how can I protect my videos from download in WordPress template? - wordpress

I wanna upload my tutorial videos on a WordPress website. I was wondering if there is any solution to protect these videos from download. I'd rather if students can only use them online.
the videos will upload to a private host and using embedded links I'm gonna make them visible on my website. but I need them to be protected from the download.
is it possible?

I don't think so..
The principle of the video is to send content on the computer of those who watch it, I think there will always be a way to download the video... it will be more or less difficult, but possible.


Is it possible to display images from other sources on your wordpress page?

I have a lot of pictures on my homepage. Of course, this also requires a lot of disk space. Now I got the glorious idea that I don't store the images on the website, but on an external source (like Dropbox or Google Drive). There I can then also manage my own folder structure and do not have to use this stupid structure of Wordpress.
So the idea is that I can display images on my wordpress page, that are stored on an external source. Is this possible and how?
Actually you can achieve that but with a little bit different approach. Since you can't get public links to the images in your Dropbox or Google Drive, you might wanna try AWS S3 or Google Cloud Storage instead.

Gracefully serve MP4 from Apache or Wordpress

I've looked a bit and seen a number of questions related to serving mp4, but I have not yet seen an answer to "How can I serve MP4 from Wordpress and/or Apache?" I believe it is possible as the twentyseventeen theme IIRC lets you host your own.
I am looking to host my own, if possible, after this question had an anchor linking to this blog post, and the custom generated minimized code did not work on this page on my site. Both that and the present homepage have the offered HTML solution but fail to do what is intended, namely hide related offerings like the (now retired) rel=0 parameter.
What, if any, options do I have to serve MP4 gracefully, with or without streaming, from Wordpress under Apache? I would ideally like something as graceful as under Youtube, but without related videos.
You definitively want to peek a look at the Plugins WordPress offers for video streaming. For example, Easy Video Player allows you to "embed both self-hosted videos or videos that are externally hosted using direct links".
It's just a one-liner. Can't get simpler than that:
[evp_embed_video url=""]
As of functionality, it will work in Apache, since the webserver only transfers the video by HTTP and the playing occurs in the client side with HTML5. However, you must check that your hosting gives you enough bandwidth to stream content to all your visitors
By default, Wordpress provides a [video] shortcode. I'm trying to see if that will work, as a matter of using Wordpress default functionality.

How can I have private videos (on a private Pro Vimeo profile) viewable and DOWNLOADABLE on my website?

(Using Wordpress plugins and Vimeo API)
I have had a bespoke Wordpress plugin built and am struggling now with one capability.
I have paid for a Pro Vimeo account so that I have better privacy options, but I need to have the videos viewable and most importantly DOWNLOADABLE on my client's website.
I am sure this was possible before, but after three software developers have tried and mostly not managed to complete my job briefs, I am left pretty desperately on how to finish this key functionality.
When I try to download the videos straight from the website, it won't let me and takes me to a blank page. The only way to fix it is to make my Vimeo profile and videos public on Vimeo however, it is vital that they are private on there.
I would be SO GRATEFUL if someone could help me.
You need to use the API to retrieve file download links for your videos.
Make an authenticated request to[video_id] using a token with the video_files scope. In the response is an array "download" that will contain video file metadata, including download links, and the expiration time of those links.

Manage a website gallery with dropbox folder

I'm trying to make a gallery photo on website and my client need to upload these photos unto dropbox or google drive.
I've embed a gallery from google drive in my website and it works perfectly (which means I can see the photos). But, when I click on a photos, it redirects me on google drive and its not a good rendering.
I've also try this solution : pull and display images in website gallery from dropbox directory. It seems to be a good solution but unfortunatly, nothing appears on my website.
Anyone has a solution? I really need my client to manage himself is gallery photo without having to put it on FTP.
Take a look at the Google Drive SDK and API, which allows you to get the list of files in a Drive folder and URLs that can be used to view the image directly. Depending on your needs, you can turn this into a gallery, use a lightbox to display the image, or whatever you specifically need.
You may also want to take a look at using Drive to publish website content. You may still need to write some code to create the gallery portion, but this provides an easy public place to store and manage the uploaded images.

wordpress, a download manager for outside URLs

I'm working on a online file library for one of my clients. It's a library for mostly PDFs and office documents. Because they are a huge amount(almost 2gb in files), I'm hosting them on another site(divshare), so that the hosting account we have doesn't get blocked by the excess of files, and also because of excess traffic downloading can generate.
So, my question is if there is a good download manager(even with some search for download categories and so) that can handle instead of local uploaded files, URLs of files hosted somewhere else?
The advice about any plugin or the like is very appreciated.
You ask how to code such manager, right? Otherwise, your are on the wrong site...
I think you need to make a kind of file manager, except that instead of generating HTML pages to view the files and act on them, it exposes a Web API, returning XML or Json data, that a WordPress plugin can manage.
From Divshare:
The DivShare Uploader Plugin for Wordpress replaces your regular
uploading frame with a DivShare upload form, allowing you to easily
upload and add files without ever leaving your "Write a Post" page.
It's a great way to speed up your blogging and take the load off your
servers when hosting big files and images.
It can be found here:
Good Luck!
