I am trying to add a sub menu under my flyout but its placing it on the bottom bar instead for some reason.
addonsflayout.Items.Add(new ShellContent {
Title = "Airliners",
Icon = "tab_about",
Content = new AboutPage()
addonsflayout.Items.Add(new ShellContent {
Title = "Piston Planes",
Icon = "tab_about",
Content = new AboutPage()
addonsflayout.Items.Add(new ShellContent {
Title = "Turbo Props",
Icon = "tab_about",
Content = new AboutPage()
My Main shell flyouts are describe as such
<FlyoutItem Title="Addons" x:Name="addonsflayout" Icon="icon_about.png">
<ShellContent Route="AddonsPage" ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate local:AddonsPage}" />
<!-- When the Flyout is visible this will be a menu item you can tie a click behavior to -->
<MenuItem Text="Logout" StyleClass="MenuItemLayoutStyle" Clicked="OnMenuItemClicked">
But its placing them in the bottom bar so it is.
When I want them here
How does one tell it to show for the side menu and not the bottom bar I am using xamrain forms
Edit 2
While adding FlyoutDisplayOptions="AsMultipleItems" does get it to appear its also adding it to the bottom bar and without indentition in the side menu
<FlyoutItem Title="Addons" FlyoutDisplayOptions="AsMultipleItems" x:Name="addonsflayout" Icon="icon_about.png">
<ShellContent Route="AddonsPage" ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate local:AddonsPage}" />
Piston planes should be further in. Also doing this has removed my main menu item addons.
I've created a tabbedpage to create a horizontal menu at the bottom of the page, but I can't set the scroll property.
This is my code:
<TabbedPage xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"
BarBackgroundColor="{StaticResource Primary}"
<!--Pages can be added as references or inline-->
<local:Dashboard Title="Dashboard" Icon="dashboard" />
<local:Marchi Title="Marchi" Icon="marchi" />
<local:Isrc Title="Isrc" Icon="matrici" />
<local:Documenti Title="Documenti" Icon="documenti" />
<local:Documenti Title="Impostazioni" Icon="imp" />
<local:Anagrafica Title="Anagrafica" Icon="anagrafica" />
<local:OpereTutelate Title="Opere Tutelate" Icon="opere" />
I tried to insert -> App: tabmode = "Scrollable" and the assembly, as suggested in this question, but it gives me an error and I don't understand why
As a suggestion, you can try use
Shell Tab,As it says in documents:
When there are more than five tabs on a TabBar, a More tab will
appear, which can be used to access the additional tabs
And Xamarin.Community is also an option, you can set the scrollable tab on the bottom with TabStripPlacement="Bottom".you can see more in https://github.com/xamarin/XamarinCommunityToolkit/blob/main/samples/XCT.Sample/Pages/Views/TabView/ScrollTabsPage.xaml
Hi i have spend some days searching for the answer how to solve this
This is what i want, just made a image how it should look like
What is the best solution to use to solve this?
I tryed to do this with a Frame but it just allowed be to use 1 content .
Can i use more then one content in some way
( Content can just have one setup of fontcolor and fontsize and so on. )
I just get to this part
Here i try to put a label with margin with - so it go above.
But this is really bad to to. because i need to have the implementation under the frams. like this.
and when i fill the frame with content the lable apear in another position because how it relate to the margin when the Frame get higher.
But if i put the lable implementation above the Frame then it appear in the background of the frame
And the label get weard with the shadow that i cant figure out how to get rid of.
Frame frame = new Frame
BorderColor = Color.Brown,
CornerRadius = 10,
HasShadow = false,
Margin = 10,
BackgroundColor = Color.White,
Label bordertext = new Label( );
bordertext.Text = "BorderText";
bordertext.Margin = new Thickness(40, -65,0 , 0);
bordertext.BackgroundColor = Color.White;
#Jason 's solution to put
the Content in a Stacklayout and then put it in a Frame Solves the problem with having more then one text with different font,sizes and stuff.
But i put a text outside the Stacklayout so i can have the Text on the border. But because i put the Bordertext first and then the Frame. Then the Border text gets in the background.
If i put it after the Frame then i gets in the front. But then i have a big problem with dynamic text that the BorderText will appear very strange depending on how much text.
How i cant put the BorderText in front even if i implement in before so i cant move it down a little bit.
_stack.Children.Add(new Label { Text = "Bordertext", Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, -25) });
To compose a layout, first determine what boxes (rectangles) you need inside other boxes. Each "box" is some container (layout) type.
I see one box "A", the size of the parent-container, containing the border lines "B", overlaid by a box "C" that blocks part of one line, and contains a text "D".
I see a second box "E", inset slightly from the parent-container, which contains additional content "F".
To overlay multiple items, use a one-cell Grid, with children at (row,column) of 0,0 - which can be omitted because is default:
<ContentPage xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"
<Grid BackgroundColor="Violet">
<!-- Border lines formed by one box visually "inside" another, via margins.
Instead use "Rectangle" if need rounded corners. -->
<BoxView BackgroundColor="Red" Margin="10"/>
<BoxView BackgroundColor="LightCoral" Margin="16"/>
<!-- Text "box" given size by putting inside a StackLayout. -->
<!-- Some of these dimensions may not be needed. -->
<StackLayout WidthRequest="300" HeightRequest="30">
<Label Text="Header Text" TextColor="Black" BackgroundColor="White" FontSize="18"
WidthRequest="150" HeightRequest="30" Margin="20,0" Padding="20,0,0,0"/>
<!-- this contains your contents. -->
<StackLayout BackgroundColor="#2196F3" Padding="10" Margin="40">
<Label Text="Content line 1" HorizontalTextAlignment="Center" TextColor="White"/>
<Label Text="Content line 2" HorizontalTextAlignment="Center" TextColor="White"/>
"Positioning" is done via "Margin" and "Padding" properties.
I've used various colors, so you can see the parts of this layout. "ContentPage" wrapper might not be needed; use whatever your app expects as topmost container.
layout of group' frame' with header text:
When loading this mainactivity page for the first time, it is loading
the third tab page action bar text.
I need to load the action bar text based on clicking the tab.
For Eg: When I click the second tab means second tab action bar have
to get trigger.
<ActionBar title="MainActivity" class="action-bar">
<TabView selectedIndex="0" (selectedIndexChange)="onIndexChanged($event)" iosIconRenderingMode="alwaysTemplate" selectedTabTextColor="blue" sdkExampleTitle sdkToggleNavButton>
<TabView iosIconRenderingMode="alwaysOriginal"></TabView>
<StackLayout *tabItem="{title: 'First Tab',iconSource:'res://store'}" >
<StackLayout *tabItem="{title: 'Second Tab',iconSource:'res://myapps'}" >
<StackLayout *tabItem="{title: 'Third Tab',iconSource:'res://home'}" >
public onIndexChanged(args) {
let tabView = <TabView>args.object;
console.log("Selected index changed! New inxed: " + tabView.selectedIndex);
For every tab position, we need to add the tabindex and add the title for appropriate page.
<ActionBar *ngIf="tabIndex == 1" title="My Apps" color="black"> </ActionBar>
Here is my code for tabbed bar:
<Window class="container">
<Label id="label" onClick="doClick">Hello, World</Label>
<TabbedBar id="bb1" platform="ios" backgroundColor="#369" top="50" height="25" width="200">
<!-- The Labels tag sets the TabbedBar.labels property. -->
<!-- Specify text with node text or the title attribute. -->
<!-- Can also specify the enabled, image and width attributes. -->
<!-- Place additional views for the TabbedBar here. -->
<View backgroundColor='red'>1</View>
<View><Label>Does this work!</Label></View>
When I click on a tab, how can I make sure that the view corresponds to the button pressed - I know how to do this in titanium but not alloy.
I had the same problem yesterday. I'm sure there must be a better way but I couldn't see anything in the documentation, this was my solution:
var animation = require('alloy/animation');
var previousIndex = $.tabbedBar.getIndex();
$.tabbedBar.addEventListener('click', function(){
var currentIndex = $.tabbedBar.getIndex();
var viewArr = [];
viewArr[0] = $.view1;
viewArr[1] = $.view2;
viewArr[2] = $.view3;
animation.crossFade(viewArr[previousIndex], viewArr[currentIndex], 700)
previousIndex = currentIndex;
(In case you don't know, on Android there's a module to give you similar functionality: https://github.com/ricardoalcocer/viewpager but check issue #5 on the original repo as you'll have to incorporate that into any build. On the Android version, you don't need to handle the clicks yourself.)
I'm new in Windows phone 8 development and I have problem to add button on MapLayer.
I'd like to display a button over a map so I just draw it on the map widget like this:
<Grid x:Name="MyMapGrid" Margin="10,-15,15,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Height="296" >
<maps:Map x:Name="MyMapi" Center="31.765537,35.106812" ZoomLevel="7" Margin="0,0,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Height="296" Width="442" />
<Button x:Name="myCustomButton" Visibility="Visible" Content="" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="347,0,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="84" Height="84" BorderThickness="0">
<ImageBrush ImageSource="/myZoom.png"/>
After this action I need to put some icons on the map so I used MapOverlay and MapLayer like this:
Map MyMap = new Map();
MapOverlay overlay = new MapOverlay
GeoCoordinate = MyMap.Center,
Content = new Image()
Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("customIcon.png", UriKind.Relative)),
MapLayer layer = new MapLayer();
I also need my button (myCustomButton) will stay visible - but it disappear.
how can I still have some button over the map and also view some icons on it?
Thank you all!
For button Change the path to definite like ImageSource="/Assets/Icon/location.png" with the folder name and make sure that BuildAction is set to content for that image
For icon also try the same.