SQL wildcard behaving differently in interactive SQL than SQLRPGLE - wildcard

I have SQL statement that works properly using STRSQL interactively. There is a wildcard statement: (MSSHIP NOT LIKE 'T%') that works properly. When I copy the statement to a SQLRPGLE program receive the message "Token T is not valid". Of course I used ''T'' defining the statement in the SQL string, however in debug the statement translates properly (pasted from the debugger: 601 'NOT LIKE 'T%') AND
I've checked the syntax of the entire statement and everything appears fine. I can remove the LIKE statement and it works. Is there any reason wildcards can't be used SQLRPGLE?


Handling Chinese in ASP classic

I write the following piece of codes :
rst.Open(strSQL & Request.QueryString("C-PLACE")), conn, 0, 1
But got the following error. However, if the querystring is in English or just number, no error will pop out. Any guru can help please ?
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e10'
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 2.
/deliverable/GetMemberTest.asp, line 19
It's going to either be passing an encoding variable to the server, or in the case of your error, its saying "too few parameters". In this case, the parameter is "C-PLACE" and its suppose to be passed to your asp script from the previous page's link, something like:
(citation about query strings)
or something like that .. obviously its not actually "THECPLACE", but just saying a QueryString("VARIABLENAME") looks to the URL of the previous page to pass the parameter to the script, so that error message should of done something to add a ? mark = C-PLACE= to something, and we aren't seeing that. So something on the previous page that was suppose to add this when they click a submit button didn't do it's job, or the script is just getting run on its own without the proper previous page's work being done to prepare it to execute properly on the following page.
It will also be of note that these types of things are easily hacked through sql script injection, so if you aren't validating your url first, someone could use some code to escape out of your sql and add their own code, such as one to drop your tables ..., so make sure you validate the variable FIRST instead of dumping it straight into your code. I can give some guidance into that later, but first lets figure out your problem.
(side note - can i request strSQL from you? Can you put this line in before that line:
response.write("strSQL is " & StrSQL & "<BR>")
All this code does is display what is stored in the StrSQL variable, see if we can figure out what is going on here. Also take note that your error message indicated that it expected 2 parameters, so we are missing 2 for this script to run properly.
EDIT - try this encoding:
Response.ContentType = "text/html"
Try this strSQL, you didn't need the Response.Write and on C-PLACE you want to use '' instead of "" because the "" will exit you out of the SQL statement. Try this, and let me know how it works, but I still think we are going to need another parameter supplied to it, unless its getting one from the string and then it isn't actually counting the one supplied from the url perhaps.
strSQL="SELECT * FROM DetailMemberInfo
WHERE C-PLACE=" & strSQL & Request.QueryString('C-PLACE'))"

How can I write a DB2 pl/sql script in DBeaver/DBVisualizer

How can I write a simple DB2 pl/sql script in DBeaver/DBVisualizer? I am basically trying to create dynamic SQL (in a loop) and then run it. So for this I will need variables such as the SQL string, build, etc. and then run the script that was created dynamically.
Here is an example in SQL Server. I want to write something like this for DB2:
DECLARE #example VARCHAR(15) ;
SET #example = 'welcome' ;
SELECT #example;
dbvis lets you develop scripts for Db2.
You need to know some basics.
First you need to tell dbvis that there is an additional statement delimiter other than the default ; semi-colon. Db2 needs to know the difference between the end of an interim-statement and the end of a compound block and for this Db2 uses an additional delimiter/terminator for the end of a block.
You can either specify this block delimiter/terminator inside the script with the #delimiter command (specific to dbvis), or you can configure the delimiter via the dbvis settings GUI (this is the better approach). This depends on the version of your dbvis.
Many people use the # character as the block delimiter when writing compound SQL for Db2 although other characters are possible (as long as it is different from the default semi-colon).
If you want your scripts to be runnable by Db2 command line processor directly without using dbvis (i.e. to run the scripts from the command line shell (cmd.exe or bash/ksh etc) then you would not use the #delimiter command because that is only known to dbvis. The Db2 command line processor understands the syntax --#SET TERMINATOR # to change the delimiter on the fly inside scripts, and it also has a command line option (-td#) to let you specify the alternative delimiter via the command line.
Second you need to be aware of which platform (Db2-for-Z/OS, Db2-for-i, Db2-for-Linux/Unix/Windows/Cloud) that you are targetting, because the features and syntax can differ per platform. When asking for help with Db2 you should always specify the target platform, and stackoverflow has dedicated tags for db2-luw, db2-400, db2-zos.
Third you need to follow either ANSI SQL PL syntax rules (i.e. not transact SQL as used in Microsoft SQL Server), which includes rules on the valid characters for identifier names. On Db2 variables cannot begin with #. If your Db2-server runs on Linux/Unix/Windows, and it has been specially configured in advance, then you can also write your blocks in Oracle PL/SQL syntax and Db2 will emulate that. But at the present time there is no ability in Db2 to emulate Transact-SQL.

XQuery file returning invalid entity reference using special characters

I have the following query in a MarkLogic XQuery file, and I am seeing the following error message returned
XDMP-ENTITYREF: (err:XPST0003) Invalid entity reference " " . See the MarkLogic server error log for further detail.
The following is the code I am using in the XQuery file.
xquery version "1.0-ml";
declare variable $query :=
cts:element-word-query(xs:QName("lines"),"pool & cue"),
declare function local:do-query(){
element xml {
for $i in cts:uris( (), (), $query)
let $item := doc($i)
element item {
element title { $item/title/string() }
Obviously the 2x tags i am looking for are l&l and pool & cue. I have also looked into the repair-full suggestion in another question posted, but couldn't figure out how that fits into this query. If I removed the ones with special characters, it works as expected.
Any ideas?
Based on the additional info in the comments to the question, this is not an issue with the execution of the code, but rather with deployment of the code.
This happens often if you insert code using QConsole, or some other ways in which you evaluate XQuery code. The & get interpreted, and translated to the & character it represents. If you then write that into a .xqy file into some Modules database, it does not get escaped back into & again, since XQuery files are stored as plain text in MarkLogic, and & doesn't get escaped in plain text.
A better way to deploy code is by uploading or inserting from disk. That way characters like &, >, and { inside XML won't get interpreted, but preserved and inserted as is. There are tools like ml-gradle and Roxy that make deploying MarkLogic code very easy. Consider using these. Alternatively you could also look into using Curl against the Management REST api.
If you want to use QConsole after all, escape characters like & twice. E.g. & becomes &amp;, and < becomes &lt;.

Validation errors when SQL query is formatted correctly

I want to display the SQL correctly in my .aspx pages. But am getting a bunch of validation errors when I do. The code still appears to function correctly when running the page though. Here is what I mean:
If I had all of the SQL on one line then it works fine. When I try to format it correctly I am getting validation errors. How can I not get validation errors but display the query correctly?
This issue only seems to come up on longer queries.
Set the SelectCommand in the codebehind and use an # infront of a string (Literal String), but cannot be used in the xHTML.
SqlDataSource6.SelectCommand = #"
/* SQL Query Here */

ASP Classic page quit working

I've had a set of legacy pages running on my IIS7 server for at least a year. Sometime last week something changed and now this line:
Response.Write CStr(myRS(0).name) & "=" & Cstr(myRS(0).value)
which used to return nothing more exciting than the string: 'Updated=true' (the sproc processing input params, stores them to a table, checks for errors and when that's all done returns a success code by executing this statement:
select 'true' as [Updated]
Now my pageside error handler is being involved and offers:
myError=Error from /logQuizScore.asp
Error source: Microsoft VBScript runtime error
Error number: 13
Error description: Type mismatch
Important to note that all lots of pages use the same framework - same db, same coding format, connecitonstrings and (so far as I can tell) all others are working.
Troubleshot to this point:
The call to the stored procedure is working correctly (stuff is stored to the given table). The output from the stored procedure is working correctly (i can execute a direct call with the given parameters and stuff works. I can see profiler calling and passing. I can replace all code with 'select 'true' as updated' and the error is the same.
everything up to the response.write statement above is correct.
So something changed how ADO renders that particular recordset.
So i try: Response.Write myRS.Item.count
and get:
Error number: 424
Error description: Object required
The recordset object seems not to be instantiating but the command object _did execute. Repeat - lots of other pages just the same basic logic to hit other sprocs without a problem.
full code snippet
set cmd1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
cmd1.ActiveConnection = MM_cnCompliance4_STRING
cmd1.CommandText = "dbo._usp_UserAnswers_INSERT"
cmd1.CommandType = 4
cmd1.CommandTimeout = 0
cmd1.Prepared = true
set myRS = cmd1.Execute
Response.Write CStr(myRS(0).name) & "=" & Cstr(myRS(0).value)
It seems to me that the sproc has changed and returns a scalar instead of a result set.
Changing CommandType = 1 (adCmdText) is need to match with your query changed to SELECT 'whateveryouwannatry' AS [updated].
Since you stated that nothing in the asp code changed we can rule out that the return type of your command/sproc was altered by specifying an output parameter.
