How to reformat dates to dd/mm/yyyy to yyyy [duplicate] - r

This question already has answers here:
Extract year from date
(7 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
Essentially, I just need to drop the extra info provided by the day and month, and only retain the year.
My data is in the form of
dd/mm/yyyy (so, 20/11/2001 for example) and I want to just retain the yyyy (so 2001).
This question and answer: R: How to remove the day from a date?
have been somewhat helpful, but I have thousands of individual dates and so copying in the exact dates I need to change isn't going to work.
Does anyone have any idea how I can do this??

Convert to date class, then extract year using format:
format(as.Date(df1$Date, format="%d/%m/%Y"),"%Y")


When I try to make a new column in r for each date to indicate its quarter it only gives me one response [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Format date as Year/Quarter
(10 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
In one of my columns I am given a date. I am trying to make a new column to indicate which quarter that date lies in so that way i can determine how many observations entered a certain venue in each quarter. End goal is to sumarize based off of quarter. Here is an example of the code I am using and an example of the output. as.Date(as.yearqtr(x, format ="%Y-%m-%d" )) . As you can see my problem is that It only returns 2019 q2, and i am confused why. This is my code PARTIES$QUARTER <- (as.yearqtr(PARTIES$opened, format = "%Y-%M-%d"))
It should be %m for (month) and not %M (which specifies the Minute as decimal number (00–59).)
PARTIES$QUARTER <- as.yearqtr(PARTIES$opened, format = "%Y-%m-%d")

`as.Date()` identifies years in short form(say 01/10/68) as `2068-10-01` instead of `1968-10-01`, how to fix it? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
R as.Date conversion century error
(1 answer)
as.Date with two-digit years
(3 answers)
Is there a more elegant way to convert two-digit years to four-digit years with lubridate?
(3 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I have a csv dataset that has date of births stored as characters in the format - 01-06-68("%d-%m-%y"). I tried to convert the dates to Date objects using as.Date() but it identifies the year as 2068 when in fact the year is 1968. I understand Date starts from 1970-01-01 in R, is there an easy fix to this?
I am using the lubridate package to find the age.
Some age were negative due to the wrongly identified year.
elapsed <- train$Date.of.Birth %--% Sys.Date()
train$age <- floor(as.duration(elapsed) / dyears(1))
Maybe try
format(as.Date(date,format="%d-%m-%y"), "19%y-%m-%d")
You probably need to use %Y anyway bite the bullet and create a new df with complete years else your are screwed when 19xx transitions to 20xx.
Good Luck.

Convert integer YYYYWW to date [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Transform year/week to date object
(2 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
The variable I want to convert is an integer in the form of YYYYWW.
So, for example 200901 represents week 1 of 2009, 201223 --> 23 of 2012 and so on.
I want to convert this variable into date format based on weeks in a year.
So in my example 01-2009 and 23-2012 or a similar format. I already tried several lubridate and ISOweek functions but never come up with a good result.
I really appreciate your help.
Not sure if it works for weeks but try the solution here:
Something like:
df <- transform(df, x = as.Date(as.character(x), "%Y%U"))

Why does R impute the 12th of the month when formatting a year as a Date [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Convert four digit year values to class Date
(5 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I note in R if one calls as.Date(as.character(2002:2013), format='%Y') the output is
[1] "2002-01-12" "2003-01-12" "2004-01-12" ...
I would like R to give me the first of the month instead. I could supply the whole date, paste(2002, '01', '01', sep='-'), but am curious why the year-only format imputes the 12th of the month and also to see other solutions.
Ah, just found my answer: The missing sections of the Date object (month/day) are imputed from today's date (System Date).

How to add a column and convert dates in R [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
How can I convert this to month?
(1 answer)
Closed 8 years ago.
So I have the following data set which shows temperatures for 365 days of the year. Each date is labeled by the day of the week in a y-m-d format. I'm trying to add a new column called month, which will display the current month which the date shows. Ex: 2014-01-01 will show January while 2014-10-25 will show October. Can anyone help? I'm trying to use Lubridate, but I'm still new at R, and am having a lot of trouble.
The format.Date function return a vector of character values and the "%B" parameter determine the result as full month values:
dfrm$Month <- format( as.Date(dfrm$yourDate) , "%B")
If yourDate-column were already an R Date-object then the as.Date is not needed. Consult the help page for strptime. There can be separators in between the (possibly multiple) format specs
