Playing Multiple Sound Files - asterisk

I would really like some help with this one.
I have a requirement to play an audio file, read the numeric values and end playing another audio file all on the one line, can this be done in the dialplan?
For example I want to be able to say.
You have a incoming call for(playing) & 15 (read minutes) & minutes(playing). I need to put this into the Dial() string as the mA.

You have macro and gosub procedures for that.
If that not works for you, you have rewrite app dial.


How can I capture a webcam and append to a file?

My application needs to record video interviews with the ability to pause and resume, and have these multiple segments captured to the file.
I'm using to capture camera stream to a preview window AND an avi file, and it works, except that whenever I start recording a new segment, I overwrite the avi file instead of appending. The relevant code is:
captureGraphBuilder.SetOutputFileName( ref mediaSubType, Filename, out muxFilter, out fileWriterFilter )
How can I create a capture graph so that the capture is appended to a file instead of overwriting it?
Most media files/formats, and AVI specifically, do not suppose or allow appending. When you record, you populate the media file AND then you finalize it on completion. You typically don't have the option to "unfinalize" and resume recording.
The symptom of overwriting you are seeing is a side effect of writing filter implementation. There is no append vs overwrite mode you can easily switch to.
Your options basically are the following (in the order of less-to-more development):
Record new media file each time, then run an external tool (like FFmpeg) which is capable to concatenate media and produce new continuous file out of segments.
Implement a DirectShow filter inserted into the pipeline (esp. in two instances, for video and for audio) which is capable to implement pause/resume behavior. Once you pause the filter would discard new media data, and once you resume it starts again passing them respectively modifying time stamps to mimic continuous stream. The capture graph will be in running state through all segments and pauses.
Implement a custom multiplexer and/or writer filter which is capable to read existing file and append new media so that the file itself is once again finalized on completion with old and new segments, continuous.
Item #3 above is technically possible to implement, but I don't think such implementation at all exists: workarounds are always easier to do. #2 is a sort of supposed way to address the mentioned task, but since you are doing C# development with DirectShow.NET, I anticipate that it is going to be a bit difficult to address the challenge from this angle. #1 is relatively easy to do and the cost involved is an external tool to use.

is this the result of a partial image transfer?

I have code that generates thumbnails from JPEGs. It pulls an image from S3 and then generates the thumbs.
One in about every 3000 files ends up looking like this. It happens in batches. The high res looks like this and they're all resized down to low res. It does not fail on resize. I can go to my S3 bucket and see that the original file is indeed intact.
I had this code written in Ruby and ported it all over to clojure hoping it would just fix my issue but it's still happening.
What would result in a JPEG that looks like this?
I'm using standard image copying code like so
(with-open [in ( uri)
out ( file)]
( in out))
Would there be any way to detect the transfer didn't go well in clojure? Imagemagick? Any other command line tool?
My guess is it is one of 2 possible issues (you know your code, so you can probably rule one out quickly):
You are running out of memory. If the whole batch of processing is happening at once, the first few are probably not being released until the whole process is completed.
You are running out of time. You may be reaching your maximum execution time for the script.
Implementing some logging as the batches are processed could tell you when the issue happens and what the overall state is at that moment.

Communication between two nodes

I have an assignment to implementation of communication between 2 PC terminals using Ethernet.
There is no big deal in establishing network between 2 nodes. but the the big deal is "8 bit data sent on one node is to be decoded on the other node & the same is to be displayed & if possible though a front end window."
the specs for the front end window on the receiving node is as follows , say for example 10110101 is sent from node 1 , the same is to be decoded & interpreted as below using a frontend GUI window , A-On
So please someone suggest me is any other application available to see the decoding process on terminal or what are the steps i need to intiate.
All your suggestions are appreciated,
Thanks in advance,
I guess your specific solution depends on if you are allowed to use existing libraries. Either way I would checkout, an open source network library written in C#.
You could achieve your basic goal if you modify the basic send example (11 lines of code) here. Instead of sending a random string, send your 8 bits, and on the receiving end, rather than just writing the string to the console do something cleverer:
if (recievedString == "10110101")
//Do this
//Do this instead
If you are not allowed to use existing libraries and have to write something from scatch perhaps could act as a good guide?

Math - big number from couple of numbers export-able

Let's say I have some numbers, like
I need to send this to another computer, but as the least number of possible bytes. I know what there is a way to do that, I just forgot what it's called and how it works, but generally doing some math with those numbers, getting a big number that, from this number, I'll be able to export the data and get this numbers from this number. Thanks in advance.
OK so I need to send this text in UDP but I need it as less bits as possible. I'm sending some options, like firstcolor-secondcolor, let's say I have 15 colors. Every color is just number, from 1 to 199, but maybe there is a better way to send this data? thanks.
No one can say which compression scheme is the best for you. We don't have any information about the numbers. But as a first try, you could just write them into a file and use gzip compression on it. Or bzip2, or 7zip.
And only if all these don't help, you should think about doing the compression yourself.
You also didn't tell us your operating systems (source computer, destination computer) and from where you get the data.
[Update, based on the edit in the question:] So basically you want to send some numbers in the range of 1 to 199. This is pretty close to what a single byte can hold.
If it is ok that you use 8 bits per number (meaning you waste 0.4 bits per number), this is trivial but highly depends on the programming language. Here is how it might look like in Java syntax:
ByteBuffer buf = new ByteBuffer();
Get a compression library (like zlib, for example) and feed your numbers in (as an array of integers, for example). This is compressing your data. That same library should allow you to reverse the process and decompress the data at the other end to get your values back out.
If you want to improve your algorithmic knowledge and your requirements are simple and non-critical I'd recommend having a go at writing your own compression/decompression code. If not, grab some code off the shelf - there are loads of good libraries around.

change recording file programmatically in directshow

I made a console application, using directshow, that record from a live source (now a webcam, then a tv capture card), add current date and time in overlay and then save audio and video as .asf.
Now I want that the output file is going to change every 60 minutes without stopping the graph. I must not loose any seconds of the live stream.
The graph is something like this one:
I took a look at the GMFBridge but I have some compiling problem with their examples.
I am wondering if there is a way to split what exist from the overlay filter and audio source, connect them to another asf writer (paused) and then switch them every 60 minutes.
The paused asf filter's file name must change (pp.asf, pp2.asf, pp4.asf ...). Something like this:
with pp1 paused. I found some people in internet that say that the asf writer deletes the current file if the graph does not go in stop mode.
Well, I have the product ( that does exactly what you described (its used for broadcast compliance recording purposes) - and I found that only way to do that is this:
create a dshow graph that will be used only to capture the audio and video
then, at the end of the graph, insert samplegrabber filters, both for audio and video
then, use IWMWritter to create and save wmv file, using samples fetched from samplegrabber filters
when time comes, close one IWMWritter and create another one.
That way, you won't lose single frame when switching the output files.
Of course, there is also question of queue-ing and storing the samples (when switching the writters) and properly re-aligning the audio/video timestamps, but from my research, that's the only 'normal' way to do it, and I used in practice.
The solution is in writing a custom DShow filter with two input pins in your case. One for audio stream and the other for video stream. Inside that filter (doesn't have to be inside from the architecture point of view, because you can also use callbacks for example and do the job somewhere else) you should create asf files. While switching files, A/V data would be stored in cache (e.g. big enough circular buffer). You can also watch and modify A/V sync in that filter. For writing ASF files I would recommend Windows Media Format SDK.You can also add output pins if you like to pass A/V data further if necessary for preview, parallel streaming etc...
GMFBridge is a viable, but complicated solution, a more direct approach I have implemented in the past is querying your ASF Writer for the IWMWriterAdvanced2 interface and setting a custom sink. Within that interface you have methods to remove and add sinks to your ASF writer. The sink automatically connected will write to the file that you speficifed. One way to write whereever you want to is
1.) remove all default sinks:
2.) register a custom sink:
The custom sink can be a class that implements IWMWriterSink, which requires implementing callback methods that are called i.e. when the ASF header is written (OnHeader(/* [in] */ INSSBuffer *pHeader);) and when a data packet is written (OnDataUnit(/* [in] */ INSSBuffer *pDataUnit);) - in your implementation you can then write them wherever you want, for example offer additional methods on this class where you can specify the file name you want to write to.
Note that this solution does not quite get you were you want to if you need to write out the header information in each of the 60 minute files - after the initial header you will only get ASF packet data. A workaround for that could be to re-write the intial header before any packet data of each file, however this will produce an unindexed (non-seekable) ASF file.
