PID regulation for very wide temperature range (∆190°C) - arduino

I'm designing temperature control system based on Peltier elements. And it's needed to work on a very wide temperature range - from below zero to more than 100°C. So there is two work modes - cooling and heating.
I've implemented a PID controller, made different gains for two modes. And I can adjust them to go to a specific temperature (e.g. 100° or -5°) from room temperature (25°). But when I want to go e.g. from -5° to 60° it may go into oscillations or conversely grow very slowly. Should I break my large range in smaller subranges? Or maybe different gains depending on difference between current and target temperature (∆T)?
Also, I thought to implement auto tune algorithm, but I didn't found anything for the Arduino?

Your system of mass, heater and cooler is subjected to some delays. (imagine you are tuning temperature of the water shower with two water knob, that kind of delay!)
And, PID control strategy is not capable to compensate delays. That's why there are oscillations.
One of the best ways to control delayed systems is using the MPC controllers.


Why pipelining cannot operate at its maximum theoretical speed?

First of all, what is the maximum theoretical speed/speed up?
Can anyone explain why pipelining cannot operate at its maximum theoretical speed?
The maximum theoretical speedup is equal to the increase in pipeline depth. In a scalar (one instruction wide execution) design, the ideal instructions per cycle is one. Ideally, the clock frequency could increase by a factor equal to the increase in pipeline depth.
The actual frequency increase will be less than this ideal due to latching overheads, clock skew, and imbalanced division of work/latency. (While one can theoretically place latches at any point, the amount of state latched, its position, and other factors make certain points more friendly for stage divisions.
Manufacturing variation also means that work designed to take an equal amount of time will not do so for all stages in the pipeline. A designer can provide more slack so that more chips will meet minimal timing in all stages. Another technique to handle such variation is to accept that not all chips will meet the target frequency (whether one exclusively uses the "golden samples" or use lower frequency chips as well is a marketing decision).
As one might expect, with shallow pipelines variation in a stage is spread out over more logic and so is less likely to affect frequency.
Wave pipelining, where a multiple signal waves (corresponding to pipeline stages) can be passing through a block of logic at the same time, provides a limited method to avoid latch overhead. However, besides other design issues, such is more sensitive to variation both from manufacturing and from run-time conditions such as temperature and voltage (which one might wish to intentionally vary to target different power/performance behaviors).
Even if one did have incredible hardware that provided a perfect frequency increase, hazards (as mentioned in Peter Cordes' comment) would prevent the perfect utilization of available execution resources.

Arduino + multiple ultrasonic sensors + interference

I have two buggies moving around a track, both of which use ultrasonic measurement modules to detect obstacles in their paths and are controlled by Arduino microcontrollers. The two ultrasonic sensors operate at the same frequency and this frequency cannot be changed. The two ultrasonic sensors are interfering with each other. How can I reduce this interference, or prevent it, by adding something to the Arduino code. The hardware cannot be changed. Thanks for your help
There are in general six ways to reduce interference between two channels (see for example - two of which don't apply to sound. That leaves you with four:
space - don't operate in the same space (e.g. cell towers): not applicable for you
frequency - (e.g. channels) you said you can't change that
time - don't operate at the same time
code - send out different amplitude patterns
In a sense, "code" is a bit like "time", but more complicated. With "time", you try to time it so the two transducers don't transmit at the same time. With "code", they send complex pulse sequences and use these to eliminate the interference.
I think your best bet (simple, but effective) is "time". This is going to depend a little bit on the frequency of update that you need, but you could make one buggy the "master", sending a short chirp every 100 ms (say); then have the second buggy wait until it hears the master chirp, and send its own pulse 50 ms later (when it knows the other buggy will be quiet). In this way each will have 10 updates per second, but they will not interfere.
To be more robust, the "slave" buggy could decide (after not hearing a pulse from the "master") to send its own pulse after 100 ms - this way it can operate when there is only one buggy present. And they could in fact each use this algorithm - then there is no "master" and "slave" and they have the same code (usually a good idea). As a final tweak, if you make this "wait for n ms" interval random, you will have implemented a version of "carrier sense multiple access with collision detection" - see
Good luck.

Estimating the heat generated by a process or job

Is it possible to estimate the heat generated by an individual process in runtime.
Temperature readings of the processor is easily accessible but what I need is process specific information.
Is it possible to map information such as cpu utilization, io, running time, memory usage etc to get some kind of an estimate?
I'm gonna say no. Because the overall temperature of your system components isn't a simple mathematical equation with everything that's moving and switching either.
Heat generated by and inside a computer is dependent on many external factors like hardware setup, ambient temperature of the room, possibly the age of the components, is there dust on them or in the fans, was the cooling paste correctly applied on the CPU or elsewhere, where heat sinks are present, how is heat being dissipated etc.etc.. In short, again, no.
Additionally, your computer runs a LOT of processes at any given time apart from the ones that you control (and "control" is a relative term). Even if it is possible to access certain sensory data for individual components (like you can see to some extent in the BIOS) then interpolating one single process' generated temperature in regard to the total is, well, impossible.
At the lowest levels (gate networks, control signalling etc.), an external individual no longer has any means to observe or measure what's going on but there as well, things are in a changing state, a variable amount of electricity is being used and thus a variable amount of heat generated.
Pertaining to your second question: that's basically what your task manager does. There are countless examples and articles on the internet on how to get that done in a plethora of programming languages.
That is, unless some of the actually smart people in this merry little community of keytappers and screengazers say that it IS actually possible, at which point I will be thoroughly amazed...
EDIT: Monitoring the processes is a first step in what you're looking for. take a look at How to detect a process start & end using c# in windows? and be sure to follow up on duplicates like the one mentioned by Hans.
You could take a look at PowerTOP or some other tool that monitors power usage. I am not sure how accurate it is across different systems but a power estimation should provide at least some relative information as the heat generated assuming the processes you are comparing are running in similar manners on hardware. In reality there are just too many factors to predict power, much less heat, effectively but you may be able to get an idea of the usage.

Modeling communication costs in MPI

Does anyone know of any papers that discuss communication costs in MPI programs? I am trying to predict the time taken by (say) the communication step in two phase I/O. That would depend on the no. of processes, the size and number of messages sent/received, network interconnect and architecture, etc. It would be helpful for us to come up with a formula to assess the time taken by communication alone. I have read some papers , but none of them handle the case where multiple processes are communicating at the same time.
The most critical elements in any time estimate will be the total data to be sent, and the speed of the interconnect. That should give you an effective "minimum" time for the message transfers.
After that, you can measure the actual time taken and use that to determine a rough efficiency rating for the MPI implementation. As the amount of data scales up, the time required will also scale up using the scale factor. This is a very rough way to get an estimate. Keep in mind that as the data size crosses certain interesting thresholds (e.g. page size, cache size, and so on) the scale factor will likely need to be revised.

Fixed vs. variable frame rates in games: what is best, and when?

After working for a while developing games, I've been exposed to both variable frame rates (where you work out how much time has passed since the last tick and update actor movement accordingly) and fixed frame rates (where you work out how much time has passed and choose either to tick a fixed amount of time or sleep until the next window comes).
Which method works best for specific situations? Please consider:
Catering to different system specifications;
Ease of development/maintenance;
Ease of porting;
Final performance.
I lean towards a variable framerate model, but internally some systems are ticked on a fixed timestep. This is quite easy to do by using a time accumulator. Physics is one system which is best run on a fixed timestep, and ticked multiple times per frame if necessary to avoid a loss in stability and keep the simulation smooth.
A bit of code to demonstrate the use of an accumulator:
const float STEP = 60.f / 1000.f;
float accumulator = 0.f;
void Update(float delta)
accumulator += delta;
while(accumulator > STEP)
accumulator -= STEP;
This is not perfect by any means but presents the basic idea - there are many ways to improve on this model. Obviously there are issues to be sorted out when the input framerate is obscenely slow. However, the big advantage is that no matter how fast or slow the delta is, the simulation is moving at a smooth rate in "player time" - which is where any problems will be perceived by the user.
Generally I don't get into the graphics & audio side of things, but I don't think they are affected as much as Physics, input and network code.
It seems that most 3D developers prefer variable FPS: the Quake, Doom and Unreal engines both scale up and down based on system performance.
At the very least you have to compensate for too fast frame rates (unlike 80's games running in the 90's, way too fast)
Your main loop should be parameterized by the timestep anyhow, and as long as it's not too long, a decent integrator like RK4 should handle the physics smoothly Some types of animation (keyframed sprites) could be a pain to parameterize. Network code will need to be smart as well, to avoid players with faster machines from shooting too many bullets for example, but this kind of throttling will need to be done for latency compensation anyhow (the animation parameterization would help hide network lag too)
The timing code will need to be modified for each platform, but it's a small localized change (though some systems make extremely accurate timing difficult, Windows, Mac, Linux seem ok)
Variable frame rates allow for maximum performance. Fixed frame rates allow for consistent performance but will never reach max on all systems (that's seems to be a show stopper for any serious game)
If you are writing a networked 3D game where performance matters I'd have to say, bite the bullet and implement variable frame rates.
If it's a 2D puzzle game you probably can get away with a fixed frame rate, maybe slightly parameterized for super slow computers and next years models.
One option that I, as a user, would like to see more often is dynamically changing the level of detail (in the broad sense, not just the technical sense) when framerates vary outside of a certian envelope. If you are rendering at 5FPS, then turn off bump-mapping. If you are rendering at 90FPS, increase the bells and whistles a bit, and give the user some prettier images to waste their CPU and GPU with.
If done right, the user should get the best experince out of the game without having to go into the settings screen and tweak themselves, and you should have to worry less, as a level designer, about keeping the polygon count the same across difference scenes.
Of course, I say this as a user of games, and not a serious one at that -- I've never attempted to write a nontrivial game.
The main problem I've encountered with variable length frame times is floating point precision, and variable frame times can surprise you in how they bite you.
If, for example, you're adding the frame time * velocity to a position, and frame time gets very small, and position is largish, your objects can slow down or stop moving because all your delta was lost due to precision. You can compensate for this using a separate error accumulator, but it's a pain.
Having fixed (or at least a lower bound on frame length) frame times allows you to control how much FP error you need to take into account.
My experience is fairly limited to somewhat simple games (developed with SDL and C++) but I have found that it is quite easy just to implement a static frame rate. Are you working with 2d or 3d games? I would assume that more complex 3d environments would benefit more from a variable frame rate and that the difficulty would be greater.
