button to match the state of the selected text.'smallcaps'));
The answer given by Goetz is not complete, since TinyMCE does not know about your "user defined format" if you don't define it explicitly. Maybe it did some years ago, but version 4.7.x doesn't seem to do so. Add the code below in addition to his answer (it maybe needs to be bevore setup):
formats: {
smallcaps: {
inline: 'span',
styles: {
'font-variant': 'small-caps'
attributes: {
title: 'smallcaps'
toolbar: 'smallcaps_button'
I prefer naming the formats and buttons slightly differently by suffixes like _button or _format, but that actually should not be a problem. Hence it avoids forgetting about to correctly define all needed parts here (format, toolbar, ed.addButton()). So, my toolbar contains the button smallcaps_button and the function is ed.addButton('smallcaps_button')
That's it.

Add class to h1-tag (into formatselect) - TinyMCE / Wordpress

I would like to add a class to my "formatselect" options of the tinyMCE in Wordpress. So when selecting a h1 from the dopdown it should generate a <h1 class="blue">.
I found this Post, but can't get it to work.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
What is described there is working even though not suitable for everyone. I'll give you a short list of what you need to do:
1. use the content_css tinmce init setting
content_css: "",
2. Create a content.css file containing your class {
background-color: #F067A0;
3. use the styleformatting tinmce init setting
style_formats: [{
title: 'My Foo styles'
}, {
title: 'Foo',
block: 'h1',
classes: 'foo',
exact: true
4. Make sure you have the style button included (tinymce init)
theme_advanced_buttons1: "styleselect",
You should be able to select text from the h1-tag in the editor and select foo from the dropdown menu of styles. The class should be applied to your selected text.
