Nested Subquery in Oracle Apex 20.1 chart - plsql

for my chart in Oracle Apex 20.1 i want to implement a nested subquery where data shown depends on someones permission in a team.
I have on table (ASSESS_TEAM) with team and the columns:
Furthermore, I have a second table (PROJECT_TEAM) where one can create a new team and add owners and members and rights with the following columns:
For my chart I need to create secure view where only the creator, the team owner and the members can view the assessed team with the results. So I need to check if the logged user is in a project team or not. If so, he can see the chart and vice versa.
My current approach is to use a nested subquery. But although the code seems valid nothing every record is shown in the chart without a filter
The code:
SELECT date, result, department, name from assess_team
where exists
(SELECT creator, owner, member from project_team
name = :PX_ID
(creator= :APP_USER OR owner= :APP_USER OR member= :APP_USER ));
I also tried to join the two table, but then i get multiple entries in my chart, since there can be multiple owners and members in a team.
Any idea on how to solve this. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

You can use corrects structure
SELECT date, result, department, name
from assess_team at
where exists
(SELECT * from project_team
WHERE name =
AND name = :PX_ID
AND (creator= :APP_USER OR owner= :APP_USER OR member= :APP_USER ));
More details :


How do I create a running count of outcomes sequentially by date and unique to a specific person/ID?

I have a list of unique customers who have made transactions over a year (Jan – Dec). They have bought products using 3 different methods (card, cash, check). My goal is to build a multi-classification model to predict the method pf payment.
To do this I am engineering some Recency and Frequency features into my training data, but am having trouble with the following frequency count because the only way I know how to do it is in Excel using the Countifs and SUMIFs functions, which are inhibitingly slow. If someone can help and/or suggest another solution, it would be very much appreciated:
So I have a data set with 3 columns (Customer ID, Purchase Date, and Payment Type) that is sorted by Purchase Date then Customer ID. How do I then get a prior frequency count of payment type by date that does not include the count of the current row transaction or any future transactions that are > the Purchase Date. So basically I want to do a running count of each payment option, based on a unique Customer ID, and a date range that is < purchase date of that training row. In my head I see it as “crawling” backwards through the transactions and counting. Simplified screenshot of data frame is below with the 3 prior count columns I am looking to generate programmatically.
This gives you the answer as a list of CustomerID, PurchaseDate, PaymentMethod and prior counts
SELECT CustomerID, PurchaseDate, PaymentMethod,
select count(CustomerID) from History T
and T.PaymentMethod=History.PaymentMethod
and T.PurchaseDate<History.PurchaseDate
AS PriorCount
FROM History;
You can save this query and use it as the source for a crosstab query to get the columnar format you want
Some notes:
I assumed "History" as the source table name - you can change the query above to use the correct source
To use this as a query, open a new query in design view. Close the window that asks what tables the query is to be built on. Open the SQL view of the query design - like design view, but it shows the SQL instead of the normal design interface. Copy the above into the SQL view.
You should now be able to switch to datasheet view and see the results
When the query is working to your satisfaction, save it with any appropriate name
Open a new query in design view
When you get the list of tables to include, switch to the list of queries and include the query you just saved
Change the query type to crosstab and update the query as needed to select rows, columns and values - look up "access crosstab queries" if you need more help.
Another tip to see what is happening here:
You can take the subquery - the parts inside the () above - and make
just that statement into it's own query, excluding the opening and closing (). Then you can look at it's design view to see what it does
Save it with an appropriate name and put it into the query above in place of the statement in () - then you can look at the design view.
Sometimes it's easier to visualize and learn from 2 queries strung together this way than to work with sub queries.

MS Access Query matching month from two date fields

I'm new to Access and am trying to figure out the best way to write a query. I have a table that tracks security entry information for each employee which has an Employee ID field and a date field [ENTRYDATE]. Another table (tblSPACE) lists out where that employee sits and is updated each month with new information. There is a field in tblSPACE which tracks what month the information is from. [ASOFMONTHYEAR]. These two tables are related by a unique employee ID number. What I want to do is have a query that shows the entry information and the corresponding seat that that employee was in for that month. I'm thinking I need to add a criteria into one of the date fields to have it match the month of the other date field? Something like Where Month(tblSpace.ASOFMONTHYEAR) = Month(tblEntry.ENTRYDATE). But of course that doesn't work. Any guidance on how I should go about this? Sorry if I've not explained this well.

How to add additional field to drupal organic group 'User and Group' relation?

Im using Drupal Organic group module and I want to create a group and need to assign users (filter by perticular role) to that group. I have done that part easily but the problem is that, I need to add aditional note on per each group user relation.
Lets say there is a group called "School Prefects" and need to add users to that group whos role is student. In here I need to put a small description for each relation.
Please help me to figure this out.
Thanks in advance.
I will probably deal with the same problem soon.
I think a possible workaround is to use the relation module and
the rules module. You could set up a rule to create a relation
each time a user is assigned to a group, or something like that.
Relations made by the relation module are fieldable. But it would be
maybe better to add a field to the og user-group relation directly.
Update: now that I tackled the issue, I have a different solution. We don't need to add new relations, the og_membership shipped standard with og is all that we need. This is how I did it.
I created a new membership type from admin/config/group/group-membership. It's a fildable entity so I added the required fields: in your case it will be "description".
Then I changed the used membership type per user, I did it in admin/config/people/accounts/fields/og_user_node (I needed to change the field "group membership" in user account).
So, now when you (or a group administrator) go to "manage group page" (clicking the group tab in group node), where you can add new people or manage members, either way you can edit your custom field "description" on each membership users-group.
Besides, you can clone the "og members" view adding the field "description", so in people panel in the group homepage we see name + description.
I my use-case I had to see (per group member): name, role, start date, end date. E.g. John Doe, president, from 1997 to 2003.

After join, cannot filter by attribute qty - getting products from inventory that are in stock

You have been so helpful in the past that I keep coming back searching for help and learning.
This time I am trying to get all products that have a quantity greater than 1 and that are in stock (is_in_stock = 1)
$products = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection();
//SELECT `e`.*, `stock`.`qty` FROM `catalog_product_entity` AS `e` LEFT JOIN `cataloginventory_stock_item` AS `stock` ON stock.product_id = e.entity_id
'stock.product_id = e.entity_id',
array('stock.qty', 'stock.is_in_stock')
This returns qty and is_in_stock columns attached to the products table. You can test it as follows:
The issue begins when I try to filter by qty and is_in_stock.
This returns - Invalid attribute name never performing filtering. I am guessing it is trying search for e.qty but cannot find it.
So, I tried to filter differently:
$products->getSelect()->where("`qty` > 0");
$products->getSelect()->where("`is_in_stock` = 1");
This is not filtering as well even though, if you look at its sql query, (var_dump((string) $products->getSelect())), and run that query in phpMyAdmin, it works.
Alan Storm in his tutorial mentions that 'The database query will not be made until you attempt to access an item in the Collection'. So, I make the $products->getFirstItem() call but it still not executing the query or filtering in another words.
What am I doing wrong? Any ideas how to filter by attributes that are joined to the table?
Thank you again,
I would suggest that you try using $products->addAttributeToFilter... instead of $products->addFieldToFilter... - the addField method only works when the field is on the main table that you are querying (in this case catalog_product_entity). Because the inventory fields are in a joined table, you need to use addAttribute.
Hope this helps,
After looking under the hood I learned that _selectAttributes instance field was not assigned in Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Collection_Abstract class and that is why get exception. A solution usually would be what Jonathan Day suggested above - add addAttributeToFilter() method, however. It will return error since it cannot find such attribute for catalog/product. (qty and in_invetory are in cataloginventory_stock_item). I found two solutions to my problem both required going different direction:
One involved pursuing a way to query the Select statement that I had set for product collection(see above) but somehow it was not resetting the collection with new product. WhenI copied that Sql statment in phpMyAdmin, it worked, so how to query that statement from product collection:
$stmt = $products->getConnection('core_write')->query($products->getSelect()->__toString());
while($rows = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){
echo "<br>Product Id ".$rows['entity_id'];
Instead of using catalog/product entity table I used the flat table - cataloginventory_stock_item to accomplish the same thing
$stockItem = new Mage_CatalogInventory_Model_Stock_Item();
Now there is a collection of all products with qty > 0 and that are in stock.

Drupal OG Views: cannot create view of all groups of which I am *not* currently a member

(Also posted as
I would like to create a view showing only those groups of which I am not already a member (or a pending member). However, the obvious way of doing this (take the og_my view and change the filter "Organic groups: Group member" to false) does not work.
The reason is that the SQL query essentially returns one row for every user in the group that matches your conditions. If you're searching for yourself (as in og_my), each group node will only show up once; if you're not searching for yourself, each group node shows up N times, where N is the number of other group members. Thus the groups of which I'm already a member continue to be displayed as long as there's at least one other member.
Does anyone have a way around this?
Thanks, Adrian
You may not be able to achieve this in Views directly as it does not support subqueries. My SQL came out like so:
SELECT node.nid AS nid, node.title AS node_title FROM node node LEFT JOIN og_uid og_uid ON node.nid = og_uid.nid WHERE (node.type IN ('campaign','setting','system')) AND node.nid NOT IN (select nid from og_uid where uid = 1);
It is said you can programmatically forward the results of such a query into the Views system for theming.
Maybe a special handling of the argument Organic Groups:Member of a Group, Exclude Argument option?
I also posted to d.o in hopes of pushing the issue conversation onward.
Wild. OG Views Extra was made available on d.o three days after your first revision of this question. I haven't used it, but looks just like it may do it.
So why install this module? If you need finer-grained control. The
available user options:
Not a Group Member
Group Member or Site Admin
Group Member Only
