connect to hasura console using graphql playground - hasura

I am having a difficult time using Hasura built-in GrpahQL manipulation UserInterface. so I decided to use the GrpahQL playground as I used to. but when I try to access the exact graphql endpoint. there is an error appears on the playground.
Unexpected token p in JSON at position 4
I have also placed my Hasura admin secret in the HTTP headers section.
"x-hasura-admin-secret": "myadminsecretkey",
"content-type": "application/json"

The GraphQL endpoint that Hasura serves would be available at /v1/graphql.
So in your case, it would be http://localhost:9695/v1/graphql.


Firebase JS library doesn't work with Twitter API v2?

I see this error
FirebaseError: Firebase: Failed to fetch resource from, http status: 403, http response: {"errors":[{"message":"You currently have Essential access which includes access to Twitter API v2 endpoints only. If you need access to this endpoint, you’ll need to apply for Elevated access via the Developer Portal. You can learn more here:","code":453}]} (auth/invalid-credential). at _errorWithCustomMessage (assert.ts:93:1) at _performFetchWithErrorHandling (index.ts:169:1) at async _performSignInRequest (index.ts:189:1) at async _signInWithCredential (credential.ts:37:1) at async PopupOperation.onAuthEvent (abstract_popup_redirect_operation.ts:102:1)

Send firebase storage authorization as url parameter from a flutter web app

I would like to know how to make an authorized request to firebase storage using the user Id Token as a parameter in the url. Right now with a firebase rule of 'request.auth != null' I receive a 403 network error (Failed to load video: You do not have permission to access the requested resource). Here is my GET request url:<bucket>/o/<folder_name>%2F<video_name>.mp4?alt=media&auth=eyJh...<ID TOKEN>...Ll2un8ng
-WITHOUT the firebase rule in place I'm able to successfully get the asset with this request url<bucket>/o/<folder_name>%2F<video_name>.mp4?alt=media
-also tried token=, token_id=, tokenId=
-the reason for not using the firebase SDK to fetch the file is so that I can use the flutter video_player ( package and use this with files in firebase, I mention this in case theres a better way to use the video_player library in flutter web right now:
_controller =
closedCaptionFile: _loadCaptions(),
[EDIT] It appears that it's not possible to pass the auth in as a query parameter. After some exploring, I found an acceptable way to still use the video_player with your firebase assets that are protected (If you're not using rules to protect them, you can directly use the firebase url). I will post some general steps here and some sample code:
Use the Storage Firebase SDK package to get the Uint8List, the uri given by getDownloadURL has the correct header auth, for example
import 'package:firebase/firebase.dart';
final url = await storagePath.getDownloadURL();
final response = await http.get(url);
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
return response.bodyBytes;
use the Uint8List buffer to init a Blob object which you'll use to then create an ObjectURL which basically gives you the same interface as a file url to use as the network url for your video player
final blob = html.Blob([data.buffer], 'video/mp4');
final videoUrl = html.Url.createObjectUrl(blob);
videoPlayerController =
..initialize().then((_) {...
That's it.
Firebase Storage REST does not (rightly) support authorization from GET query string as you are trying to do. Instead, it uses the standard Authorization header (see here).
Firebase cloud storage internally uses Google Cloud Storage. Mentioned here
If the library you use doesn't support HTTP headers yet, you must consider an alternative. The issue you mentioned in the comment shows that the feature is still under development, so you can also wait for the library to come out with the support for headers.
Internally all this package does for flutter-web is create an HtmlElementView widget here for which it passes a VideoElement (ref here) from the package dart:html with the provided URL which translates to a <Video> tag inside a shadow dom element in your web page. The error 403 could also mean you are trying to access it from a different origin.
I would suggest following approach.
Check your console for any CORS related errors. If yes, then you will have to whitelist your ip/domain in the firebase storage. Check this post for possible approach and more details here.
Check if you are able to access the URL directly with the authorization token as a query parameter as you suggested. If not then, it is not the correct way to access the object and should be corrected. You could update the question with the exact error details.

How can export list of Cloud Messaging topics using Postman (or any client)?

I want to get a list of all Cloud Messaging topics that have been created by my app. Documentation shows that I need to fire a GET request to the endpoint with an Authorization header containing my API key. For example:
Get IID_TOKEN by printing FIRInstanceID.instanceID().token() in my
iOS app. This returns a 152 character long string.
Get Authorization key from API_KEY in GoogleService-Info.plist. This is a 39 character long string.
Fire GET request using Postman Chrome Extension
I get MissingAuthorization. Either I am providing the wrong IID_TOKEN, API_KEY (unlikely), or setting authorization header incorrectly in Postman.
What am I doing wrong?
You can get the server key directly from Firebase -> Project settings -> Cloud Messagings:
After that, you can create a request using Postman in this way:
Or you can use Authorizations OAuth 2.0 in this way:

Bad Argument, Invalid Subscription Key when trying to add key from Azure

I am trying to set up my LUIS app in (because it seems like I can't set it up in Azure directly?). Anyway, I have created a Language Understanding Intelligent Service (LUIS) (preview) resource, but when I enter one of the keys from that resource into "My Keys" in, I get this error: "Bad Argument, Invalid Subscription Key"
Also, I just tried to publish an app with the bootstrap key and got the following errors:
{ "statusCode": 401, "message": "Access denied due to invalid subscription key. Make sure to provide a valid key for an active subscription." }
As provided in comments, the solution is to use a correct end-point. This is not clear anywhere, but for the portal, I have to use WestUS endpoint.
If I change to useing, I have to use the WestEU end-point.
To use european LUIS endpoint within Bot Builder C# SDK, just modify Luis Model parameters as follows:
Note that you'll need to export your LUIS app over EU.LUIS in order to access the correct endpoint.
Hope it helps.

Can't access FireBase Database via HTTP/REST error 403 Forbidden

Swift + Vapor framework for server + Xcode 8.1
I am trying to read Firebase Realtime Database making HTTP requests to my DB, but I get permission denied.
These are the steps:
1. create JWT sign it with secret key downloaded from ""
2. send POST request to OAuth2 server and get access token
3. send GET request to firebase database with access token received from OAuth2 server.
I get "Permission denied", HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
// the header of the JSON Web Token (first part of the JWT)
let headerJWT = ["alg":"RS256","typ":"JWT"]
// the claim set of the JSON Web Token
let jwtClaimSet =
"scope":"", //is this the correct API to access firebase database?
"exp": expDate,
"iat": iatDate]
drop.get("access") { request in
var accesstoken = "ya29.ElqhA-....XXXX"
let responseFirebase = try drop.client.get("https://fir-",
headers: ["Authorization":"Bearer \(accesstoken)"],
query: [:])
print("FirebaseResponse_is \(responseFirebase)")
return "success"
TLDR; Try placing auth=<TOKEN> in your query string instead of using the authorization header.
The Firebase documentation is unclear on how this works. According to the documentation, there are three methods that should work.
auth=<TOKEN> in query string (link)
access_token=<TOKEN> in query string (link)
Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN> in request header (link)
I'm not convinced that all three methods do actually work however. I'm using method 1 in my application, so I know that one works for sure.
The scope key was missing value
let jwtClaimSet =
"scope": "",
"exp": expDate,
"iat": iatDate]
I found the answer browsing google groups here
headers: ["Authorization":"Authorization: Bearer \(accesstoken)"],
should be
headers: ["Authorization":"Bearer \(accesstoken)"],
