Firebase Deployment Error "Error: Functions did not deploy properly." - firebase

I have deployed Firebase functions in the past many times. For some reasons, recently (around 2-3 days) I am frequently getting error while deployment. I am using windows to release the code. When I tried with setting up the same project in my Linux system and Mac system the deployment works correctly. What may be the issue for the release from Windows environment.
The following is the issues getting while deployment.
! functions[payment(us-central1)]: Deployment error.
Function failed on loading user code. This is likely due to a bug in the user code. Error message: Error: please examine your function logs to see the error cause: Additional troubleshooting documentation can be found at Please visit for in-depth troubleshooting documentation.
Functions deploy had errors with the following functions:
To try redeploying those functions, run:
firebase deploy --only "functions:admin,functions:cancellation,functions:cost,functions:createStripeCharge,functions:customer,functions:driver,functions:driverLiveTracking,functions:generalSettings,functions:notification,functions:order,functions:payment"
To continue deploying other features (such as database), run:
firebase deploy --except functions
Error: Functions did not deploy properly.
Following is the deployment command I am using for
"echo Deploying Functions && npm run lint && npm run build && firebase deploy --only functions"
Please share your knowledge over the issue.

I have resolved this issue. On building, I found that the node modules and lib functions are not replacing correctly with the new build. I have done a name changing previously and that are not reflecting in the new build.
Steps followed:
Removed node modules and lib files
Npm install
Npm run serve
And a new build is worked fine as well. I got the same issue using Jenkins build also. I just manually removed the same in server also.

You can find the issue by examining the actual logs. view them using this command
firebase functions:log
The specific issue will be visible there. I sometimes had error as simple as a missing packages in package.json


Firebase Next.js Hosting: Unable to find 'esbuild'

I'm trying to use Firebase's new Next.js support for Hosting (see but I'm getting a weird error when I try to deploy. (Everything runs correctly in the local emulator suite, btw)
Screenshot of Console output with error
When I try to run firebase deploy --only hosting,functions -m "testing out next.js support" I'm getting the error Unable to find 'esbuild'. Install it into your local dev dependencies with 'npm i --save-dev esbuild''. I've already added esbuild to my dev dependencies, and it seems to be installed correctly. My project uses yarn, not npm, but for the sake of testing I tried install it with npm like the error suggested, but that didn't work either.
Has anyone used Firebase Next.js hosting or figured it out since they've released it? The documentation on that page I linked above is... not great.
Make sure that you are using the latest Firebase Tools as per the documentation: "Firebase CLI version 11.14.2 or later".
Run npm install -g firebase-tools to update your version.

Google Cloud Build & Firebase Deploy - "An unexpected error has occurred"

I'm using Google Cloud Build to do a deployment to Firebase Hosting when a commit is on master. I'm using the Firebase Cloud Builder, deployed to my project. I've checked permissions in the Cloud Console and Firebase access is enabled.
Everything seems to go well in generating the static HTML for hosting, but at the final build step it fails suddenly with this problem:
Error: An unexpected error has occurred.
Here is the step in my cloudbuild.yaml that fails:
- name:$PROJECT_ID/firebase
args: ['deploy', '--project', '$PROJECT_ID']
id: Deploy to Firebase
The last time that I installed the container was in October. The "An unexpected error has occurred" was solved by others by updating their version of the Firebase CLI. I had to do the same thing in my CD environment in order to get this to work.
Following these instructions in the README:
cd cloud-builders-community/firebase
gcloud builds submit --config cloudbuild.yaml .
The Firebase CLI version was reinstalled and published to my project. Then I was able to retry the build and it worked successfully.
This tripped me up for about an hour yesterday, and I thought it may be helpful to just have the answer documented somewhere.

Deploy a SSR Nuxt 2 application on firebase

I have some troubles deploying a Nuxt 2.4 application on Firebase.
I tried these 2 tutorials but they seem outdated:
With the first tutorial, I could make my app working on local (after few hours and with a lot of modifications for babel integration) but I never could serve or deploy it. I thought the tutorial was old and manipulations can't be exactly done like the guy did.
With the second tutorial, I cloned the repository to try to deploy the example. I had to change 2 things : install Node 8 instead of Node 10 and upgrading firebase-admin to the last version in prod/server dir. Here is what I got:
npm run setup is ok
npm run dev is ok and the project works fine
npm run build is ok
npm run serve fails.
First I got this error :
The Cloud Functions emulator requires the module "firebase-admin" to be version >7.0.0 so your version is too old. You can probably fix this by running "npm install firebase-admin#latest" in your functions directory.
Indeed, the version configured in package.json is the 5.13. I did the update from the prod/server dir, and I get the 8.0.0.
And then I got a different error about gRPC :
Error: Failed to load gRPC binary module because it was not installed for the current system
Expected directory: node-v57-darwin-x64-unknown
Found: [node-v64-darwin-x64-unknown]
This problem can often be fixed by running "npm rebuild" on the current system
I tried npm rebuild as mentionned, without success.
npm run deploy fails.
I get this trace:
i deploying functions, hosting
i functions: ensuring necessary APIs are enabled...
✔ functions: all necessary APIs are enabled
i functions: preparing prod/server directory for uploading...
Error: Error parsing triggers: Cannot find module 'acorn'
Try running "npm install" in your functions directory before deploying.
Of course, I tried the npm install from prod/server dir, but nothing changed.
Is there somewhere i can find a tutorial that can help me deploy my SSR app to firebase ? Thanks in avdance !
EDIT 1 :
After a few modifications on my package.json
upgrading firebase-functions and express to the latest versions
downgrading firebase-admin to the 7.0.0 version
adding acorn
I can serve and deploy but I get a "504 gateway time-out" webpage when I call the URL....
Have you tried to run npm install grpc inside functions folder?

Firebase Functions stopped Working and Can't deploy again

Firebase Cloud functions giving an error called.
Error: Server Error
The server encountered an error and could not complete your request.
Please try again in 30 seconds.
When I try to re-deploy, it gives following error.
Error setting up the execution environment for your function. Please try again after a few minutes.
What could be the reason? Is it following issue?
Yes there is an issue with Cloud Functions, as you can see from the link above
Investigating an issue with Functions
Incident began at 2018-03-09 03:30 (all times are US/Pacific).
Last update is this:
Mar 09, 2018 04:45
We are still investigating the issue with Cloud Functions execution. We will provide another status update as soon as possible.
After the issue is done, you will be able to deploy your functions again using the below:
firebase deploy --only functions
I just deployed some functions and it is working now, just takes a bit of time.
I had the same issue and it was fixed after updating firebase-tools. I saw following on my console
Update available 7.0.0 → 7.8.1
Run npm i -g firebase-tools to update
Then i just changed node version and updated firebase tools
nvm use 11
npm upgrade firebase-tools -g
Sometimes switching environment will also help
firebase use dev
Sometimes when some node modules are not installed , the error you get will be like below
Deployment error.
Error setting up the execution environment for your function. Please try deploying again after a few minutes.
Make sure that all node modules are installed prior to deployment, I wasted almost 2 days and realised one node module was not installed .
I tried several different steps, including updating tools from firebase, using different node versions or dependencies on package.json. In the end, at firebase functions console, I cleared the log stack and tried to reach every deployment notification after executing firebase deploy. I found out one of my dependencies were moved from dependencies to devDependencies, which was causing
ERROR: (gcloud.beta.functions.deploy) OperationError: code=13, message=Error setting up the execution environment for your function. Please try again after a few minutes.
Place back dependency on its place, moving from devDependencies into dependencies itself.
Update project dependencies with npm install
Re-deploy with firebase deploy

Changing target Firebase ID using firebase-tools CLI

At the command line...
When I run firebase deploy, I get the following error:
Error: The entered credentials were incorrect.
When I run firebase deploy --debug, I get the following (more detailed) error (and log) shown when you click here. (firebase-debug.log)
When I run firebase deploy --project good-project-id, I get the expected deployment behavior.
When I rerun firebase deploy and firebase deploy --debug I get the same errors already described.
How do I make the proper changes to eliminate the errors when running firebase deploy?
I am running Mac OS/X Yosemite v10.10.5
I just ran the NPM installation procedure (via Homebrew) described here.
Look at the contents of your .firebaserc file in your project directory. You likely have a "default" project alias specified. Run firebase list and see if that project id shows up there as well (note it should be the project id, not the instance/subdomain name).
If it doesn't match, that's likely your issue. Another thing you can try is deleting the .firebaserc file and then running firebase use --add to create a new project alias.
