close Google Chrome accidentally and variables in jupyter notebook are missed - jupyter-notebook

I accidentally closed Google Chrome while running jupyter notebook, and when I restart jupyter notebook again, the variables I got from my previous run are gone, what should I do?

Unfortunately the variables are not saved when you close instances of Jupyter notebook. They are gone. The code is saved automatically every now and then (or manually when you do it yourself). But if that hasn't happened in a while, you'll need to rerun the code to re-generate the variables.


'_xsrf' argument missing from POST - Need a Permanent Fix - Other Suggested Solutions are Not Working

Every time I open Jupyter Lab from Anaconda, I receive the following error: '_xsrf' argument missing from POST.
I am using Google Chrome on Windows 10.
I've followed the suggestions from the other posts, e.g. copy and paste the URL into different Chrome tab and refresh the page.
It seems like my sessions are not properly closing, even if I terminate all kernels for that specific session.
I've closed all Jupyter Lab sessions by using jupyter notebook stop <session_number>. Nothing has changed.
Someone has suggested revising the configuration. However, I am unclear as to what problems a reconfiguration will cause downstream.
One last thing, I do NOT encounter this problem when running Jupyter Notebook. The error only occurs when I open Jupyter Lab.

cant acces jupyter notebook variable from previous session

So, im playing around with jupyter notebook, and I have this code, that i wrote yesterday:
BUt the problem is, that when i try to acces my model object the next day. Jupyter does not allow me to do that
For some reason i am not able to acces the variables in cells that i wrote i a previous session. Why is this? and how do I circumvent?
If you shut down the Jupyter Notebook service this is to be expected. Your output and cell numbers are saved in the notebook, but objects actually do not stay in memory. Notice how you have In [4]: in both screenshots. This is because you restarted the service and the second screenshot shows your 4th run of that cell since the restart.
You need to rerun the entire notebook to load everything into memory. You can use Kernel> Restart & Run All from the top menu to do this automatically.

How to start Jupyter notebook in background?

I have installed Jupiter notebook using Anaconda. I run it as using jupyter notebook --no-browser in command prompt in windows 10. I want to run it as the background so that I don't accidentally close the command prompt. The problem here is, many users of systems accidentally close the command prompt, which affects other users.
Open Anaconda navigator.
Launch the jupyter notebook from it. It will run as a background process. Even if you close the Anaconda navigator, it works. So when you close the anaconda navigator, it asks do you want to kill the background process, make sure you unselect the checkbox. Check below screenshot.
This method worked well.
You can use START /b, but that will terminate the program when command window is closed. You will need a VBScript to accomplish this. This post show a simple script to accomplish this:

How to reopen Jupyter notebook if I closed the tab?

This is an extremely basic question. At some point I accidentally closed the window containing my Jupyter notebook tabs. It's gone from my 'recently closed tabs' in Chrome. Is there some way that I can reopen the notebooks corresponding to the currently active kernels?
In case it makes a difference, they are julia kernels, and I started the notebook server by typing notebook() in a julia REPL session.
If your server is still running, you can still see all previously opened notebooks:
Access your dashboard via the browser (usually http://localhost:8888 by default).
Select the Running Tab (as mentioned by #Quang Hoang).
As the same happened to me and the first google result was this entry, here is some additional information:
When following the url posted above (http://localhost:8888), you may be asked for a password or token, the latter of which you will find either in the Jupyter terminal window (also providing you with the direct notebook url):
Jupyter terminal screenshot
, or, if using Anaconda, by opening the "Anaconda Prompt" and entering jupyter notebook list.

ipython notebook hang when open a large notebook

I am using the LATEST (2.2.0) ipython notebook, when I create a notebook with a loop to write many lines (about 20000 lines), then it run forever I guess since I always see the running icon at the top right. Even if I restart the computer and reopen the notebook again, it will into a running mode automatically, then I almost unable to do anything in this page. I have to copy the code and new another page to fix it.
How can I fix such hang issue during open a too large notebook? I have tried the kernel "interrupt" and "restart" menu and it seems no any effect at all.
IPython notebook is not intended to do such tasks with too much calculation or too many output data because actually such things is for standalone program rather than a notebook.
To fix such issues, you need to create a standalone application (script) to do it from console, then paste the meaningful result into IPython notebook.
