SQlite large number separate by commas - sqlite

I am trying to find a way to format any large number 1000 or more with commas in SQlite. So, 1000 would be 1,000. 1000000 would be 1,000,000, and so on.
I can easily handle individual cases by changing the numbers to text and then using SUBSTR, but I need a catch all solution that can be done in SQLite.
Any help is appreciated.

You can do it with the function printf():
SELECT printf("%,d", col)
FROM tablename
Replace tablename and col with your table's and the column's name.
See the demo.


want to insert statement in a loop in teradata

I'm inserting data into table from another table using below query in Teradata and I want to run this statement until table reaches 20GB. So I want to run below statement in a loop to achieve that. However I written one but it's giving query invalid error when I'm trying to execute. Could you please help me as I'm new to Teradata. Thanks.
insert into schema1.xyx select * from schema2.abc;
if/loop/etc. are only allowed in Stored Procedures.
Looping a billion times will be quite inefficient (and will result in much more than 20GB). Better check the current size of table abc from dbc.TableSizeV, calculate how many loops you need and then cross join.
insert into schema1.xyx
select t.*
from schema2.abc AS t
cross join
( -- calculated number of loops
select top 100000 *
-- any table with a large number of rows
from sys_calendar_calendar
But much easier is using sampling.
Calculate the number of rows needed and then
insert into schema1.xyx
select *
from schema2.abc
sample with replacement 100000000;

Is there a way of specifying the precision and scale of a numeric variable when writing a table using ROracle?

I'm trying to write a table to an Oracle database using the ROracle package. This works fine, however all of the numeric values are showing the full floating point decimal representation on the database. For instance, 7581.24 shows up as 7581.2399999999998.
Is there a way of specifying the number of digits to be stored after the decimal point when writing the table?
I found a work around using Allan's solution here, but it would be better not to have to change the variable after writing it to the database.
Currently I write the table with code like this:
dbWriteTable(db_connection, "TABLE_NAME", table, overwrite = TRUE)
Thanks in advance.
It's not elegant but maybe good programming to make the types and precisions explicit. I did it with something like:
if (dbExistsTable(con, "TABLE_NAME")) dbRemoveTable(con, "TABLE_NAME")
create_table <- "create table CAMS_CFDETT_2019_AA(
dbGetQuery(con_maps, create_table)
ins_str <- "insert into TABLE_NAME values(:1, :2)"
dbGetQuery(con, ins_str, df)
Essentially, it creates the table and specifies the types for each column and the precision. Then it fills in the values with those from the dataframe (df) in R. You just have to be careful that everything matches up in terms of the columns. If you assign a number to oracle with precision 2 (VALUE NUMBER(3,2) and then push a value from R with more decimals, it will round it to the assigned precision (2 in this example). It will not truncate it. So df$value = 3.1415 in R would become VALUE 3.14 in the Oracle table.

How to get multiple random numbers in sqlite3

I'm trying to sample multiple records from big table randomly. Currently, a way I can go is to make random numbers in python and use them in sqlite3. Though I know random() of sqlite gives a random number, I don't know how to get (DISTINCT) multiple random numbers in sqlite. If I can make a table filled with random numbers, it would be OK.
If you know how many rows you want, you can use something like:
SELECT DISTINCT col1, col2, etc FROM yourtable ORDER BY random() LIMIT 10;

SQLITE: Replacing highly redundant with index to another table

I have a table t with around 500,000 rows. One of the columns (stringtext) contains a very long string and I have now discovered that that there are in fact only 80 distinct strings. I'd like to declutter table t by moving the strings into a separate table, s, and merely referencing them in t.
I have created a separate table of the long strings, including what is effectively an explicit row-index number using:
SELECT _ROWID_ AS stringindex, stringtext
FROM stmp;
(It was creating this table that showed me there were only a few distinct strings).
How can I now replace stringtext in t with the corresponding stringindex from s?
I would think about something like Update t set stringtext = (select stringindex from s where s.stringtext = t.stringtext) and would recommend first making an index on s(stringtext) as SQLite might not be smart enough to build a temporary index. And then a VACUUMing would be in order.

how do i divide a sql variable into 2

i have a field in sql named as address which is of 80 char.
i want to put this field into 2 fields addr1 and addr2 of 40 char each.
how do i do it.
this is for T-SQL, but it can't be much different for PL/SQL
declare #yourVar varchar(80)
select substring(#yourVar, 1, 40), substring(#yourVar, 40, 40)
for plsql, it's substr(), so select substr(addr, 1, 40) as addr1, substr(addr, 40) as addr2 from ...
I think your schema would be better off if you altered that table to have two columns instead of one. I'd prefer that solution to parsing the current value.
Brute-force chopping the 80-character value at position 40 runs the risk of breaking in the middle of a word. You might want to do the following instead:
Replace all runs of whitespace with a single blank.
Find the last blank at or before position 40.
Place everything before that blank in the first result field.
Place everything after that blank in the second result field.
The exact details of the operations above will depend on what tools are available to you (e.g. SQL only, or reading from one DB and writing to another using a separate program, etc.)
There is the possibility that the 80-character value may be filled in such a way that breaking between "words" will require one of the result values to be more than 40 characters long to avoid truncation.
