How to best position R Plotly annotation relative to legend - r

I'm wondering if there's a 'best' way to define the position of an annotation such that it doesn't overlap with existing legend text. Below is some sample code that generates 2 charts: 1 with a legend that only takes up one line and the second with a legend that take up 2 lines due to the length of the text. I can easily define the position of an annotation such that it works for the first chart, but how would I programmatically define the position of the annotation "if the legend takes up 2 lines instead of just one"? Is there a way to "get" the attributes of the existing legend so I can write an if statement based on the existing positioning or size of the legend? Or is there a way I can define the yanchor of the annotation to be attached to the bottom of the legend? Thanks!
pnames1 <- paste0("Short Name ", 1:4)
pnames2 <- paste0("A Really Really Long Legend Name ", 1:4)
fn_makeChart <- function(pnames){
p <- plot_ly(height = 400, width = 800)
for (n in 1:length(pnames)){
p <- p %>%
add_trace(x = 1:5,
y = runif(5,0,10),
name = pnames[n],
color = pnames[n],
type = 'scatter',
mode = 'lines')
p <- p %>%
layout(legend = list(orientation = "h",
xanchor = "center",
x = 0.5, y = -0.1),
showlegend = T)
anno <- list(x = 0.5, y = -0.23,
xref = 'paper', yref = 'paper',
text = 'My Annotation',
xanchor = 'center', showarrow = F)
#the annotation looks fine on this chart:
fn_makeChart(pnames1) %>% layout(annotations = list(anno))
#but it overlaps the legend on this chart:
fn_makeChart(pnames2) %>% layout(annotations = list(anno))


Plot multiple legends in R-plotly

I have 5 continuous variables that I'd like to graph together in R plotly.
I wrote the following code and got the plot to run as expected, but I cannot figure out how to deal with the legends. As is, the color legend appears, but the size legend does not.
I would like to plot both legends and control their locations within the plot. Suggestions from a similar post Adding color and bubble size legend in R plotly do not solve the problem.
Here's the code and sample data:
fig <- plot_ly (x = x, y = y, z = z, color = c,
colors = c("#440154FF", "#1F968BFF", "#FDE725FF"), size = s,
marker = list(symbol = 'circle', sizemode = 'diameter'), sizes = c(1, 30))
fig <- fig %>% add_markers()
fig <- fig %>% layout(scene = list(xaxis = list (title = 'X'),
yaxis = list(title = 'Y'),
zaxis = list(title = 'Z'),
annotations = list(x = 1.05, y =1.02,
text = 'Gradient title',
xref = 'paper', yref = 'paper',
showarrow=FALSE, showlegend=TRUE)))
It's been a while since this question was asked, but I have an answer. Initially, I tried to make the legend a subplot, but the legend from the 3D markers is offset from the plot-as-a-legend of bubble sizes. To fix that issue, I created an image of the bubbles and added it to the original plot as an image.
Using the information from fig in your original code, I created another figure (the bubbles and sizes).
figB <- plot_ly(x = 1, y = seq(30, 5, by = -5),
size = seq(30, 5, by = -5),
sizes = c(1, 30),
type = "scatter",
mode = "markers",
color = seq(30, 5, by = -5),
colors = c("#440154FF", "#1F968BFF", "#FDE725FF"),
marker = list(sizeref = 0.1,
sizemode = "area"),
height = 275, width = 100) %>%
xaxis = list(zeroline = F, showline = F, showticklabels = F, showgrid = F),
yaxis = list(showgrid = F, side = "right")) %>% # numbers on right (as fig legend)
I used three different libraries for this next part: htmlwidgets, webshot, and magick.
# create temp files
tmp <- tempfile(fileext = ".html") # plotly to html
tmp2 <- tempfile(fileext = ".png") # html to png
# create html
htmlwidgets::saveWidget(figB, tmp, background = "transparent")
# create png
webshot::webshot(tmp, tmp2, zoom = 2, vwidth = 150, vheight = 275) # to get great res
# make the png an object
itsBack <- magick::image_read(tmp2)
# check the amount of white space
magick::image_border(itsBack, "gray") # not too much white space; good res
unlink(tmp) # remove tempfile connection
For this last step, I copied the code from your original figure. The image needs to be added to layout. I removed code that didn't impact the figure, as well.
# set up placement of image below the initial legend
imgr = list(
source = raster2uri(as.raster(itsBack)),
xref = "paper",
yref = "paper",
y = .5, # paper domain is 0 to 1, this puts the top in the middle
x = .95, # almost all the way right
sizex = .45, # scale image down (0-1)
sizey = .45, # scale image down (0-1)
opacity = 1,
layer = "above")
# Rebuild fig without the initial legend - then add imgr to the legend
fig <- plot_ly (x = x, y = y, z = z, color = c,
colors = c("#440154FF", "#1F968BFF", "#FDE725FF"),
size = s,
marker = list(symbol = 'circle',
sizemode = 'diameter'),
sizes = c(1, 30))
fig <- fig %>% layout(
scene = list(xaxis = list(title = 'X'),
yaxis = list(title = 'Y'),
zaxis = list(title = 'Z')),
images = imgr) # adding bubbles here
Depending on what you're doing with the graph, the placement and scaling may need to be adjusted. While plotly objects scale dynamically, the png won't be nearly as dynamic-friendly. The image is scaled down to 45% of its original size, so you have a lot of room to grow, but you may have to adjust those parameters (sizex and sizey). If you rescale your viewer window, you may also need to refresh the view. (Use the refresh icon in the Viewer pane.)

Is it possible to combine the ggplot legend with the plotly legend so they are equivalent?

I'm trying to combine ggplot and plotly together to make a timeline.
It's working great, but have an issue using the legend. The code below replicates what I'm trying to do.
df2 = data.frame(x,y = 2*x+rnorm(length(x)),lab = as.factor(c("col1","col2")))
status_colors <- c("#0070C0", "#00B050", "#FFC000", "#C00000","darkgreen","purple","darkgrey","blue","salmon","darkorange","black","navy","darkblue")
status_levels <- c(sort(unique(df2$lab)))
p= ggplot(df2,aes(x=x, y=y, col = lab)) + geom_point() + labs(col="labtest") +
labels=status_levels, drop = FALSE)
fig = ggplotly(p, tooltip = NULL)
fig %>%
x = df2$x,
y = ifelse(df2$y>0,df2$y+0.05,df2$y-0.05),
text = df2$lab,
hovertext = df2$lab,
hoverinfo = 'text',
mode ="text",
textfont = list(color=status_colors[df2$lab], size =10),
marker = list(color=status_colors[df2$lab], size = 0.00001),
showlegend = T,
textposition = ifelse(df2$y>0,"top center","bottom center")
Basically, as you can see in the image, the label of each point is the same colour as the point that it is attached to. But whenever I add the legend of the label text from plotly, there is a new legend that appears that controls all the points regardless of their colour.
Thus, is there a way to combine the ggplot legend with the plotly legend so that it's only written col1 and col2 with the right colour and that whenever I interact with the points of a certain colour, the label attached to it stays there?
In other words, is there a way to remove the "trace 2" legend and make the "add_text" know that there is a legend already created in ggplot?
If I got you right, besides getting rid of the second legend (which can be simply achievd by setting showlegend = FALSE) you want one legend to control both the points and the labels. This can be achieved via legendgroups. Instead of adding labels with one add_text you could (or have to? Sorry. Still a plotly newbie so perhaps there is a simpler approach) add the labels via two add_text calls one for each col. Instead of copy and paste (which is probably okay for just two cols, but with more cols ...) you can add these via the magic of purrr::reduce to the ggplotly object. Try this:
df2 = data.frame(x,y = 2*x+rnorm(length(x)),lab = as.factor(c("col1","col2")))
status_colors <- c("#0070C0", "#00B050", "#FFC000", "#C00000","darkgreen","purple","darkgrey","blue","salmon","darkorange","black","navy","darkblue")
status_levels <- c(sort(unique(df2$lab)))
p= ggplot(df2,aes(x=x, y=y, col = lab)) + geom_point() +
labs(col="labtest") +
labels=status_levels, drop = FALSE)
fig = ggplotly(p, tooltip = NULL)
purrr::reduce(c("col1", "col2"), ~ .x %>% add_text(
data = filter(df2, lab == .y),
x = ~x,
y = ~ifelse(y > 0, y + 0.05, y-0.05),
text = ~lab,
hovertext = ~lab,
hoverinfo = 'text',
mode ="text",
textfont = list(color= ~status_colors[lab], size =10),
marker = list(color= ~status_colors[lab], size = 0.00001),
showlegend = FALSE,
textposition = ~ifelse(y>0, "top center","bottom center"),
legendgroup = .y
), .init = fig)
BTW: I also simplified the code a little bit. You don't need df2$... because (gg)plotly already knows the data.

Adding color and bubble size legend in R plotly

Probably an easy one.
I have an xy dataset I'd like to plot using R's plotly. Here are the data:
df <- data.frame(x=1:10,y=runif(10,1,10),group=c(rep("A",9),"B"),group.size=as.integer(runif(10,1,10)))
I'd like to color the data by df$group and have the size of the points follow df$group.size (i.e., a bubble plot). In addition, I'd like to have both legends added.
This is my naive attempt:
main.plot <-
plot_ly(type='scatter',mode="markers",color=~df$group,x=~df$x,y=~df$y,size=~df$group.size,marker=list(sizeref=0.1,sizemode="area",opacity=0.5),data=df,showlegend=T) %>%
which comes out as:
and unfortunately messes up the legend, at least how I want it to be: a point for each group having the same size but different colors.
Then to add a legend for the group.size I followed this, also helped by aocall's answer:
legend.plot <- plot_ly() %>% add_markers(x = 1, y = unique(df$group.size),
size = unique(df$group.size),
showlegend = T,
marker = list(sizeref=0.1,sizemode="area")) %>%
layout(title="TITLE",xaxis = list(zeroline=F,showline=F,showticklabels=F,showgrid=F),
which comes out as:
Here my problem is that the legend is including values that do not exist in my data.
then I combine them using subplot:
subplot(legend.plot, main.plot, widths = c(0.1, 0.9))
I get this:
where the legend title is eliminated
So I'd be helpful for some help.
Based on the updated request:
Note the changes in legend.plot (mapping values to a sequence of integers, then manually changing the axis tick text), and the use of annotations to get a legend title. As explained in this answer, only one title may be used, regardless of how many subplots are used.
The circle on the plot legend seems to correspond to the minimum point size of each trace. Thus, I've added a point at (12, 12), and restricted the range of the axes to ensure it isn't shown.
titleX and titleY control the display of axis labels, as explained here.
df <- data.frame(x=1:10,y=runif(10,1,10),group=c(rep("A",9),"B"),group.size=as.integer(runif(10,1,10)))
## Take unique values before adding dummy value
unique_vals <- unique(df$group.size)
df <- rbind(c(12, 12, "B", 1), df)
df[c(1, 2, 4)] <- lapply(df[c(1, 2, 4)], as.numeric)
main.plot <-
showlegend=T) %>%
xaxis=list(title="X",zeroline=F, range=c(0, 11)),
yaxis=list(title="Y",zeroline=F, range=c(0, 11)))
legend.plot <- plot_ly() %>%
add_markers(x = 1,
y = seq_len(length(unique_vals)),
size = sort(unique_vals),
showlegend = F,
marker = list(sizeref=0.1,sizemode="area")) %>%
annotations = list(
list(x = 0.2,
y = 1,
text = "LEGEND TITLE",
showarrow = F,
xaxis = list(
tickmode = "array",
tickvals = seq_len(length(unique_vals)),
ticktext = sort(unique_vals)))
subplot(legend.plot, main.plot, widths = c(0.1, 0.9),
titleX=TRUE, titleY=TRUE)
Firstly, you are only passing in the unique values to the legend. If you pass in all possible values (ie, seq(min(x), max(x), by=1), or in this case seq_len(max(x))) the legend will show the full range.
Secondly, sizeref and sizemode in the marker argument alter the way that point size is calculated. The following example should produce a more consistent plot:
df <- data.frame(x=1:10,y=runif(10,1,10),group=c(rep("A",9),"B"),group.size=as.integer(runif(10,1,10)))
a <- plot_ly(type='scatter',mode="markers",
marker = list(sizeref=0.1, sizemode="area"),
showlegend=F) %>%
b <- plot_ly() %>% add_markers(x = 1, y = seq_len(max(df$group.size)),
size = seq_len(max(df$group.size)),
showlegend = F,
marker = list(sizeref=0.1, sizemode="area")) %>%
xaxis = list(zeroline=F,showline=F,showticklabels=F,showgrid=F),
subplot(b, a, widths = c(0.1, 0.9))

axis from plotly chart in R

I am trying to reproduce this Gantt chart with the plotly in R ( the chart I want). I have a dataframe with 6 columns and I want to have text on the y axis and months with years on x axis. Based on my dataframe I have the following :
df$two =as.Date(df$two,"%m/%d/%Y")
client = "my example"
# Choose colors based on number of resources
cols <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(length(unique(df$five)), name = "Set3")
df$color <- factor(df$five, labels = cols)
# Initialize empty plot
p <- plot_ly()
# Each task is a separate trace
# Each trace is essentially a thick line plot
# x-axis ticks are dates and handled automatically
for(i in 1:(nrow(df))){
p <- add_trace(p,
x = c(df$two[i], df$two[i] + df$three[i]), # x0, x1
y = c(i, i), # y0, y1
mode = "lines",
line = list(color = df$color[i], width = 20),
showlegend = F,
hoverinfo = "text",
# Create custom hover text
text = paste("Task: ", df$one[i], "<br>",
"Duration: ", df$three[i], "days<br>",
"Resource: ", df$five[i]),
evaluate = T # needed to avoid lazy loading
# Add information to plot and make the chart more presentable
p <- layout(p,
# Axis options:
# 1. Remove gridlines
# 2. Customize y-axis tick labels and show task names instead of numbers
xaxis = list(showgrid = F, tickfont = list(color = "#e6e6e6")),
yaxis = list(showgrid = F, tickfont = list(color = "#e6e6e6"),
tickmode = "array", tickvals = 1:nrow(df), ticktext = unique(df$one),
domain = c(0, 0.9)),
# Annotations
annotations = list(
# Add total duration and total resources used
# x and y coordinates are based on a domain of [0,1] and not
# actual x-axis and y-axis values
list(xref = "paper", yref = "paper",
x = 0.80, y = 0.1,
text = paste0("Total Duration: ", sum(df$three), " days<br>",
"Total Resources: ", length(unique(df$five)), "<br>"),
font = list(color = "#ffff66", size = 12),
ax = 0, ay = 0,
align = "left"),
# Add client name and title on top
list(xref = "paper", yref = "paper",
x = 0.1, y = 1, xanchor = "left",
text = paste0("Gantt Chart: ", client),
font = list(color = "#f2f2f2", size = 20, family = "Times New Roman"),
ax = 0, ay = 0,
align = "left")
plot_bgcolor = "#333333", # Chart area color
paper_bgcolor = "#333333") # Axis area color
the first column (one) is a text
So my questions are:
How can I get the text from tasks (column one) on my y axis (instead of numbers)?
How can I get all the months on x axis?
Thank you.
Answer for question 1:
The reason your current code doesn't do what you would like is because of this:
ticktext = unique(df$one)
Since df$one contains 12 identical values, there is only 1 unique value, and hence not 12 as you would need. To fix this, you can either just use ticktext = df$one or make sure that your labels in df$one are unique (as is the case in the example you linked to). For example, changing df$one to bla1,bla2, ..., bla12 would work for your current example.
And question 2:
To specify the tick interval on your x-axis, you can use the dtick argument. In your case, this would result in the following addition to your line of code for the x-axis:
xaxis = list(showgrid = F, tickfont = list(color = "#e6e6e6"),
dtick = "M1")
where the M is to specify that you want intervals in months, and the 1 specifies that you want the interval to be 1 month (shocking!). FYI, this will automatically change the direction of the tick labels to vertical, if you would like to adapt this, you can use the tickangle argument.

Adding a Vertical / Horizontal Reference Line using Plotly

I'm working with a proportional bar chart and I'd like to draw a vertical line at a particular X value. I'd prefer to accomplish this using the plotly package, but it doesn't seem to be easily done.
The solution found at Horizontal/Vertical Line in plotly doesn't seem to get the job done.
I've provided some sample code below that could be used to draw the vertical line at X = 3.
plot_ly(diamonds[1:1000, ], x = ~x, y = ~cut, color = ~color) %>% add_bars()
I'd appreciate any help in this matter.
I found some information about lines in plotly from Zappos Engineering here. The range -0.5 to 4.5 is because there are five categories in the data provided, each centered on a whole number. The y range creates the line, while the x constant (at 3) keeps the line vertical.
p <- plot_ly(diamonds[1:1000, ], x = ~x, y = ~cut, color = ~color) %>% add_bars()
p <- layout(p, shapes = list(type = "line", fillcolor = "red",
line = list(color = "red"),
opacity = 1,
x0 = 3, x1 = 3, xref = 'x',
y0 = -0.5, y1 = 4.5, yref = 'y'))
