IIS end application on every request - asp.net

I've notice that on the production server, my asp.net 4.7.2 application is very slow. By debugging I've found that in global.asax the Application_start and Application_end is called on every request, causing a recompile of the application each time and slowing down the response.
I0ve test it on several servers and the behaviour is always the same.
Running the website on localhost in IIS (not iis express) this not happen.
How can I check why Application_End is called and from where?
Debugging in VS the Application_end stacktrace is empty, I cannot see from where is called.

The problem was cause by Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows Server version
For some unknown reason it act on w3wp.exe causing the application restart on each requests. The only way to solve the problem is excluding w3wp.exe from the monitored applications/processes.

There are many circumstances when the Application_end will be called, such as application pool's recycle, web.config file's change, or bin file's change. For more detailed information about Application_end be called you need to check the Event log in the sever.


How often ASP.NET typically recycles its applications (AppDomains)

I initialize static state of my web applications in Applications_Start method (Global.asax). At that time I write a message to log. Suddenly I've realized that this method was called every 10 minutes.
Is it corrected behavior? I expected ASP.NET to keep its applications at least for several hours.
Your expectation is incorrect. This is set in the application pool setting in IIS configuration. I think the default is 20 minutes. This can be changed to 0 if the application pool should not be recycled.
This is not typical. Something is causing it to restart and it should not be doing so this frequently. Check out How to find out why an ASP.NET web application is being restarted question to see how you can log details on why it restarted.
Since you are writing out log files, maybe you are writing them to a location that is be monitored for recompilation, which will cause a appdomain restart. Check out the post What causes an application pool in IIS to recycle?
Check out this article on iis.net to see the default for recycleing. It is 29 hours, so unless this setting has been changed for you, something else is causing it, not the automatic recycle.

Termination of all sessions followed by application end event

We are encountering a strange phenomena in our production environment, every few hours the application kicks all users out by ending their sessions with Session_End event and fires Application_End event.
In our log, all the user's sessions are closed on the same mill-second.
We encountered this problem in our Test environment but only on rare occasions, and we could not duplicate this.
Everything else seems fine, other application running on this server works fine, there is no memory leak or CPU overuse. The application is based on ExtJS version 3.3, NHibnernate 3.2 and ASP.NET 4.0.
It doesn't seems like a Timeout error, some of the users worked for only several minutes before the session end.
Has anyone encountered similar problems?
There are a couple of reasons why an application pool recycles (and thus ends all open sessions and ends the application). See http://blogs.msdn.com/b/johan/archive/2007/05/16/common-reasons-why-your-application-pool-may-unexpectedly-recycle.aspx for a complete overview.
We had a similar problem in a production environment once. The reason for the recycle was the virus scanner that touched the web.config on each scan which made the application pool recycle. Try to disable the virus scanner on the server or exclude the application directory in the virus scanner.
Altering the following files will also trigger an immediate restart of the application pool:
Anything in the bin directory or it's sub-directories
This post: http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2005/12/14/433194.aspx gives you a way to catch the application end event with more detailed logging. This might help you to find the cause of the recycle.

ThreadAbortException occurs when deleting images on a background thread. ASP.NET 4

I'm using VS2010 and ASP.NET 4. I have a single, long-running background thread running in the application, which is designed to 'cleanup' the least recently used files in a folder. It uses an EventWaitHandle to eliminate uneeded CPU usage, but stays running for the life of the app.
After 24-40 deletions or so, the application restarts. This happens under both IIS Express and the WebDev server, with the debugger attached. No exceptions are thrown on the background thread, but a ThreadAbortException occurs on all threads, and the app restarts. No Redirect calls are made anywhere.
These files are located in an 'imagecache' folder in the root, not any folder that should cause a app restart. No folders are created or deleted.
The restart seems to occur a timed interval after a certain threshold of deletions occur.
Any idea why this is happening and how I can stop it? Restarting every 10 seconds ins't acceptable for me :)
Perhaps it's an IIS application pool recycle ? Have a look on the recycle settings to see if it might be something there.
Another option depends on how you start the background thread. If it's from an aspx page then it might be the Request thread timing out. If it's from the global.asax then this is not an option.
An asp.net application is to service client requests, not to run background tasks (although there are many kludges that allow this).
Can you put the thread into a service?

ASP.NET Application ending immediately after starting

Having a bit of a problem with my hosted ASP.NET applications. I noticed slowness when opening pages, the kind of slowness that you see the first time you start up an ASP.NET app. After researching, I'm finding that the Application_End event is firing shortly after the application starts, apparently killing the sessions, static values, etc.
I have the standard default web.config set up, and I am writing to the session when a page is requested. But for whatever reason, the application isn't waiting 20 minutes (or whatever the default is) before dying - sometimes it's just a minute or two, sometimes even less.
Of course, this doesn't happen locally in my dev environment - everything works as expected, with identical code and web.config values.
There is only one server, so no farm or anything like that.
I know that there are many things that cause an ASP.NET app to end - IIS restarting, app pool recycling, DLL or config file modified, reboot, etc. But I'm hoping to have a better guess when I report this to my hosting company, to help research and fix the problem. The server isn't being rebooted, and I'm not modifying any files, so that seems to leave IIS or the app pool restarting, unless I'm missing something else.
IIS restarting is in the Windows Event Viewer, so that's easy enough to find. Assuming that's not it, is there any way to determine exactly why the app keeps resetting?
Any thoughts you may have on this would be appreciated.
This is some of the reason that you may think and check for.
a command that shut-down the app.
a bug/closed loop that crash the app.
a memory limit on the application pool that shut-down the app. (this is the most possible)
a very bad iis and pool configuration on a shared server or on a virtual server. Maybe too many sites on the same iis, and at the same time a bad pool setup ?
You can check for bugs on the global.asax
void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e)
by log all of them and check them out.
You can check the pool setup if you have access on the iis, or ask from the administrator to check it for you and remove the memory restart limits.

Why are the Global.asax events not firing in my ASP .NET website?

I've been developing an ASP .NET 3.5 web application against Cassini, the built-in web development server, rather than against IIS.
In my Global.asax file, in the Application_Start event handler, I have some code which logs the fact that the website has started up. This all works fine with Cassini.
Since deploying the site to a virtual directory on a test server using IIS6, I am finding there are no log entries being written, and so I'm concluding that the Application_Start handler is not firing.
I then tried removing the virtual directory and running the site directly out of the root of the website on the test server, but it didn't make any difference - still no log entry for application start.
I know these events should fire irrespective of my deployment environment, has anyone got any ideas what is going wrong here?
I had a similar problem and I was wrestling with it for several days.
The initial problem was something else - cookies not being set in Application's EndRequest handler.
Finally I somehow managed to realize, that the problem actually was that the event is not being fired at all.
It took some time to find that out, because all was working fine on my machine.
But on the production server - quiet as a tomb.
I am only writing this, because I really hope to save from troubles at least one person.
The real reason for the problem was a missing global.asax file on the production server.
The global.asax file was present on my computer, because the development environment is located there.
I had prepared a deployment bat file, which coppies files from the development folder, removes the unnecessary ones and makes a package.
Well - the global.asax file was marked for deletion in that script.
After starting to deploy it all the problems went away.
I hope I helped.
If you make a request to your app does the "Application_Start" fire then? I don't believe it will be started until the first request is made.
How are you logging? Is it possible that your logging component is not correctly set up? For a quick test try throwing an exception inside Application_Start and that will tell you quickly whether or not the event is being raised.
In your deployed enviroment, what is the thing you're calling? The reason I ask is because if you're calling a WCF based web service (ending in .svc), then Applicaiton_Start will not fire as the call to WCF isn't going through the ASP.NET pipeline. This wouldn't necessarily rear it's head w/ Cassini.
You may be getting a runtime exception that is occurring before your .NET code even gets a chance to run. If you look under the Event Viewer's Application logs, you may see some warnings or errors that will clue you in to what is happening.
When you develop in Cassini you are running the application under the user's account- probably administrator. Once you've deployed to IIS, you are (hopefully) running under a lower privilidge account.
This lack of appropriate permissions is probably the reason why your application is not working correctly- I would check the security settings to write to the log (presumably you are writing to a log file?).
1) iisreset /stop
2) push the published code to iis virtual directory's physical folder.
3) iisreset /start
4) make web request
Still not sure after this. the do a Thread.Sleep(60000); and attach with remote debugger to the process w3wp.exe imagename.
There may be more than one process of that name but this one is managed code also doesn't hurt to attach to multiple. Set the break point after the sleep. After the one minute sleep step through.
I thought I had a similar problem, working on some old projects, I was under the impression that the global.asax was not running because the code would first go into building my authentication controller which would fail because of class not registered (that part happens in the global.asax).
Turned out it was due to a config item. When I moved the AuthenticationModule declaration into handler section in web config, it worked fine with IIS express.
Basically, because of a config item, another piece of code was being executed before global.asax, making me believe that it would not be called.
We tried a lot of things.
global.asax works on local computer but not after i publish to server
Global.asax is not publishing and event are not firing in Global.asax
Global.asax not firing for Release build
Mystery of Global.asax in ASP.NET MVC application
We also tried putting the below files in root and bin directories.
App_global.asax.dll and App_global.asax.compiled files
None of it worked!
We had to put raw Global.asax instead of pre-compiled dll, in order to fire the global events, for our asp .net 2.0 website.
Hope this helps someone! Cheers! Happy coding! :D
My fix was an odd one. On my development machine I am using localhost and I changed the port number it used - and then it worked.
also in IIS Manager turn on Dot Net debugging. It's under "Compilation"
If a required dll is missing from the bin directory (for example there could be a 3rd party dll which has been used in your latest build, but accidently excluded from deployment), then the Application_Start will not fire.
My issue was resolved by adding the below compiled files in the bin folder.
